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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - ask


Связанные словари


~ v 1 »QUESTION« to say or write something in order to get an answer, a solution, or information  ("What's your name?" she asked. | ask a question)  (That kid's always asking awkward questions. | ask who/what/where etc)  (I was only asking how this could have happened. | ask sb sth)  (She asked an old man the way to the station. | ask sb)  (Don't ask him - he won't know anything about it. | ask if/whether)  (Go and ask Pat whether he's coming tonight. | ask (sb) about)  (Visitors usually ask about the history of the place. | ask around (=ask in a lot of places or ask a lot of people))  (I'm not sure where you can get a good mechanic - you'd better ask around.) 2 »FOR HELP ETC« to make a request for help, advice, information etc  (If you need anything, you only have to ask. | ask sb to do sth)  (Ask John to mail those letters tomorrow. | ask to do sth)  (Karen asked to see whoever was in charge.) + for  (Some people find it difficult to ask for help.) ask if you can do sth  (Ask your dad if we can borrow his truck.)  (- see request2) 3 »PRICE« to want a particular amount for money for something you are selling  (ask $50/$1,000 etc for)  (I can't believe he's asking $2,000 for that old car. | ask the earth/a fortune (for) (=ask far too much money for something))  (They're asking the earth for tickets - we just can't afford it.) 4 »INVITE« to invite someone to your home, to go out with you etc  (ask sb out (=ask someone, especially someone of the opposite sex, to go to the theatre, a restaurant etc with you))  (Jerry's too scared to ask her out. | ask sb in (=invite someone into your house, office etc))  (Don't leave them standing on the doorstep - ask them in!) ask sb along (=invite someone to go somewhere with you, especially when you are with a lot of other people)  (Get Bill to ask Sheila along. | ask sb over (=invite someone to come to your home)) 5 be asking for it spoken used to say that someone deserves something bad that happens to them  (I don't really care he got beat up on - he was asking for it.) 6 be asking for trouble to do something that is very likely to have a bad effect or result  (He thinks anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble.) 7 don't ask me spoken used to say you do not know the answer to something  ("Where's she gone then?" "Don't ask me!") 8 asking price the price that someone wants to sell something for  (At an asking price of just $250, it's got to be a bargain.) 9 ask yourself to try to honestly discover the true reason for something  (The government should ask itself where the responsibility for this mess really lies.) 10 for the asking if you can have something for the asking, you only have to ask for it and you can have it 11 I ask you! spoken used to express surprise at and disapproval of something stupid that someone has done  (She sent her kids to camp dressed all in white. I ask you!)  (- see request2)  ( USAGE NOTE: ASK WORD CHOICE ask, want to know, inquire, question, interrogate Ask is the usual v for questions "How are you doing?" she asked. | That's a stupid question to ask. Often people use want to know when they are talking about what someone else has asked He wanted to know where I lived/the train times. Inquire (or enquire BrE) has the same meaning but is more formal, and is not followed by a noun or pronoun object. At a meeting May I inquire what the committee proposes to do about this?/about the effectiveness of this policy (NOT ...inquire the effectiveness of this policy)? To question a person is to ask them a lot of questions, especially officially, and to interrogate suggests that someone is being held by force and asked questions that they are unwilling to answer, for example by the police or an enemy. GRAMMAR Remember that you do not follow ask with a direct question, unless you are repeating the exact words Ask what sort of room he would like (NOT Ask what sort of room would he like).| I asked "What sort of room would you like?". You ask people certain things without using for or about I asked him the way/his name/the price/the time/a favour/permission/his advice (NOT asked to him the way). You usually ask for or about most other things Ask one of our guides for directions to Lincoln Center. | He asked Sharon for a date (NOT He asked a date to Sharon).| Can I ask you about the exam results? (NOT of the exam results). )
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  (asks, asking, asked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you ask someone something, you say something to them in the form of a question because you want to know the answer. ‘How is Frank?’ he asked... I asked him his name... I wasn’t the only one asking questions... She asked me if I’d enjoyed my dinner... If Daniel asks what happened in court we will tell him... You will have to ask David about that... ‘I’m afraid to ask what it cost.’—‘Then don’t ask.’ VERB: V with quote, V n n, V n, V n wh, V wh, V n about n, V 2. If you ask someone to do something, you tell them that you want them to do it. We had to ask him to leave... VERB: V n to-inf 3. If you ask to do something, you tell someone that you want to do it. I asked to see the Director. VERB: V to-inf 4. If you ask for something, you say that you would like it. I decided to go to the next house and ask for food... VERB: V for n 5. If you ask for someone, you say that you would like to speak to them. There’s a man at the gate asking for you. VERB: V for n 6. If you ask someone’s permission, opinion, or forgiveness, you try to obtain it by putting a request to them. Please ask permission from whoever pays the phone bill before making your call. VERB: V n 7. If you ask someone to an event or place, you invite them to go there. Couldn’t you ask Jon to the party?... She asked me back to her house. VERB: V n to/for n, V n adv 8. If someone is asking a particular price for something, they are selling it for that price. Mr Pantelaras was asking ?6,000 for his collection. VERB: V n for n 9. You reply ‘don’t ask me’ when you do not know the answer to a question, usually when you are annoyed or surprised that you have been asked. ‘She’s got other things on her mind, wouldn’t you think?’ ‘Don’t ask me,’ murmured Chris. ‘I’ve never met her.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]feelings 10. You can say ‘may I ask’ as a formal way...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ascian; akin to Old High German eiscon to ~, Lithuanian eiskoti to seek, Sanskrit icchati he seeks  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to call on for an answer she ~ed him about his trip  b. to put a question about ~ing her whereabouts  c. speak, utter ~ a question  2.  a. to make a request of she ~ed her teacher for help  b. to make a request for she ~ed help from her teacher  3. to call for ; require a challenge that will ~ much of us  4. to set as a price ~ed $3000 for the car  5. invite  intransitive verb  1. to seek information  2. to make a request ~ed for food  3. look — often used in the phrase ~ for trouble  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, question, interrogate, query, inquire mean to address a person in order to gain information. ~ implies no more than the putting of a question ~ for directions. question usually suggests the ~ing of series of questions questioned them about every detail of the trip. interrogate suggests formal or official systematic questioning the prosecutor interrogated the witness all day. query implies a desire for authoritative information or confirmation queried a librarian about the book. inquire implies a searching for facts or for truth often specifically by ~ing questions began to inquire of friends and teachers what career she should pursue. Synonyms:  ~, request, solicit mean to seek to obtain by making one's wants known. ~ implies no more than the statement of the desire ~ a favor of a friend. request implies greater formality and courtesy requests the pleasure of your company. solicit suggests a calling attention to one's wants or desires by public announcement or advertisement a letter soliciting information. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. call for an answer to or about (ask her about it; ask him his name; ask a question of him). 2 tr. seek to obtain from another person (ask a favour of; ask to be allowed). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by out or over, or to (a function etc.)) invite; request the company of (must ask them over; asked her to dinner). 4 intr. (foll. by for) seek to obtain, meet, or be directed to (ask for a donation; ask for the post office; asking for you). 5 tr. archaic require (a thing). Phrases and idioms ask after inquire about (esp. a person). ask for it sl. invite trouble. asking price the price of an object set by the seller. ask me another colloq. I do not know. for the asking (obtainable) for nothing. I ask you! an exclamation of disgust, surprise, etc. if you ask me colloq. in my opinion. Derivatives asker n. Etymology: OE ascian etc. f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от amplitude-shift keying амплитудная модуляция, АМн ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  спрашивать; запрашивать ask for price — запрашивать цену ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I гл. 1) а) общ. спрашивать to ask questions - задавать вопросы, to ask the way - спрашивать дорогу; спрашивать, как пройти б) общ. осведомляться, спрашивать I expected him to ask about my job. - Я ожидал, что он спросит о моей работе. в) общ. спрашивать, хотеть видеть (кого-либо); просить к телефону (кого-либо) 2) общ. (по)просить; просить разрешения сделать что-либо to ask for a delay - просить отсрочки, to ask for help - просить помощи, to ask for money - просить денег 3) а) общ. требовать to ask for redress - требовать возмещения, требовать компенсации, to ask for security - требовать гарантии б) общ. требоваться; быть необходимым; требовать Young birds are like little children. This means that they ask a lot of time from the fancier. - Птенцы подобны маленьким детям. А это значит, что они требуют у любителя птиц очень много времени. 4) эк. запрашивать цену, запрашивать какую-либо сумму, назначать цену The salesperson asked $100 for it. - Торговец попросил за товар $100. See: offer price 5) общ. приглашать to ask smb. to dinner - пригласить кого-либо к обеду (на обед); to ask smb in - попросить кого-либо войти II сущ. эк. запрашиваемая цена Syn: offer price See: bid I 2) ASK 1. гл. 1) а) общ. спрашивать to ask questions — задавать вопросы to ask the way — спрашивать дорогу; спрашивать, как пройти б) общ. осведомляться, спрашивать I...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  см. American standard keyboard ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. спрашивать to ask a question —- задать вопрос to ask the way —- спросить дорогу to ask the time —- спросить, который час 2. осведомляться he asked me about my work —- он спросил меня о моей работе to ask after smb.'s health —- осведомиться о чьем-либо здоровье 3. спрашивать, хотеть видеть; просить к телефону has anybody asked for me? —- кто-нибудь спрашивал меня? call Extension 6740 and ask from Miss Peters —- позвоните по добавочному 6740 и спросите мисс Питерс 4. (по)просить to ask advice —- просить совета to ask for help —- просить помощи to ask smth. of smb. —- просить что-либо у кого-либо he asked a favour of me —- он попросил мебя об услуге 5. просить разрешения he asked to speak —- он попросил слова he asked to open the window —- он попросил разрешения открыть окно 6. требовать it is too mush to ask of me —- вы слишком многого хотите от меня to ask (for) complete obedience —- требовать беспрекословного повиновения 7. требоваться; быть необходимым; требовать the job asks time —- эта работа требует времени; для этой работы потребуется время the experiment asks patience —- для этого опыта требуется терпение 8. приглашать to ask smb. to dinner —- пригласить к обеду to ask smb. in —- попросить войти 9. назначать цену; запрашивать (сумму) he asked $3000 for the car —- за этот автомобиль он просил 3000 долларов Id: ask my another —- ам. не знаю,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  after осведомляться ASK v.  1) спрашивать to ask a question - задавать вопрос to ask the way - спросить дорогу to ask the time - спросить, который час  2) осведомляться (about, after, for) to ask after a persons health - осведомиться о чьем-л. здоровье he asked me about my work - он спросил меня о моей работе  3) спрашивать, хотеть видеть (for); ; просить к телефону кого-л. has anybody asked for me? - кто-нибудь спрашивал меня?  4) (по)просить; просить разрешения сделать что-л. to ask a favour (for help) - просить об одолжении (о помощи) to ask advice - просить совета to ask for help - просить помощи he asked a favour of me - он попросил меня об услуге he asked to speak - он попросил слова he asked to open the window - он попросил разрешения открыть окно  5) (за)просить; назначать цену; запрашивать (какую-л. сумму)  6) приглашать (разг. тж. ask out) to ask smb. to dinner - пригласить кого-л. к обеду to ask smb. in - попросить кого-л. войти  7) требовать; требоваться; быть необходимым it asks (for) attention - это требует внимания the job asks time - эта работа требует времени - ask after - ask around ask me another! coll. - не знаю, не спрашивай(те) меня! to ask for (trouble) coll. - напрашиваться на неприятность, лезть на рожон ASK around amer. расспрашивать тут и там ASK the banns оглашать имена вступающих в брак ...
Англо-русский словарь
  veterin. abbr. Animals Seeking Kindness mil. abbr. Armor Survivability Kit airport code Available Seat Kilometres airport code Andros Town, Bahamas univ. abbr. Assessing Student Knowledge electron. abbr. Amplitude Shift Keying educ. abbr. Adults Seeking Knowledge educ. abbr. Advancing Self Knowledge educ. abbr. Awareness Service And Knowledge law abbr. Asking Saves Kids pos. abbr. Attitude Skills And Knowledge ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: FOR THE ASKING. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. ascian "ask," from earlier ahsian, from P.Gmc. *aiskon, from PIE *ais- "to wish, desire." Infl. by Scand., therefore present pronunciation in Mod.E., not ash or esh, which the usual sound changes would have produced. The variant in modern dialect ax is as old as O.E. acsian and was an accepted literary variant until c.1600. O.E. also had fregnan, frignan which carried more directly the sense of "question, inquire," and is from PIE root *prek-, the common source of words for "ask" in most I.E. languages. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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