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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - anywhere


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~ adv also anyplace Ame 1 in or to any place  (Sit anywhere, there are plenty of seats. | Tropical fruit used to be hard to find in Britain but now you can buy it anywhere.) + in  (Apparently that restaurant does the best curry anywhere in London.) anywhere else (=in or to a different place)  (Anywhere else you'd have to pay airport tax but not when you visit this Pacific island.) 2 used in questions, negatives, and statements expressing possibility to mean `somewhere' or `nowhere'  (I can't find it anywhere. Are you sure you left it here? | Do they need anywhere to stay for the night? | Would you like a ride anywhere? | anywhere interesting/cheap etc Did you go anywhere exotic on vacation this year? | anywhere else)  (The photos are great - have you been anywhere else in Mexico?) 3 not anywhere near a) used to emphasize that someone or something is not near to another person or thing  (What do you mean it was my fault? My car wasn't anywhere near yours.) b) used to emphasize that someone or something is not in a particular condition or state  (The money doesn't come anywhere near compensating for what those people suffered.) 4 anywhere between one and ten/anywhere from one to ten etc used to mean any age, number, amount etc between one and ten when it is difficult to know exactly which age, number etc  (She was one of those women who could be anywhere between forty five and sixty years of age.) 5 it won't get you anywhere used to tell someone that they will not be able to change a situation  (You can try writing to complain, but I don't think it will get you anywhere.) 6 not getting/going anywhere not successful or not having plans for the future  (Terry's a nice enough lad but he's not going anywhere.)  (- see place1)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You use anywhere in statements with negative meaning to indicate that a place does not exist. I haven’t got anywhere to live... There had never been such a beautiful woman anywhere in the world. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, oft ADV cl/group 2. You use anywhere in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about a place without saying exactly where you mean. Did you try to get help from anywhere?... If she wanted to go anywhere at all she had to wait for her father to drive her. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, from ADV, oft ADV cl/group 3. You use anywhere before words that indicate the kind of place you are talking about. He’ll meet you anywhere you want... Let us know if you come across anywhere that has something special to offer. = anyplace ADV: ADV cl/group 4. You use anywhere to refer to a place when you are emphasizing that it could be any of a large number of places. Rachel would have known Julia Stone anywhere. ...jokes that are so funny they always work anywhere. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 5. When you do not want to be exact, you use anywhere to refer to a particular range of things. His shoes cost anywhere from $200 up... My visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months. ADV: ADV from/to n, ADV between pl-n, ADV up 6. You use anywhere in expressions such as anywhere near and anywhere close to to emphasize a statement that you are making. There weren’t anywhere near enough empty boxes... ADV: ADV adj/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If you say that someone or something is not getting anywhere or is not going anywhere, you mean that they are not making progress or achieving a satisfactory result. The conversation did not seem to be getting anywhere... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. at, in, or to any place or point  2. to any extent ; at all we're not ~ near to being finished  3. — used as a function word to indicate limits of variation ~ from 40 to 60 students  II. noun  Date: 1924 any place ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv. & pron. --adv. in or to any place. --pron. any place (anywhere will do). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. где-нибудь; куда-нибудь have you seen him anywhere? —- вы его где-нибудь видели? it is too late to go anywhere —- сейчас уже поздно идти куда бы то ни было 2. в отрицательных предложениях нигде; никуда I can't find him anywhere —- я нигде не могу его найти we are not going anywhere tonight —- сегодня мы никуда не идем 3. в сочетаниях anywhere between... and —- что-то между... и anywhere between 40 and 60 students in a class —- в классе обыкновенно бывает от 40 до 60 учащихся the foundation of the monument was anywhere between 400-500 BC —- памятник был заложен где-то между 400 и 500 годами до н.э. anywhere from to... —- что-то между, нечто среднее между it costs anywhere from five to seven dollars —- это стоит долларов пять-семь Id: anywhere near —- в какой-либо степени; близко Id: she's not anywhere near as kind as he is —- она далеко не так добра, как он Id: this is not to say that we are anywhere near to being able to... —- это не значит, что мы в ближайшем будущем получим возможность... Id: the job is not anywhere near done —- работа еще далеко не кончена Id: to get anywhere —- продвинуться, выдвинуться, добиться успеха Id: you'll never get anywhere with that attitude —- с таким отношением ты далеко не уедешь ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adv.  1) где-нибудь, куда-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никуда (в отриц. предл.) I dont want to go anywhere - мне никуда не хочется идти  2) где угодно, везде, куда угодно (в утверд. предл.) you can get it anywhere - вы можете всюду это достать anywhere from... to... amer. - в пределах, от... до...; the papers circulation is anywhere from 50 to 100 thousand тираж газеты колеблется от 50 до 100 тысяч ...
Англо-русский словарь


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