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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - border


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~1 n 1 the official line that separates two countries, or the area close to this line + between  (The town lies on the border between the US and Mexico.)  (There has been renewed fighting along the border with Pakistan.) on the border  (Jeumont is a small town on the border between France and Belgium. | cross the border)  (The terrorists were stopped trying to cross the Spanish border.) 2 a band along the edge of something, such as a picture or piece of material  (writing paper with a black border) 3 a band of soil containing plants at the edge of an area of grass  (border plants such as dianthus) ~2 v 1 to form a border around the edge of something  (Large trees border the river and the streams.) + on  (The valley is bordered on both sides by high limestone cliffs.) 2 if one country borders another country, it is next to it and shares a border with it border on sth ~ phr v to be very close to reaching an extreme feeling or quality  (excitement bordering on hysteria)
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  (borders, bordering, bordered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The border between two countries or regions is the dividing line between them. Sometimes the border also refers to the land close to this line. They fled across the border. ...the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border... Clifford is enjoying life north of the border. ...the Mexican border town of Tijuana... = frontier N-COUNT 2. A country that borders another country, a sea, or a river is next to it. ...the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. VERB: V n • Border on means the same as border. Both republics border on the Black Sea. PHRASAL VERB: V P n 3. A border is a strip or band around the edge of something. ...pillowcases trimmed with a hand-crocheted border. N-COUNT 4. In a garden, a border is a long strip of ground along the edge planted with flowers. ...a lawn flanked by wide herbaceous borders. ...border plants. N-COUNT 5. If something is bordered by another thing, the other thing forms a line along the edge of it. ...the mile of white sand beach bordered by palm trees and tropical flowers... Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River. = flank VERB: V-ed, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English bordure, from Anglo-French, from ~ to ~, from Old French bort ~, of Germanic origin; probably akin to Old English bord board  Date: 14th century  1. an outer part or edge  2. an ornamental design at the edge of a fabric or rug  3. a narrow bed of planted ground along the edge of a garden or walk a ~ of tulips  4. boundary crossed the ~ into Italy  5. a plain or decorative margin around printed matter  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to put a ~ on  2. to touch at the edge or boundary ; bound ~s the city on the south  intransitive verb  1. to lie on the ~ the United States ~s on Canada  2. to approach the nature of a specified thing ; verge ~s on the ridiculous  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the edge or boundary of anything, or the part near it. 2 a the line separating two political or geographical areas, esp. countries. b the district on each side of this. c (the Border) a particular boundary and its adjoining districts, esp. between Scotland and England (usu. the Borders), or N. Ireland and the Irish Republic. 3 a distinct edging round anything, esp. for strength or decoration. 4 a long narrow bed of flowers or shrubs in a garden (herbaceous border). --v. 1 tr. be a border to. 2 tr. provide with a border. 3 intr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) a adjoin; come close to being. b approximate, resemble. Phrases and idioms Border collie a common working sheepdog of the North Country. Border terrier 1 a small terrier of a breed with rough hair. 2 this breed. Etymology: ME f. OF bordure: cf. BOARD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) граница; край; кромка; борт граничить 2) архит. бордюр, фриз окаймлять 3) обвалованный участок обваловывать (при орошении) 4) чековый валик (на оросительной системе) 5) швейн. край (детали изделия); бейка - cathode border - crack border - milled border - object/background border - rib border - wrinkled border ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  край; граница; кромка окантовка; бордюр; фриз border for a wall panel border of town wallpaper border ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  граница, рубеж – receiving communication border – transmission communication border ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бордюр, окантовка, кайма окаймлять, обрамлять 2) граница; край; кромка граничить - brightness contrast border - collateral border 3) обвалованный участок обваловывать 4) полигр. поле страницы 5) краевой 6) пограничный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) граница 2) край – bordered border – brush border – margined border ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  (the Border) "Граница" В США за этими словами стоит прежде всего государственная граница с Мексикой, особенно та ее часть, которая проходит по р. Рио-Гранде Rio Grande River, где ее часто переходят нелегальные иммигранты. Соответственно, когда говорят "К югу от Границы" "South of the Border", имеется в виду Мексика и те ассоциации, которые связаны с этой страной, а когда говорят "К северу от Границы" "North of the Border", подразумевают США, американцев и т. п. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. граница border control post —- воен. пограничный контрольно-пропускной пункт on the border —- на границе, в пограничном районе over the border —- через границу out of borders —- за границей no man in our border knows it —- никто в нашей стране этого не знает 2. граница между Англией и Шотландией 3. граница между США и Мексикой 4. граница между США и Канадой 5. пограничный район the enemy ravaged the borders —- враг разграбил пограничные районы 6. предел, грань, граница beyond the border of science —- за пределами науки to be on the border of —- граничить с чем-либо 7. край, кайма, бордюр, кромка a coloured border round a dress —- цветная отделка по подолу платья the newspapers appeared with black borders in sign of mourning —- в знак траура газеты вышли в траурных рамках 8. окаймляющий газон; бордюр (клумбы) border plant —- бордюрное растение border method of irrigation —- с-х. орошение методом чеков 9. архит. фриз 10. спорт. бровка беговой дорожки inner border —- внутренняя бровка 11. граничить lands that border the Mediterranean —- страны, которые расположены на побережье Средиземного моря the two countries border on one another —- эти две страны границат друг с другом 12. быть на грани in borders on insanity —- это граничит с безумием he is bordering on sixty —- ему под шестьдесят 13. походить, быть похожим this borders upon truth —- это похоже...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  on быть похожим на что-л. Your remarks border on rudeness. BORDER line noun граница, демаркационная линия BORDER  1. noun  1) граница - the Border  2) край; кайма, бордюр; фриз Syn: see boundary see edge  2. v.  1) граничить (on, upon - c чем-л.) The bottom of our garden borders on the park.  2) походить, быть похожим (upon - на) - border on  3) обшивать, окаймлять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1350, from O.Fr. bordure "seam, edge, border," from Frankish (cf. O.E. bord "side"), from P.Gmc. *bordus "edge," from *borthaz. The geopolitical sense first attested 1535, in Scottish (replacing earlier march), from The Borders, district adjoining the boundary between England and Scotland. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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