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English abbreviation dictionary - fog


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lab. abbr.
Flare Out Growth NASA abbr.
Feet On Ground U.S. gov. abbr.
Field Operation Guide U.S. gov. abbr.
Frequency Of Gobbledygook U.S. gov. abbr.
Factor Of Gobbledegook transport. abbr.
Feet On The Ground mil. abbr.
Fats Oils And Grease mil. abbr.
Fiber Optic Guided mil. abbr.
Fiber Optic Gyro airport code Foggia, Italy meteo abbr.
Fats Oil And Grease food abbr.
Fat Oil And Grease funny abbr.
Feminist Occupation Government adult abbr.
Fat Old Guy file ext. abbr.
Fontographer Database File religion abbr.
Focus On God chat abbr.
Four Old Guys
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  ~1 n 1 cloudy air near the ground which is difficult to see through  (Thick fog is making driving conditions hazardous. | fog bank (=a large area of fog))  (- compare mist1 (1)) 2 in a fog informal confused and unable to think clearly  (Sorry, what did you say? - my mind's in a fog at the moment.) ~2 v fogged, fogging 1 if something made of glass fogs up or becomes fogged up, it becomes covered in small drops of water that make it difficult to see through 2 fog the issue to make a subject, problem etc become unclear and more complicated  (I think we're just fogging the issue by looking at all these details.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fogs) 1. When there is fog, there are tiny drops of water in the air which form a thick cloud and make it difficult to see things. The crash happened in thick fog... These ocean fogs can last for days. N-VAR 2. A fog is an unpleasant cloud of something such as smoke inside a building or room. ...a fog of stale cigarette smoke. N-SING: usu N of n 3. You can use fog to refer to a situation which stops people from being able to notice things, understand things, or think clearly. The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology... Synchronizing these attacks may be difficult in the fog of war... His mind was in a fog when he finally got up. N-SING: oft in N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: probably back-formation from ~gy  Date: 1544  1.  a. vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground  b. a fine spray or a foam for firefighting  2. a murky condition of the atmosphere or a substance causing it  3.  a. a state of confusion or bewilderment spent the morning in a ~  b. something that confuses or obscures hid behind a ~ of rhetoric  4. cloudiness or partial opacity in a developed photographic image caused by chemical action or stray radiation  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Date: 1599  transitive verb  1. to cover, envelop, or suffuse with or as if with ~ ~ the barns with pesticide  2. to make obscure or confusing accusations which ~ged the real issues  3. to make confused  4. to produce ~ on (as a photographic film) during development  intransitive verb  1. to become covered or thick with ~  2.  a. to become blurred by a covering of ~ or mist  b. to become indistinct through exposure to light or radiation ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a thick cloud of water droplets or smoke suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface restricting or obscuring visibility. b obscurity in the atmosphere caused by this. 2 Photog. cloudiness on a developed negative etc. obscuring the image. 3 an uncertain or confused position or state. --v. (fogged, fogging) 1 tr. a envelop or cover with fog or condensed vapour. b bewilder or confuse as if with a fog. 2 intr. become covered with fog or condensed vapour. 3 tr. Photog. make (a negative etc.) obscure or cloudy. Phrases and idioms fog-bank a mass of fog at sea. fog-bound unable to proceed because of fog. fog-bow a manifestation like a rainbow, produced by light on fog. fog-lamp a lamp used to improve visibility in fog. fog-signal a detonator placed on a railway line in fog to warn train drivers. in a fog puzzled; at a loss. Etymology: perh. back-form. f. FOGGY 2. n. & v. esp. Brit. --n. 1 a second growth of grass after cutting; aftermath. 2 long grass left standing in winter. --v.tr. (fogged, fogging) 1 leave (land) under fog. 2 feed (cattle) on fog. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) туман окутывать туманом 2) кфт. тлв вуаль вуалировать 3) тлв защитный интервал (между уровнями чёрного и гашения) 4) матовость (скопление микродефектов, создающих эффект матовости) - advective fog - aerial fog - air-mass fog - atmospheric fog - chemical fog - coastal fog - cold fog - colored fog - color fog - dichroic fog - dry fog - dry oil fog - edge fog - elevated fog - frontal fog - frost fog - fuel fog - ground fog - high fog - high-inversion fog - ice fog - light fog - maritime fog - metal fog - mixing fog - oil fog - prefrontal fog - radiation fog - rime fog - riverine fog - steam fog - tar fog - upslope fog - warm fog ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  туман ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  тлв. вуаль FOIL DIAPHRAGM диафрагма из (алюминиевой) фольги ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) фото вуаль 2) отуманивать 3) отуманить 4) противотуманный 5) туман 6) хмарь advection fog over ice — метео надледный туман - fog buoy - fog head-light - fog quenching - ice fog - radiation fog ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бот. бухарник (Holcus) 2) отава, подрост 3) туман – Yorkshire fog ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. густой туман ground fog —- стелющийся туман wet fog —- сырой туман fog patch —- гряда тумана 2. мгла; дым или пыль, стоящие в воздухе 3. неясность; замешательство; неведение my mind is in a fog —- у меня в голове туман, я ничего не понимаю I am in a fog —- я совсем запутался; я в полной растерянности 4. фот. потускнение, вуаль, затемнение 5. окутывать, покрывать, покрыть туманом the steam has fogged my glasses —- пар затуманил мне очки 6. затуманиваться my glasses have fogged in a steamy room —- мои очки запотели в парном помещении 7. озадачивать, приводить в недоумение, замешательство I'm completely fogged by this French sentence —- я совершенно запутался в этом французском предложении 8. фот. покрываться вуалью, быть неясным, туманным 9. отава 10. травостой, оставшийся под зиму to leave under fog —- оставить нескошенным (о луге и т. п.) 11. шотл. мох 12. пасти скот на отаве 13. пастись на отаве (о скоте) 14. оставлять траву нескошенной на зиму 15. шотл. зарастать мхом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) густой туман  2) дым или пыль, стоящие в воздухе; мгла  3) in a fog - как в тумане; в замешательстве, в затруднении  4) phot. вуаль  2. v.  1) окутывать туманом; затуманивать(ся)  2) напускать туману, озадачивать II agric.  1. noun  1) отава  2) трава, оставшаяся нескошенной  2. v.  1) пасти скот на отаве  2) оставлять траву нескошенной ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: IN A FOG. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1544, from O.N. fok "snow flurry;" the 14c. fog meaning "long grass" may be a different word. Foggy Bottom "U.S. Department of State" is 1950, from the name of a marshy region of Washington, D.C., where many federal buildings are (also with a punning alluson to political murkiness). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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