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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - can


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~1 modal verb 1 to be able to  (He's so tall he can touch the ceiling. | This machine can perform two million calculations per second. | I can't remember where I put it. | They have everything that money can buy. | The police still haven't found her but they're doing all they can.) 2 spoken used when asking someone to do something or give you something  (Can I have a cigarette please? | Can you help me lift this box?) 3 especially spoken to have permission to do something or to be allowed to do something  (You can't play football here. | "Can we go home now please?" "No you can't." | The goalkeeper can't handle the ball outside the penalty area (=it is against the rules)) 4 to have a particular skill or know how to do a particular activity  (Gabriella can speak French, Russian, and Italian. | Can you drive?) 5 used to show what is possible or likely  (I am confident that a solution can be found. | There can be no doubt that he is guilty. | The word "bank" can have several different meanings. | Can he still be alive after all this time?) 6 used with verbs connected with the five senses and with verbs connected with thinking  (I can hear you easily from here. | You can really taste the garlic in that soup. | I can't understand why you're so upset. | You can imagine how annoyed she was!) 7 (usually in questions and negatives) used especially when you think there is only one possible answer to a question or one possible thing to do in a particular situation  (Jill's left her husband but can you blame her after the way he treated her? | It's a very kind offer, but I really can't accept it.) 8 to have to do something; must  (If you won't keep quiet you can get out.) 9 used especially in expressions of surprise  (What can it possibly be? | You can't be serious! | They can't have arrived already surely!) 10 used to show what sometimes happens or how someone sometimes behaves  (It can be quite cold here at night. | Gerard can be annoying, I know.)  ( USAGE NOTE: CAN WORD CHOICE can, may, could, might, be allowed to, let, do/would you mind if..., be able to In everyday conversation, can is used much more commonly than may to talk about permission You can go now (=you are allowed to go). Some people say that may is more correct, however its use tends to be limited to formal contexts. When talking about permission in the past, people often use was/were allowed to or change the sentence and use let He was allowed to leave at ten. | I let him leave at ten (=I allowed him to go and he did). When you are asking permission, could (also might, especially in American English) is often used instead of can because it seems less direct and more polite Could I borrow your car? May is more formal, and is used especially by officials. For example at an airport May I see your passport, madam? In everyday English people often say Do/would you mind if... or Is it alright if... when asking permission Do you mind if I smoke? Can is also used to say that you have the ability to do something I can swim now (=I am able to swim). To talk about something you will have the ability to do in the future, you use will be able to I'll be able to speak better if I practise more. For past ability either could or was/were able to is used, but sometimes with slightly different meaning. Could often suggests more someone's ability that they had for some time (but perhaps did not use) I could swim when I was eight (=I knew how to). She couldn't buy a ticket (=She didn't have enough money). Was/were able to may suggest more that the situation allowed someone to do something (perhaps with effort) By arriving at two I was able to swim for an hour (=The pool was open long enough to allow this). I wasn't able to buy a ticket (=There were none left/I didn't manage to get one). Used to be able to is used to talk about something that you could do before, but can no longer do now He used to be able to run a 100 metres in under 10 seconds, but he's getting a bit old these days. When you are talking about something that is not certain, you often use may, or, with more doubt, might or could The road may/might/could be blocked (=Perhaps/It is possible the road is blocked). The road could be blocked (=It is possible to block the road). For past time may have/might have/could have are used There may have been an accident (Perhaps there was an accident). Might or could have would be more often used here when we now know that there was no accident Can is usually used to ask whether something is possible Can this really be true? (=Is it possible this is true?) and to say that something is not possible That can't be true. Again could shows more doubt (and is commoner in American English) Could that really be true? Can is often used with verbs related to the senses and the mind, such as see, hear, feel, believe Look at this photo - can you see somebody famous in it? GRAMMAR Remember can, could, may and might are NEVER used with the to infinitive of a v I can help you (NOT I can to help you).). ) ~2 n 1 a metal container in which food or drink is preserved without air  (a Coke can) + of  (All we've got is a couple of cans of soup.) 2 a special metal container that keeps the liquid inside it under pressure, releasing it as a spray2 (1) when you press the button the lid  (a can of hairspray) 3 especially AmE a metal container with a lid that can be removed, used for holding liquid  (Two large cans of paint ought to be enough.) 4 can of worms a very complicated situation that causes a lot of problems when you start to deal with it  (I just don't know what to do - every solution I can think of would just open up a whole new can of worms.) 5 in the can informal a film that is in the can is complete and ready to be shown 6 the can slang a) a prison b) AmE a toilet  (- see also carry the can carry1 (31)) ~3 v canned, canning especially AmE 1 to preserve food by putting it into a metal container from which all the air is removed; tin3 BrE  (- see also canned (1)) 2 AmE informal to dismiss someone from a job; sack2 (1) 3 can it! AmE spoken used to tell someone to stop talking or making noise
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  I. [c red]MODAL USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Can' is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. The form 'cannot' is used in negative statements. The usual spoken form of 'cannot' is 'can’t', pronounced 1. You use can when you are mentioning a quality or fact about something which people may make use of if they want to. Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces... A central reservation number operated by the resort can direct you to accommodations that best suit your needs... A selected list of some of those stocking a comprehensive range can be found in Chapter 8. MODAL 2. You use can to indicate that someone has the ability or opportunity to do something. Don’t worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself... I can’t give you details because I don’t actually have any details... See if you can find Karlov and tell him we are ready for dinner... ‘You’re needed here, Livy’—‘But what can I do?’... Customers can choose from sixty hit titles before buying... MODAL 3. You use cannot to indicate that someone is not able to do something because circumstances make it impossible for them to do it. We cannot buy food, clothes and pay for rent and utilities on $20 a week... She cannot sleep and the pain is often so bad she wants to scream. MODAL 4. You use can to indicate that something is true sometimes or is true in some circumstances. ...long-term therapy that can last five years or more... Exercising alone can be boring... Coral can be yellow, blue, or green. MODAL 5. You use cannot and can’t to state that you are certain that something is not the case or will not happen. From her knowledge of Douglas’s habits, she feels sure that the attacker can’t have been Douglas... Things can’t be that bad... You can’t be serious, Mrs Lorimer? MODAL 6. You use can to indicate that someone is allowed to do something. You use cannot or can’t to indicate that...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   or ~ad  abbreviation ~ada; ~adian CAN  I. verb  (past could; present singular & plural ~)  Etymology: Middle English (1st & 3d singular present indicative), from Old English; akin to Old High German kan (1st & 3d singular present indicative) know, am able, Old English cnawan to know — more at know  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. obsolete know, understand  2. archaic to be able to do, make, or accomplish  intransitive verb archaic to have knowledge or skill  verbal auxiliary  1.  a. know how to she ~ read  b. be physically or mentally able to he ~ lift 200 pounds  c. — used to indicate possibility do you think he ~ still be alive those things ~ happen — sometimes used interchangeably with may  d. be permitted by conscience or feeling to ~ hardly blame her  e. be made possible or probable by circumstances to he ~ hardly have meant that  f. be inherently able or designed to everything that money ~ buy  g. be logically or axiologically able to 2 + 2 ~ also be written 3 + 1  h. be enabled by law, agreement, or custom to  2. have permission to — used interchangeably with may you ~ go now if you like Usage:  Can and may are most frequently interchangeable in senses denoting possibility; because the possibility of one's doing something may depend on another's acquiescence, they have also become interchangeable in the sense denoting permission. The use of ~ to ask or grant permission has been common since the 19th century and is well established, although some commentators feel may is more appropriate in formal contexts. May is relatively rare in negative constructions (mayn't is not common); ~not and ~'t are usual in such contexts.  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English; akin to Old High German channa  Date: before 12th century  1. a usually cylindrical receptacle:  a. a vessel for holding liquids; specifically a drinking vessel  b. a usually metal typically cylindrical receptacle usually with an open top, often with a removable cover, and sometimes with...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v.aux. (3rd sing. present can; past could) (foll. by infin. without to, or absol.; present and past only in use) 1 a be able to; know how to (I can run fast; can he?; can you speak German?). b be potentially capable of (you can do it if you try). 2 be permitted to (can we go to the party?). Etymology: OE cunnan know 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a metal vessel for liquid. 2 a tin container in which food or drink is hermetically sealed to enable storage over long periods. 3 (prec. by the) sl. a prison (sent to the can). b US lavatory. --v.tr. (canned, canning) 1 put or preserve in a can. 2 record on film or tape for future use. Phrases and idioms can of worms colloq. a complicated problem. can-opener a device for opening cans (in sense 2 of n.). in the can colloq. completed, ready (orig. of filmed or recorded material). Derivatives canner n. Etymology: OE canne ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от cancel character символ исключения, символ отмены II сокр. от customer access network сеть абонентского доступа CAN I 1) металлическая, стеклянная или керамическая тара (банка, фляга, баллон, бидон, канистра) разливать в металлическую, стеклянную или керамическую тару 2) консервная банка консервировать 3) мн. ч. консервы 4) авто индивидуальная камера 5) воздушный фильтр для карбюратора 6) оболочка (тепловыделяющего элемента) 7) космонавт. стакан, обделка (стартовой шахты) 8) мн. ч. наушники 9) коробка для киноплёнки 10) корпус транзисторного типа 11) текст. сушильный барабан - aerosol can - annealing can - ash can - beverage can - carrier can - cemented can - charge can - collapsed can - collar can - composite can - convolute can - crimp-sealed metal can - drawn can - drawn and ironed can - drawn and redrawn can - dual compartment can - fiber can - flat can - flexible can - fuel element can - garbage can - gasoline can - Jerry can - key-opening can - lock seamed can - lock seam can - milk can - monoblock can - necked-in can - oil can - oil squirt can - one-piece can - open-top can - powder-dispensing can - refuse can - rip top type can - safety can - sample can - sanitary can - seamed can - seamless can - single-wrapped composite can - soldered can - spiral-wound can - spud can - starter can - thumb pressure oil can - tight-head can - transistor can - two-piece can - welded can II сокр. от cancellation 1) аннулирование, отмена 2) стирание 3) гашение ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  бачок; бидон; канистра; банка защитная оболочка тепловыделяющих элементов атомного реактора can of fade safety can trash can ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) консервная банка консервировать 2) бидон 3) сосуд; баллон 4) контейнер; ящик; коробка 5) авто воздушный фильтр (для карбюратора) 6) оболочка, кожух, чехол - blown can - burner can - film can - fuel can - glass can - hand oil can - master can - milk can - seed can - shield can - spray can ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. консервировать (пищевые продукты) - canned goods ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. выражает: 2. объективную возможность: мочь, быть в состоянии I can do it —- я могу это сделать it can be done at once —- это можно сделать сразу can you see him? —- вы его видите? he can't come to you tomorrow —- он не может прийти к вам завтра it was so dark we could see nothing —- было так темно, что мы ничего не видели you cannot go there by bus —- автобусом вы туда не доедете, автобусом вы доехать туда не сможете I will help you all I can —- я помогу вам всем, чем смогу she tried to lift the sack but she couldn't —- она пыталась понять мешок, но не смогла he could do no more, he was quite exhausted —- больше он не мог, он совершенно выбился из сил how can you tell? —- откуда вы знаете? he reassured her as well as (at best) he could —- он ее утешал, как только мог he ran as quickly as he could —- он бежал изо всех сил make all haste you can! —- не теряйте ни минуты! не задерживайтесь! 3. умение, способность уметь, мочь I can swim —- я умею плавать she can't cook —- она не умеет готовить can they translate such texts? —- они могут (умеют) переводить такие тексты? she can read and write —- она умеет читать и писать she can make her own dress —- она может сама шить себе платья he can learn anything with ease —- учение дается ему легко could he read when he was five? —- умел ли он читать, когда ему было пять лет? children can be very trying —- с детьми иногда бывает очень трудно he could walk twenty miles...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I v.  1) мочь, быть в состоянии, иметь возможность; уметь I will do all I can - я сделаю все, что могу I can speak French - я говорю (умею говорить) по-французски I cannot - я не могу I cannot away with this - терпеть этого не могу I cannot but - я не могу не  2) мочь, иметь право you can go - вы свободны, можете идти  3) выражает сомнение, неуверенность, недоверие it cant be true! - не может быть! can it be true? - неужели? she cant have done it! - не может быть, чтобы она это сделала! what cannot be cured must be endured - что нельзя исправить, то следует терпеть II  1. noun  1) бидон  2) жестяная коробка или банка - garbage can  3) банка консервов  4) amer. стульчак, сиденье в уборной  5) amer.; jargon тюрьма to be in the can - быть законченным и готовым к употреблению  2. v.  1) консервировать (мясо, овощи, фрукты)  2) amer.; jargon отделаться (от кого-л.); уволить  3) amer.; jargon посадить в тюрьму  4) amer.; jargon остановить(ся) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  NASA abbr. Canberra mil. abbr. Campus Area Network mil. abbr. Account Control Number mil. abbr. Commander's Narrative Analysis mil. abbr. Center for Naval Analysis airport code Guangzhou, Mainland China gen. comp. abbr. Cancel network. abbr. Controller Area Network file ext. abbr. Fax (Navigator Fax) non-prof. org. abbr. Cure Autism Now NYSE symbols American National Can Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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