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English abbreviation dictionary - tone


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  ~1 n 1 »VOICE SHOWING FEELING« the way your voice sounds that shows how you are feeling, or what you mean  ("Why would I lie?" Nora asked in an injured tone. | She spoke in warm tones about her family. | tone of voice spoken (=used about someone's rude or angry way of speaking))  (I don't like your tone of voice. | don't take that tone with me spoken (=do not speak to me in that rude or unpleasant way)) 2 »SOUND« the quality of a sound especially the sound of a musical instrument or someone's voice  (Your piano has a beautiful tone. | in tone (=having a particular tone))  (Margaret's voice was shrill in tone. | deep-toned/even-toned/shrill-toned etc (=having a low, calm etc tone))  (My father spoke in an even-toned voice.) 3 »GENERAL FEELING/ATTITUDE« the general feeling or attitude expressed in a piece of writing, activity etc  (Sara had kept the tone of the meeting businesslike. | set the tone (=establish the general attitude or feeling of an event, activity etc))  (Unfortunately, their disagreement set the tone for the whole evening.) 4 »SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE« the degree to which something is considered polite, interesting, socially acceptable etc  (The formal setting gave a certain tone to the evening. | lower/raise the tone)  (That horrible building lowers the whole tone of the neighborhood.) 5 »COLOUR« one of the many types of a particular colour, each slightly darker, lighter, brighter etc than the next  (The entire painting was in tones of blue.)  (- see also two­tone) 6 »ELECTRONIC SOUND« a sound made by electronic equipment, such as a telephone  (Please leave a message after the tone. | dial/busy AmE engaged BrE tone (=the sound you hear on a telephone that means you can dial, it is busy etc))  (- see also dialling tone) 7 »BODY« technical how firm and strong your muscles, skin etc are  (Swimming improves your muscle tone.) 8 »MUSIC« technical the difference in pitch1 (3) between two musical notes that are separated by one key1 (4) on the piano; step1 (17) especially AmE 9 »VOICE...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tones, toning, toned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The tone of a sound is its particular quality. Cross could hear him speaking in low tones to Sarah. ...the clear tone of the bell. N-COUNT: with supp, usu pl 2. Someone’s tone is a quality in their voice which shows what they are feeling or thinking. I still didn’t like his tone of voice... Her tone implied that her patience was limited. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. The tone of a speech or piece of writing is its style and the opinions or ideas expressed in it. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly... His comments to reporters were conciliatory in tone... N-SING: also in N 4. The tone of a place or an event is its general atmosphere. The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store. N-SING: the N, usu with supp 5. The tone of someone’s body, especially their muscles, is its degree of firmness and strength. ...stretch exercises that aim to improve muscle tone... N-UNCOUNT 6. Something that tones your body makes it firm and strong. This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves... Try these toning exercises before you start the day. ...finely toned muscular bodies. VERB: V n, V-ing, V-ed • Tone up means the same as tone. Exercise tones up your body... Although it’s not strenuous exercise, you feel toned-up, supple and relaxed. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V-ed P 7. A tone is one of the lighter, darker, or brighter shades of the same colour. Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size... N-VAR 8. A tone is one of the sounds that you hear when you are using a telephone, for example the sound that tells you that a number is engaged or busy, or no longer exists. N-SING: usu with supp 9. see also dialling tone, ring tone 10. If you say that something lowers the tone of a place or event, you mean that it is not appropriate and makes...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   biographical name  (Theobald) Wolfe 1763-1798 Irish revolutionary TONE  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French tun, ton, from Latin tonus tension, ~, from Greek tonos, literally, act of stretching; akin to Greek teinein to stretch — more at thin  Date: 14th century  1. vocal or musical sound of a specific quality spoke in low ~s masculine ~s; especially musical sound with respect to timbre and manner of expression  2.  a. a sound of definite pitch and vibration  b. whole step  3. accent or inflection expressive of a mood or emotion  4. the pitch of a word often used to express differences of meaning  5. a particular pitch or change of pitch constituting an element in the intonation of a phrase or sentence high ~ low ~ mid ~ low-rising ~ falling ~  6. style or manner of expression in speaking or writing seemed wise to adopt a conciliatory ~  7.  a.  (1) color quality or value  (2) a tint or shade of color  b. the color that appreciably modifies a hue or white or black gray walls of greenish ~  8. the effect in painting of light and shade together with color  9.  a. the state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor  b. normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli; specifically muscular tonus  10.  a. healthy elasticity ; resiliency  b. general character, quality, or trend a city's upbeat ~  c. frame of mind ; mood  II. verb  (~d; toning)  Date: 1660  transitive verb  1. in~  2. to give a particular intonation or inflection to  3.  a. to impart ~ to ; strengthen medicine to ~ up the system  b. to soften or reduce in intensity, color, appearance, or sound ; mellow — often used with down  c. to change the normal silver image of (as a photographic print) into a colored image  intransitive verb  1. to assume a pleasing color quality or tint  2. to blend or harmonize in color ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a musical or vocal sound, esp. with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength. 2 (often in pl.) modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood (a cheerful tone; suspicious tones). 3 a manner of expression in writing. 4 Mus. a a musical sound, esp. of a definite pitch and character. b an interval of a major second, e.g. C-D. 5 a the general effect of colour or of light and shade in a picture. b the tint or shade of a colour. 6 a the prevailing character of the morals and sentiments etc. in a group. b an attitude or sentiment expressed esp. in a letter etc. 7 the proper firmness of bodily organs. 8 a state of good or specified health or quality. 9 Phonet. a an accent on one syllable of a word. b a way of pronouncing a word to distinguish it from others of a similar sound (Mandarin Chinese has four tones). --v. 1 tr. give the desired tone to. 2 tr. modify the tone of. 3 intr. (often foll. by to) attune. 4 intr. (foll. by with) be in harmony (esp. of colour) (does not tone with the wallpaper). 5 tr. Photog. give (a monochrome picture) an altered colour in finishing by means of a chemical solution. 6 intr. undergo a change in colour by toning. Phrases and idioms tone-arm the movable arm supporting the pick-up of a record-player. tone control a switch for varying the proportion of high and low frequencies in reproduced sound. tone-deaf unable to perceive differences of musical pitch accurately. tone-deafness the condition of being tone-deaf. tone down 1 make or become softer in tone of sound or colour. 2 make (a statement etc.) less harsh or emphatic. tone poem = symphonic poem. tone-row = SERIES 8. tone up 1 make or become stronger in tone of sound or colour. 2 make (a statement etc.) more emphatic. whole-tone scale see WHOLE. Derivatives toneless adj. tonelessly adv. toner n. Etymology: ME f. OF ton or L tonus f. Gk tonos tension, tone f. teino stretch ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тон 2) тембр 3) нота 4) тональный сигнал 5) цветовой тон; оттенок (цвета); полутон тонировать - broken tone - busy tone - color tone - combination tone - cue tone - deep tone - dialing tone - dial tone - difference tone - engaged tone - face tone - fundamental tone - gray tone - intrusion tone - light tone - middle tone - number-unobtainable tone - pilot tone - pip-pip tone - pure tone - ringing tone - shadow tones - signalling tone - signaling tone - simple tone - single-frequency tone - stressing tone - switching tone ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) звук, тон 2) тембр – audible tone – audible-keypad tone – battery-indicators audible tone – beat tone – busy tone – color tone – congestion tone – cue tone – deep tone – dialing tone – disabling tone – edge tone – engaged tone – fundamental tone – group-busy tone – intrusion tone – multiple-ringer tones – number-unobtainable tone – order tone – originate tone – partial tone – pilot tone – pip-pip tone – progress tone – primary tone – pure tone – reference tone – ring-back tone – ringing tone – secondary tone – selective tone – side tone – signaling tone – simple tone – single-frequency tone – stressing tone – switching tone – test tone – video-dial tone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) звук 2) тон 3) цветовой audible ringing tone — сигнал контроля посылки вызова call tone volume — уровень тонального вызова - answer tone - beat tone - buzzer tone - fundamental tone - gray tone - high-pitch tone - hole tone - low-pitch tone - meet me tone - pitch of tone - pure tone - ring tone - telephone tone - tone audiometer - tone control - tone quality - tone wheel - warble tone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) настроение (рынка) 2) тенденция 3) общая атмосфера, обстановка - bearish tone - bullish tone - good tone - prevailing tone - tone and feel of the market ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тонус 2) биоакуст. тон – basal tone – catch tone – extracardiac nerve tone – fundamental tone – late tone – muscle tone – pure tone – secondary tone – tissue tone – vagal tone – vascular tone – viscous tone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тон; звук low tone —- низкий тон harsh tone —- резкий тон heart tones —- тоны сердца 2. эмоциональный оттенок, окраска голоса, голос, тон angry tone —- сердитый тон a tone of entreaty —- умоляющий тон (голос) a tone of contempt —- презрительный тон in a wounded tone (of voice) —- обиженным тоном to speak in an impatient tone —- говорить нетерпеливо to raise the tone of one's voice —- повысить голос to change one's tone —- изменить тон 3. характер, стиль the tone of a letter —- тон (стиль) письма the tone of a conversation —- характер (тон) разговора to give tone to, to set the tone —- придавать характер, задавать тон an epigraph from Hardy sets the tone —- эпиграф из Харди определяет (задает) тональность (книги) there is a satiric tone to the book —- книга написана в сатирическом ключе 4. общая атмосфера, обстановка a school with a good, healthy tone —- школа, где существует хорошая, здоровая атмосфера the house has a conservative tone —- в доме царит консервативный дух a tone of quiet elegance prevails in her house —- все в ее доме выдержано в духе ненавязчивой элегантности 5. элегантность, изысканность 6. муз. звук, тон whole tone —- целый тон quarter tone —- четверть тона clean tone —- чистый звук (тон) tone quality —- тембр (музыкального инструмента) the piano has an excellent tone —- пианино отлично звучит, у пианоно прекрасный звук do you like the tone of the radio? —- вам...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) тон; deep (thin) tone - низкий (высокий) тон; heart tones med. - тоны сердца  2) тон, выражение; характер, стиль; to give tone (to), to set the tone - придавать характер (чему-л.); задавать тон  3) общая атмосфера, обстановка  4) настроение  5) интонация, модуляция (голоса)  6) phon. музыкальное ударение  7) med. тонус; to give tone - придавать силы  8) paint. тон, оттенок; градация тонов  9) стиль, элегантность  10) mus. тон; whole tone - целый тон  2. v.  1) придавать желательный тон (звуку или краске); изменять (тон, цвет)  2) настраивать (муз. инструмент)  3) гармонировать (in, with - с чем-л.) - tone down - tone up TONE down  а) снижать, понижать; to tone down ones voice понизить голос;  б) смягчать, приглушать (краску и т.п.);  в) смягчать; затушёвывать; to tone down sharp details сглаживать острые углы;  г) смягчаться, ослабевать; the excitement toned down возбуждение спало;  д) phot. ослаблять TONE up  а) тонизировать, повышать тонус, укреплять;  б) усиливаться, укрепляться;  в) делать более ярким или светлым;  г) phot. усиливать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 13c., from O.Fr. ton, from L. tonus "a sound, tone, accent," lit. "stretching" (in M.L., a term peculiar to music), from Gk. tonos "vocal pitch, raising of voice, accent, key in music," originally "a stretching, taut string," related to teinein "to stretch," from PIE *ton-/*ten- "stretch." Sense of "manner of speaking" is from 1610. First reference to firmness of body is from 1669. Tonal is attested from 1776; atonal first attested 1922; tonality is from 1838. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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