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English abbreviation dictionary - soul


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  ~ n 1 »SPIRIT« the spiritual part of a person that is believed to continue to exist after they die  (A prayer was said for the souls of those who had died in the accident.) 2 »INNER CHARACTER« the part of a person that contains their true character, where their deepest thoughts and feelings come from  (Deep down in her soul she knew she could never marry him.) 3 »PERSON« a person  (Betty's a happy soul with a ready smile. | not a (living) soul (=no one))  (I won't tell a living soul. | not a soul to be seen)  (There wasn't a soul to be seen in the park. | poor old soul)  (The poor old soul had fallen and broken her hip.) 4 »POPULATION« souls literary people, considered as the population of a place  (a village with a population of 300 souls) 5 »SENSE OF BEAUTY« a) the ability to be emotionally affected by great art, music, or literature  (My brother doesn't appreciate poetry - he has no soul.) b) the quality of sincere human feelings that makes a painting, piece of music, performance etc attractive  (Her performance was technically perfect, but it lacked soul.) 6 »SPECIAL QUALITY« the special quality or part that gives something its true character + of  (Basho's poems capture the true soul of old Japan.) 7 be the soul of discretion etc to always be extremely careful to keep secrets  (You can trust Leon, he's the very soul of discretion.) 8 »MUSIC« soul music 9 bless my soul/upon my soul old-fashioned spoken used to express surprise 10 be good for the soul humorous if something is good for the soul, it is good for you and you should do it, even though it may seem unpleasant  (They say that hardship is good for the soul.) 11 God rest his/her soul used when you mention the name of someone who is dead  (Your Uncle Edward, God rest his soul, loved cricket.)  (- see also bare your soul bare2 (2), be the life and soul of the party life (32), keep body and soul together body (14), heart and soul heart (2), sellyour soul (to the devil) sell1 (11), soul music) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (souls) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that your soul continues existing after your body is dead. She went to pray for the soul of her late husband... ‘I will put my heart and soul into the job,’ he promises. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. You can refer to someone as a particular kind of soul when you are describing their character or condition. He’s a jolly soul... N-COUNT: adj N 3. You use soul in negative statements like not a soul to mean nobody at all. I’ve never harmed a soul in my life... There was not a soul there. N-SING: with brd-neg 4. Soul or soul music is a type of pop music performed mainly by black American musicians. It developed from gospel and blues music and often expresses deep emotions. ...American soul singer Anita Baker. N-UNCOUNT 5. to bare one’s soul: see bare body and soul: see body the life and soul of the party: see life ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English sawol; akin to Old High German seula ~  Date: before 12th century  1. the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life  2.  a. the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe  b. capitalized, Christian Science god 1b  3. a person's total self  4.  a. an active or essential part  b. a moving spirit ; leader  5.  a. the moral and emotional nature of human beings  b. the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment  c. spiritual or moral force ; fervor  6. person not a ~ in sight  7. personification she is the ~ of integrity  8.  a. a strong positive feeling (as of intense sensitivity and emotional fervor) conveyed especially by black American performers  b. negritude  c. ~ music  d. ~ food  e. ~ brother  II. adjective  Date: 1958  1. of, relating to, or characteristic of black Americans or their culture  2. designed for or controlled by blacks ~ radio stations ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, often regarded as immortal. 2 the moral or emotional or intellectual nature of a person or animal. 3 the personification or pattern of something (the very soul of discretion). 4 an individual (not a soul in sight). 5 a a person regarded with familiarity or pity etc. (the poor soul was utterly confused). b a person regarded as embodying moral or intellectual qualities (left that to meaner souls). 6 a person regarded as the animating or essential part of something (the life and soul of the party). 7 emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, esp. as revealed in a work of art (pictures that lack soul). 8 Black American culture or music etc. Phrases and idioms soul-destroying (of an activity etc.) deadeningly monotonous. soul food the traditional food of American Blacks. soul mate a person ideally suited to another. soul music a kind of music incorporating elements of rhythm and blues and gospel music, popularized by American Blacks. the soul of honour a person incapable of dishonourable conduct. soul-searching n. the examination of one's emotions and motives. --adj. characterized by this. upon my soul an exclamation of surprise. Derivatives -souled adj. (in comb.). Etymology: OE sawol, sawel, sawl, f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  душа ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. см. soul music 2. полит. имеющий отношение к духовному братству негритянского народа Чернокожие американцы называют представителей своей расы "брат по крови" soul brother, "сестра по крови" soul sister. Это название возникло в 1960-х в разгар борьбы за гражданские права негритянского населения civil rights movement. Так называлась книга лидера движения "Власть черным!" Black Power Э. Кливера Cleaver, Eldridge "Душа во льду" "Soul on Ice" (1967) 3. негритянский См. soul food ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. душа, сердце that man has no soul —- это бессердечный человек he put his heart and soul into his work —- он вложил всю душу в свою работу with all my soul —- от всей души, от всего сердца; рел. душа, дух departed souls —- души усопших God rest his soul —- упокой, господи, его душу 2. сущность, неотъемлемое свойство, основа 3. brevity is the soul of wit краткость - душа остроумия discipline is the soul of the army —- без дициплины нет армии 4. символ, олицетворение to be the soul of punctuality —- быть олицетворением точности he is the soul of honour —- он воплощенное благородство 5. центральная фигура, вдохновитель she is the (life and)soul of the party —- она душа общества 6. человек poor soul —- бедняга ышьзду soul простак, простодушный человек, простая душа a kindly soul —- добряк, добрая душа poor little soul! —- бедняжка! be a good soul and say nothing about it —- сделай милость, ничего не говори об этом there were 300 souls on board —- на борту находилось 300 человек don't tell a soul —- никому не говори I don't know a soul here —- я здесь никого не знаю I did not see a soul in the street —- на улице не было ни души 7. редк. склонность, тяготение I have a soul for music —- я люблю музыку 8. душа, задушевность (в исполнении музыки) 9. соул (стиль блюза) 10. ам. дух негритянского народа; самосознание афроамериканцев 11. соул, негритянская музыка...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) душа, дух; that man has no soul - это бездушный человек; twin soul - родственная душа  2) человек; he is a simple (an honest) soul - он простодушный (честный) человек; the poor little soul - бедняжка; the ship was lost with two hundred souls on board - затонул пароход, на борту которого было двести пассажиров; dont tell a soul - никому не говори; be a good soul and help me - будь добр, помоги мне  3) воплощение, образец; she is the soul of kindness - она воплощение доброты  4) энергия; энтузиазм; she put her whole soul into her work - она вкладывала всю душу в свою работу not to be able to call ones soul ones own - быть в полном подчинении I wonder how he keeps body and soul together - удивляюсь, в чем у него душа держится upon my soul! -  а) честное слово!, клянусь!, ей-богу!;  б) не может быть! SOUL music noun соул, негритянская музыка ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sawol "spiritual and emotional part of a person, animate existence," from P.Gmc. *saiwalo "coming from or belonging to the sea," because that was supposed to be the stopping place of the soul before birth or after death. Meaning "spirit of a deceased person" is attested in O.E. from 971. As a synonym for "person, individual" (every living soul) it dates from c.1000. Sense of "instinctive quality felt by black persons as an attribute" is jazz slang from 1946; hence Soul music, first attested 1961, soul brother (1957), soul food (1957), etc. Soulful "full of feeling" is from 1863. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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