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English abbreviation dictionary - hope


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onc. abbr.
Helping Oncology Patients Excel hosp. abbr.
Health Opportunities For People Everywhere physiol. abbr.
Health Osteoporosis Progestin Estrogen physiol. abbr.
Healthy Options Pertaining To Elders physiol. abbr.
Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation physiol. abbr.
Health Opportunity For People Everywhere U.S. gov. abbr.
Helps On Personal Evaluation U.S. gov. abbr.
High On Patriotic Enthusiasm country abbr.
Houses Of Prayer Everywhere univ. abbr.
Honoring Our Professors Excellence funny abbr.
Hackers On Planet Earth non-prof. org. abbr.
Helping Open People's Eyes non-prof. org. abbr.
Heartlanders Opening People's Eyes non-prof. org. abbr.
Healing Of People Everywhere educ. abbr.
Helping One Person Excel educ. abbr.
Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally educ. abbr.
Help And Opportunity To Pursue Education educ. abbr.
Helping Other People Excel educ. abbr.
Help One Person Excel educ. abbr.
Helping Others Practice English educ. abbr.
Health Outreach Prevention And Education educ. abbr.
Hannah Organization For Promoting Education educ. abbr.
Help Our People Excel educ. abbr.
Help Our Parents Educate educ. abbr.
Honoring Outstanding Prevention Efforts religion abbr.
Helping Open Peoples Eyes gen. bus. abbr.
Help Overcome Professional Exploitation gen. bus. abbr.
Helping Overcome Professional Exploitation gen. bus. abbr.
Honoring Occupational And Personal Empowerment pos. abbr.
High Office Parachute Escape
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  ~1 v 1 to want something to happen or be true, and to believe it is possible  (hope (that))  (I hope you have a lovely birthday. | I hope I'm not disturbing you. | Let's just hope we can find somewhere to park. | hope to do sth)  (Joan's hoping to study Law at Harvard.) + for  (We were hoping for good weather) hope for the best (=hope that a situation will end well when there is a risk of things going wrong)  (All we can do is hope for the best and wait. | hope against hope (=continue to hope for something even when it is unlikely to happen))  (Daniel waited all day, hoping against hope that Annie would change her mind.) 2 I hope (that) used to say that you hope something will happen  (I hope you're coming to the party. | I do hope (that) BrE (=a polite way of sying that you hope something will happen))  (It was great to see you and I do hope that we'll meet up again soon.) 3 I hope so used to say that you hope something that has been mentioned happens or is true  ("Do we get paid this week?" "I certainly hope so!") 4 I hope not used to say that you hope something that has been mentioned does not happen or is not true  (I don't think I'm busy that day, at least I hope not anyway.) 5 I am hoping used to say that you hope something will happen, especially because you are depending on it  (I am hoping (that))  (I'm hoping he's going to do my car for me because I can't afford to take it to the garage. | I'm hoping to do sth)  (Oh what a shame! We were hoping to see you today.) 6 let's hope (that) used to tell someone that you hope something will happen or will not happen  (Let's just hope someone finds her bag and hands it in.) 7 I should hope so (too) BrE used to say that you feel very strongly that something should happen  ("Well, they should get their money back." "I should hope so too, after being treated like that.") 8 I hope to God (that) used to say that you hope very much that something will happen or will not happen, because otherwise there will be serious problems  (I hope to God I haven't left the car...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (hopes, hoping, hoped) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you hope that something is true, or if you hope for something, you want it to be true or to happen, and you usually believe that it is possible or likely. She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray... He hesitates before leaving, almost as though he had been hoping for conversation... I hope to get a job within the next two weeks... The researchers hope that such a vaccine could be available in about ten years’ time... ‘We’ll speak again.’—‘I hope so.’... VERB: V, V for n, V to-inf, V that, V so/not 2. If you say that you cannot hope for something, or if you talk about the only thing that you can hope to get, you mean that you are in a bad situation, and there is very little chance of improving it. Things aren’t ideal, but that’s the best you can hope for... ...these mountains, which no one can hope to penetrate. VERB: with brd-neg, V for n, V to-inf • Hope is also a noun. The only hope for underdeveloped countries is to become, as far as possible, self-reliant... N-VAR 3. Hope is a feeling of desire and expectation that things will go well in the future. But Kevin hasn’t given up hope of being fit... Consumer groups still hold out hope that the president will change his mind... N-UNCOUNT 4. If someone wants something to happen, and considers it likely or possible, you can refer to their hopes of that thing, or to their hope that it will happen. They have hopes of increasing trade between the two regions... The delay in the programme has dashed Japan’s hopes of commercial success in space... N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n/-ing, N that 5. If you think that the help or success of a particular person or thing will cause you to be successful or to get what you want, you can refer to them as your hope. Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana. N-COUNT: with supp 6. If you are in a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. biographical name Anthony — see Sir Anthony ~ Hawkins  II. biographical name Bob 1903- originally Leslie Townes ~ American (British-born) comedian  III. biographical name Victor Alexander John 1887-1951 8th Earl of ~toun & 2d Marquis of Linlithgow British soldier; viceroy of India (1936-43) HOPE  I. verb  (~d; hoping)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hopian; akin to Middle High German hoffen to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to cherish a desire with anticipation ~s for a promotion  2. archaic trust  transitive verb  1. to desire with expectation of obtainment  2. to expect with confidence ; trust  Synonyms: see expect  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic trust, reliance  2.  a. desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment came in ~s of seeing you; also expectation of fulfillment or success no ~ of a cure  b. someone or something on which ~s are centered our only ~ for victory  c. something ~d for HOPE  abbreviation Health Opportunity for People Everywhere ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (in sing. or pl.; often foll. by of, that) expectation and desire combined, e.g. for a certain thing to occur (hope of getting the job). 2 a a person, thing, or circumstance that gives cause for hope. b ground of hope, promise. 3 what is hoped for. 4 archaic a feeling of trust. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by for) feel hope. 2 tr. expect and desire. 3 tr. feel fairly confident. Phrases and idioms hope against hope cling to a mere possibility. hope chest US = bottom drawer. not a (or some) hope! colloq. no chance at all. Derivatives hoper n. Etymology: OE hopa ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  надежда - hope for ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. надежда; чаяние vague hopes —- смутные надежды hopes of success —- надежды на успех hopes of peace —- мирные чаяния in the hope of smth. —- в надежде на что-л.; в ожидании чего-л. past (beyond) (all) hope —- в безнадежном положении between hope and fear —- с надеждой и страхом to cherish hopes —- лелеять (питать) надежду to lose (all) hope —- потерять надежду to give up hope —- оставить (потерять) надежду to pin one's hopes on smb. —- возлагать надежды на кого-л. to live in hope of smth. —- жить надеждой на что-л. to entertain a hope that... —- надеяться на то, что... to hold out a hope of smth. —- позволять надеяться на что-л.; оставлять (кому-л.) надежду на что-л. I have good hope (strong hopes) that he will soon be well —- я твердо надеюсь, что он скоро поправится this holds out little hope —- это сулит мало хорошего don't raise his hopes too much! —- не слишком обнадеживайте его! what a hope!, some hope(s)! —- (даже) и не надейтесь! 2. тот, на кого возлагают надежды; что-л. многообещающее he was the hope of his school —- он был надеждой школы, школа возлагала на него надежды the navy was the great hope of the allies —- союзники в основном полагались на флот 3. то, что надеются получить; желание; мечта my great hope was a bicycle for Christmas —- я очень надеялся получить велосипед в подарок к рождеству 4. упование Id: to hope against hope —- надеяться на чудо; надеяться вопреки...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (личн. имена) - Xoyп HOPE chest noun сундук с приданым HOPE I  1. noun надежда (of) vague hopes - смутные надежды to pin ones hopes on smb., smth. - возлагать надежды на кого-л., что-л. he is the hope of his school - школа возлагает на него большие надежды - be past hope - be beyond hope Syn: see expectation  2. v.  1) надеяться (for - на) I hope so - надеюсь, что это так I hope not - надеюсь, что этого не будет to hope against hope - надеяться на чудо; надеяться, не имея на это никаких оснований to hope for the best - надеяться на лучшее, на благоприятный исход  2) уповать, предвкушать (for) The men have been hoping for a rise, are you going to disappoint them? Syn: anticipate, await, dream, expect, foresee, wish Ant: despair, despond II noun  1) небольшой узкий залив  2) лощина; ущелье HOPE noun Хоуп ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hopian "wish, expect, look forward (to something)," of unknown origin, a general Low Ger. word. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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