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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - clutch


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~1 v to hold something or someone tightly, especially because you are frightened, in pain, or do not want to lose something  (Tom fell to the ground clutching his stomach. | A woman clutching a baby stole an elderly woman's purse.) clutch at phr v 1 to try hard to hold something, especially when you are in a dangerous situation  (Suzie clutched desperately at the muddy river bank.) 2 clutch at straws to try hard to find a sign of hope or a solution, even when these are not likely to exist, in a difficult or dangerous situation  (The doctors are really clutching at straws with this new treatment, but they've tried everything else.) ~2 n 1 the pedal1 (2) that you press with your foot when driving a vehicle in order to change gear1 (1)  (let in the clutch/let out the clutch (=put your foot on or take your foot off the clutch)) 2 clutches plural the power, influence, or control that someone has  (in sb's clutches (=controlled or influenced by someone))  (Many state organizations fell into the clutches of the Mafia.) 3 a tight hold that someone has on something  (I shook myself free of her clutch.) 4 a clutch of a small group of similar things  (a clutch of eggs/chickens (=a group of eggs which a hen produces at one time, or the chickens born from these eggs)) 5 when it comes to the clutch AmE informal when a difficult situation happens  (When it comes to the clutch, you can always count on Tom.)
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См. в других словарях

  (clutches, clutching, clutched) 1. If you clutch at something or clutch something, you hold it tightly, usually because you are afraid or anxious. I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support... She was clutching a photograph. = grasp, grip VERB: V at n, V n 2. If someone is in another person’s clutches, that person has captured them or has power over them. Stojanovic escaped their clutches by jumping from a moving vehicle. = grasp N-PLURAL: usu with poss 3. In a vehicle, the clutch is the pedal that you press before you change gear. Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive. N-COUNT 4. to clutch at straws: see straw ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English clucchen, from Old English clyccan  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly  2. obsolete clench  intransitive verb  1. to seek to grasp and hold ~ed at her hand  2. to operate an automobile ~  Synonyms: see take  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the claws or a hand in the act of grasping or seizing firmly  b. an often cruel or unrelenting control, power, or possession the fell ~ of circumstance — W. E. Henley  c. the act of grasping, holding, or restraining  2.  a. a coupling used to connect and disconnect a driving and a driven part (as an engine and a transmission) of a mechanism  b. a lever (as a pedal) operating such a ~  3. a tight or critical situation ; pinch come through in the ~  4. ~ bag  III. adjective  Date: 1944  1. made or done in a crucial situation a ~ hit  2. successful in a crucial situation a ~ pitcher  IV. noun  Etymology: alteration of dialect English cletch hatching, brood  Date: 1721  1. a nest of eggs or a brood of chicks  2. group, bunch ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. seize eagerly; grasp tightly. 2 intr. (foll. by at) snatch suddenly. --n. 1 a a tight grasp. b (foll. by at) grasping. 2 (in pl.) grasping hands, esp. as representing a cruel or relentless grasp or control. 3 a (in a motor vehicle) a device for connecting and disconnecting the engine to the transmission. b the pedal operating this. c an arrangement for connecting or disconnecting working parts of a machine. Phrases and idioms clutch bag a slim flat handbag without handles. Etymology: ME clucche, clicche f. OE clyccan crook, clench, f. Gmc 2. n. 1 a set of eggs for hatching. 2 a brood of chickens. Etymology: 18th c.: prob. S.Engl. var. of cletch f. cleck to hatch f. ON klekja, assoc. with CLUTCH(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) муфта соединять (сцеплять) муфтой 2) авто сцепление включать сцепление 3) рычаг или педаль управления муфтой сцепления 4) грузовой захват захватывать - air-actuated friction clutch - air-assisted hydraulic operated clutch - air-conditioning clutch - automate clutch - automatic control clutch - bevel clutch - brake actuating clutch - cable control clutch - cable-operated clutch - cam clutch - centrifugal clutch - cold weather disconnect clutch - cone clutch - constantly engaged clutch - countershaft transmission clutch - cutoff clutch - diaphragm clutch - differential lock clutch - direct drive clutch - direction clutch - disengaging clutch - disk clutch - dog clutch - double-cone clutch - double-disk clutch - dry clutch - dual impeller clutch - elastic clutch - electromagnetic clutch - electromagnetic friction clutch - expansion clutch - external connection clutch - fan drive clutch - fluid actuated clutch - flywheel clutch - forward clutch - freewheel clutch - friction clutch - gear clutch - gripping clutch - high-speed clutch - hydraulic clutch - hydraulic-operated clutch - impeller clutch - input clutch - internal connection clutch - internal gear clutch - jaw clutch - jaw-type overload-release clutch - large perimeter-mounted clutch - lever-actuated friction clutch - lock-up clutch - manual shirt transmission clutch - marine transmission clutch - multicone friction clutch - multidisk clutch - multiplate steering clutch - multiple disk clutch - nonreversible clutch - oil-actuated friction clutch - oil bath clutch - oil-type clutch - one-way clutch - one-way rotation clutch - overload release clutch - overload shearing clutch - overrunning clutch - overtime clutch - pinion clutch - piston actuated clutch - planetary clutch - plate clutch - pneumatic clutch - power clutch - power takeoff clutch - pressure circulated oil clutch - radiator fan clutch - release clutch - retaining clutch - reverse clutch - ring gear...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  муфта сцепления; замковое соединение (стальных шпунтовых профилей) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  муфта (сцепления) – magnetic clutch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) замковое соединение 2) муфта 3) захват 4) авто муфта сцепления включать сцепление clutch is harsh — сцепление работает резко clutch slips — сцепление проскальзывает - automatic clutch - band clutch - block clutch - centrifugal clutch - clutch diaphragm - clutch engagement - clutch fork - clutch interlock - clutch magnet - clutch pedal - clutch plate - clutch shaft - disengage clutch - disengaging clutch - disk clutch - double-clone clutch - expanding clutch - free-wheel clutch - hydraulic clutch - hydraulic-actuated clutch - jaw clutch - lift clutch - multidisk clutch - non-reversible clutch - overrunning clutch - plate clutch - plough clutch - plow lift clutch - reversing clutch - safety clutch - sleeve-type clutch - slip clutch - slipping of clutch - spiral jaw clutch - torque-limiting clutch - traction clutch ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  соединительный; захватный; сцепляющий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) кладка яиц 2) выводок; высиживать (птенцов) 3) гнездо с яйцами 4) лапа с выпущенными когтями in the clutch — в когтях ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. pl. когти; лапа с выпущенными когтями in the bear's clutches —- в лапах у медведя, в медвежьих когтях 2. рука, лапа 3. сжатие, захват, хватка to make a clutch —- схватить, захватить he lost his clutch on the rope and fell —- у него разжались пальцы, и он упал с каната 4. власть; тиски; лапы, руки in the clutch of poverty —- в тисках нищеты to get into smb.'s clutches —- попасть в чьи-л. когти to get out of smb.'s clutches —- вырваться из чьих-л. когтей the thief was in the clutches of the police —- вор попался в руки полиции in the clutch —- в критическом положении he seems to be at his best in the clutch —- в острые моменты он всегда показывает себя с наилучшей стороны 5. тех. сцепление, муфта friction clutch —- фрикционное сцепление to throw in the clutch —- включить сцепление clutch case —- авт. картер сцепления clutch facing —- накладка сцепления clutch slip —- авт. пробусковка сцепления 6. зажимное устройство; сцепка; захват 7. кулачок 8. без ручки, без ремня clutch bag —- сумочка, которую нужно держать в руке или подмышкой 9. без застежек clutch coat —- пальто без пуговиц 10. ам. разг. надежный; выручит в трудную минуту a clutch player —- игрок, на которого можно положиться 11. схватить; стиснуть; зажать the mother clutched her baby in her arms —- мать крепко прижимала ребенка 12. схватиться, ухватиться за сук Id: a drowning man will...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  at a straw хвататься за соломинку CLUTCH at хвататься (за какую-л. возможность) A businessman will clutch at any chance of making a profit. CLUTCH I  1. noun  1) сжатие; захват to make a clutch at smth. - схватить что-л.  2) pl. когти, лапы  3) власть, тиски to get into the clutches of moneylenders - попасть во власть/в лапы ростовщиков  4) tech. зажимное устройство; муфта, сцепление to throw in (out) the clutch - сцепить (разобщить) муфту, сцепление  2. v. схватить; зажать; ухватить(ся) за что-л. (at) The climber clutched at the swinging rope, but missed. The child clutched at his mother in fear. - clutch to - clutch at - clutch at a straw Syn: see grasp II  1. noun  1) яйца, на которых сидит курица  2) выводок  2. v. высиживать (цыплят) CLUTCH to прижимать The child clutched the doll to her and would not show it to anyone. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: RIDE THE BRAKE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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