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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - big


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~ adj comparative bigger superlative biggest 1 »SIZE« of more than average size, amount, weight etc  (a big house | Your baby's getting big! | a big increase in prices | the biggest hotel in New York | She had a big grin on her face. | great big spoken (=extremely big))  (There was this great big spider in the sink.)  (- see wide1) 2 »IMPORTANT« important and serious  (a big decision | Buying your own house is a big commitment.) 3 »SUCCESSFUL/POWERFUL« informal successful or popular especially in business or entertainment  (Rap music was really big in the 1980s. | It's becoming quite a big area for tourism.) + in  (She's very big in the music business.) make it big (=become very successful)  (After years as a small-time actor, he suddenly made it big in Hollywood. | the big boys (=the most powerful and influential people or companies))  (Small firms like ours can't really compete with the big boys.)  (- see also big cheese, big name name1 (4), big noise, big shot shot1 (19), big time) 4 »OLDER« spoken a) big sister/brother your older sister or brother b) used especially when speaking to children to mean older or more grown-up  (Come on, don't cry. You're a big girl now.) 5 »BAD« only before noun spoken used to emphasize how bad something is  (It's always such a big hassle finding some place to park. | I never said that, you big liar!) 6 »A LOT« only before noun informal doing something to a very large degree  (a big eater/drinker/spender etc)  (Des is a big gambler you know. | be a big fan/admirer of (=admire someone very much))  (I've never been a big fan of REM.) 7 »BIG DEAL« spoken a) big deal used to say that you do not think something is as important or impressive as someone else thinks it is  (So what if he is upset about it? Big deal!) b) it's no big deal used to say that something is not really important or not a big problem  (It's no big deal if you can't come - just let us know in time.) c) make a big deal (out) of to treat something as if it is more important than it really is  (Why do you have to make such a big deal out of it?) 8 have big ideas/plans to have impressive plans for the future  (I've got big plans for this place.) 9 what's the big idea? spoken used when someone has done something annoying, especially when you want them to explain why they did it  (Hey, what's the big idea? Who said you could use my computer?) 10 it is big of sb to do sth spoken a) used to say that someone was very kind or generous to do something b) used when you really think that someone was not kind or helpful at all  (A whole $5! That was very big of her, I must say!) 11 big money also big bucks AmE informal a lot of money, or the chance to earn a lot of money  (You should go into merchant banking. That's where the big money is.) 12 big mouth spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret  (Oh God, me and my big mouth!)  (- see also bigmouth) 13 be/get too big for your boots informal to be too proud of yourself 14 use/ward/wield the big stick informal to threaten to use your power to get what you want 15 big with child old use soon going to have a baby; pregnant 16 big enchilada humorous AmE the most important person; the boss  (- see also think big think1 (17)) - bigness n  ( USAGE NOTE: BIG WORD CHOICE big, large, great Big and large are both often used to talk about or to talk about the measurements of things or groups, though large is slightly more formal and not so often used of people That shirt doesn't fit me - it's too big/large. | How big are you round the waist? | a big crowd/company/gap | a large family/city/university. See also fat WORD CHOICE and wide WORD CHOICE. None of these words are used with uncountable nouns for things you can touch There was a lot of traffic/land /space (NOT big traffic, large land). Great means famous or important for something good, or, when it is used about ordinary people, just extremely nice Rembrandt was a great painter. | Isn't Max a great guy? See also famous WORD CHOICE. Great used about the size of things or events is mainly found in literary writing or names and means `very large and impressive' The great city of Samarkand. | A great crowd had gathered. | a great banquet | The Great Wall of China. Otherwise great is used very informally of things just to mean extremely good You look great! | There's a great view from our hotel room. | We had a great time there (=enjoyable, not necessarily long). You would usually use great rather than big to describe the size or extent of things you cannot touch She showed great courage/talent/ability. | We had great fun. | in great detail. Where both can be used, great is stronger and suggests more importance It's a big/great pleasure to see you. | great/big problem/opportunity/danger. But note that you usually say a big difference/mistake/argument | It isn't a big deal (informal=It's not serious or important). Note that large (less often great or big) is used with these quantity words a large amount/scale/number/quantity/extent/proportion/percentage/part/volume/area. But note only great is used in a great deal (=a lot) | at great length | a great height/age )
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  (bigger, biggest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A big person or thing is large in physical size. Australia’s a big country... Her husband was a big man... The car was too big to fit into our garage. = large ? small ADJ 2. Something that is big consists of many people or things. The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich. ...the big backlog of applications. = large ? small ADJ 3. If you describe something such as a problem, increase, or change as a big one, you mean it is great in degree, extent, or importance. Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own... There could soon be a big increase in unemployment. = serious ? small ADJ 4. A big organization employs many people and has many customers. Exchange is largely controlled by big banks. ...one of the biggest companies in Italy. = large ? small ADJ 5. If you say that someone is big in a particular organization, activity, or place, you mean that they have a lot of influence or authority in it. (INFORMAL) Their father was very big in the army... I’m sure all the big names will come to the club. ADJ: ADJ n, v-link ADJ in n 6. If you call someone a big bully or a big coward, you are emphasizing your disapproval of them. (INFORMAL) ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 7. Children often refer to their older brother or sister as their big brother or sister. ADJ: ADJ n 8. Capital letters are sometimes referred to as big letters. (INFORMAL) ...a big letter J. = capital ADJ: ADJ n 9. Big words are long or rare words which have meanings that are difficult to understand. (INFORMAL) They use a lot of big words. ADJ: usu ADJ n 10. If you make it big, you become successful or famous. (INFORMAL) We’re not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally. PHRASE: V inflects 11. If you think big, you make plans on a large scale, often using a lot of time, effort, or money. Maybe we’re not thinking big enough....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~ger; ~gest)  Etymology: Middle English, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian dialect bugge important man  Date: 14th century  1.  a. obsolete of great strength  b. of great force a ~ storm  2.  a. large or great in dimensions, bulk, or extent a ~ house; also large or great in quantity, number, or amount a ~ fleet  b. operating on a large scale ~ government  c. capital 1  3.  a. pregnant; especially nearly ready to give birth  b. full to bursting ; swelling ~ with rage  c. of the voice full and resonant  4.  a. chief, preeminent the ~ issue of the campaign  b. outstandingly worthy or able a truly ~ man  c. of great importance or significance the ~ moment  d. imposing, pretentious; also marked by or given to boasting ~ talk  e. magnanimous, generous was ~ about it  5. popular soft drinks are very ~ in Mexico — Russ Leadabrand  6. full-bodied and flavorful — used of wine  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 1807  1. in a loud or declamatory manner; also in a boasting manner talk ~  2.  a. to a large amount or extent won ~ lost ~  b. on a large scale think ~ worry ~  3. hard hits her forehand ~  III. noun  Date: 1965 an individual or organization of outstanding importance or power; especially major league — usually used in plural playing in the ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. (bigger, biggest) 1 a of considerable size, amount, intensity, etc. (a big mistake; a big helping). b of a large or the largest size (big toe; big drum). 2 important; significant; outstanding (the big race; my big chance). 3 a grown up (a big boy now). b elder (big sister). 4 colloq. a boastful (big words; big mouth). b often iron. generous (big of him). c ambitious (big ideas). 5 (usu. foll. by with) advanced in pregnancy; fecund (big with child; big with consequences). --adv. colloq. in a big manner, esp.: 1 effectively (went over big). 2 boastfully (talk big). 3 ambitiously (think big). Phrases and idioms Big Apple US sl. New York City. big band a large jazz or pop orchestra. big bang Stock Exch. (in the UK) the introduction in 1986 of important changes in the regulations and procedures for trading, esp. the widening of membership, the relaxation of rules for brokers, and the introduction of computerized communications. big bang theory the theory that the universe began with the explosion of dense matter. Big Ben the great clock tower of the Houses of Parliament and its bell. Big Board US colloq. the New York Stock Exchange. Big Brother an all-powerful supposedly benevolent dictator (as in Orwell's 1984). big bud a plant disease caused by the gall-mite. big bug sl. = BIGWIG. big business large-scale financial dealings, esp. when sinister or exploitative. Big Chief (or Daddy) sl. = BIGWIG. big deal! sl. iron. I am not impressed. big dipper 1 a fairground switchback. 2 US = the Great Bear (see BEAR(2)). big end (in a motor vehicle) the end of the connecting-rod that encircles the crankpin. big game large animals hunted for sport. big gun sl. = BIGWIG. big-head colloq. a conceited person. big-headed colloq. conceited. big-headedness colloq. conceitedness. big-hearted generous. big house 1 the principal house in a village etc. 2 sl. a prison. big idea often iron. the important intention or scheme. big money large amounts; high profit; high pay. big name a famous person. big noise (or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  прил. 1) большой по объему 2) большой, крупный, важный • - The big Three - big bank - big business - the Big Five ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. большой, крупный big book —- большая книга big game —- крупная дичь big repair —- капитальный ремонт big gun —- тяжелый снаряд big close-up —- кин. очень крупный план (часть лица или деталь предмета) 2. высокий big man —- высокий человек 3. широкий big margins —- большие поля (книги, тетради) big shoulders —- широкие плечи in a big way —- в широком масштабе 4. громкий, сильный big noise —- сильный шум big voice —- громкий голос 5. взрослый big boy —- взрослый мальчик 6. важный, значительный big man —- важный или известный человек big news —- важные новости, важное сообщение big responsibility —- большая ответственность to look big —- иметь важный вид 7. беременная 8. чреватый; полный big with news —- полный новостей eyes big with tears —- глаза, полные слез big with consequences —- чреватый последствиями big with fate —- роковой full of big talk —- хвастливый; полный тщеславия; с самомнением 9. великодушный, благородный big heart —- большое сердце big mind —- широкий ум big nature —- широкая натура 10. ам. сл. знаменитый Frank Sinatra is very big in Las Vegas —- Фрэнк Синатра очерь популярен в Лас-Вегас 11. как компонент сложных слов: больше-, широко- big-bend —- ширококостный Id: the B. Five —- "Большая пятерка" (Советский Союз, США, Великобритания, Франция и Китай в Совете Безопасности...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  repair капитальный ремонт BIG screen noun большой экран; фильмы, производящиеся для кинотеатров, а не для телевидения BIG shot важная персона; шишка BIG stick большая дубинка BIG talk хвастовство BIG time noun coll. успех BIG top noun coll.  1) купол цирка  2) цирк BIG tree noun amer.; bot. секвойя BIG bug важная персона; шишка BIG pot важная персона, шишка BIG I  1. adj.  1) большой, крупный - big repair  2) высокий; широкий  3) громкий big noise -  а) сильный шум; fig. хвастовство;  б) amer. sl. хозяин, шеф  4) взрослый  5) беременная (тж. big with child)  6) раздутый; наполненный (with) big with news - полный новостей  7) важный, значительный to look big - принимать важный вид  8) хвастливый - big talk - big mouth  9) великодушный thats big of you - это великодушно с вашей стороны - big business - big money - big head - big stick - big brass - big bug - big shot too big for ones boots coll. самонадеянный Syn: see large  2. adv. coll. хвастливо, с важным видом II = bigg BIG Ben noun Большой Бен (часы на здании английского парламента) BIG brass высшие офицеры, большое начальство BIG operators amer. крупные чиновники; высокие должностные лица BIG business крупный капитал; collect. промышленные и банковые магнаты BIG cat noun львы, тигры и другие дикие животные семейства кошачьих BIG cheese amer.; coll. важная персона, шишка BIG dipper noun колесо...
Англо-русский словарь
  veterin. abbr. Biosciences Imaging Group ( University of Southampton) airport code Big Delta, Alaska USA funny abbr. Bovine Implosion Grenade funny abbr. British, Italian, And German adult abbr. Bastards In Gaming gen. comp. abbr. Buffered Image Graphics file ext. abbr. Chinese text (old version) sport abbr. Baseball Is Great sport abbr. Burlington International Games school abbr. Beauty Is Great gen. bus. abbr. Business Instead Of Game gen. bus. abbr. Building Industry's Greatest st. exc. abbr. Best Investment Group st. exc. abbr. Broad Investment Grade firm name abbr. Brothers Investment Group firm name abbr. Blackland Income Growth ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., northern England dialect, "powerful, strong," meanings "of great size," also "grown up" attested from 1552. Sense of "important" is from 1577. Origin obscure, possibly from a Scand. source (cf. Norwegian dial. bugge "great man"). Bigass (adj.) is 1940s military slang. Bigwig is from 1792, from the large wigs formerly worn by men of importance; Big Bang in astrophysics theory popularized (and possibly coined) by Brit. astronomer Fred Hoyle in a 1950 book. Big Brother first recorded 1949, from George Orwell's "1984." Slang big head "conceit" is first recorded 1850s. Big house "penitentiary" is U.S. underworld slang first attested 1915. Big kahuna is 1950s, from surfer slang, from Hawaiian kahuna "shaman, medicine man, priest." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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