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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - agree


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~ S1 W1 v 1 »SAME OPINION« T not in progressive to have the same opinion about something as someone else  (Mr Larsen seems to think it's too risky and I agree with him.) ~  (Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.) + tha  (Most scientists agree that global warming is a serious problem.) + on/abou  (They belong to the same party, but they don't agree on everything.) I quite ~ BrE spoken (=I ~ completely)  ("It's ridiculous." "Yes, I quite agree.") I couldn't ~ more spoken (=I ~ completely)  (- opposite disagree (1), -see refuse1) 2 »DECIDE TOGETHER« T not in progressive to make a decision with someone after a discussion with them ~ to do sth  (We agreed to meet up later and talk things over.) ~ that  (It was agreed that Mr. Rollins would sign the contract May 1st.) + on  (They managed to agree on a date for the wedding.)  (We voted to agree to the latest pay offer.) ~ a price/plan/strategy etc  (We agreed a price and the car was mine. | I think the committee will agree the changes soon.) 3 »SAY YES« T not in progressive to say yes to an idea, plan, suggestion etc  (I suggested we go somewhere for the weekend and she agreed at once.) ~ to do sth  (Why don't we agree right now to use recycled paper?) 4 »BE THE SAME« I not in progressive if two pieces of information agree with each other, they are the same  (Your story doesn't agree with what the police have told us.) 5 ~ to differ to accept that you do not have the same opinions as someone else and agree not to argue about it  ( USAGE NOTE: AGREE GRAMMAR If you have the same opinion as someone else you ~ with them. You can also ~ with (=approve of) their attitude, ideas, plans, rules etc, or an activity or principle that you approve of: Do you agree with corporal punishment? You ~ with people about or on other matters: I agree (with you) about Mark/on astrology/about this issue (NOT I agree this issue). If you and others decide on or arrange to do something after discussing it, you ~ on it: We finally agreed on a plan/a date/a solution/a deal. More formally you could also say: We agreed a plan/a date/a solution/a deal. If you accept something, especially something that was not your idea and perhaps you do not like, you ~ to it. She agreed to the plan/the date/the solution/the deal. (NOT She agreed the plan etc). You can also ~ to do something: They agreed to wait (NOT They accepted to wait). ) @agree with ~ with phr v T not in passive 1 to believe that a decision, action, or suggestion is correct or right  (I don't agree with any form of terrorism.) 2 not ~ with you if a type of food does not ~ with you, it makes you feel ill 3 if an adjective, verb etc agrees with a word, it matches that word by being plural if the subject is plural etc @
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  (agrees, agreeing, agreed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If people agree with each other about something, they have the same opinion about it or say that they have the same opinion. If we agreed all the time it would be a bit boring, wouldn’t it?... Both have agreed on the need for the money... So we both agree there’s a problem?... I see your point but I’m not sure I agree with you... I agree with you that the open system is by far the best... ‘It’s appalling.’—‘It is. I agree.’... I agree that the demise of London zoo would be terrible... I agree with every word you’ve just said... ‘Frankly I found it rather frightening.’ ‘A little startling,’ Mark agreed. = concur ? disagree V-RECIP: pl-n V, pl-n V, pl-n V that, V with n, V with n that, NON-RECIP: V, V that, V with n, V with quote 2. If you agree to do something, you say that you will do it. If you agree to a proposal, you accept it. He agreed to pay me for the drawings... Donna agreed to both requests... = consent VERB: V to-inf, V to n 3. If people agree on something, or in British English if they agree something, they all decide to accept or do something. The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire... We never agreed a date... The court had given the unions until September to agree terms with a buyer. V-RECIP: pl-n V on/upon n, pl-n V n, V n with n, also pl-n V to-inf 4. If two people who are arguing about something agree to disagree or agree to differ, they decide to stop arguing because neither of them is going to change their opinion. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then. PHRASE: V inflects, pl-n PHR 5. If you agree with an action or suggestion, you approve of it. I don’t agree with what they’re doing... ? disagree VERB: V with n 6. If one account of an event or one set of figures agrees with another, the two accounts or sets of figures are the same or are consistent with each other. His second...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~d; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from a gre at will, from a (from Latin ad) + gre will, pleasure, from Latin gratum, neuter of gratus pleasing, ~able — more at grace  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to concur in (as an opinion) ; admit, concede ~s that he is right  b. to consent to as a course of action ~d to sell him the house  2. chiefly British to settle on by common consent ; arrange I ~d rental terms with him — Eric Bennett  intransitive verb  1. to accept or concede something (as the views or wishes of another) ~ to a plan  2.  a. to achieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) we ~ in our taste in music  b. to get along together  c. to come to terms ~ on a fair division of profits  3.  a. to be similar ; correspond both copies ~  b. to be consistent the story ~s with the facts  4. to be fitting, pleasing, or healthful ; suit this climate ~s with him  5. to have an inflectional form denoting identity or other regular correspondence in a grammatical category (as gender, number, case, or person) Synonyms:  ~, concur, coincide mean to come into or be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion. ~ implies complete accord usually attained by discussion and adjustment of differences on some points we all can ~. concur tends to suggest cooperative thinking or acting toward an end but sometimes implies no more than approval (as of a decision reached by others) if my wife concurs, it's a deal. coincide used more often of opinions, judgments, wishes, or interests than of people, implies an ~ment amounting to identity their wishes coincide exactly with my desire.  Synonym: see in addition assent. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (agrees, agreed, agreeing) 1 intr. hold a similar opinion (I agree with you about that; they agreed that it would rain). 2 intr. (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) consent (agreed to the arrangement; agreed to go). 3 intr. (often foll. by with) a become or be in harmony. b suit; be good for (caviar didn't agree with him). c Gram. have the same number, gender, case, or person as. 4 tr. reach agreement about (agreed a price). 5 tr. consent to or approve of (terms, a proposal, etc.). 6 tr. bring (things, esp. accounts) into harmony. 7 intr. (foll. by on) decide by mutual consent (agreed on a compromise). Phrases and idioms agree to differ leave a difference of opinion etc. unresolved. be agreed have reached the same opinion. Etymology: ME f. OF agreer ult. f. L gratus pleasing ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) уславливаться, договариваться to agree on conditions — договориться об условиях 2) согласовывать, приводить в прорядок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  совпадать, соответствовать AGREE гл. 1) соглашаться (часто to) 2) условливаться, договариваться 3) сходиться, согласовываться 4) приводить в порядок счета • - agree accounts - agree on price - agree to pay - agree to - agreeable to the standards - agreed and liquidated damages - agreed price - agreed-on project - agreed-upon quantity of consumer goods Syn: correspond, come to terms, make an agreement, arrange, negotiate, concert ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. соглашаться, договариваться; сходиться во мнениях to agree with smb. —- соглашаться с кем-л, быть одного мнения с кем-л to agree in smth. —- иметь на что-л одинаковые взгляды, иметь одинаковые мнения о чем-л we did not agree —- у нас были разные точки зрения; мы не договорились the principles agreed upon —- принципы, по которым достигнуто соглашение we are all agreed on finding him innocent —- мы все пришли к единому мнению, что он невиновен 2. уславливаться, сговариваться, договариваться to agree on smth. —- договориться, достигнуть соглашения по какому-л вопросу we agreed to go there together —- мы условились пойти туда вместе to be agreed on —- договориться, согласиться agreed! —- разг. решено!, по рукам! to agree that smth. should be done —- договориться о необходимости сделать что-л 3. соглашаться, давать согласие he invited us and we agreed —- он пригласил нас, и мы приняли приглашение to agree to do smth. —- согласиться что-л сделать father has agreed to her marrying John —- отец дал согласие на ее брак с Джоном 4. согласовывать; одобрять they have agreed the terms of surrender —- они согласовали условия капитуляции we agree the stipulations —- мы одобряем эти условия 5. утверждать, одобрять the inspector has agreed your return of income —- инстпектор утвердил вашу налоговую декларацию 6. ладить, уживаться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) соглашаться (with - с кем-л.; to - с чем-л.; on - на что-л.)  2) уславливаться (on, upon); договариваться (about) agreed! - решено!, по рукам!  3) соответствовать, гармонировать, быть сходным; быть по душе  4) сходиться во взглядах; уживаться (тж. agree together, agree with) they agree well - они хорошо ладят  5) быть полезным или приятным; быть подходящим wine doesnt agree with me - вино мне вредно  6) согласовывать, приводить в порядок (счета и т.п.)  7) gram. согласоваться we agree to differ - мы отказались от попыток убедить друг друга Syn: see coincide ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1385, from O.Fr. a grй "favorably, of good will," lit. "to (one's) liking," from L. ad "to" + gratum "pleasing," neut. of gratus, the original sense surviving best in agreeable (c.1380). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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