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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - bad


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~1 adj comparative worse, worst 1 »HARMFUL« unpleasant, harmful, or likely to cause problems  (I have some bad news for you. | I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse. | It's bad enough being woken by the baby without you keeping me awake as well.)  (- opposite good1 (2)) 2 »LOW QUALITY« low in quality or below an acceptable standard  (The failure of the company was due to bad management. | Your handwriting is so bad I can hardly read it. | bad teachers and a lack of funds)  (- opposite good1 (1)) 3 »WRONG« morally wrong or evil  (He's a bad man - keep away from him.)  (- opposite good1 (23)) 4 »SERIOUS« serious or severe  (He is recovering from a bad accident. | The pain was really bad.) 5 bad time/moment etc a time at which it is very unlucky for something to have happened  (It's a bad time to have to borrow money, with interest rates so high.) 6 bad for you harmful to you or to your health  (Too much salt can be bad for you. | It is bad for a young girl to be on her own so much.) 7 »FOOD« food that is bad is not safe to eat because it has decayed  (This fish has gone bad. | bad apples) 8 bad at maths/tennis/drawing etc having no skill or ability in a particular activity  (I'm really bad at chess. | Strategic thinking is what so many companies are bad at.) 9 bad heart/leg/back etc a heart, leg etc that is injured or does not work correctly  (I haven't been able to do much because of my bad back. | Ouch, that was my bad foot!) 10 »SWEARING« bad language contains swearing or rude words  (all these TV programmes with their violence and bad language) 11 in a bad temper/mood feeling annoyed or angry  (I didn't mean to take my bad temper out on you.) 12 »GUILTY« feel bad to feel ashamed or sorry about something  (I felt bad about not being able to come last night.) 13 go from bad to worse to become even more unpleasant or difficult  (The evening went from bad to worse as more and more people left the party.) 14 be in a bad way informal especially BrE to be very ill, unhappy, injured, or in serious trouble  (She was in a bad way after the funeral.) 15 get a bad name to lose people's respect or trust + for  (The bar had a bad name and was avoided by all the locals.) 16 bad egg/lot/sort/type BrE old-fashioned someone who is morally bad or cannot be trusted 17 bad penny someone or something that causes trouble and is difficult to avoid  (turn up like a bad penny (=suddenly appear))  (Sure enough, Steve turned up at the party, like a bad penny.) 18 be taken bad informal especially BrE to become ill  (He was taken bad in the middle of the night.) 19 in bad faith if someone does something in bad faith they are behaving dishonestly and have no intention of keeping a promise  (In order to sue, you have to prove that the company was acting in bad faith.) 20 bad news informal someone or something that always causes trouble  (Look, just avoid him, I warn you. He's bad news!) 21 bad form BrE old-fashioned socially unacceptable behaviour  (It's bad form to argue with the umpire.) 22 bad blood angry or bitter feeling between people; hostility  (There's too much bad blood between them.) 23 not bad especially BrE used to say that something is good, or better than you expected  ("How are you?" "Oh, not bad." | That's not a bad idea. | "Did you enjoy the course?" "Oh it wasn't too bad.") 24 too bad a) used to say that you do not care that something bad happens to someone  ("I'm going to be late now!" "Too bad, you should have gotten up earlier.") b) used to say that you are sorry that something bad has happened to someone  (It's too bad that you couldn't come to the party last night.) c) BrE old-fashioned used to say that something is very annoying or unreasonable  (They can't increase the price like that, it's just too bad!) 25 bad girl/boy used when a child behaves badly  (Bad girl! Put that glass down!) 26 it's not that bad/it's not as bad as all that used to say that something is not as bad as someone says it is  ("Yuk! This cheese is revolting!" "Oh, come on, it's not as bad as all that.") 27 not too bad/not so bad used to say that something is not as bad as expected  (The exams weren't so bad after all.) 28 it's bad enough..... used to say that you already have one problem, so that you cannot worry about or deal with another one  (It's bad enough having to bring up three kids on your own without having to worry about money as well!) 29 sth can't be bad used to persuade someone that something is good or worth doing  (You only pay $10 deposit and no interest)  (that can't be bad, can it?)  (- see also make the best of a bad job job (18)) - badness n ~2 n 1 take the bad with the good accept not only the good things in life but also the bad things 2 to the bad informal if you are a particular amount to the bad you are that much poorer or you owe that much  (Thanks to your mistake, I'm $500 to the bad!) 3 go to the bad old-fashioned to begin living in a wrong or immoral way
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  (worse, worst) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable. The bad weather conditions prevented the plane from landing... We have been going through a bad time... I’ve had a bad day at work... Divorce is bad for children... Analysts fear the situation is even worse than the leadership admits. ? good ADJ 2. You use bad to indicate that something unpleasant or undesirable is severe or great in degree. He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming... This was a bad case of dangerous driving... The pain is often so bad she wants to scream... The floods are described as the worst in nearly fifty years. ADJ 3. A bad idea, decision, or method is not sensible or not correct. Economist Jeffrey Faux says a tax cut is a bad idea... Of course politicians will sometimes make bad decisions... That’s not a bad way to proceed, just somewhat different... The worst thing you can do is underestimate an opponent. = poor ? good ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. If you describe a piece of news, an action, or a sign as bad, you mean that it is unlikely to result in benefit or success. The closure of the project is bad news for her staff... It was a bad start in my relationship with Warr... The report couldn’t have come at a worse time for the European Commission. ? good ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. Something that is bad is of an unacceptably low standard, quality, or amount. Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing... The state schools’ main problem is that teachers’ pay is so bad... It was absolutely the worst food I have ever had. = poor ? good ADJ 6. Someone who is bad at doing something is not skilful or successful at it. He had increased Britain’s reputation for being bad at languages... He was a bad driver... Rose was a poor cook and a worse mother. = poor ? good ADJ: v-link ADJ at -ing/n, ADJ n 7. If you say that it is bad that something happens, you mean...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (worse; worst)  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  1.  a. failing to reach an acceptable standard ; poor a ~ repair job  b. unfavorable make a ~ impression  c. not fresh ; spoiled ~ fish  d. not sound ; dilapidated the house was in ~ condition  2.  a. morally objectionable ; evil ~ men  b. mischievous, disobedient a ~ dog  3. inadequate or unsuited to a purpose a ~ plan ~ lighting  4. disagreeable, unpleasant ~ news  5.  a. injurious, harmful a ~ influence  b. serious, severe in ~ trouble a ~ cough  6. incorrect, faulty ~ grammar  7.  a. suffering pain or distress felt generally ~  b. unhealthy, diseased ~ teeth  8. sorrowful, sorry feels ~ about forgetting to call  9.  a. invalid, void a ~ check  b. not able to be collected a ~ debt  10. ~der ~dest slang  a. good, great  b. tough, mean  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. something that is ~  2. an evil or unhappy state  III. adverb  Date: 1681 ~ly not doing so ~ doesn't want it ~ enough ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. (worse; worst) 1 inferior, inadequate, defective (bad work; a bad driver; bad light). 2 a unpleasant, unwelcome (bad weather; bad news). b unsatisfactory, unfortunate (a bad business). 3 harmful (is bad for you). 4 (of food) decayed, putrid. 5 colloq. ill, injured (am feeling bad today; a bad leg). 6 colloq. regretful, guilty, ashamed (feels bad about it). 7 (of an unwelcome thing) serious, severe (a bad headache; a bad mistake). 8 a morally wicked or offensive (a bad man; bad language). b naughty; badly behaved (a bad child). 9 worthless; not valid (a bad cheque). 10 (badder, baddest) esp. US sl. good, excellent. --n. 1 a ill fortune (take the bad with the good). b ruin; a degenerate condition (go to the bad). 2 the debit side of an account ({pound}500 to the bad). 3 (as pl.; prec. by the) bad or wicked people. --adv. US colloq. badly (took it bad). Phrases and idioms bad blood ill feeling. bad books see BOOK. bad breath unpleasant-smelling breath. bad debt a debt that is not recoverable. bad egg see EGG(1). bad faith see FAITH. bad form see FORM. a bad job colloq. an unfortunate state of affairs. bad mouth US malicious gossip or criticism. bad-mouth v.tr. US subject to malicious gossip or criticism. bad news colloq. an unpleasant or troublesome person or thing. from bad to worse into an even worse state. in a bad way ill; in trouble (looked in a bad way). not (or not so) bad colloq. fairly good. too bad colloq. (of circumstances etc.) regrettable but now beyond retrieval. Derivatives baddish adj. badness n. Etymology: ME, perh. f. OE b{aelig}ddel hermaphrodite, womanish man: for loss of l cf. MUCH, WENCH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. прил. 1) а) общ. дурной, плохой, скверный bad name — дурная репутация Syn: disagreeable, distasteful, objectionable, unpleasant, mischievous Ant: "good See: bad credit, "buy on the bad news б) общ. безнравственный, развращенный, порочный Syn: immoral, wicked, vicious 2) а) общ. с дефектами, недоброкачественный, негодный (напр., о продукте); неисправный, испорченный; гнилой in bad repair — в неисправном состоянии See: "bad order freight б) общ. неполноценный, никудышный, жалкий, никчемный, безнадежный Syn: poor, worthless, wretched, miserable в) общ. больной 3) общ. вредный, вредоносный, пагубный; неподходящий, неблагоприятный 4) общ. неприятный, противный 5) общ. неискренний, нечестный 6) а) юр. юридически необоснованный, недействительный (о документе) The claim is bad. — Иск недействителен. See: bad cheque, "bad delivery б) эк., юр. фальшивый, поддельный bad coin — фальшивая монета bad passport — фальшивый поддельный паспорт; недействительный просроченный паспорт 7) фин., учет безнадежный (о долге) See: bad debt 8) эк. невыгодный See: "bad bargain, "bad buy, "bad execution 9) общ., разг. сильный (о боли, холоде и т. п.), грубый (об ошибке) bad mistake — грубая ошибка 10) общ., амер., сленг прекрасный, лучше некуда, превосходный He is a bad man on drums. — Он мастак играть на барабане. 2. сущ. 1) а) общ. плохое, дурное б) эк.,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. плохое, дурное to take the bad with the good —- стойко переносить превратности судьбы; в жизни всякое бывает 2. плохое состояние, качество to exchange the bad for better —- поправить свои дела his health went from bad to worse —- ему становилось все хуже и хуже I am with you for bad or worse —- я готов разделить с тобой все невзгоды bad is the best —- впереди ничего хорошего не предвидится (the bad) —- собир. злодеи 3. фин. профес. дефицит 500 pounds to the bad —- долг в 500 фунтов стерлингов Id: to be in bad —- быть в беде; (with smb.) не нравиться (кому-л.); быть в немилости (у кого-л.) Id: he is in bad with his mother-in-law —- теща его не жалует Id: to go to the bad —- сбиться с пути (истинного); плохо кончить; пропасть, погибнуть Id: she wept at seeng her son go to the bad —- она обливалась слезами, видя, что ее сын все больше опускается 4. плохой, дурной; скверный bad action —- скверный поступок bad visibility —- плохая (слабая) видимость bad luck —- неудача, невезение bad news —- неприятная (тяжелая) весть; дурные вести bad man —- дурной человек; ам. бандит bad taste —- плохой вкус, безвкусица the remark was in bad taste —- (это было) очень неуместное (бестактное) замечание in the bad sense of the word —- в плохом смысле этого слова to feel bad —- чувствовать себя неловко to be in a bad temper —- быть в плохом настроении...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  blood ссора; неприязнь BAD character темная личность BAD coin фальшивая/неполноценная монета BAD conscience нечистая совесть BAD debt безнадежный долг BAD fairy злой гений BAD egg coll. мошенник; непутевый, никудышный человек BAD feeling плохое впечатление BAD form дурные манеры BAD hat coll. мошенник; непутевый, никудышный человек BAD job безнадежное дело; неудача to make the best of a bad job мужественно переносить невзгоды to lie down on the job работать кое-как to do smb. s job, to do the job for smb. coll. погубить кого-л. to put up a job on smb. amer. сыграть с кем-л. шутку BAD lot coll. мошенник; непутевый, никудышный человек BAD luck невезение BAD man amer. отчаянный человек, головорез BAD mixer необщительный человек BAD name (for) дурная репутация BAD pennyworth невыгодная сделка BAD repute дурная слава BAD  1. adj.; past worse; past part. worst  1) плохой, дурной, скверный she feels bad - она плохо себя чувствует bad language - сквернословие it is too bad! - вот беда! - bad name for - bad coin - bad luck  2) испорченный; недоброкачественный - go bad  3) развращенный, безнравственный  4) вредный beer is bad for you - пиво вам вредно  5) больной bad leg - больная нога to be taken bad - заболеть  6) сильная (о боли, холоде и т.п.); грубый (об ошибке)  7) leg. недействительный - bad blood - bad debt - bad egg - bad hat - bad lot - bad fairy - bad form - bad man - with a bad grace...
Англо-русский словарь
  mil. abbr. Battlefield Awareness Data 3-let. lang. abbr. Banda U.S. area phone code Bikers Against Diabetes days abbr. Blinker Appreciation Day funny abbr. Bold And Dedicated funny abbr. Buck A Day adult abbr. Bad Asses Defined adult abbr. Bullsshit Addictive Drugs adult abbr. Big And Dirty file ext. abbr. Bad file (Oracle) media abbr. Big Audio Dynamite educ. abbr. Bipolar Affected Disorder educ. abbr. Be A Doer sport abbr. Bad Anonymous Dicerollers law abbr. Big And Dangerous ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1203, mystery word, no apparent relatives in other languages. Possibly from two derogatory O.E. terms: bжddel and bжdling "effeminate man, hermaphrodite, pederast." A rare word before 1400, and evil was more common until 1700. Ironic use as as a word of approval is at least since 1890s, originally in Black Eng. Badder, baddest were used as recently as Defoe (18c.), but yielded to comp. worse and superl. worst (taken over from evil, ill), from P.Gmc. *wersizon, comp. of *wers-. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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