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English abbreviation dictionary - scare


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veterin. abbr.
South Carolina Awareness And Rescue For Equines univ. abbr.
Student Coalition For Awareness Revolution And Education law abbr.
Student Criminal Activity Reduction Efforts
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  ~1 v 1 to make someone feel frightened  (Ignore him, he's just trying to scare us. | scare the hell/life/shit out of sb (=scare someone very much))  (You scared the hell out of me jumping out like that!) 2 to become frightened  (I don't scare easily you know!) scare sb into phr v to make someone do something by frightening them or threatening them  (scare sb into doing sth)  (Some parents try to scare their children into behaving well.) scare sb/sth off/away phr v 1 to make someone or something go away by frightening them  (We lit fires to scare away the wolves.) 2 to make someone uncertain or worried so that they do not do something they were going to do  (Rising prices are scaring off many potential customers.) scare up sth phr v AmE informal to make something although you have very few things to make it from  (Let me see if I can scare up something for you to eat.) ~2 n 1 a sudden feeling of fear  (give sb a scare)  (That car only just missed me - it gave me a real scare!) 2 a situation in which a lot of people become frightened about something  (a bomb scare | An escape of radioactive gas caused a major scare.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (scares, scaring, scared) 1. If something scares you, it frightens or worries you. You’re scaring me... The prospect of failure scares me rigid... It scared him to realise how close he had come to losing everything. = frighten VERB: V n, V n adj, it V n to-inf • If you want to emphasize that something scares you a lot, you can say that it scares the hell out of you or scares the life out of you. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 2. If a sudden unpleasant experience gives you a scare, it frightens you. Don’t you realize what a scare you’ve given us all?... We got a bit of a scare. N-SING 3. A scare is a situation in which many people are afraid or worried because they think something dangerous is happening which will affect them all. ...the doctor at the centre of an Aids scare... N-COUNT: oft n N 4. A bomb scare or a security scare is a situation in which there is believed to be a bomb in a place. Despite many recent bomb scares, no one has yet been hurt. = alert N-COUNT: usu n N 5. see also scared ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; scaring)  Etymology: Middle English skerren, from Old Norse skirra, from skjarr shy, timid  Date: 13th century  transitive verb to frighten especially suddenly ; alarm  intransitive verb to become ~d  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: circa 1548  1. a sudden fright  2. a widespread state of alarm ; panic  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. frighten, esp. suddenly (his expression scared us). 2 tr. (as scared adj.) (usu. foll. by of, or to + infin.) frightened; terrified (scared of his own shadow). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by away, off, up, etc.) drive away by frightening. 4 intr. become scared (they don't scare easily). --n. 1 a sudden attack of fright (gave me a scare). 2 a general, esp. baseless, fear of war, invasion, epidemic, etc. (a measles scare). 3 a financial panic causing share-selling etc. Phrases and idioms scaredy-cat colloq. a timid person. scare-heading (or -head) a shockingly sensational newspaper headline. scare up (or out) esp. US 1 frighten (game etc.) out of cover. 2 colloq. manage to find; discover (see if we can scare up a meal). Derivatives scarer n. Etymology: ME skerre f. ON skirra frighten f. skjarr timid ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  пугать; отпугивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. паника; панический страх baseless scare —- беспричинный страх war scare —- военный психоз to raise a scare —- поднимать панику to strike smb. with scare —- вселять ужас в кого-л. to get a scare —- разг. перепугаться you did give me a scare! —- разг. вы меня здорово напугали! 2. уст. пугало, чучело (в саду, огороде) 3. редк. садовый сторож с трещоткой 4. пугало, страшилище 5. плохо одетый человек, оборванец 6. что-л. вызывающее необоснованные страхи, панику; пугало, жупел 7. (the scare) ам. сл. вымогательство, шантаж 8. испугать, напугать; перепугать; пугать to scare smb. —- напугать (испугать) кого-л. a sudden noise scared the children —- внезапный шум перепугал детей to be scared by smth. —- испугаться чего-л. you scared me by coming in so quietly —- вы так тихо вошли, что я испугался to be mortally scared of smth. —- смертельно бояться чего-л. to be scared to death —- разг. испугаться до смерти; испытывать смертельный ужас to be scared out of one's wits (senses) —- потерять голову от страха to scare smb. into grey hair —- очень сильно напугать кого-л.; поседел от ужаса to scare the pants off —- сл. перепугать до потери сознания 9. ам. разг. испугаться, напугаться, перепугаться I don't scare easily —- меня не так легко испугать, я не из пугливых 10. отпугивать, спугивать (также scare away, scare off) to scare birds from an orchard —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the pants off coll. напугать до смерти; We all love to frighten the pants off ourselves by going on hair-raising rides at funfairs. SCARE up amer.; coll. отыскать; раздобыть Can you scare up another player for the team? Where can I scare up some more paper? SCARE into coll. (испугав) принудить, заставить сделать (что-л.); The salesman scared the old lady into signing the paper by threatening to take away the goods. SCARE  1. noun внезапный испуг; паника; to get a scare - перепугаться; to throw a scare (into) amer. - пугать, запугивать  2. v.  1) пугать; испугать, напугать; to be scared to death coll. - испугаться до смерти; испытывать смертельный ужас to be scared out of ones mind/wits/senses - потерять голову от страха  2) отпугивать, вспугивать (тж. scare away, scare off); Higher coffee prices are scaring away the customers. - scare into - scare up Syn: see frighten ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1200, from O.N. skirra "to frighten," from skjarr "timid, shy." Scarecrow first recorded 1553, originally a person employed to scare birds. Scary is first recorded 1582; scaremonger is from 1888. To scare up "find, produce" is 1853, from the notion of hunters rousing game Scared stiff first recorded 1900; scared shitless is from 1936. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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