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English abbreviation dictionary - spirit


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physiol. abbr.
Special People Inspiring Recovery In Time U.S. gov. abbr.
Simultaneous Paperless Imaging Retrieval Information Technology mil. abbr.
Spectral Infrared Interferometric Telescope mil. abbr.
Special-Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal univ. abbr.
Student Projects Involving Rocket Investigation Techniques religion abbr.
St Pauls Incredible Repasts Inspire Togetherness religion abbr.
Special People Interested And Responsible Involving Togetherness law abbr.
Support Police Immediate Response Intervention Team gen. bus. abbr.
Special People Increasing Results Involves Teamwork gen. bus. abbr.
Strength Perseverance Imagination Responsibility Integrity And Talent gen. bus. abbr.
Strategic Partnering In Resourcing Information Technology
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  ~1 n 1 »INNER PART« an inner part of someone that includes their thoughts and feelings, and is thought of as making them what they are  (His spirit was untameable. | strong in spirit | independent/proud/free etc spirit (=a person with a particular type of character))  (a toddler already showing an independent spirit) 2 »SOUL« the part of someone that is believed to continue to live after they have died  (Although Laurie is dead, I can feel his spirit with me.)  (- compare soul (1)) 3 »DEAD PERSON« a dead person who is believed to have returned to this world and has strange or magical powers; ghost1 (1)  (Some people believe that evil spirits can be removed by exorcism.) 4 »HAPPY/SAD« spirits the way someone feels at a particular time, for example if they are cheerful or sad  (be in good/low spirits (=be happy or sad) | be in high spirits (=be excited))  (We started our journey in high spirits. | keep sb's spirits up (=make sure someone does not become less cheerful) | raise/lift sb's spirits (=make someone feel happier and more hopeful))  (long, hot summer days that lift the spirits | sb's spirits lift/sink (=become more or less cheerful))  (My spirits sank when I saw the mess they'd left.) 5 in spirit you say you will be somewhere in spirit or with someone in spirit, when you cannot be with them but are thinking about them  (I can't come to your wedding but I'll be there in spirit.) 6 »DRINK« C usually plural a) especially BrE a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky or brandy b) BrE liquid such as alcohol, used for cleaning 7 get into the spirit/enter into the spirit BrE to start to feel as happy, excited etc as the people around you  (Judith couldn't really enter into the spirit of the occasion.) 8 »ATTITUDE« the attitude that you have towards something  (You've got to approach this meeting in the right spirit. | a true spirit of friendship) 9 »DETERMINATION« approving courage, energy, and determination  (Our team played with great spirit. | fighting spirit (=brave determination) | break sb's...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (spirits, spiriting, spirited) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings. The human spirit is virtually indestructible... N-SING see also kindred spirit 2. A person’s spirit is the non-physical part of them that is believed to remain alive after their death. His spirit has left him and all that remains is the shell of his body. = soul N-COUNT: usu poss N 3. A spirit is a ghost or supernatural being. ...protection against evil spirits. N-COUNT see also Holy Spirit 4. Spirit is the courage and determination that helps people to survive in difficult times and to keep their way of life and their beliefs. She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit. N-UNCOUNT 5. Spirit is the liveliness and energy that someone shows in what they do. They played with spirit. N-UNCOUNT 6. The spirit in which you do something is the attitude you have when you are doing it. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise... N-SING 7. A particular kind of spirit is the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group. There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft n N 8. A particular kind of spirit is the set of ideas, beliefs, and aims that are held by a group of people. ...the real spirit of the Labour movement. N-SING 9. The spirit of something such as a law or an agreement is the way that it was intended to be interpreted or applied. The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty. N-SING: the N of n 10. You can refer to a person as a particular kind of spirit if they show a certain characteristic or if they show a lot of enthusiasm in what they are doing. I like to think of myself as a free spirit... N-COUNT: usu adj N 11. Your spirits are your feelings at a particular time, especially...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French, e~, ~, from Latin ~us, literally, breath, from spirare to blow, breathe  Date: 13th century  1. an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms  2. a supernatural being or essence: as  a. capitalized Holy Spirit  b. soul 2a  c. an often malevolent being that is bodiless but can become visible; specifically ghost 2  d. a malevolent being that enters and possesses a human being  3. temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated in high ~s  4. the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person  5.  a. the activating or essential principle influencing a person acted in a ~ of helpfulness  b. an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind ; mood  6.  a. a special attitude or frame of mind the money-making ~ was for a time driven back — J. A. Froude  b. the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something undertaken in a ~ of fun  7. a lively or brisk quality in a person or a person's actions  8. a person having a character or disposition of a specified nature  9. a mental disposition characterized by firmness or assertiveness denied the charge with ~  10.  a. distillate 1: as  (1) the liquid containing ethyl alcohol and water that is distilled from an alcoholic liquid or mash — often used in plural  (2) any of various volatile liquids obtained by distillation or cracking (as of petroleum, shale, or wood) — often used in plural  b. a usually volatile organic solvent (as an alcohol, ester, or hydrocarbon)  11.  a. prevailing tone or tendency ~ of the age  b. general intent or real meaning ~ of the law  12. an alcoholic solution of a volatile substance ~ of camphor  13. enthusiastic loyalty school ~  14. capitalized, Christian Science god 1b  Synonyms: see courage  II. transitive verb  Date: 1608  1. to infuse with ~; especially animate hope and apprehension of feasibleness ~s all industry — John Goodman  2. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the vital animating essence of a person or animal (was sadly broken in spirit). b the intelligent non-physical part of a person; the soul. 2 a a rational or intelligent being without a material body. b a supernatural being such as a ghost, fairy, etc. (haunted by spirits). 3 a prevailing mental or moral condition or attitude; a mood; a tendency (public spirit; took it in the wrong spirit). 4 a (usu. in pl.) strong distilled liquor, e.g. brandy, whisky, gin, rum. b a distilled volatile liquid (wood spirit). c purified alcohol (methylated spirit). d a solution of a volatile principle in alcohol; a tincture (spirit of ammonia). 5 a a person's mental or moral nature or qualities, usu. specified (has an unbending spirit). b a person viewed as possessing these (is an ardent spirit). c (in full high spirit) courage, energy, vivacity, dash (played with spirit; infused him with spirit). 6 the real meaning as opposed to lip service or verbal expression (the spirit of the law). 7 archaic an immaterial principle thought to govern vital phenomena (animal spirits). --v.tr. (spirited, spiriting) (usu. foll. by away, off, etc.) convey rapidly and secretly by or as if by spirits. Phrases and idioms in (or in the) spirit inwardly (shall be with you in spirit). spirit duplicator a duplicator using an alcoholic solution to reproduce copies from a master sheet. spirit gum a quick-drying solution of gum used esp. for attaching false hair. spirit-lamp a lamp burning methylated or other volatile spirits instead of oil. spirit-level a bent glass tube nearly filled with alcohol used to test horizontality by the position of an air-bubble. the spirit moves a person he or she feels inclined (to do something) (orig. in Quaker use). spirit (or spirits) of wine archaic purified alcohol. spirits of salt archaic hydrochloric acid. spirit up animate or cheer (a person). Etymology: ME f. AF (e)spirit, OF esp(e)rit, f. L spiritus breath, spirit f. spirare breathe ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) спирт 2) этиловый [винный] спирт 3) (органический) растворитель 4) бензин 5) мн. ч. спиртные напитки - spirit of salt - aircraft motor spirit - ammonia spirit - aviation spirit - gas spirit - gum spirit - heavy petroleum spirit - killed spirit - light petroleum spirit - methylated spirit - mineral spirit - petroleum spirit - white spirit - wood spirit ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  circular spirit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бензин 2) растворитель 3) спирт 4) спиртовой spirit leveling instrument — нивелир со спиртовым уровнем - killed spirit - motor spirit - proof spirit - spirit finish - spirit level - spirit of hartshorn - spirit varnish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) дух 2) натура, личность 3) настроение 4) моральная сила 5) тенденция 6) брит. бензин 7) спирт, алкоголь, спиртные напитки • - spirit away - spirit off ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) спирт; спиртовой 2) спиртовой раствор ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. душа; дух spirit and matter —- дух и материя in (the) spirit —- мысленно, в душе the world of spirit —- духовный мир, духовная жизнь strong in spirit —- сильные духом poor in spirit —- библ. нищие духом his spirit was hot within him —- у него в душе все кипело he's young in spirit —- он молод душой 2. натура, личность, индивидуальность; ум he is a generous spirit —- у него (это) широкая душа he is a bold spirit —- это человек смелого ума one of the greatest spirits of his time —- один из выдающихся умов своего времени 3. человек, индивидуум the plan appealed to some adventurous spirits —- план понравился некоторым горячим головам 4. моральная сила, энергия, решительность a man of spirit —- сильный духом человек a man of unbending spirit —- человек несгибаемой воли the spirit of the troops —- дух войск to break one's spirit —- сломить чей-л. дух to infuse (to put) spirit into smb. —- воодушевить кого-л. I'll have spirit enough to go there —- у меня достанет храбрости (хватит духу) пойти туда he met the accusation with spirit —- он с достоинством (мужественно) встретил это обвинение 5. живость, горячность, задор to go smth. with spirit —- горячо взяться за что-л. he replied with spirit —- он ответил с жаром that pup has a lot of spirit! —- какой резвый щенок! he's full of spirits —- он полон задора 6. часто pl. настроение, душевное состояние animal spirits —- жизнерадостность, бодрость the holiday...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  tanker танкер для перевозки спирта SPIRIT  1. noun  1) дух; духовное начало; душа; in (the) spirit - мысленно, в душе  2) привидение, дух  3) человек (с точки зрения душевных или нравственных качеств); one of the greatest spirits of his day - один из величайших умов своего времени  4) сущность, смысл; to take smth. in the wrong spirit - неправильно толковать что-л.; you dont go about it in the right spirit - у вас к этому неправильный подход  5) моральная сила, дух, характер; a man of an unbending spirit - несгибаемый человек, непреклонный характер  6) oft. pl. настроение, душевное состояние; to be in high/good spirits - быть в веселом, приподнятом настроении; to be in low spirits, to be out of spirits - быть в подавленном настроении; it shows a kindly spirit - это показывает доброжелательное отношение; to keep up smb. s spirits - поднимать чье-л. настроение, ободрять кого-л.; try to keep up your spirits - не падайте духом  7) храбрость; воодушевление, живость; to go at smth. with spirit - энергично взяться за что-л.; people of spirit - мужественные, храбрые люди; to speak with spirit - говорить с жаром  8) дух, общая тенденция; the spirit of progress - дух прогресса; the spirit of times - дух времени  9) usu. pl. алкоголь, спирт, спиртной напиток; spirit of camphor - камфарный спирт; spirit(s) of wine - винный спирт  10) attr. спиритический  11) attr. спиртовой thats the...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. espirit, from L. spiritus "soul, courage, vigor, breath," related to spirare "to breathe," from PIE *(s)peis-, Original usage in Eng. mainly from passages in Vulgate, where the L. word translates Gk. pneuma and Heb. ruah. Meaning "supernatural being" is early 14c.; that of "essential principle" (Spirit of St. Louis) mid-14c. Plural form spirits "volatile substance" is an alchemical idea, first attested 1610; sense narrowed to "strong alcoholic liquor" by 1678. The verb meaning "carry off or away secretly (as though by supernatural agency)" is first recorded 1666. Spirited "lively, energetic" is from 1599. Spiritual (n.) "African-American religious song" first recorded 1870. Spiritualism in the table-rapping sense is from 1855. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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