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English abbreviation dictionary - pat


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onc. abbr.
Physical Ability Test lab. abbr.
Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase hosp. abbr.
Polygon Attribute Table physiol. abbr.
Peripheral Arterial Tonometry physiol. abbr.
Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia physiol. abbr.
Paroxsysmal Atrial Tachycardia physiol. abbr.
Pet Assisted Therapy transport. abbr.
Power Angle And Tilt transport. abbr.
Port Authority Transit transport. abbr.
Power Attitude Trim mil. abbr.
Product Assurance Test mil. abbr.
Product Acceptance Test mil. abbr.
Preliminary Acceptance Test mil. abbr.
Poisoned Arrow Trap mil. abbr.
Process Action Team mil. abbr.
Physical Attack Table airport code Patna, India chemis. abbr.
Proline Alanine And Threonine electron. abbr.
Process Action Team softw. abbr.
Property Assignment Tool softw. abbr.
PHP Administration Tools softw. abbr.
Practical Application Tool gen. comp. abbr.
Personal Applied Technology gen. comp. abbr.
Point And Transfer network. abbr.
Peripheral Attribute Table network. abbr.
Port Address Translation telec. abbr.
Portable Appliance Testing file ext. abbr.
Hatch patterns (AutoCAD - Photostyler) file ext. abbr.
Polygon Attribute Table (link geographic locations to databases) file ext. abbr.
Sound patch (Gravis Ultrasound) file ext. abbr.
Vector fill files (CorelDraw) file ext. abbr.
Bitmap graphics (1bit) (Patent data) (US Patent and Trademark Office) educ. abbr.
Parents As Teachers educ. abbr.
Peer Assestance Team educ. abbr.
Personal Attributes Training educ. abbr.
Phonological Awareness Test educ. abbr.
Phonological Auditory Training educ. abbr.
Preferred Activity Time educ. abbr.
Parents Appreciate Teachers sport abbr.
Point After Touchdown gen. bus. abbr.
Process Analytical Technology pos. abbr.
Performance Achievement Target pos. abbr.
Pump Algebra Tutor pos. abbr.
Personal Assistant Technician account. abbr.
Profit After Tax
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 v patted, patting 1 to repeatedly touch someone or something lightly with your hand flat, especially to give comfort  (He patted the dog affectionately as he spoke.) 2 pat sb/yourself on the back to praise someone or yourself for doing something well  (You can pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.) ~2 n 1 a friendly act of touching someone with your hand flat  (Mrs Dodd gave the child a pat on the head.) 2 the sound made by hitting something lightly with a flat object 3 a pat of butter a small flat lump of butter 4 a pat on the back informal praise for something that you have done well  (Alex deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.)  (- see also cowpat) ~3 adj usually before noun a pat answer or explanation is made quickly and sounds as if it has been used before  (Don't give me any of your pat answers.) ~4 adv 1 have sth off pat BrE have sth down pat AmE to know something thoroughly so that you can say it, perform it etc immediately without thinking about it 2 stand pat especially AmE to refuse to change your opinion or decision ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pats, patting, patted) 1. If you pat something or someone, you tap them lightly, usually with your hand held flat. ‘Don’t you worry about any of this,’ she said patting me on the knee... The landlady patted her hair nervously... Wash the lettuce and pat it dry. VERB: V n on n, V n, V n adj • Pat is also a noun. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder. N-COUNT 2. A pat of butter or something else that is soft is a small lump of it. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. If you say that an answer or explanation is pat, you disapprove of it because it is too simple and sounds as if it has been prepared in advance. There’s no pat answer to that... ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 4. If you give someone a pat on the back or if you pat them on the back, you show them that you think they have done well and deserve to be praised. The players deserve a pat on the back... PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]approval 5. If you have an answer or explanation down pat or off pat, you have prepared and learned it so you are ready to say it at any time. I have my story down pat... PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   abbreviation point after touchdown PAT  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~te, probably of imitative origin  Date: 15th century  1. a light blow especially with the hand or a flat instrument  2. a light tapping often rhythmical sound  3. something (as butter) shaped into a small flat usually square individual portion  II. adverb  Date: 1578 in a ~ manner ; aptly, perfectly has her part down ~  III. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1591  transitive verb  1. to strike lightly with a flat instrument  2. to flatten, smooth, or put into place or shape with light blows  3. to tap or stroke gently with the hand to soothe, caress, or show approval  intransitive verb to strike or beat gently  IV. adjective  Date: 1646  1.  a. exactly suited to the purpose or occasion ; apt  b. suspiciously appropriate ; contrived a ~ ending  2. learned, mastered, or memorized exactly  3. firm, unyielding  4. reduced to a simple or mechanical form ; standard, trite ~ answers  V. abbreviation ~ent ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. a nickname for an Irishman. Etymology: abbr. of the name Patrick PAT 1. v. & n. --v. (patted, patting) 1 tr. strike gently with the hand or a flat surface. 2 tr. flatten or mould by patting. 3 tr. strike gently with the inner surface of the hand, esp. as a sign of affection, sympathy, or congratulation. 4 intr. (foll. by on, upon) beat lightly. --n. 1 a light stroke or tap, esp. with the hand in affection etc. 2 the sound made by this. 3 a small mass (esp. of butter) formed by patting. Phrases and idioms pat-a-cake a child's game with the patting of hands (the first words of a nursery rhyme). pat on the back a gesture of approval or congratulation. pat a person on the back congratulate a person. Etymology: ME, prob. imit. 2. adj. & adv. --adj. 1 known thoroughly and ready for any occasion. 2 apposite or opportune, esp. unconvincingly so (gave a pat answer). --adv. 1 in a pat manner. 2 appositely, opportunely. Phrases and idioms have off pat know or have memorized perfectly. stand pat esp. US 1 stick stubbornly to one's opinion or decision. 2 Poker retain one's hand as dealt; not draw other cards. Derivatives patly adv. patness n. Etymology: 16th c.: rel. to PAT(1) 3. n. Phrases and idioms on one's pat Austral. sl. on one's own. Etymology: Pat Malone, rhyming slang for own ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I цементный образец в виде лепёшки (для определения сроков схватывания) II сокр. от patent патент ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  лепёшка (из цементного теста или раствора; образец для испытаний) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  хлопок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  см. Patent Appeal Tribunal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  гладить (животное) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. Пэт (шутливое прозвище ирландца) pat 1. похлопывание; хлопанье, шлепанье he gave the dog a pat —- он пгладил собаку 2. негромкий звук, хлопок, шлепок 3. звук шагов no sound but the pat of light footsteps —- никаких других звуков, только звук легких шагов the pat of bare feet —- шлепанье босых ног the pat of rain —- шум дождя 4. танец афроамериканцев; чечетка 5. кусок, кружочек сбитого масла the butter is served in diminutive pats —- масло подают крохотными кусочками Id: a pat on the back —- одобрение, поощрение; похвала Id: to give smb. a pat on the back —- выразить кому-либо свое одобрение Id: a word of approbation - a little pat on the back —- немного похвалы; по головке погладили 6. похлопывать (кого-либо); шлепать; погладить (кого-либо) to pat a dog —- погладить собаку pat the kneaded cake a little —- немножко побейте вымешанное тесто to pat smb. on the back —- похлопать кого-либо по спине; выразить кому-либо одобрение 7. приглаживать she patted her hair —- она поправила прическу, она пригладила волосы she patted her hat-pins —- она поправила булавки на шляпе 8. оглаживать (лошадь) 9. ам. хлопать себя по коленям и притоптывать ногами в такт музыке (глядя на танцующих) 10. подходящий, уместный, своевременный backing his opinion with pat sentences from different writers —- подкрепляя свою точку зрения подходящими...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Patrick, Patricia и Martha; Пэт, Пат PAT noun; dim. of Patrick, Patricia, Martha Пэт, Пат PAT I Pat noun coll. Пэт (шутливое прозвище ирландца) II  1. noun  1) похлопывание; хлопанье, шлепанье  2) хлопок, шлепок (звук)  3) кусок, кружочек сбитого масла  2. v.  1) шлепать, похлопывать; to pat smb. on the back - похлопать кого-л. по спине; Most children dislike being patted on the head.  2) выразить кому-л. одобрение; I dont know what cause she has to pat herself on the back. III  1. adv.  1) кстати; в точку; своевременно; удачно; the story came pat to the occasion - рассказ оказался очень кстати  2) быстро, свободно; с готовностью; to know a lesson off pat - хорошо знать урок  3) cards - stand pat  2. adj. подходящий; уместный; удачный; своевременный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: PIT-A-PAT, STAND PAT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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