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English abbreviation dictionary - smart


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physiol. abbr.
Sensory Modality Assessment And Rehabilitation Technique physiol. abbr.
Serving Meals At The Right Time physiol. abbr.
Sensitive Membrane Antigen Rapid Test NASA abbr.
Small Missions For Advanced Research And Technology NASA abbr.
Satellite Multimedia Applications Research And Trials NASA abbr.
Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research And Teaching U.S. gov. abbr.
Save Money And Reduce Taxes U.S. gov. abbr.
Simulation And Modeling For Acquisition Requirements And Training U.S. gov. abbr.
Strategic Management Analysis Requirements And Technology transport. abbr.
Suburban Mobility Authority For Regional Transportation transport. abbr.
Stormwater Management And Road Tunnel transport. abbr.
Students Of Missouri Assisting Rural Transportation transport. abbr.
State and Metropolitan Analyses of Regional Transportation mil. abbr.
Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology mil. abbr.
Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology mil. abbr.
Special Military Active Retired Travelers mil. abbr.
Stereoscopic Mapping And Rescaling Technology mil. abbr.
Supply and Maintenance Assessment and Review Team mil. abbr.
Self Modifying Ability Reactive Training mil. abbr.
Sensors Mounted As Roving Threads univ. abbr.
Special Multimedia Arenas For Refining Thinking univ. abbr.
Student Mentor Academic Research Teams univ. abbr.
Student And Merchant Achievement Recognition Team univ. abbr.
Student Mentors Advising Rising Talent univ. abbr.
Science Math And Relevant Technology electron. abbr.
Shared Memory Application Replaying Tool geol. abbr.
Secant Method For Automatic Rocksim Testing funny abbr.
Send the Mexicans Across the River Today adult abbr.
Sexually Molested And Raped Twice softw. abbr.
Smaller Modules Are Readily Transportable softw. abbr.
Simple Multipurpose Automation And Reporting Tools softw. abbr.
Self Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Tool softw. abbr.
Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool hardw. abbr.
Sensible Multilateral American Response To Terrorism gen. comp. abbr.
Suggestive Match And Research Technology gen. comp. abbr.
Securable Manageable Archivable Retrievable And Transferable media abbr.
Sport Music And Real Talk educ. abbr.
Successful Motivation And Reward Training educ. abbr.
Science, Math, And Related Technologies educ. abbr.
Self Management And Recovery Training educ. abbr.
Shared Multimedia Access To Resources For Teaching educ. abbr.
Science Math And Reading Tutoring educ. abbr.
Student Mentors Assisting Receptive Teachers educ. abbr.
Streamlined Management And Accountable Resources For Teachers educ. abbr.
Start Making A Reader Today educ. abbr.
Super Math And Reading Time educ. abbr.
Studies For Manchester Area Residents And Tourists religion abbr.
Student Missionary Apprentice Reality Training law abbr.
Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer law abbr.
Servers And Managers Alcohol Responsibility Training law abbr.
Stop Motorcrime And Ring Today law abbr.
Stop More Alcohol Related Tragedies gen. bus. abbr.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, And Timely gen. bus. abbr.
Securities Markets' Automated Regulated Trading gen. bus. abbr.
Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic And Timely gen. bus. abbr.
Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, And Timely gen. bus. abbr.
Sales Marketing Administration Research Tracking gen. bus. abbr.
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic And Timely gen. bus. abbr.
Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Responsive, And Transparent gen. bus. abbr.
Significant Manageable Achievable Reviewable Timelined gen. bus. abbr.
Specific, Measureable, Appropriate, Realistic, And Timely gen. bus. abbr.
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant And Trackable gen. bus. abbr.
Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive, And Transparent pos. abbr.
Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique account. abbr.
Systematic Mortgage Amortization Reduction Technology
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 adj 1 »CLEVER« especially AmE a) intelligent  (The smart kids get good grades and go off to college. | Some smart lawyer got him out of jail.) b) trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way  (Don't get smart with me, young man.) 2 »WELL-DRESSED« BrE wearing neat attractive clothes and having a generally tidy appearance  (Chris was looking very smart in his new grey suit.) 3 »FASHIONABLE« BrE fashionable or used by fashionable people  (one of Bonn's smartest restaurants) 4 »QUICK« a smart movement is done quickly and with force  (a smart blow on the head. | at a smart pace (=fairly fast))  (The horse set off at a smart pace.) 5 »EXCELLENT« BrE old-fashioned excellent - smartly adv  (smartly dressed women | He turned smartly and walked away) - smartness n ~2 v 1 to be upset because someone has hurt your feelings or offended you  (be smarting from)  (She was still smarting from the insult.) 2 if a part of your body smarts, it hurts with a stinging pain  (My eyes were smarting from the smoke.) ~3 n 1 a feeling that you have when you are upset and offended by something 2 a stinging pain 3 smarts AmE informal intelligence  (If she had any smarts, she'd get rid of the guy.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (smarter, smartest, smarts, smarting, smarted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Smart people and things are pleasantly neat and clean in appearance. (mainly BRIT) He was smart and well groomed but not good looking... I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit. ...smart new offices. ADJ • smartly He dressed very smartly which was important in those days. ...a smartly-painted door. ADV: ADV with v • smartness The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness. N-UNCOUNT 2. You can describe someone who is clever as smart. He thinks he’s smarter than Sarah is... Buying expensive furniture is not necessarily the smartest move to make. ADJ see also smartly, street smart 3. A smart place or event is connected with wealthy and fashionable people. ...smart London dinner parties. ...a smart residential district. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. Smart bombs and weapons are guided by computers and lasers so that they hit their targets accurately. ADJ: ADJ n 5. If a part of your body or a wound smarts, you feel a sharp stinging pain in it. My eyes smarted from the smoke. = sting VERB: V 6. If you are smarting from something such as criticism or failure, you feel upset about it. (JOURNALISM) The Americans were still smarting from their defeat in the Vietnam War... VERB: usu cont, V from n 7. the smart money: see money ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English smert causing pain, from Old English smeart; akin to Old English smeortan  Date: before 12th century  1. making one ~ ; causing a sharp stinging  2. marked by often sharp forceful activity or vigorous strength a ~ pull of the starter cord  3. brisk, spirited a ~ pace  4.  a. mentally alert ; bright  b. knowledgeable  c. shrewd a ~ investment  5.  a. witty, clever a ~ sitcom  b. pert, saucy don't get ~ with me  6.  a. neat, trim soldiers in ~ uniforms  b. stylish or elegant in dress or appearance  c.  (1) appealing to sophisticated tastes  (2) characteristic of or patronized by fashionable society  7.  a. being a guided missile a laser-guided ~ bomb  b. operating by automation a ~ machine tool  c. intelligent 3  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English smerten, from Old English smeortan; akin to Old High German smerzan to pain  Date: 13th century  1. to cause or be the cause or seat of a sharp stinging pain; also to feel or have such a pain  2.  a. to feel or endure distress, remorse, or embarrassment ~ing from wounded vanity — W. L. Shirer  b. to pay a heavy or stinging penalty would have to ~ for this foolishness  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a ~ing pain; especially a stinging local pain  2. poignant grief or remorse was not the sort to get over ~s — Sir Winston Churchill  3. plural, slang intelligence, know-how  IV. adverb  Date: 13th century in a ~ manner ; ~ly ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., v., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a clever; ingenious; quickwitted (a smart talker; gave a smart answer). b keen in bargaining; quick to take advantage. c (of transactions etc.) unscrupulous to the point of dishonesty. 2 well-groomed; neat; bright and fresh in appearance (a smart suit). 3 in good repair; showing bright colours, new paint, etc. (a smart red bicycle). 4 stylish; fashionable; prominent in society (in all the smart restaurants; the smart set). 5 quick; brisk (set a smart pace). 6 painfully severe; sharp; vigorous (a smart blow). --v.intr. 1 (of a person or a part of the body) feel or give acute pain or distress (my eye smarts; smarting from the insult). 2 (of an insult, grievance, etc.) rankle. 3 (foll. by for) suffer the consequences of (you will smart for this). --n. a bodily or mental sharp pain; a stinging sensation. --adv. smartly; in a smart manner. Phrases and idioms look smart make haste. smart-arse (or -ass) = SMART ALEC. smart-money 1 money paid or exacted as a penalty or compensation. 2 money invested by persons with expert knowledge. Derivatives smartingly adv. smartish adj. & adv. smartly adv. smartness n. Etymology: OE smeart, smeortan ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от system of measuring and attaining the refining target система расчета и получения заданных результатов плавки с помощью статической и динамической модели кислородно-конвертерного процесса измерительного фонда ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  прил. 1) значительный 2) чувствительный 3) быстрый 4) сильный 5) резкий - smart price ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. жгучая боль the smart of his wound kept him awake —- рана так болела, что он не мог спать 2. (часто the smart) горе, печаль to get over smarts —- забывать печали, преодолеть горе 3. сильный, резкий; суровый smart blow —- сильный (резкий) удар smart punishment —- суровое наказание to give a smart thrashing —- задать хорошую взбучку 4. крепкий (о вине и т. п.) 5. ам. разг. значительный, довольно большой a smart few —- довольно большое число smart price —- довольно большая цена smart distance —- изрядное (приличное) расстояние smart frost —- большой (сильный) мороз a right smart rain —- сильный дождь 6. редк. резкий, язвительный (о словах) 7. вызывать, причинять резкую, жгучую боль 8. испытывать резкую, жгучую боль; болеть; саднить; щипать to smart at remarks made by smb. —- испытывать боль от замечаний, сделанных кем-либо he's still smarting from the memory of her —- воспоминание о ней все еще ранит его my hand smarts from a scratch —- царапина у меня на руке саднит the perspiration caused his eyes to smart —- у него глаза щипало от пота the burn smarts violently —- ожог сильно болит 9. причинять страдания, заставлять страдать the insult smarts yet —- обида еще жива 10. страдать to smart under injustice —- страдать от несправедливости to smart for smth. —- пострадать (поплатиться) за что-либо you shall smart for this! —- будет (достанется) тебе...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  for поплатиться за что-л. I hope youll smart for your carelessness! SMART aleck amer.; coll. самоуверенный человек; хлыщ SMART  1. noun  1) жгучая боль  2) горе, печаль  2. adj.  1) резкий, сильный (об ударе, боли)  2) суровый (о наказании)  3) быстрый, проворный; youd better be pretty smart about the job - с этим вам нужно поспешить; to make a smart job of it - быстро и хорошо выполнить работу  4) остроумный, находчивый  5) ловкий, продувной  6) щеголеватый; нарядный; модный; the smart set coll. - фешенебельное общество a smart few - довольно много Syn: see flippant  3. adv. изящно, щеголевато  4. v.  1) испытывать жгучую боль; болеть; страдать  2) вызывать жгучую боль; the insult smarts yet - обида еще жива - smart for ...
Англо-русский словарь


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