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English abbreviation dictionary - crop


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univ. abbr.
College Reach Out Program adult abbr.
Cuties Representin Over Production non-prof. org. abbr.
Celebrate Recovery Outreach Program non-prof. org. abbr.
Christian Relief And Overseas Program non-prof. org. abbr.
Christian Rural Oversees Program religion abbr.
Christian Relief Overseas Program religion abbr.
Christian Rural Overseas Program religion abbr.
Christian Rural Overseas Project religion abbr.
Church Rural Overseas Program
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  ~1 n 1 a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers, especially in order to be eaten  (The main crop in China is rice. | Most of the land is used for growing crops. | crops being harvested in September) 2 the amount of wheat, rice, fruit etc that is produced in a season  (Wheat farmers have had a record crop this year. | bumper crop (=a very large amount of wheat, rice etc produced in a season)) 3 a crop of a group of people that arrive or things that happen at the same time  (There was the usual crop of problems to deal with when I got back to the office. | this season's crop of young players) 4 a short whip used in horse riding 5 the part under a bird's throat where food is stored 6 a very short hairstyle 7 a crop of dark hair/blonde curls etc hair that is short, thick, and attractive ~2 v 1 to cut someone's hair short 2 to cut a part off a photograph or picture so that it is a particular size or shape 3 if an animal crops grass or other plants, it makes them short by eating them 4 if a plant crops, it produces fruit, grain etc  (The apple trees cropped well that year.) crop up phr v 1 if something, especially a problem, crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and unexpectedly  (Please let me know if anything crops up while I'm away.)  (- see occur) 2 if something such as a name or a subject crops up, it appears in something you read or hear  (Your name kept cropping up in conversation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (crops, cropping, cropped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Crops are plants such as wheat and potatoes that are grown in large quantities for food. Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand... The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes. N-COUNT see also cash crop 2. The plants or fruits that are collected at harvest time are referred to as a crop. Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit... The US government says that this year’s corn crop should be about 8 percent more than last year... = harvest N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. You can refer to a group of people or things that have appeared together as a crop of people or things. (INFORMAL) The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death... = batch N-SING: N of n 4. When a plant crops, it produces fruits or parts which people want. Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly. VERB: V 5. To crop someone’s hair means to cut it short. She cropped her hair and dyed it blonde. VERB: V n • cropped She had cropped grey hair. ADJ 6. A crop is a short hairstyle. She had her long hair cut into a boyish crop. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. If you crop a photograph, you cut part of it off, in order to get rid of part of the picture or to be able to frame it. I decided to crop the picture just above the water line... Her husband was cropped from the photograph. VERB: V n, be V-ed from n 8. the cream of the crop: see cream ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, craw, head of a plant, yield of a field, from Old English ~p craw, head of a plant; akin to Old High German kropf goiter, craw  Date: before 12th century  1. a pouched enlargement of the gullet of many birds that serves as a receptacle for food and for its preliminary maceration; also an enlargement of the gullet of another animal (as an insect)  2.  a.  (1) a plant or animal or plant or animal product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence an apple ~ a ~ of wool  (2) the total yearly production from a specified area  b. the product or yield of something formed together the ice ~  c. a batch or lot of something produced during a particular cycle the current ~ of films  d. collection a ~ of lies  3. the stock or handle of a whip; also a riding whip with a short straight stock and a loop  4. ~ (II)  a. the part of the chine of a quadruped (as a domestic cow) lying immediately behind the withers — usually used in plural; see cow illustration  b. an earmark on an animal; especially one made by a straight cut squarely removing the upper part of the ear  c. a close cut of the hair  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to remove the upper or outer parts of ~ a hedge ~ a dog's ears  b. harvest ~ trout  c. to cut off short ; trim ~ a photograph  2. to cause (land) to bear a ~ planned to ~ another 40 acres; also to grow as a ~  intransitive verb  1. to feed by ~ping something  2. to yield or make a ~  3. to appear unexpectedly or casually problems ~ up daily ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the produce of cultivated plants, esp. cereals. b the season's total yield of this (a good crop). 2 a group or an amount produced or appearing at one time (this year's crop of students). 3 (in full hunting crop) the stock or handle of a whip. 4 a a style of hair cut very short. b the cropping of hair. 5 Zool. a the pouch in a bird's gullet where food is prepared for digestion. b a similar organ in other animals. 6 the entire tanned hide of an animal. 7 a piece cut off or out of something. --v. (cropped, cropping) 1 tr. a cut off. b (of animals) bite off (the tops of plants). 2 tr. cut (hair, cloth, edges of a book, etc.) short. 3 tr. gather or reap (produce). 4 tr. (foll. by with) sow or plant (land) with a crop. 5 intr. (of land) bear a crop. Phrases and idioms crop-dusting the sprinkling of powdered insecticide or fertilizer on crops, esp. from the air. crop-eared having the ears (esp. of animals) or hair cut short. crop-full having a full crop or stomach. crop out Geol. appear at the surface. crop-over a W. Indian celebration marking the end of the sugar-cane harvest. crop up 1 (of a subject, circumstance, etc.) appear or come to one's notice unexpectedly. 2 Geol. appear at the surface. Etymology: OE crop(p) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) порция; партия 2) горн. выход (пласта) на поверхность выходить на поверхность (о пласте) 3) добыча (руды) 4) прибыльная часть слитка, отрезаемая в отход 5) мн. ч. метал. обрезь 6) сельскохозяйственная культура возделывать сельскохозяйственную культуру 7) урожай собирать урожай 8) сажать; сеять; засевать - bar crops - billet crops - side crops ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. гл. 1) сажать, сеять 2) давать урожай 3) собирать урожай • - crop damage - crop insurance - crop production - winter crop - winter crops 2. сущ. 1) урожай 2) посев 3) жатва 4) хлеб на корню 5) сельскохозяйственная культура - bumper crop - cash crop - corn crop - crop failure - crop plants - crop prospects - crop rotation - feed crop - heavy crop - industrial crop - land out of crop - land under crop - technical crop - thin crop - thin crops ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сельскохозяйственная культура 2) урожай; хлеб на корню; собирать урожай 3) приплод 4) верхушка, макушка 5) зоб (у птицы, насекомого) 6) сажать, сеять 7) подстригать, обрезать, срезать 8) объедать, щипать (траву) in crop — в стадии плодоношения – advanced crop – alien crops – cleaning crop – companion crop – mixed grass crop – moss crop – self-seed crop – soilless crop – standing crop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. урожай heavy crop —- богатый урожай crop capacity —- потенциальная урожайность the rice crop —- урожай риса a good crop of apples —- хороший урожай яблок 2. хлеб на корню; посев under crop —- засеянный out of crop —- незасеянный, под паром 3. с-х. культура technical crops —- технические культуры; зерновые культуры crop rotation —- севооборот, плодосмен crop residues —- пожнивные остатки, стерня crop smothering —- глушение культур (сорняками) 4. выход, приплод; прибавление; пополнение а - of lambs приплод овец a new crop of college students —- новое пополнение колледжа студентами 5. обилие, масса a crop of pimples on the face —- масса прыщей на лице a crop of questions —- уйма вопросов a crop of letters —- ворох писем a crop of lies —- целат куча вранья a fine crop of hair —- роскошная шевелюра 6. зоб 7. диал. желудок, утроба 8. кнутовище, рукоять 9. короткая стрижка 10. архит. венчающее украшение 11. горн. добыча 12. кож. дело крупон, дубленая шкура crop feather —- выделанкая кожа мелких животных 13. подрезывание или прорезывание уха; ушная метка 14. щиипать траву; объедать кусты 15. подстригать, подрезать to crop the hair —- подстричь волосы to crop the ears —- подрезать уши; прорезать ухо; ставить ушную метку to crop the tail of a horse —- подрезать хвост лошади 16. обрезать; срезать 17. сажать, сеять...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  plants noun; pl. хлебные злаки CROP  1. noun  1) урожай; жатва; посев - heavy crop  2) хлеб на корню - land under crop - land out of crop  3) agric. культура - technical crops - industrial crops  4) зоб (у птиц)  5) кнутовище  6) коротко остриженные волосы - Eton crop  7) обилие; масса  8) дубленая шкура  9) mining добыча (руды)  10) attr. - crop rotation - crop failure  2. v.  1) собирать урожай  2) давать урожай  3) подстригать, обрезать  4) щипать, объедать (траву и т.п.) - crop out - crop up CROP failure неурожай, недород CROP forecast виды на урожай CROP up  а) неожиданно обнаруживаться; возникать Some difficulties have cropped up, so we must work late to deal with them.  б) выходить на поверхность Be careful how you walk in this field, there are lots of rocks cropping up.  в) делать ошибку You seem to have cropped up badly on page 34, your facts are wrong. CROP out geol. обнажаться, выходить на поверхность (о пласте) CROP rotation севооборот ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cropp "bird's craw," also "head or top of a sprout or herb." Meaning of "harvest product" is c.1300, probably through verb meaning "cut off the top of a plant" (c.1200). The general meaning of "to cut off" is c.1400. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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