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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - basis


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~ n plural bases 1 the facts or ideas from which something can be developed  (Their claim had no basis in fact.) + for  (The video will provide a basis for class discussion.) + of  (a lecture series that later formed the basis of a new book) 2 on the basis of because of a particular fact or situation  (Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex.) 3 on a daily/weekly etc basis every day, week etc  (All rooms are cleaned on a daily basis.) 4 on a voluntary/part-time etc basis a system or agreement by which someone or something is voluntary1 etc  (The machine has been installed on a trial basis.)
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  (bases) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is done on a particular basis, it is done according to that method, system, or principle. We’re going to be meeting there on a regular basis... They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis... I’ve always worked on the basis that if I don’t know anything technical I shan’t be any worse off. N-SING: with supp, usu on N 2. If you say that you are acting on the basis of something, you are giving that as the reason for your action. McGregor must remain confined, on the basis of the medical reports we have received... N-SING: on N, oft N of n, N that 3. The basis of something is its starting point or an important part of it from which it can be further developed. Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation. ...the sub-atomic particles that form the basis of nearly all matter on earth. = foundation N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N for/of n 4. The basis for something is a fact or argument that you can use to prove or justify it. ...Japan’s attempt to secure the legal basis to send troops overseas... This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact. N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  (plural bases)  Etymology: Latin — more at base  Date: 14th century  1. the bottom of something considered as its foundation  2. the principal component of something  3.  a. something on which something else is established or based  b. an underlying condition or state of affairs hired on a trial ~ on a first-name ~  4. the basic principle  5. a set of linearly independent vectors in a vector space such that any vector in the vector space can be expressed as a linear combination of them with appropriately chosen coefficients ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. (pl. bases) 1 the foundation or support of something, esp. an idea or argument. 2 the main or determining principle or ingredient (on a purely friendly basis). 3 the starting-point for a discussion etc. Etymology: L f. Gk, = BASE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) базис, база 2) основание; фундамент 3) главный компонент 4) базисная грань (кристалла) - as-received basis - dry basis - dry ash-tree basis - go-no-go basis - mineral-matter-free basis - moist ash-free basis ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  основание, базис basis for calculation basis of design analytical basis of design calculating basis semirigid basis of design ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) базис, база 2) основание, фундамент 3) система образующих 4) базовый компонент, основа 5) основополагающий принцип measure with basis — мера с базисом on annual basis — в пересчете на год on a real time basis — в реальном масштабе времени on an equal basis — равноправный to be the basis of — лежать в основе - absolute basis - admissible basis - affine basis - algebraic basis - almost periodic basis - asymptotic basis - basis of algebra - basis of code - basis of comparison - basis of differential separability - basis of differentials - basis of finite order - basis of group - basis of ideal - basis of identical relations - basis of induction - basis of manifold - basis of module - basis of natural series - basis of neighborhoods - basis of net - basis of operation - basis of periods - basis of randomization - basis of root system - basis of set - basis of solutions - basis of space - basis of summation - basis of topology - basis of weak homologies - binomial basis - canonical basis - complementary basis - conditional basis - countable basis - crystal lattice basis - cyclic basis - differential basis - dissimilarity cycle basis - double basis - dual basis - extremal basis - field basis - filter basis - finite basis - free basis - generalized basis - geodesic basis - grouped-frequency basis - homological basis - hyperorthogonal basis - integer basis - internal basis - left basis - linear basis - local basis - matroid basis - maximal basis - metrical basis - minimal basis - monomial basis - monotone basis - multiplicative basis - natural basis - negative basis - normal basis - open basis - ordered basis - oriented basis - orthonormal basis - permanent basis - point basis - point-finite basis - polynomial basis - positive basis - positively oriented basis - primitive basis - proper basis - rational basis - real basis - reciprocal basis - reduced basis - right basis -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  базовый элемент; опорная точка (при программировании траектории движения) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) общ. базис, основа, база, основание to provide a basis for smth — обеспечить основу для чего-л. on a voluntary basis — на добровольной основе 2) иссл. опер. = basic solution 3) базиc а) фин. (доход владельца облигации при погашении по данной рыночной цене) б) фин., учет (первоначальная цена инвестиционного актива (обычно стоимость актива при покупке); вычитается из цены продажи актива для определения капитальной прибыли или убытка) Syn: "cost basis в) банк. (число дней в году (365 или 366) при расчете процентов) г) упр. (общие условия соглашения) д) стат. (точка или число, исходя из которого ведутся подсчеты) е) бирж. (корректировки форвардных рыночных цен различных валют в соответствии с изменениями процентных ставок) ж) бирж. (разница между ценой спот ценной бумаги и ее ценой на фьючерсной бирже) з) фин. (первоначальная стоимость актива плюс модификация оборудования, на основании которых определяются учитываемые при налогообложении прибыль или убытки) и) мат. (набор из максимального числа линейно-независимых векторов) Syn: ground, reason, rationality, fundamental, foundation, cause, establishment, framework ground BASIS основа; основание – basis for rejection – on the basis of – basis of division BASIS сущ.; мн. ч. bases 1) базис, основа;...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. базис; основа; основание basis and superstructure —- базис и надстройка on the basis of peaceful coexistence —- на основе мирного сосуществования on this basis —- на этом основании, исходя из этого 2. основной компонент, основа the basis of this beverage is milk —- этот напиток делается на молоке 3. редк. основание, фундамент Id: to be on a first-name basis with smb. —- называть друг друга по именам; быть на ты ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  point noun одна сотая часть процента BASIS noun; pl. bases  1) основание, базис on a good neighbourly basis - на основе добрососедских отношений - on this basis  2) база Syn: base, foundation, ground see origin Ant: superstructure, top ...
Англо-русский словарь
  farm. abbr. British Agrochemicals Safety Inspection Scheme farm. abbr. Basic Agricultural And Social Improvement Schemes db. abbr. Benchmarking Approach For Spatial Index Structures gen. bus. abbr. Broadening Access And Strengthening Input Systems ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1571, from L. basis "foundation," from Gk. basis "a step, stand, base," from bainein :go, step." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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