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English abbreviation dictionary - fact


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Fair Application Of Cigarette Taxes transport. abbr.
Fast And Comfortable Trains ocean sc. abbr.
Feasibility Ascension Cape Town univ. abbr.
Families Alumnae And Community Together univ. abbr.
Fellowship And Catering Team univ. abbr.
Falcon Academic Competition Team univ. abbr.
Freshman Advising Contact Term univ. abbr.
Freshman Advising Contact Team univ. abbr.
Freshmen Advanced Curriculum Team farm. abbr.
Farmers Agriculture Conservation And Technology softw. abbr.
Financial Advisors Computer Technician gen. comp. abbr.
Future Automation Control Technology media abbr.
Federation Against Copyright Theft non-prof. org. abbr.
Foundation To Assist Canadian Talent NASDAQ abbr.
First Albany Companies, Inc. chat abbr.
Friends Of Alachua County Talk
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  ~ n 1 »TRUE INFORMATION« a piece of information that is known to be true  (First of all, we need to establish the facts of the case.) + abou  (The book is full of interesting facts about the World Cup.) facts and figures (=the basic details, numbers etc concerning a particular situation or subject) | it's a fact/that's a fact (=used to emphasize that something is definitely true or that something definitely happened)  (The divorce rate in the US is now twice as high as in the 1950s - that's a fact. | it's a fact that)  (It's a fact that most deaths from lung cancer are caused by smoking. | I know for a fact that spoken (=used to say that you definitely know that something is true))  (I know for a fact that she earns more than I do. | get your facts right/wrong (=be right or wrong about something))  (We need to be sure we've got our facts right before making wild accusations. | stick/keep to the facts (=only say what you know is true))  (Let's just stick to the facts and not jump to any conclusions. | the bare facts (=the basic details of a situation or story) | hard facts (=details or pieces of information that can be proved to be true))  (We need some hard facts not just theories and suppositions. | the facts speak for themselves (=they show clearly that something is true))  (She obviously knows what she's doing - the facts speak for themselves.) 2 the fact (that) used when talking about a situation and saying that it is true  (He refused to help me, despite the fact that I asked him several times. | given the fact (that)/in view of the fact (that) (=used when saying that a particular fact influences your judgement about something or someone))  (Given the fact that this is their first game, I think they did pretty well. | owing to the fact (that)/due to the fact (that) (=because))  (The school's poor exam record is largely due to the fact that it is chronically underfunded.) 3 »REAL EVENTS/NOT A STORY« situations, events etc that really happened and have not been invented  (Much of the novel is based on...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (facts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use the fact that after some verbs or prepositions, especially in expressions such as in view of the fact that, apart from the fact that, and despite the fact that, to link the verb or preposition with a clause. His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval... We have to lie and hide the fact that I have an illness... PHRASE: prep PHR cl, v PHR cl 2. You use the fact that instead of a simple that-clause either for emphasis or because the clause is the subject of your sentence. The fact that he had left her of his own accord proved to me that everything he’d said was true. PHRASE: PHR cl, oft v PHR cl, prep PHR cl 3. You use in fact, in actual fact, or in point of fact to indicate that you are giving more detailed information about what you have just said. We’ve had a pretty bad time while you were away. In fact, we very nearly split up this time... He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me... PHRASE: PHR with cl 4. You use in fact, in actual fact, or in point of fact to introduce or draw attention to a comment that modifies, contradicts, or contrasts with a previous statement. That sounds rather simple, but in fact it’s very difficult... Why had she ever trusted her? In point of fact she never had, she reminded herself. = actually PHRASE: PHR with cl 5. When you refer to something as a fact or as fact, you mean that you think it is true or correct. ...a statement of verifiable historical fact... How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew. N-VAR 6. Facts are pieces of information that can be discovered. There is so much information you can almost effortlessly find the facts for yourself... His opponent swamped him with facts and figures... The lorries always left in the dead of night when there were few witnesses around to record the fact. N-COUNT 7. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Latin ~um, from neuter of ~us, past participle of facere  Date: 15th century  1. a thing done: as  a. obsolete feat  b. crime accessory after the ~  c. archaic action  2. archaic performance, doing  3. the quality of being actual ; actuality a question of ~ hinges on evidence  4.  a. something that has actual existence space exploration is now a ~  b. an actual occurrence prove the ~ of damage  5. a piece of information presented as having objective reality ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a thing that is known to have occurred, to exist, or to be true. 2 a datum of experience (often foll. by an explanatory clause or phrase : the fact that fire burns; the fact of my having seen them). 3 (usu. in pl.) an item of verified information; a piece of evidence. 4 truth, reality. 5 a thing assumed as the basis for argument or inference. Phrases and idioms before (or after) the fact before (or after) the committing of a crime. a fact of life something that must be accepted. facts and figures precise details. fact-sheet a paper setting out relevant information. the facts of life information about sexual functions and practices. in (or in point of) fact 1 in reality; as a matter of fact. 2 (in summarizing) in short. Etymology: L factum f. facere do ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  facts for design ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) действительность 2) доказанное предложение 3) обстоятельство 4) результат 5) событие 6) сущность 7) факт 8) явление as the matter of fact — ведь in view of the fact that — ввиду того что - corollary fact - derived fact - hypothetical fact - in fact - logical fact - quantitative fact - statistical fact ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  обстоятельство; факт – facts of case – evidential fact FACT сущ. 1) факт, обстоятельство probative fact — факт, служащий доказательством question of fact — вопрос факта 2) действительность 3) событие, явление 4) аргументы • - as a matter of fact - by that fact - dry facts - established facts - fact base - fact of common knowledge - finding of fact - fixed facts - in fact - issue of fact - mistake of fact - question of fact - stark facts - trier of fact - ultimate fact ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. факт, событие, явление; обстоятельство dry facts —- голые факты stark facts —- голые (неприкрашенные) факты established fact —- установленный факт fixed fact —- твердо установленный факт salient facts —- самые существенные (основные) факты; суть дела accomplished fact —- свершившийся факт to place before an accomplished fact —- поставить перед свершившимся фактом a certain physical fact —- известное физическое явление fact of common knowledge —- юр. общеизвестный факт (не требующий доказательств) facts of life —- факты, как они есть; правда жизни; эвф. сведения о половой жизни to let children know the facts of life —- сообщать детям сведения, нужные для их полового воспитания the facts are as follows —- факты таковы facts are stubborn things —- факты - упрямая вещь 2. истина, реальность, действительность to look facts in the face —- видеть вещи такими, какие они есть; смотреть фактам в лицо but this is a fact! —- но ведь это правда! I know it for a fact —- я знаю, что это факт (правда); в этом нет никакого сомнения he would always do it himself, that's a fact —- он всегда делал это сам, честное слово is this a fact or is it just your opinion? —- это действительно факт или только ваше предположение? the fact is that... —- дело в том, что... the fact is she didn't even read the letter —- дело в том, что она даже не прочла этого письма in (as a matter of, in...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  sheet noun напечатанная информация по какой-л. теме (как правило, программа теле- и радиопередач) FACT noun  1) обстоятельство; факт; событие; явление - stark fact  2) истина, действительность this is a fact and not a matter of opinion - это непреложный факт  3) сущность, факт the fact that he was there, shows... - то, что он был там, показывает... the fact is that - дело в том, что the fact of the matter is that - сущность заключается в том, что in fact, in point of fact - фактически, на самом деле, в действительности; по сути, в сущности; на поверку ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1539, from L. factum "event, occurrence," lit. "thing done," from neut. pp. of facere "do." Originally "action," especially "evil deed," its usual modern sense of "thing known to be true" appeared 1632. Factoid is from 1973, first explained, if not coined, by Norman Mailer. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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