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English abbreviation dictionary - jack


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mil. abbr.
Computer generated icons electron. abbr.
Jack Audio Connection Kit gen. comp. abbr.
Just Another Concurrency Kit gen. comp. abbr.
Jack Audio Connection Kit NASDAQ abbr.
Golden Bear Golf, Inc. ( Jack Nicklaus)
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 »TOOL FOR LIFTING« a piece of equipment used to lift a heavy weight off the ground, such as a car, and support it while it is in the air  (a hydraulic jack) 2 »CARD GAMES« a card used in card games that has a man's picture on it and is worth less than a queen and more than a ten  (a pair of jacks) 3 »ELECTRICAL« an electronic connection for a telephone or other electric machine 4 »CHILDREN'S GAME« a) jacks a children's game in which the players try to pick up small objects while bouncing bounce and catching a ball b) a small metal or plastic object that has six points, used in this game 5 »BALL« a small white ball at which players aim larger balls in the game of bowls bowl1 (3a) 6 I'm all right, Jack BrE usually spoken someone with an I'm all right Jack attitude is happy with their life and does not care about other people 7 »PERSON« every man jack BrE old-fashioned every single person; everyone  (Every man jack of them is without a job.) 8 jack shit/diddly AmE spoken an impolite expression meaning nothing at all  (He knows jack shit about cars.)  (- see also jumping jack, Union Jack) ~2 v jack sb around phr v AmE slang to waste someone's time by deliberately making things difficult for them  (Stop jacking me around and make up your mind!) jack sth in phr v BrE informal to stop doing something  (I'd love to jack in my job and go live in the Bahamas.) jack off phr v AmE taboo to masturbate jack sb/sth up phr v 1 to lift something heavy off the ground using a jack  (Jack the car up higher - I can't get the tire off.) 2 informal to increase prices, sales etc by a large amount  (jacking up their profit margins) 3 be jacked up AmE informal to be excited and nervous ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (jacks) 1. A jack is a device for lifting a heavy object off the ground, for example a car. N-COUNT 2. A jack is a playing card whose value is between a ten and a queen. A jack is usually represented by a picture of a young man. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. see also jack-of-all-trades, Union Jack ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English Jacke, familiar term of address to a social inferior, nickname for Johan John  Date: 1548  1.  a. man — usually used as an intensive in such phrases as every man ~  b. often capitalized sailor  c.  (1) servant, laborer  (2) lumber~  2. any of various usually mechanical devices: as  a. a device for turning a spit  b. a usually portable mechanism or device for exerting pressure or lifting a heavy body a short distance  3. something that supports or holds in position: as  a. an iron bar at a topgallant masthead to support a royal mast and spread the royal shrouds  b. a wooden brace fastened behind a scenic unit in a stage set to prop it up  4.  a. any of several fishes; especially any of various carangids  b. a male donkey  c. ~rabbit  d. any of several birds (as a ~daw)  5.  a. a small white target ball in lawn bowling  b. a small national flag flown by a ship  c.  (1) plural but singular in construction a game played with a set of small objects that are tossed, caught, and moved in various figures  (2) a small 6-pointed metal object used in the game of ~s  6.  a. a playing card carrying the figure of a soldier or servant and ranking usually below the queen  b. ~pot 1a(2)  7. slang money  8. a female fitting in an electric circuit used with a plug to make a connection with another circuit  9.  a. apple~  b. brandy  10. ~knife 2  11. Monterey Jack  II. verb  Date: circa 1841  intransitive verb to hunt or fish at night with a ~light  transitive verb  1. to hunt or fish for at night with a ~light  2.  a. to move or lift by or as if by a ~  b. to raise the level of — usually used with up ~ up the price  c. to take to task  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a device for lifting heavy objects, esp. the axle of a vehicle off the ground while changing a wheel etc. 2 a court-card with a picture of a man, esp. a soldier, page, or knave, etc. 3 a ship's flag, esp. one flown from the bow and showing nationality. 4 a device using a single plug to connect an electrical circuit. 5 a small white ball in bowls, at which the players aim. 6 a = JACKSTONE. b (in pl.) a game of jackstones. 7 (Jack) the familiar form of John esp. typifying the common man or the male of a species (I'm all right, Jack). 8 the figure of a man striking the bell on a clock. 9 sl. a detective; a policeman. 10 US sl. money. 11 = LUMBERJACK. 12 = STEEPLEJACK. 13 a device for turning a spit. 14 any of various marine perchlike fish of the family Carangidae, including the amberjack. 15 a device for plucking the string of a harpsichord etc., one being operated by each key. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by up) 1 raise with or as with a jack (in sense 1). 2 colloq. raise e.g. prices. Phrases and idioms every man jack each and every person. Jack Frost frost personified. jack in (or up) sl. abandon (an attempt etc.). jack-in-the-box a toy figure that springs out of a box when it is opened. jack-in-office a self-important minor official. jack of all trades a person who can do many different kinds of work. jack-o'-lantern 1 a will-o'-the wisp. 2 a lantern made esp. from a pumpkin with holes for facial features. jack plane a medium-sized plane for use in rough joinery. jack plug a plug for use with a jack (see sense 4 of n.). Jack tar a sailor. on one's jack (or Jack Jones) sl. alone; on one's own. Etymology: ME Iakke, a pet-name for John, erron. assoc. with F Jacques James 2. n. 1 = BLACKJACK(3). 2 hist. a sleeveless padded tunic worn by foot-soldiers. Etymology: ME f. OF jaque, of uncert. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) передвижное подъёмное приспособление; домкрат; лебёдка; подъёмник поднимать домкратом или лебёдкой 2) натягивать арматуру (для создания предварительного напряжения в железобетонных элементах) 3) подставка; стойка; опора; козлы 4) рычаг 5) зажим 6) перфоратор, бурильный молоток 7) дефлектор 8) эл. гнездо, ответная часть соединителя; розетка; фишка; клеммная колодка 9) толкатель (напр. кулирных платин котонной машины) to jack in place, to jack to position — поднимать домкратом в проектное положение; to jack up — поднимать домкратом - aircraft hydraulic jack - anchor jack - answering jack - antenna jack - banana jack - booster jack - boot jack - bracing jack - branching jack - break jack - bridging jack - builder's jack - built-in jack - calling jack - carriage jack - ceiling jack - chain jack - circle jack - compressed-air jack - cross-beam jack - cutoff jack - cylinder jack - double-action jack - drum-end jack - external antenna jack - five-point jack - floor jack - four-way jack - grounding jack - ground jack - hand jack - harness wiring jack - haulage-end jack - headphone jack - hip jack - hoisting jack - hydraulic jack - hydraulic rail jack - hydraulic trolley jack - integral jack - intermediate jack - jacquard jack - laboratory jack - lamp jack - latch jack - lever jack - lifting jack - line jack - line input jack - log jack - lumber jack - monitoring jack - motor-car jack - mud jack - needle jack - oil pneumatic jack - patching jack - pattern jack - phone jack - phono jack - pin jack - pneumatic jack - presser jack - prestressing jack - pumping jack - pup jack - rack-and-gear jack - rack jack - rack-and-pinion jack - rack-operated jack - rail jack...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  домкрат; грузоподъёмное устройство опорная винтовая стойка (напр. для опалубки); сжим, зажим дефлектор, колпак (на дымовой трубе) штепсель; гнездо перфоратор; бурильный молоток air hydraulic jack bell-bottom screw jack borehole jack bottle jack chain jack chimney jack double-acting jack electric jack face jack flat jack hip jack hydraulic jack lever jack locking jack outrigger jack plate jack pneumatic jack rack-and-lever jack roof jack sand jack screw jack shoving jack slipform jack stabilizing screw jacks stressing jack stretching jack tensioning jack track jack trench jack valley jack ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гнездо; розетка 2) контактная колодка – adaptor jacks – analog-out jack – answering jack – audio jack – auxiliary jack – branching jack – break jack – bridging jack – busy back jack – calling jack – CD jacks – crimp-type jack – cutoff jack – dc in jack – digital-out jack – echo-reverberation jack – grounding jack – headphone jack – lamp jack – line jack – listening jack – master jack – miscellaneous jack – multiple jack – patching jack – phone jack – PHONO jack – PHONO INPUT jacks – pin jack – play jacks – PLAY/LINE OUT jack – pup jack – rec jacks – REC/LINE IN jack – single-line telephone jack – slave jack – spring jack – subwoofer jack – switch board jack – tape 1/dat jacks – tape 2/dat jacks – telephone jack – test jack – through jack – tip jack – transfer jack – tuner input jacks – tuning jack – video/aux jacks ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) валет 2) гнездо коммутационной доски 3) машиностр. гнездовой 4) гюйс 5) джек 6) домкрат 7) домкратный 8) пружинный переключатель busy jack plugging — штепселевание занятого гнезда leather rolling jack — маятниковый подошвенный каток little gaint jack — карликовый домкрат operator's telephone set jack — гнездо гарнитуры телефонистки - articulated jack - break jack - bridging jack - calling jack - chain jack - cutoff jack - double-break jack - foot-operated jack - four-way jack - gear-and-rack jack - jack block - jack column - jack cord - jack hammer - jack panel - jack spring - jack strip - jack up - levelling jack - lift of jack - measuring jack - monitoring jack - multiple jack - open-circuit jack - parking jack - phono jack - pin jack - rack-and-lever jack - roller-type jack - sleeve of jack - spring jack - switchboard jack - test jack - three-point jack - through jack - through-line jack - track jack - transfer jack - tripod jack - vale-pin jack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) работник 2) поденщик - Cheap Jack - Jack in office - Jack out of office 2. амер. повышать цены/зарплату (up) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) самец осла или мула 2) ихт. каранкс (Caranx) 3) см. jackfruit – amber jack – bar jack – black jack – blue jack – blunt-nosed jack – bow-striped jack – cavally jack – common jack – cornish jack – crevalle jack – dusky jack – five-fingered jack – goggle-eyed jack – green jack – horse-eyed jack – mangrove jack – river jack – Spanish jack – spiky jack – yellow jack ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. см. apple jack 2. см. Jack Benny 3. см. Jack Daniel's ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. парень; друг (обращение к незнакомому) 2. (также j.) простой человек, человек из народа; парень every man Jack —- всякий (каждый) (человек); все как один (человек); все до одного 3. работник, поденщик 4. карт. валет 5. моряк (сокр. от ) 6. лесоруб (сокр. от ) 7. сл. сыщик, шпик Id: Jack Blunt —- грубоватый (резкий, прямой) человек Id: Jack Frost —- Мороз Красный Нос Id: Jack Horner —- шаловливый мальчуган Id: Jack Ketch —- палач Id: Jack Presbyter (Priest) —- презр. поп Id: Jack Sprat —- маленький человечек; карлик Id: Jack the Giant-killer —- Джек Победитель Великанов (сказочный герой) Id: Jack of Lent —- уст. чучело, которое устанавливают в Англии в великий пост и забрасывают камнями и грязью; посмешище; человек, служащий предметом всеобщих насмешек; марионетка; незначительный человек Id: Jack and Jill —- парень и девушка; влюбленная парочка Id: every Jack has his Jill —- подружка есть у каждого; у каждого голубка своя горлица Id: a good Jack makes a good Jill —- у хорошего мужа хорошая жена Id: all shall be well, Jack shall have Jill —- дело кончится свадьбой (говорится о счастливом конце книги, фильма) Id: Jack in office —- бюрократ, чинуша Id: Jack out of office —- потерявший работу, безработный Id: Jack at a pinch —- человек, готовый немедленно выполнить любое поручение Id: Jack of (at) all trades...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) (тж. Jack) человек, парень every man jack - каждый (человек) a good Jack makes a good Jill - у хорошего мужа жена хорошая - Jack and Gill - Jack and Jill  2) = jack tar  3) (тж. Jack) работник, поденщик  4) cards валет  5) amer. деньги - make jack  6) amer.; sl. детектив, сыщик  7) молодая щука  8) tech. домкрат, таль; рычаг; клин  9) приспособление для поворачивания вертела  10) tech. козлы; стойка  11) electr. гнездо телефонного коммутатора; пружинный переключатель  12) компенсатор  13) бурильный молоток, перфоратор  14) колпак на дымовой трубе  15) min. цинковая обманка Jack of all trades - на все руки мастер to be Jack of all trades and master of none - за все браться и ничего не уметь Jack out of office - безработный Jack at a pinch - человек, готовый немедленно услужить - raise jack  2. v. поднимать домкратом (часто jack up) You have to jack up the car in order to change a wheel. - jack up II noun naut. гюйс, флаг III noun; hist.  1) мех (для вина и т.п.) - black jack  2) солдатская кожаная куртка без рукавов JACK and Gill парень и девушка JACK Frost Мороз Красный нос; матушка-зима JACK noun; dim. of John Джек JACK and Jill парень и девушка JACK up  а) бросить, оставить to jack up ones job бросить работу  б) взбодрить He needed a small drink to jack up his failing courage.  в) ругать The director jacked Jim up for being late again. JACK tar матрос JACK sprat ничтожество JACK rabbit...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1391, jakke, a mechanical device, from the name Jack, commonest pet-name of John, attested in Eng. by 1218, probably an Anglicization of O.Fr. Jacques (which was a dim. of L. Jacobus). Jack was used by 14c. for "any common fellow," and thereafter extended to appliances replacing servants. Used generically of men (jack-of-all-trades), male animals (jackass), and male personifications (Jack Frost). Jack-knife (v.) is from 1776; jackrabbit is 1882, Amer.Eng., shortening of jackass-rabbit, so called for its long ears. Jack off (v.) "to masturbate" is attested from 1916, probably from jack in the sense of "penis." Jack shit "nothing at all" is 1970s southern U.S. student slang. Jack o'lantern (1663) is the native name for L. ignis fatuus; the jack of Union Jack is a nautical term for a small flag at the bow of a ship (1633), often improperly applied to the union flag itself. The verb jack up is 1873, originally "abandon, give up," later (1885) "hoist with a jack;" then "increase prices, etc." (1904, Amer.Eng.), all from the noun. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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