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English abbreviation dictionary - hire


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Help In Re Employment
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  ~1 v 1 BrE to pay money to borrow something for a period of hours or days; let1 (11), rent1 (3) AmE  (Let's hire a car for the weekend.)  (- see borrow) 2 a) to employ someone for a short time to do a job for you  (I'm hiring a private detective to trace my ex-husband.) b) especially AmE to employ someone  (hire and fire (=employ and dismiss people))  ( USAGE NOTE: HIRE WORD CHOICE hire, hire out, rent, rent out, let out, employ, take on, appoint, charter In British English you hire things for just a short time and the owner hires them out to you Let's hire a car for the weekend. | I'll have to hire a suit for the wedding. You rent things for a longer period Is that your own fax or do you rent it? You rent a house, room etc and the owner lets it (out) to you. In American English, however, you rent all of these things, and the owner rents them out. This is now starting to be used in British English as well. In American English you hire people for any job, but in British English you only hire people for a particular purpose for a short time. Otherwise you employ them or take them on (or, more formally, appoint them) We hired a caterer for the wedding reception. | Business is good - we'll have to take on more workers. In both American English and British English groups, companies etc may charter buses, ships, or planes for a special purpose UNICEF has chartered a plane to carry supplies to the disaster area. ) hire sth out phr v BrE 1 to allow someone to use something for a short time in exchange for money; rent1 (3) AmE  (a little company that hires out boats to tourists) 2 hire yourself out to arrange to work for someone. ~2 n 1 BrE an arrangement by which you borrow something for a short time in exchange for money  (a car hire company | for hire (=available to hire))  (boats for hire | on hire from (=being hired))  (The crane is on hire from a construction company.) 2 old use wages  (- see also ply for hire ply1 (4)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (hires, hiring, hired) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you hire someone, you employ them or pay them to do a particular job for you. Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers... The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts... He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA. ...the mystery assassin (who turned out to be a hired killer). VERB: V n, V, V-ing, V-ed 2. If you hire something, you pay money to the owner so that you can use it for a period of time. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use rent) To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence... Her hired car was found abandoned at Beachy Head. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. You use hire to refer to the activity or business of hiring something. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use rental) They booked our hotel, and organised car hire... N-UNCOUNT: usu n N, N of n, N n 4. If something is for hire, it is available for you to hire. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use for rent) Fishing tackle is available for hire. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hy?r; akin to Old Saxon huria ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. payment for the temporary use of something  b. payment for labor or personal services ; wages  2.  a. the act or an instance of hiring  b. the state of being ~d ; employment  3. British rental — often used attributively  4. one who is ~d starting wage for the new ~s  II. verb  (~d; hiring)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to engage the personal services of for a set sum ~ a crew  b. to engage the temporary use of for a fixed sum ~ a hall  2. to grant the personal services of or temporary use of for a fixed sum ~ themselves out  3. to get done for pay ~ the mowing done  intransitive verb to take employment ~ out as a guide during the tourist season  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, let, lease, rent, charter mean to engage or grant for use at a price. ~ and let strictly speaking, are complementary terms, ~ implying the act of engaging or taking for use and let the granting of use we ~d a car for the summer decided to let the cottage to a young couple. lease strictly implies a letting under the terms of a contract but is often applied to hiring on a lease the diplomat leased an apartment for a year. rent stresses the payment of money for the full use of property and may imply either hiring or letting instead of buying a house, they decided to rent will not rent to families with children. charter applies to the hiring or letting of a vehicle usually for exclusive use charter a bus to go to the game. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) procure the temporary use of (a thing) for an agreed payment (hired a van from them). 2 esp. US employ (a person) for wages or a fee. 3 US borrow (money). --n. 1 hiring or being hired. 2 payment for this. Phrases and idioms for (or on) hire ready to be hired. hire-car a car available for hire. hired girl (or man) US a domestic servant, esp. on a farm. hire out grant the temporary use of (a thing) for an agreed payment. hire purchase Brit. a system by which a person may purchase a thing by regular payments while having the use of it. Derivatives hireable adj. (US hirable). hirer n. Etymology: OE hyrian, hyr f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  наем ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) наем, сдача в наем; нанимать; брать напрокат 2) плата за наем – work made for hire HIRE 1. сущ. 1) наем 2) прокат 3) сдача в наем или прокат 4) плата за наем • - contract of hire - hire purchase agreement 2. гл. 1) нанимать 2) снимать 3) брать напрокат Syn: employ, engage HIRE 1. сущ. 1) а) юр., эк. прокат, наем, аренда (договор, по которому одно лицо обязуется предоставить другому лицу товары или услуги по оговоренной цене и в течение определенного периода); сдача в наем или прокат hire car — машина, выдаваемая напрокат tool hire company — компания, выдающая оборудование напрокат There were motocycles for hire. — Мотоциклы выдавали напрокат. We paid $50 for the hire of the hall. — Мы заплатили 50 долл. за аренду зала. б) юр., эк. тр. (трудовой) наем, наем труда (договор о принятии на службу для выполнения какой-л. работы на определенных условиях) The agency helps people find childcare, including putting families in touch with nannies for hire. — Агентство помогает людям в поиске нянь, в том числе предоставляя семья координат нянь, работающих по найму. See: employment 2) юр., эк. плата за наем или за прокат to pay hire — платить за наем, платить за прокат 2. гл. 1) а) эк. тр., юр. нанимать (в американском варианте английского языка: о найме персонала независимо от вида занятости; в британском...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. наем; прокат; сдача внаем или напрокат to let smth. (out) on hire —- сдавать что-л. внаем; давать что-л. напрокат to take smth. on hire —- взять что-л. напрокат the hall is on hire —- сдается зал bicycles for hire —- выдаются велосипеды напрокат to arrange for the hire of a boat —- договориться о прокате (о получении напрокат) лодки for hire —- свободно (табличка на такси) hire of money —- уст. дача денег в рост 2. плата за наем, за прокат to pay hire —- платить заработную плату; платить за прокат to work for hire —- работать по найму 3. нанимать to hire a servant —- нанимать прислугу to hire workers by the day —- нанимать рабочих поденно to hire oneself —- наниматься to hire (oneself) out to a farmer —- наняться к фермеру (в батраки) he was hired to do this job —- его наняли для выполнения этой работы 4. снимать, брать напрокат to hire a room —- снять комнату to hire a horse —- нанять лошадь to hire a car —- взять напрокат автомобиль to hire money —- уст. занимать деньги под проценты 5. сдавать внаем; давать напрокат (обыкн. hire out) to hire out a hall —- сдавать (внаем) зал to hire out bicycles —- давать велосипеды напрокат we intend to hire out our cottage for three months —- мы хотим сдать нашу дачу на три месяца 6. уст. подкупать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) сдавать внаем, давать напрокат Im thinking of hiring out my boat for the summer, while Im away.  б) наниматься (в прислуги, официантки и т.п.) HIRE system = hire-purchase HIRE  1. noun  1) наем; прокат to let out on hire - сдавать внаем, давать напрокат  2) плата за наем - work for hire  2. v. нанимать - hire out Syn: conscript, employ, engage, enlist, recruit see lease Ant: buy, discharge, fire, purchase, retire ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. hyrian "pay for service, employ for wages, engage," from P.Gmc. *khurja. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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