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English abbreviation dictionary - concern


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  ~1 n 1 »WORRY« a) something that worries you  (The main concern is that the health of the employees will be at risk.) b) a feeling of worry, especially about something such as a social problem, someone's health etc  (The recent rise in crime is a matter of considerable public concern.) + about/over  (There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health. | concern for sb)  (A government spokesman expressed concern for the lives of the hostages. | cause concern/be a cause for concern)  (The depletion of the ozone layer is causing widespread concern among scientists.) 2 be of concern (to sb) if something is of concern to you, it is important to you and you feel worried about it  (The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government.) 3 something that is important to you or that involves you  (His main concern is to be able to provide for his family.) 4 »FEELING FOR SB« a feeling of wanting someone to be happy and healthy + for  (parent's loving concern for their children) 5 sb's concern if something is your concern, you are responsible for it  (The money side of the business is your concern.) 6 not sb's concern/none of sb's concern if something is not your concern, you are not interested in it and you do not need to worry about it or become involved in it  (How much money I earn is none of your concern.) 7 »BUSINESS« a business or company  (The restaurant is a family concern. | a going concern (=a business that is financially successful)) ~2 v 1 if an activity, situation, rule etc concerns you, it affects you or involves you  (The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than small businesses.) 2 (not in passive) to make someone feel worried or upset  (The fact that she spends so much time on her own really concerns me.) 3 (not in passive) if a story, book, report etc concerns someone or something, it is about them  (This article concerns a man who was wrongly imprisoned.) 4 concern yourself with/about sth to become involved in something because you are interested in it or because...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (concerns, concerning, concerned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Concern is worry about a situation. The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa... The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease... There is no cause for concern. N-UNCOUNT: oft N prep, N that 2. If something concerns you, it worries you. The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies... It concerned her that Bess was developing a crush on Max. VERB: no cont, V n, it V n that • concerned Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses. ...a phone call from a concerned neighbor. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ about/for n, ADJ that 3. A concern is a fact or situation that worries you. His concern was that people would know that he was responsible... Unemployment was the electorate’s main concern. = worry N-COUNT: usu with poss 4. Someone’s concern with something is their feeling that it is important. ...a story that illustrates how dangerous excessive concern with safety can be. N-VAR: oft N with n 5. Someone’s concerns are the things that they consider to be important. Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites. N-COUNT: usu with poss 6. Concern for someone is a feeling that you want them to be happy, safe, and well. If you do something out of concern for someone, you do it because you want them to be happy, safe, and well. Without her care and concern, he had no chance at all... He had only gone along out of concern for his two grandsons. N-VAR: oft poss N 7. If you concern yourself with something, you give it attention because you think that it is important. I didn’t concern myself with politics... VERB: V pron-refl with n • concerned The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients’ businesses. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French ~er, from Medieval Latin ~ere, from Late Latin, to sift together, mingle, from Latin com- + cernere to sift — more at certain  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to relate to ; be about the novel ~s three soldiers  b. to bear on  2. to have an influence on ; involve; also to be the business or affair of the problem ~s us all  3. to be a care, trouble, or distress to her ill health ~s me  4. engage, occupy he ~s himself with trivia  intransitive verb obsolete to be of importance ; matter  II. noun  Date: 1655  1.  a. marked interest or regard usually arising through a personal tie or relationship  b. an uneasy state of blended interest, uncertainty, and apprehension  2. something that relates or belongs to one ; affair it's no ~ of yours  3. matter for consideration  4. an organization or establishment for business or manufacture a banking ~  5. contrivance, gadget  Synonyms: see care ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a be relevant or important to (this concerns you). b relate to; be about. 2 (usu. refl.; often foll. by with, in, about, or to + infin.) interest or involve oneself (don't concern yourself with my problems). 3 worry, affect (it concerns me that he is always late). --n. 1 anxiety, worry (felt a deep concern). 2 a a matter of interest or importance to one (no concern of mine). b (usu. in pl.) affairs, private business (meddling in my concerns). 3 a business, a firm (quite a prosperous concern). 4 colloq. a complicated or awkward thing (have lost the whole concern). Phrases and idioms have a concern in have an interest or share in. have no concern with have nothing to do with. to whom it may concern to those who have a proper interest in the matter (as an address to the reader of a testimonial, reference, etc.). Etymology: F concerner or LL concernere (as com-, cernere sift, discern) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. сущ. 1) отношение, касательство 2) фирма, предприятие, концерн 3) участие, интерес, забота, беспокойство 4) важность; значение • - banking concern - business concern - concern of community - concern of customers - concern of stockholders - concern of suppliers - concern of trade association - concern oneself with - going concern - have a concern in business - major concern - monopoly concerns - paying concern Syn: undertaking, enterprise, business, job, cause, case, deed, engagement, point, implication, consequence, interest, importance, significance, importance, value, import 2. гл. 1) касаться, иметь отношение к чему-л. 2) беспокоить - as concerns - as far as smth is concerned - as far as someone is concerned - be concerned about smth. - be concerned in a business - concern oneself about smth. - concern oneself in smth. - concern oneself with smth. Syn: touch on (upon), pertain, refer, relate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. отношение, касательство to have no concern with —- не иметь никакого отношения к it's no concern of mine —- это меня не касается; это не мое дело what concern is it of yours? —- что вам до этого? 2. беспокойство, забота, тревога to express deep concern —- выражать боьшую озабоченность to feel concern about one's future —- беспокоиться о будущем to feel no concern for smth. —- быть равнодушным к чему-л to cause concern —- вызывать беспокойство 3. участие, интерес to show concern for an invalid —- заботиться о больном he has little concern with politics —- он мало интересуется политикой 4. дело, фирма, предприятие; концерн paying concern —- прибыльное предприятие going concern —- функционирующее предприятие family concern —- семейная фирма 5. доля, пай; участие to have a concern in a business —- быть участником предприятия 6. важность, значание matter of great concern —- дело большой важности 7. pl. дела meddling in smb.'s concerns —- вмешательство в чьи-л дела 8. уст. разг. вещь, штука the hackney-coach is a great square concern —- шестиместная карета - это такая огромная квадратная штуковина 9. касаться (в рассказе); описывать the story concerns a good girl and a wicked fairy —- в сказке говорится о хорошей девочке и злой фее 10. касаться, затрагивать, иметь касательство, отношение as far as I am concerned —- что касается меня where the children are concerned —- когда...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) забота, беспокойство; огорчение to feel concern about smth. - беспокоиться о чем-л., быть озабоченным чем-л. - with deep concern  2) участие, интерес to have a concern in a business - быть участником какого-л. предприятия  3) дело, отношение, касательство it is no concern of mine - это не мое дело, это меня не касается  4) значение, важность a matter of great concern - очень важное дело  5) предприятие, фирма  6) coll. вещь, штука Syn: see solicitude  2. v.  1) касаться, иметь отношение as concerns - что касается as far as his conduct is concerned - что касается его поведения his life is concerned - речь идет о его жизни  2) заботиться, беспокоиться (about/over) to be concerned about the future - беспокоиться о будущем  3) refl. - заниматься, интересоваться чем-л. (in/with) The law firm was concerned in the building contract. Dont concern yourself with matters that are not your business. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 15c., from M.L. concernere "concern, touch, belong to," figurative use of L.L. concernere "to sift, mix, as in a sieve," from L. com- "with" + cernere "to sift," hence "perceive, comprehend." Apparently the sense of the prefix shifted to intensive in M.L. Meaning of "relate to" is 16c.; "worry" is 17c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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