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English abbreviation dictionary - plus


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Parental Loan for Undergraduate Student univ. abbr.
Parents' Loan for Undergraduate Students educ. abbr.
Parent's Loan for Undergraduate Students educ. abbr.
Positive Learners Understand Success educ. abbr.
Participatory Learning, Understanding, And Sharing sport abbr.
Players Learn Using Stoppages religion abbr.
Patterning Learning Upon Scripture NASDAQ abbr.
Eplus, Inc.
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  ~1 prep 1 used when one number or amount is added to another  (Three plus six equals nine. (3 + 6 = 9) | The book has 250 pages, plus 28 pages of appendices. | All employees are paid $3 an hour plus $1.50 for time worked on the weekend.) 2 and also  (The unit deals with all lung and heart conditions, plus many other lesser ailments.) 3 plus four/six etc technical four, six etc more than zero  (- opposite minus1) ~2 n 1 informal something that gives you an advantage in a situation  (Knowledge of French and Spanish could be a plus in this job.) 2 a sign (+) showing that you should add two or more numbers together, or that a number is more than zero ~3 adj 1 plus factor/point an advantage or favourable feature that something has  (Another plus point for the VHS system is that you can record three or four hours of material onto one tape.) 2 10/50 etc plus more than a particular amount, number or level  (She earns $50,000 a year plus. | All the children in the class are six plus. (=more than six years old)) 3 only before noun greater than zero  (Daytime temperatures vary between minus 5° and plus 12°.) ~4 conjunction and also  (He's been studying for the exams all week, plus he's been working in a bar at night. | It's an old, draughty house. Plus the plumbing's not fixed yet.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pluses, or plusses) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You say plus to show that one number or quantity is being added to another. Send a cheque for ?18.99 plus ?2 for postage and packing... They will pay about $673 million plus interest. ? minus CONJ 2. Plus before a number or quantity means that the number or quantity is greater than zero. The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees. ? minus plus or minus: see minus ADJ: ADJ amount 3. You can use plus when mentioning an additional item or fact. (INFORMAL) There’s easily enough room for two adults and three children, plus a dog in the boot... = and CONJ 4. You use plus after a number or quantity to indicate that the actual number or quantity is greater than the one mentioned. There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers... ADJ: amount ADJ 5. Teachers use plus in grading work in schools and colleges. ‘B plus’ is a better grade than ‘B’, but it is not as good as ‘A’. ? minus 6. A plus is an advantage or benefit. (INFORMAL) Experience of any career in sales is a big plus... ? drawback N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Latin, adverb, more, from neuter of plur-, ~, adjective; akin to Greek pleion more, Latin plenus full — more at full  Date: 1579  1. algebraically positive  2. having, receiving, or being in addition to what is anticipated  3.  a. falling high in a specified range a grade of C ~  b. greater than that specified  c. possessing a specified quality to a high degree  4. electrically positive  5. relating to or being a particular one of the two mating types that are required for successful fertilization in sexual reproduction in some lower plantlike organisms (as a fungus)  II. noun  (plural ~es; also ~ses)  Date: 1654  1. ~ sign  2. an added quantity  3. a positive factor or quality  4. sur~  III. preposition  Date: 1668  1. increased by ; with the addition of four ~ five principal ~ interest  2. besides — used chiefly in speech and casual writing ~ all this, as a sedative it has no equal — Groucho Marx  IV. conjunction  Date: circa 1950  1. and the Smyth Report, ~ an idea and some knowledge of bureaucracy, were all I needed — Pat Frank eats alone, a hot beef sandwich ~ a BLT ~ apple pie — Garrison Keillor  2. in addition to which it was an achievement. Plus, I wrote the story and the musical score — Jackie Gleason it's also pretty on my open shelves, ~ it smells good — Nikki Giovanni Usage:  The preposition ~ has long been used with a meaning equivalent to and (as in “two ~ two”); it is not, therefore, very surprising that in time people have begun to use it as a conjunction much like and. Sense 2 is considered to be an adverb by some commentators. It is used chiefly in speech and in informal writing. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  prep., adj., n., & conj. --prep. 1 Math. with the addition of (3 plus 4 equals 7). Usage Symbol: +. 2 (of temperature) above zero (plus 2° C). 3 colloq. with; having gained; newly possessing (returned plus a new car). --adj. 1 (after a number) at least (fifteen plus). 2 (after a grade etc.) rather better than (beta plus). 3 Math. positive. 4 having a positive electrical charge. 5 (attrib.) additional, extra (plus business). --n. 1 = plus sign. 2 Math. an additional or positive quantity. 3 an advantage (experience is a definite plus). --conj. colloq. disp. also; and furthermore (they arrived late, plus they were hungry). Phrases and idioms plus sign the symbol +, indicating addition or a positive value. Etymology: L, = more ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) плюс 2) надрешётный продукт 3) горн. негабарит ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  плюсовая точка ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) добавочный 2) знак плюс 3) плюс 4) плюсовый 5) положительная величина 6) положительный plus or minus symbol — знак "плюс-минус" three plus five gives eight — три плюс пять = восемь - plus infinity - plus mark - plus operator - plus phase - plus sign - plus wire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. знак "плюс" 2) общ. положительная величина 3) общ. добавочное количество 4) общ. плюс, достоинство 5) фин., бирж. плюс, значок "+" а) фин. ( значок "+' после котировки казначейской облигации (напр., 95.16+), означающий, что дробная часть учитывается в шестьдесят четвертых долях единицы вместо обычных тридцати вторых плюс 1/64; поэтому 95,16+ означает 95 33/64; (32/64 + 1/64)) See: Treasury bond б) бирж. (значок после котировки ценной бумаги, обозначающий рост цены по сравнению с прошлой сделкой или с предыдущим днем) See: plus tick, up tick в) (значок в колонке "изменение" в газетной таблице биржевых цен, обозначающий их рост по сравнению с прошлым закрытием биржи) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. знак плюс plus or minus —- плюс-минус 2. положительная величина 3. добавочное количество 4. плюс, достоинство 5. разг. прибавка к заработной плате 6. воен. перелет (снаряда; также plus round) 7. добавочный, дополнительный plus sale —- дополнительная распродажа 8. ком. положительный on the plus side of the account —- в графе "приход" 9. мат. эл. положительный plus terminal —- эл. положительная клемма 10. больший (чем полагается, чем оговорено); превосходящий (особ. по размеру) plus 8 mesh —- спец. надрешетный продукт (не прошедший через сито номер 8) fifteen plus —- разг. старше пятнадцати лет 11. разг. с плюсом his mark was B plus —- он получил четверку с плюсом 12. плюс two plus two equals four —- два плюс два равно четырем salary plus bonus —- жалованье плюс премия the debt plus the interest —- долг и проценты plus your expenses —- ком. с добавлением ваших расходов, плюс ваши расходы 13. разг. вдобавок, дополнительно, к тому же to be plus smth. —- выиграть (приобрести) что-л. he found himself plus nearly ten pounds —- у него оказалось еще десять фунтов he has the time plus he has the money —- у него есть не только время, но и деньги ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) знак плюс  2) добавочное количество  3) положительная величина; to total all the pluses - подвести итог  4) положительное качество  5) artil. перелет  2. adj.  1) добавочный, дополнительный  2) comm. on the plus side of the account - на приходе счета  3) math.; electr. положительный  3. prep. плюс ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1579, from L. plus "more" (comparative of multus "much"), altered by influence of minus from *pleos, from PIE *ple- "full." Used as the oral rendering of the arithmetical sign +. Plus fours (1921) were four inches longer in the leg than standard knickerbockers. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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