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English abbreviation dictionary - pit


Связанные словари


U.S. gov. abbr.
Procurement Incarceration And Treatment U.S. gov. abbr.
Personal Income Tax U.S. gov. abbr.
Personal Identification Tags transport. abbr.
Pittsburgh International Airport transport. abbr.
Passive Integrated Transponder mil. abbr.
Photo Interpretation Tool airport code Pittsburgh International Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA univ. abbr.
Pennsylvania Institute of Technology univ. abbr.
Pepperdine Improv Troupe mathem. abbr.
Positive Information Topology funny abbr.
Peanut Income Tax funny abbr.
Penis Is Tiny hardw. abbr.
Programmable Interval Timer file ext. abbr.
Compressed Macintosh file archive (PackIt) non-prof. org. abbr.
People For Interspecies Tolerance sport abbr.
Passport In Time sport abbr.
Peach International Tennis religion abbr.
Presbyterians In Training religion abbr.
Priest In Training religion abbr.
Pray Invite Tell law abbr.
Precision Immobilization Technique law abbr.
Police Induction Training law abbr.
Persuit Intervention Technique gen. bus. abbr.
Property Inventory Tasking gen. bus. abbr.
Personnel In Training gen. bus. abbr.
Power Integrity And Tolerance gen. bus. abbr.
Production, Implementation, And Training gen. bus. abbr.
Production Implementation And Training pos. abbr.
Pilot In Training pos. abbr.
Platinum In Training pos. abbr.
Prophet In Training bus. prod. abbr.
Personal Improvement Tools firm name abbr.
Pyramide Internet Technologies account. abbr.
Principal Interest And Taxes lat. abbr.
Per Iter Tenebricosum
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 »HOLE« a) a hole in the ground, especially one made by digging  (Dig a pit and bury the rubbish in it. | a sand pit | a barbecue pit) b) a large hole in the ground from which stones or minerals have been dug  (a gravel pit) 2 »MARK« a) a small hollow mark in the surface of something  (There are tiny scratches and pits on the windshield.) b) a small hollow mark that is left on your face by some diseases, especially smallpox 3 »MINE« a mine, especially a coal mine  (We have no choice but to close unprofitable pits.) 4 »UNTIDY PLACE« spoken a house or room that is dirty, untidy, or in bad condition  (No, we decided not to rent it - the place is an absolute pit!) 5 be the pits usually spoken used to say that something is extremely bad  (Rap music? That stuff is the pits!) 6 in/at the pit of your stomach if you feel nervous, frightened etc at the pit of your stomach, you experience these emotions strongly, often as an unpleasant feeling in your stomach  (a knot of fear in the pit of my stomach) 7 »CAR RACING« the pit AmE, the pits BrE the place beside the track in a car race1 (1) where cars can come in during a race to be quickly repaired 8 »IN A GARAGE« a hole in the floor of a garage that lets you get underneath a car to repair it 9 »IN FRUIT« AmE the single, large hard seed in some fruits; stone1 (4)  (a peach pit) 10 »IN A THEATRE« a) an orchestra pit b) BrE old use the seats at the back of the ground floor of a theatre 11 the pit of despair/dismay/depression etc literary a situation in which you feel extremely sad and without hope 12 »BUSINESS« AmE the area of a stock exchange where people buy and sell shares (share2 (5); floor1 (8) BrE 13 »BODY PART« AmE informal an armpit 14 the pit biblical hell1 (3)  (cast into the pit of eternal damnation) ~2 v past tense and past participle pitted 1 pit your wits against to compete with someone or something in a situation in which you need all your intelligence  (Pit your wits against the Double or Dare computer!) 2 AmE to take out the single, hard...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pits, pitting, pitted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pit is a coal mine. It was a better community then when all the pits were working. N-COUNT 2. A pit is a large hole that is dug in the ground. Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit. N-COUNT 3. A gravel pit or clay pit is a very large hole that is left where gravel or clay has been dug from the ground. This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964. N-COUNT: supp N 4. If two opposing things or people are pitted against one another, they are in conflict. You will be pitted against people who are every bit as good as you are... This was one man pitted against the universe. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed against n, V-ed 5. In motor racing, the pits are the areas at the side of the track where drivers stop to get more fuel and to repair their cars during races. N-PLURAL: usu pl see also pit stop 6. If you describe something as the pits, you mean that it is extremely bad. (SPOKEN) Mary Ann asked him how dinner had been. ‘The pits,’ he replied. N-PLURAL: the N 7. A pit is the stone of a fruit or vegetable. (AM) N-COUNT 8. see also pitted, fleapit, orchestra pit, sandpit 9. If you pit your wits against someone, you compete with them in a test of knowledge or intelligence. I’d like to pit my wits against the best. PHRASE: V inflects 10. If you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you have a tight or sick feeling in your stomach, usually because you are afraid or anxious. I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. PHRASE 11. a bottomless pit: see bottomless ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name river N California flowing SW into the Sacramento PIT  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pytt (akin to Old High German pfuzzi well), from Latin puteus well, ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a hole, shaft, or cavity in the ground  (2) mine  (3) a scooped-out place used for burning something (as charcoal)  b. an area often sunken or depressed below the adjacent floor area: as  (1) an enclosure in which animals are made to fight each other  (2) a space at the front of a theater for the orchestra  (3) an area in a securities or commodities exchange in which members trade (as stocks)  2.  a. hell 1a — used with the  b. a place or situation of futility, misery, or degradation  c. plural worst it's the ~s  3. a hollow or indentation especially in the surface of an organism: as  a. a natural hollow in the surface of the body  b. one of the indented scars left in the skin by a pustular disease ; pockmark  c. a minute depression in the secondary wall of a plant cell functioning in the intercellular movement of water and dissolved material  4. any of the areas alongside an auto racecourse used for refueling and repairing the cars during a race — often used in plural with the  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to place, cast, bury, or store in a ~  b. to make ~s in; especially to scar or mark with ~s  2.  a. to set (as gamecocks) into or as if into a ~ to fight  b. to set into opposition or rivalry — usually used with against  intransitive verb  1. to become marked with ~s; especially to preserve for a time an indentation made by pressure  2. to make a ~ stop  III. noun  Etymology: Dutch, from Middle Dutch — more at ~h  Date: 1841 the stone of a drupaceous fruit  IV. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1906 to remove the ~ from (a fruit) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. large deep hole in the ground. b a hole made in digging for industrial purposes, esp. for coal (chalk pit; gravel pit). c a covered hole as a trap for esp. wild animals. 2 a an indentation left after smallpox, acne, etc. b a hollow in a plant or animal body or on any surface. 3 Brit. Theatr. a = orchestra pit. b usu. hist. seating at the back of the stalls. c the people in the pit. 4 a (the pit or bottomless pit) hell. b (the pits) sl. a wretched or the worst imaginable place, situation, person, etc. 5 a an area at the side of a track where racing cars are serviced and refuelled. b a sunken area in a workshop floor for access to a car's underside. 6 US the part of the floor of an exchange allotted to special trading (wheat-pit). 7 = COCKPIT. 8 Brit. sl. a bed. --v. (pitted, pitting) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by against) a set (one's wits, strength, etc.) in opposition or rivalry. b set (a cock, dog, etc.) to fight, orig. in a pit, against another. 2 tr. (usu. as pitted adj.) make pits, esp. scars, in. 3 intr. (of the flesh etc.) retain the impression of a finger etc. when touched. 4 tr. Hort. put (esp. vegetables etc. for storage) into a pit. Phrases and idioms dig a pit for try to ensnare. pit-head 1 the top of a mineshaft. 2 the area surrounding this. pit of the stomach 1 the floor of the stomach. 2 the depression below the bottom of the breastbone. pit pony hist. a pony kept underground for haulage in coal-mines. pit-prop a balk of wood used to support the roof of a coal mine. pit-saw a large saw for use in a saw-pit. pit viper any US snake of the family Crotalidae with a pit between the eye and the nostril. Etymology: OE pytt ult. f. L puteus well 2. n. & v. US --n. the stone of a fruit. --v.tr. (pitted, pitting) remove pits from (fruit). Etymology: perh. Du., rel. to PITH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) яма; выемка 2) котлован производить отрыв котлована 3) карьер; разрез 4) (шахтный) ствол 5) шахта; колодец 6) шурф 7) приямок 8) триб. ямка; впадина; вырыв 9) оспина, коррозионная язва подвергаться язвенной коррозии 10) поверхностная раковина (дефект отливки) 11) дутик (дефект штукатурки) 12) кратер (дефект эмали) 13) мн. ч. "жмотины" (дефект фарфора) 14) электрон. ямка травления образовывать ямки травления - actual pit - aerodrome hydrant pit - air pit - ash pit - ball pit - blind pit - blow pit - bore pit - borrow pit - bottom-fired soaking pit - burn pit - cable pit - casting pit - catch pit - cellar pit - clay pit - coal pit - coal thawing pit - conduit pit - corrosion pit - couch pit - counterweight pit - cuttings pit - degassing pit - delivery looping pit - detritus pit - dirt pits - double-looping pit - drain pit - drainage pit - draining pit - draw-in pit - drawing pit - drilling mud pit - drilling mud set pit - dry-slag pit - dug pit - dug earthen pit - dump pit - dumping pit - elevator pit - etching pit - etch pit - evaporation pit - exploration-evaluation pit - flare pit - foundation pit - foundry pit - four cell soaking pit - gate machinery pit - generator pit - glass pit - granulating pit - gravel pit - grease pit - grinder pit - hog pit - hunch pit - inspection pit - ladle pit - lime pit - loop-storage pit - maturing pit - mono-molecular pit - neutralization pit - oil storage pit - open pit - percolation pit - pole pit - powerhouse pit - repair pit - reserve pit - roll-change pit - rouge pits - salt pit - sand pit - scale pits - seepage pit - settling pit - sewage pit - shale pit - single-looping pit - skimming pit - skip pit - slag pit - slag-receiving pit - slime pit - slush pit - soaking pit - soot pit - stone pit - strip...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  котлован приямок колодец шахта шурф карьер ballast pit borrow pit drainage pit elevator pit leaching pit maturing pit meter pit open pit recharge pit seepage pit slaking pit trial pit turbine pit underpinning pit wet pit ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  (кабельный) канал (под полом) – cable pit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) впадина 2) изъязвление 3) карьер 4) колодезный 5) коррозия 6) котлован 7) почвенная 8) приямок 9) машиностр. прямок 10) ров 11) рудник 12) горн. шахта 13) язва 14) язвенный 15) яма 16) ямка - air pit - casting pit - catch pit - clean-out pit - compost pit - concrete pit - corrosion pit - fly-wheel pit - flywheel pit - foundation pit - greasing pit - inspection pit - ladle pit - liming pit - looping pit tower - looping pit - mud pit - pit bottom - pit casting - pit edge - pit foundation - pit gravel - pit length modulation - pit molding - pit position modulation - pit prop - pit saw - pit worker - prospecting pit - repair pit - scale pit - seepage pit - silo pit - skip pit - slag pit - slag-granulating pit - slush pit - soaking pit - sweat pit - teeming pit - washing pit - working pit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) шахта, рудник 2) амер. часть биржевого зала, отведенная для торговли определенным товаром 3) биржа (товарная) - wheat pit PIT 1. сущ. 1) доб. шахта, рудник 2) бирж., амер. место активной торговли на товарной бирже 3) бирж. биржа (товарная) See: mercantile exchange 4) бирж. "яма", "ринг" (площадка круглой (или многоугольной) формы в помещении фондовой, товарной или срочной биржи, на которой проводится торг определенным товаром или финансовым инструментом; может представлять собой углубление в полу с несколькими ступеньками (на крупной бирже обычно не менее двух-трех "ям")) Syn: pitch, trading pit 5) эк. рынок одного товара (напр. продажи пшеницы) 6) с.-х. яма для хранения овощей 2. гл. 1) общ. класть складывать, закладывать в яму 2) общ. рыть ямы 3) общ. хоронить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ямка, углубление 2) бот. пора 3) яма (для ловли зверей) 4) косточка (напр. вишни) – bitter pit – bordered pit – coated pits – nasal pit – primitive pit – rutting pit – sieve pit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. яма, ямка; впадина; углубление air pit —- воздушная яма 2. воен. ровик, одиночный окоп; ячейка; гнездо machine-gun pit —- пулеметный окоп, пулеметная ячейка 3. шахта; рудник; шахтный ствол; карьер, разрез; копь stone pit —- каменоломня to work in the pits —- работать на шахте 4. выемка; котлован 5. колодец; шурф 6. литейная яма 7. тех. смотровая канава; ремонтная яма 8. яма для хранения овощей (также storage pit) 9. силосная яма 10. выгребная яма 11. яма для сжигания древесного угля 12. парник 13. гурт 14. (братская) могила 15. (the pit) часто pl. авт. заправочно-ремонтный пункт (на автогонках) 16. волчья яма, западня 17. ловушка, западня; неожиданная или непредвиденная опасность 18. (the pit) преисподняя, ад (также the pit of hell, the bottomless pit) the yawning pit —- зияющая бездна, ад 19. анат. ямка, углубление 20. the pit of the stomach подложечная ямка (a queer feeling) in the pit of the stomach —- (сосет) под ложечкой 21. оспина, рябина a few pits of the smallpox —- несколько оспинок a surface marked by raindrop pits —- на поверхности следы дождевых капель 22. раковина pit corrosion —- точечная коррозия 23. партер, особ. задние ряды за креслами the pit applauded loudly —- партер громко аплодировал 24. оркестровая яма (также orchestra pit) 25. арена петушиных, собачьих боев 26. ам. часть биржевого...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) яма; углубление; впадина; air pit - воздушная яма  2) шахта, копь; карьер, шурф; open pit - карьер, открытая разработка  3) волчья яма; западня  4) (the pit) преисподняя (тж. the pit of hell)  5) anat. ямка, впадина; the pit of the stomach - подложечная ямка; in the pit of the stomach - под ложечкой  6) оспина, рябина (на коже)  7) раковина (на отливке)  8) арена для петушиных боев  9) партер (особ. задние ряды за креслами)  10) место для оркестра (в театре)  11) заправочно-ремонтный пункт (в автомобильных гонках)  12) amer. отдел товарной биржи  13) obs. тюрьма, темница;  14) mil. одиночный окоп  15) attr. шахтный; - pit mouth - pit wood to dig a pit for smb. - рыть кому-л. яму  2. v.  1) класть, складывать, закладывать в яму (для хранения; особ. об овощах и т.п.)  2) рыть ямы;  3) покрывать(ся) ямками; оставлять следы, отметины; pitted with smallpox - рябой; His skin is pitted with the marks left by the disease.  4) стравливать (петухов); выставлять в качестве противника (against); to pit ones strength against an enemy - сразиться с врагом; to pit oneself against heavy odds - бороться с огромными трудностями  5) бороться, противостоять; Are you willing to pit your skill against that of our leading player? Syn: see hole II amer.  1. noun фруктовая косточка  2. v. вынимать косточки PIT mouth устье шахты; PIT stop noun остановка, привал PIT wood mining...
Англо-русский словарь


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