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English abbreviation dictionary - one


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airport code Onepusu, Solomon Islands network. abbr.
Open Net Environment sec. abbr.
Optimized Network Encryption educ. abbr.
Orientation for Nutrition Employees gen. bus. abbr.
Open Network Of Enterprises NYSE symbols Bank One Corporation pos. abbr.
Over Nearly Everyone
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  ~1 number 1 the number one  (one hundred and twenty one pounds (-121) | The answer is on page forty-one. | Can I have one coffee and two milkshakes please?) 2 one or two a small number of people or things  (There are one or two things to sort out before I leave.) 3 in ones and twos if people do something in ones and twos they do it on their own or in small groups  (Guests arrived in ones and twos.) 4 a) AmE a one dollar bill b) BrE a one pound coin 5 for one thing spoken used to introduce the first of several reasons  (You can't see in that fridge, for one thing the light's gone and for another the button's broken.) 6 one-armed/one-eyed/one-legged etc having only one arm, eye, leg etc ~2 determiner 1 a person or thing, especially when there are other people or things of the same type or kind  (Sam's just heard that one of his houses has caught fire. | If there's one thing I can't stand it's people who bite their nails. | There's one person I really must thank.) 2 one day/afternoon/year etc a) a particular day, afternoon etc in the past  (We first met one cloudy day last July. | One morning I was sitting at my desk when a policeman knocked at my door.) b) any day, afternoon etc at any time in the future  (One evening you and I should go out for a drink.) 3 sb's one fear/worry/concern etc someone's main fear, worry etc  (My one fear is that her nerves will get the better of her.) 4 the one man/place etc the only man, place etc  (Claire is the one person I can trust. | I'm sorry madam, we've only the one ticket left.) 5 used to talk about one person or thing in comparison with other similar or connected people or things  (It's impossible to tell one child from another in that family. | One of the gang broke into the safe while the other was keeping watch. | It's one thing . . . but . . .)  (It's one thing passing your driving test but being a good driver is another.) 6 formal used before the name of someone who you do not know well  (It seems the inheritance went to an old family friend, one Joseph Nelson.) 7 one wonderful...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (ones) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. One is the number 1. They had three sons and one daughter. ...one thousand years ago... Scotland beat England one-nil at Wembley. ...one of the children killed in the crash. NUM 2. If you say that someone or something is the one person or thing of a particular kind, you are emphasizing that they are the only person or thing of that kind. They had alienated the one man who knew the business... His one regret is that he has never learned a language. = only ADJ: det ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis 3. One can be used instead of ‘a’ to emphasize the following noun. There is one thing I would like to know–What is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?... One person I hate is Russ. DET: DET sing-n c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You can use one instead of ‘a’ to emphasize the following adjective or expression. (INFORMAL) If we ever get married we’ll have one terrific wedding... It’s like one enormous street carnival here. DET: DET adj sing-n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. You can use one to refer to the first of two or more things that you are comparing. Prices vary from one shop to another... The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other. DET: DET sing-n • One is also an adjective. We ask why peace should have an apparent chance in the one territory and not the other. ADJ: det ADJ • One is also a pronoun. The twins were dressed differently and one was thinner than the other. PRON 6. You can use one or ones instead of a noun when it is clear what type of thing or person you are referring to and you are describing them or giving more information about them. They are selling their house to move to a smaller one... We test each one to see that it flies well. PRON 7. You use ones to refer to people in general. We are the only ones who know. PRON 8. You can use one instead of a noun group when you have just mentioned something...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English on, an, from Old English an; akin to Old High German ein ~, Latin unus (Old Latin oinos), Sanskrit eka  Date: before 12th century  1. being a single unit or thing ~ day at a time  2.  a. being ~ in particular early ~ morning  b. being preeminently what is indicated ~ fine person  3.  a. being the same in kind or quality both of ~ species  b.  (1) constituting a unified entity of two or more comp~nts the combined elements form ~ substance  (2) being in agreement or union am ~ with you on this  4.  a. some 1 will see you again ~ day  b. being a certain individual specified by name ~ John Doe made a speech  5. only 2a the ~ person she wanted to marry  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. — see number table  2. the number denoting unity  3.  a. the first in a set or series — often used with an attributive noun day ~  b. an article of clothing of a size designated ~ wears a ~  4. a single person or thing has the ~ but needs the other  5. a ~-dollar bill  III. pronoun  Date: 13th century  1. a certain indefinitely indicated person or thing saw ~ of his friends  2.  a. an individual of a vaguely indicated group ; any~ at all ~ never knows  b. — used as a third person substitute for a first person pronoun I'd like to read more but ~ doesn't have the time  3. a single instance of a specified action felt like belting him ~ — John Casey Usage:  Sense 2a is usually a sign of a formal style. A formal style excludes the participation of the reader or hearer; thus ~ is used where a less formal style might address the reader directly for the consequences of such choices, ~ has only ~self to thank — Walker Gibson. This generic ~ has never been common in informal use in either British or American English, and people who start sentences with ~ often shift to another pronoun more natural to casual discourse when ~ is learning the river, he is not allowed to do or think about anything else — Mark Twain. Use of ~ to replace a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & pron. --adj. 1 single and integral in number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single person or thing of the kind expressed or implied (one of the best; a nasty one). 3 a particular but undefined, esp. as contrasted with another (that is one view; one thing after another). b colloq. (as an emphatic) a noteworthy example of (that is one difficult question). 4 only such (the one man who can do it). 5 forming a unity (one and undivided). 6 identical; the same (of one opinion). --n. 1 a the lowest cardinal number. b a thing numbered with it. 2 unity; a unit (one is half of two; came in ones and twos). 3 a single thing or person or example (often referring to a noun previously expressed or implied: the big dog and the small one). 4 colloq. an alcoholic drink (have a quick one; have one on me). 5 a story or joke (the one about the frog). --pron. 1 a person of a specified kind (loved ones; like one possessed). 2 any person, as representing people in general (one is bound to lose in the end). 3 I, me (one would like to help). Usage Often regarded as an affectation. Phrases and idioms all one (often foll. by to) a matter of indifference. at one in agreement. for one being one, even if the only one (I for one do not believe it). for one thing as a single consideration, ignoring others. one another each the other or others (as a formula of reciprocity: love one another). one-armed bandit colloq. a fruit machine worked by a long handle at the side. one by one singly, successively. one day 1 on an unspecified day. 2 at some unspecified future date. one-horse 1 using a single horse. 2 colloq. small, poorly equipped. one-liner colloq. a single brief sentence, often witty or apposite. one-man involving, done, or operated by only one man. one-night stand 1 a single performance of a play etc. in a place. 2 colloq. a sexual liaison lasting only one night. one-off colloq. made or done as the only one; not repeated. one or two see OR(1). one-piece (of a bathing-suit etc.) made as a single garment. one-sided 1 favouring one side in a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  единица – binary one – empty signaling one – meaning signaling one – signaling one ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) единица, единственный 2) единый 3) какой-то 4) некто 5) неопределенный 6) один arrows one up one down — знак антипараллельности bounded from one side — полуограниченный boundedness from one side — полуограниченность consisting of one sheet — однолистность convergence with probability one — сходимость с вероятностью единица, достоверная сходимость distribution truncated at one end — распределение, усеченное с одной стороны equation in one unknown — уравнение с одним неизвестным function of one variable — функция одной переменной group modulo one — группа по модулю единица hyperboloid of one sheet — гиперболоид однополостный integral taken over one cycle — интеграл по замкнутому контуру let us apply one triangle upon another — наложим один треугольник на другой of one and a half — полуторный one and only one — матем. один-единственный one chance pursuit game — игра на преследование с одним шансом one hundred and fifty — полтораста one must observe the rules — следует соблюдать правила one way or another — так или иначе particles attract one another — частицы взаимно притягиваются particles repel one another — частицы взаимно отталкиваются permutation has one inversion — перестановка имеет одну инверсию polynomial in one variable — многочлен с одной переменной precision to one part per million — точность до одной миллионной regression on one variable — регрессия от одного параметра...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. один (число) one and two make three —- один плюс два - три 2. единица (цифра) write down two ones —- напишите две единицы 3. один из one of the family —- член семьи one of the best skaters —- один из лучших конькобежцев 4. раз (при счете) one, two,three, ... —- раз, два, три ... 5. один, одиночка by ones and twos —- по одному и по двое one at a desk —- по одному за партой goods that are sold in ones —- товары, продаваемые в розницу 6. год (о возрасте) the baby is one —- ребенку год 7. час one o'clock —- час he will come at one —- он придет в час a train due at one twenty-five —- поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять 8. филос. идея, сущность 9. эмоц-усил. человек, примечательный в каком-л отношении; герой; мастер oh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager —- ну, ты даешь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего Id: one in a thousand —- один на тысячу, редкостный Id: one too many —- слишком много Id: to have one too many —- выпить лишнего, перебрать; лишний Id: he was one too many —- он оказался лишним Id: to be one too many for smb. —- превосходить кого-л в чем-л; быть для кого-л недостижимым Id: the one about —- шутка, анекдот Id: have you heard the one about the traveling salesman? —- вы знаете анектод о коммивояжере? Id: but one —- предпоследний Id: the topmost stair but one —- предпоследняя сверху ступенька Id: all one —- все равно, все едино; безразлично Id: as one —- как...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  way or another так или иначе ONE way or the other тем или иным путем, так или иначе ONE too many слишком много ONE or two немного, несколько ONE  1. num. card.  1) один; one hundred - сто, сотня; one in a thousand - один на тысячу; редкостный  2) номер один, первый; Room one - комната номер один; volume one - первый том  3) Ill meet you at one - я встречу тебя в час; Pete will be one in a month - Питу через месяц исполнится год - one too many - one or two  2. noun  1) единица, число один; write down two ones - напишите две единицы  2) один, одиночка; one by one - поодиночке; they came by ones and twos - приходили по одному и по двое; it is difficult to tell one from the other - трудно отличить одного от другого  3) употр. как слово-заместитель  а) во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного;  б) в знач. человек; I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? - я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую?; he is the one I mean - он тот самый (человек), которого я имею в виду; the little ones - дети; the great ones and the little ones - большие и малые; my little one - дитя мое (в обращении); - the great ones of the earth - one for smth. - at one - all in one - be made one I for one что касается меня one up (down) to smb. одно очко (один гол и т.п.) в чью-л. (не в чью-л.) пользу  3. adj.  1) единственный; there is only one way to do it - есть единственный способ это сделать  2) единый; to cry out with...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. an, from P.Gmc. *ainaz, from PIE *oinos. Originally pronounced as it still is in only, and in dial. good 'un, young 'un, etc., the now-standard pronunciation "wun" began c.14c. in southwest and west England (Tyndale, a Gloucester man, spells it won in his Bible translation), began to be general 18c. Use as indefinite pronoun infl. by unrelated Fr. on and L. homo. One-horse "small-scale, petty" is Amer.Eng. colloquial from 1854. One-night stand is 1880 in performance sense; 1963 in sexual sense. One of the boys "ordinary amiable fellow" is from 1893. One-track mind is from 1927. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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