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English abbreviation dictionary - simple


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  ~ adj 1 »PLAIN« without a lot of decoration or unnecessary things added  (a simple dress | simple but delicious food | a building constructed in a simple, classic style) 2 »EASY« not difficult or complicated  (I'm sure there's a perfectly simple explanation. | a simple but effective solution to the problem | it's not as simple as that spoken (=used to say that something is not as easy as someone thinks it is))  (I wish we could offer you more money but I'm afraid it's not as simple as that.) 3 »ONLY« only before noun not complicated or involving anything else  (Completing the race is not just a simple matter of physical fitness. | We can't do it, for the simple reason that we don't have enough time. | the simple truth/fact is (=used to emphasize the truth about something))  (The simple truth is, he isn't good enough for the job. | pure and simple (=without any other reason or feature))  (Their motive was greed, pure and simple.) 4 »NOT HAVING MANY PARTS« consisting of only a few necessary parts  (Bacteria are simple forms of life. | A knife is a simple tool.) 5 »ORDINARY« honest and ordinary and not special in any way  (Joe was just a simple farmer.) 6 the simple life informal life without all the problems of the modern world, especially life in the countryside, without too many possessions, or modern machines 7 »UNINTELLIGENT« not intelligent  (I'm afraid old Luke's a bit simple.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (simpler, simplest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you describe something as simple, you mean that it is not complicated, and is therefore easy to understand. ...simple pictures and diagrams. ...pages of simple advice on filling in your tax form... Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind. ? complicated ADJ • simply When applying for a visa state simply and clearly the reasons why you need it. ADV: ADV with v 2. If you describe people or things as simple, you mean that they have all the basic or necessary things they require, but nothing extra. He ate a simple dinner of rice and beans. ...the simple pleasures of childhood... Nothing is simpler than a cool white shirt. ADJ • simply The living room is furnished simply with wicker furniture... ADV: ADV after v 3. If a problem is simple or if its solution is simple, the problem can be solved easily. Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite simple... I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards. ADJ 4. A simple task is easy to do. The simplest way to install a shower is to fit one over the bath. = easy ADJ: oft ADJ to-inf • simply Simply dial the number and tell us your area. ADV: ADV with v 5. If you say that someone is simple, you mean that they are not very intelligent and have difficulty learning things. He was simple as a child. ADJ 6. You use simple to emphasize that the thing you are referring to is the only important or relevant reason for something. His refusal to talk was simple stubbornness. = plain ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 7. In grammar, simple tenses are ones which are formed without an auxiliary verb ‘be’, for example ‘I dressed and went for a walk’ and ‘This tastes nice’. Simple verb groups are used especially to refer to completed actions, regular actions, and situations. Compare continuous. ADJ 8. In...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin simplus, alteration of Latin simplic-, ~x single, having one ingredient, plain, from sem-, sim- one + -plic-, -plex -fold — more at same, -fold  Date: 13th century  1. free from guile ; innocent  2.  a. free from vanity ; modest  b. free from ostentation or display a ~ outfit  3. of humble origin or modest position a ~ farmer  4.  a. lacking in knowledge or expertise a ~ amateur of the arts  b.  (1) stupid  (2) mentally retarded  c. not socially or culturally sophisticated ; naive; also credulous  5.  a. sheer, unmixed ~ honesty  b. free of secondary complications a ~ vitamin deficiency  c.  (1) having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses a ~ sentence  (2) of a subject or predicate having no modifiers, complements, or objects  d. constituting a basic element ; fundamental  e. not made up of many like units a ~ eye  6. free from elaboration or figuration ~ harmony  7.  a.  (1) not subdivided into branches or leaflets a ~ stem a ~ leaf  (2) consisting of a single carpel  (3) developing from a single ovary a ~ fruit  b. controlled by a single gene ~ inherited characters  8. not limited or restricted ; unconditional a ~ obligation  9. readily understood or performed ~ directions the adjustment was ~ to make  10. of a statistical hypothesis specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters — compare composite 3  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, foolish, silly, fatuous, asinine mean actually or apparently deficient in intelligence. ~ implies a degree of intelligence inadequate to cope with anything complex or involving mental effort considered people ~ who had trouble with computers. foolish implies the character of being or seeming unable to use judgment, discretion, or good sense foolish stunts. silly suggests failure to act as a rational being especially by ridiculous behavior the silly antics of revelers. fatuous implies foolishness, inanity, and...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty (a simple explanation; a simple task). 2 not complicated or elaborate; without luxury or sophistication. 3 not compound; consisting of or involving only one element or operation etc. 4 absolute, unqualified, straightforward (the simple truth; a simple majority). 5 foolish or ignorant; gullible, feeble-minded (am not so simple as to agree to that). 6 plain in appearance or manner; unsophisticated, ingenuous, artless. 7 of low rank; humble, insignificant (simple people). 8 Bot. a consisting of one part. b (of fruit) formed from one pistil. --n. archaic 1 a herb used medicinally. 2 a medicine made from it. Phrases and idioms simple eye an eye of an insect, having only one lens. simple fracture a fracture of the bone only, without a skin wound. simple harmonic motion see HARMONIC. simple interest interest payable on a capital sum only (cf. compound interest (see COMPOUND)). simple interval Mus. an interval of one octave or less. simple machine any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force (e.g. an inclined plane, wedge, or lever). simple sentence a sentence with a single subject and predicate. Simple Simon a foolish person (from the nursery-rhyme character). simple time Mus. a time with two, three, or four beats in a bar. Derivatives simpleness n. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L simplus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) несложный 2) нещелевой 3) однобережный 4) простой 5) элементарный abscissa of simple convergence — абсцисса простой сходимости absolutely simple group — абсолютно простая группа absolutely simple language — абсолютно простой язык aggregate of simple events — множество элементарных событий algebraically simple group — алгебраически простая группа almost simple group — почти простая группа characteristic simple lattice — характеристически простая решетка characteristically simple factor — характеристически простой фактор (группы) characteristically simple group — характеристически простая группа completely simple class — вполне простой класс completely simple factor — вполне простой фактор completely simple ideal — вполне простой идеал completely simple semigroup — вполне простая полугруппа conditionally simple event — условно простое событие effectively simple set — эффективно простое множество hyperarithmetically simple set — гиперарифметически простое множество law of simple proportions — закон кратных отношений length of simple pendulum — длина математического маятника locally simple curve — локально простая кривая locally simple language — локально простой язык metrically simple lattice — метрически простая решетка period of simple harmonic motion — период гармонических колебаний projectively simple polytope — проективно простой политоп pseudoproper simple solution —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. простой, несложный - simple number ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  лекарственное растение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. собир. простой люд; беднота 2. простой человек; бедняк 3. простак, недотепа 4. составляющее, ингредиент, составная часть, элемент 5. простой, нетрудный, несложный simple task —- простая задача simple hypothesis —- простая гипотеза as simple as ABC —- просто как дважды два четыре the adjustment was simple to make —- осуществить перестройку было нетрудно 6. несоставной, простой, с простой структурой; неразложимый simple sentence —- грам. простое предложение simple pistil —- бот. простой пестик simple interest —- эк. простые проценты simple fracture —- мед. простой перелом 7. скромный, незатейливый, незамысловатый; непритязательный simple food —- простая пища simple life —- простой образ жизни simple pattern —- незамысловатый узор simple style —- простой стиль 8. простодушный, бесхитростный, наивный; искренний simple soul —- простая душа he is as simple as a child —- он простодушен как ребенок he's so simple that he believes everything —- он так наивен, что верит всему 9. простоватый, глуповатый, недалекий that is very simple of you —- это очень глупо с вашей стороны 10. придурковатый 11. рядовой; простой simple peasants —- простые крестьяне simple soldier —- простой солдат he is a simple amateur of arts —- он просто любитель искусства 12. сущий, чистый; явный, очевидный a simple fact —- очевидный факт...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) простой, несложный  2) элементарный, неразложимый; simple fraction math. - простая дробь; a simple quantity math. - однозначное число; simple equation math. - уравнение 1-й степени  3) простодушный, наивный; глуповатый; he is not so simple as you suppose - он не так прост, как вы думаете; simple Simon - простак  4) прямой, честный  5) незамысловатый, незатейливый; простой, скромный; simple food - простая пища  6) простой, незнатный  7) явный; истинный; it is a simple lie - это просто ложь; the simple truth - истинная правда Syn: easy, effortless, elementary, facile, simplified Ant: complex, complicated, hard, intricate  2. noun obs. лекарственная трава SIMPLE colours основные цвета SIMPLE diet простой стол SIMPLE extended sentence простое распространенное предложение SIMPLE interest простые проценты ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. simple, from L. simplus "single." Originally "humble, ignorant," sense evolved to "lowly, common" (c.1280), then "mere, pure" (1303). As opposite of composite it dates from 14c.; as opposite of complicated it dates from c.1555. Disparaging sense (M.E.) is from notion of "devoid of duplicity." Simply (adv.) in purely intensive sense is from 1590. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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