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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - clamp


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~1 v 1 always + adv/prep to fasten or hold two things together using a clamp  (clamp sth together/onto etc)  (Clamp the two parts together until the glue dries.) 2 always + adv/prep to put or hold something in a position where it does not move  (clamp sth over/between/around etc)  (He clamped a hand over my mouth) 3 BrE to put a clamp on a car that is illegally parked; boot2 (3) AmE clamp down phr v to take firm action to stop a crime or other illegal activity happening + on  (The police are really clamping down on drunk drivers.) ~2 n 1 a piece of equipment for fastening or holding things together 2 a piece of equipment fastened to the wheel of a car that is parked illegally; Denver-boot AmE
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См. в других словарях

  (clamps, clamping, clamped) 1. A clamp is a device that holds two things firmly together. N-COUNT 2. When you clamp one thing to another, you fasten the two things together with a clamp. Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole. VERB: V n to n 3. To clamp something in a particular place means to put it or hold it there firmly and tightly. Simon finished dialing and clamped the phone to his ear... He clamped his lips together... You beg him to try just one spoonful, and he clamps his mouth shut... Peter jumped to his feet with his hand clamped to his neck. VERB: V n prep, V n together, V n adj, V-ed 4. A clamp is a large metal device which is fitted to the wheel of an illegally parked car or other vehicle in order to prevent it from being driven away. The driver has to pay to have the clamp removed. (BRIT; in AM, use Denver boot) N-COUNT 5. To clamp a car means to fit a clamp to one of its wheels so that it cannot be driven away. (BRIT; in AM, use boot) Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine. VERB: V n • clamping The AA called for laws to regulate clamping firms. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Dutch *klampe; akin to Old English clamm bond, fetter — more at clam  Date: 14th century  1. a device designed to bind or constrict or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly  2. any of various instruments or appliances having parts brought together for holding or compressing something  II. transitive verb  Date: 1683  1. to fasten with or as if with a ~ ~ two boards together  2.  a. to place by decree ; impose — often used with on ~ed on a curfew after the riots  b. to hold tightly ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a device, esp. a brace or band of iron etc., for strengthening other materials or holding things together. 2 a device for immobilizing an illegally parked car. --v.tr. 1 strengthen or fasten with a clamp. 2 place or hold firmly. 3 immobilize (an illegally parked car) by fixing a clamp to one of its wheels. Phrases and idioms clamp down 1 (often foll. by on) be rigid in enforcing a rule etc. 2 (foll. by on) try to suppress. clamp-down n. severe restriction or suppression. Etymology: ME prob. f. MDu., MLG klamp(e) 2. n. 1 a heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth. 2 a pile of bricks for burning. 3 a pile of turf or peat or garden rubbish etc. Etymology: 16th c.: prob. f. Du. klamp heap (in sense 2 related to CLUMP) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) зажим; тиски; струбцина зажимать 2) скоба; хомут 3) Захват 4) фиксатор фиксировать 5) штабель кирпича 6) фиксатор (схема фиксации) уровня 7) тлв схема восстановления постоянной составляющей 8) бурт укладывать в бурты 9) прижимная балка (бумагорезальной машины) 10) скоба (для сшивания документов) сшивать, скреплять (документы) to fasten by clamps — прикреплять зажимами; to hold down with clamp — прихватывать хомутом или струбциной; to hold in clamps — зажимать в струбцинах; закреплять хомутами - adjustable clamp - air-operated clamp - automatic clamp - bale clamp - battery clamp - bench clamp - black level clamp - blanket clamp - bolted clamp - bolted-type tension clamp - bolted tension clamp - C-clamp - cable clamp - cable shield clamp - cam clamp - carton clamp - casing clamp - collar clamp - column clamp - compression-type clamp - compression clamp - compression-type strain clamp - compression strain clamp - conductor clamp - connecting clamp - connecting oval clamp - connector clamp - contact clamp - corner clamp - cylinder-packing clamp - dead-end clamp - drum clamp - electrode clamp - feedback-stabilized clamp - feedback clamp - floor clamp - force clamp - forks clamp - ground clamp - hand clamp - hose clamp - keyed clamp - leak clamp - line-up clamp - loop contact clamp - mechanical clamp - miter clamp - mobile clamp - mold clamp - mounting clamp - mounting strain clamp - movable clamp - needle clamp - overhead clamp - packing clamp - peg-type clamp - pipe clamp - pipe centering clamp - pipeline clamp - plate clamp - pneumatic mechanical clamp - pneumatic clamp - releasing clamp - ring clamp - river clamp - roll clamp - rotating timber clamp - saddle repair clamp - safety clamp - Schottky...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  зажим, хомут, струбцина; скоба; захват; тиски adjustable clamp band clamp bar clamp bench clamp C-clamp cable clamp cam clamp collar clamp connecting clamp floor clamp hand clamp hydraulic clamp pipe clamp pipeline-up clamp rail clamp screw clamp spring clamp tape clamp wire clamp ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зажим, тиски 2) тлв. управляемая схема восстановления постоянной составляющей, управляемая схема ВПС – absorption clamp – drop-wire clamp – ground clamp – keyed clamp – tone-arm clamp ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) держатель; зажим; струбцина зажимать 2) бурт укладывать в бурты 3) фиксатор фиксировать 4) клемма 5) скоба; хомут; крепление 6) скреплять; смыкать to clamp in place — зажимать в нужном положении to clamp together — прижимать, сжимать - bolted-type tension clamp - brush clamp - cable clamp - casing clamp - colter clamp - eccentric clamp - movable clamp - paper clamp - pneumatic wedge clamp - saw-brazing clamp - screw clamp - shank clamp - stringing clamp - suspension clamp - tension clamp - test-tube clamp - tripod clamp - wedge-operated clamp - wedge-type stringing clamp ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) гельм. присасывательный клапан (на котилофоре) 2) пряжка (у грибов) 3) зажим – Hoffman's clamp – Mohr clamp – patch clamp – voltage clamp ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тех. зажим, тисочки screw clamp —- струбцинка 2. тех. клемма 3. скобка 4. зажим, скобка (в хирургии) 5. спорт. лыжная распорка 6. тех. скреплять, зажимать, закреплять 7. куча 8. с-х. бурт 9. штабель (сухого торфа) 10. куча угля для коксования или руды для обжига 11. складывать в кучу 12. с-х. буртовать 13. преим диал. тяжелая поступь; топот ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I tech.  1. noun зажим; хомут, струбцина; скоба  2. v. скреплять, зажимать; смыкать (тж. clamp up) The workmen clamped up the bricks. - clamp down on II  1. noun куча (картофеля, прикрытого на зиму соломой и землей); клетка (кирпича, сложенного для обжига); штабель (сухого торфа)  2. v. складывать в кучу (обыкн. clamp up) III  1. noun тяжелая поступь  2. v. тяжело ступать CLAMP down (on) coll. подавлять; прекращать; стать требовательнее к кому-л. The government has promised to clamp down on criminal activity. The government has promised to clamp down on young criminals. We must clamp down now, before its too late to stop the trouble. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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