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English abbreviation dictionary - bar


Связанные словари


physiol. abbr.
Bright Alert And Responsive physiol. abbr.
Body Alarm Reaction st. & loc. abbr.
Bringing About Reform mil. abbr.
Browning Automatic Rifleman mil. abbr.
Browning Automatic Rifle mil. abbr.
Beyond All Repair railroad abbr.
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company meteo abbr.
Brown And Root network. abbr.
Broadband Access Router file ext. abbr.
Compressed file archive (Unix BAR archive) file ext. abbr.
Horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator) media abbr.
Broadcast Advertisers Report gen. bus. abbr.
British Accreditation Registry
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n 1 »PLACE TO DRINK IN« a) a place where alcoholic drinks are served  (- compare pub) b) BrE one of the rooms inside a pub  (the public bar was crowded) 2 »PLACE TO BUY DRINK« a counter1 (1) where alcoholic drinks are served  (There were no free tables so they stood at the bar.) 3 coffee/snack/salad etc bar a place where a particular kind of food or drink is served 4 »BLOCK OF STH« a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide  (a candy bar | a bar of soap) 5 »PIECE OF METAL/WOOD« a length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out  (A lot of houses had bars across the windows.) 6 »MUSIC« a group of notes and rests (rest1 (12)), separated from other groups by vertical lines, into which a line of written music is divided  (She hummed a few bars of the song.) 7 a bar to (doing) sth something that prevents you from achieving something that you want  (Bad English is a bar to getting a good job.) 8 »GROUP OF LAWYERS« law a) the bar BrE the group of people who are barristers (=lawyers who have the right to speak in a court of law) b) AmE an organization consisting of people who are lawyers 9 be called to the bar a) BrE to become a barrister b) AmE to become a lawyer 10 »PILE OF SAND/STONES« a long pile of sand or stones under the water at the entrance to a harbour1 11 »COLOUR/LIGHT« a narrow band of colour or light 12 »UNIFORMS« a narrow band of metal or cloth worn on a military uniform to show rank 13 »HEATER« the part of an electric heater that provides heat and has a red light 14 behind bars informal in prison ~2 v barred, barring 1 also bar up to shut a door or window using a bar or piece of wood so that people cannot get in or out 2 to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something  (bar sb from)  (Members voted to bar women from the club.) 3 to prevent people from going somewhere by placing something in their way  (The road ahead was barred by a solid line of policemen. | bar sb's way (=prevent someone...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bars, barring, barred) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks. (mainly AM) ...Devil’s Herd, the city’s most popular country-western bar. N-COUNT 2. A bar is a room in a pub or hotel where alcoholic drinks are served. (BRIT) I’ll see you in the bar later... On the ship there are video lounges, a bar and a small duty-free shop. N-COUNT 3. A bar is a counter on which alcoholic drinks are served. Michael was standing alone by the bar when Brian rejoined him... He leaned forward across the bar. N-COUNT see also coffee bar, public bar, singles bar, snack bar, wine bar 4. A bar is a long, straight, stiff piece of metal. ...a brick building with bars across the ground floor windows. ...a crowd throwing stones and iron bars. N-COUNT 5. If you say that someone is behind bars, you mean that they are in prison. Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder... Nearly 5,000 people a year are put behind bars over motoring penalties. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 6. A bar of something is a piece of it which is roughly rectangular. What is your favourite chocolate bar? ...a bar of soap. N-COUNT: with supp 7. If you bar a door, you place something in front of it or a piece of wood or metal across it in order to prevent it from being opened. For added safety, bar the door to the kitchen. VERB: V n • barred The windows were closed and shuttered, the door was barred. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 8. If you bar someone’s way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path. He stepped in front of her, barring her way. = block VERB: V n 9. If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. Amnesty workers have been barred from Sri Lanka since 1982... Many jobs were barred to them. = ban VERB: usu passive, be V-ed from n, be V-ed to n 10. If something is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~re, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *~ra  Date: 12th century  1.  a. a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, ~rier, or fastening)  b. a solid piece or block of material that is longer than it is wide a ~ of gold a candy ~  c. a usually rigid piece (as of wood or metal) longer than it is wide that is used as a handle or support; especially a handrail used by ballet dancers to maintain balance while exercising  2. something that obstructs or prevents passage, progress, or action: as  a. the destruction of an action or claim in law; also a plea or objection that effects such destruction  b. an intangible or nonphysical impediment  c. a submerged or partly submerged bank (as of sand) along a shore or in a river often obstructing navigation  3.  a.  (1) the railing in a courtroom that encloses the place about the judge where prisoners are stationed or where the business of the court is transacted in civil cases  (2) court, tribunal  (3) a particular system of courts  (4) an authority or tribunal that hands down judgment  b.  (1) the ~rier in the English Inns of Court that formerly separated the seats of the benchers or readers from the body of the hall occupied by the students  (2) the whole body of ~risters or lawyers qualified to practice in the courts of any jurisdiction  (3) the profession of ~rister or lawyer  4. a straight stripe, band, or line much longer than it is wide: as  a. one of two or more horizontal stripes on a heraldic shield  b. a metal or embroidered strip worn on a usually military uniform especially to indicate rank (as of a company officer) or service  5.  a. a counter at which food or especially alcoholic beverages are served  b. ~room  c. shop 2b  6.  a. a vertical line across the musical staff before the initial measure accent  b. measure  7. a lace and embroidery joining covered with buttonhole stitch for...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n., v., & prep. --n. 1 a long rod or piece of rigid wood, metal, etc., esp. used as an obstruction, confinement, fastening, weapon, etc. 2 a something resembling a bar in being (thought of as) straight, narrow, and rigid (bar of soap; bar of chocolate). b a band of colour or light, esp. on a flat surface. c the heating element of an electric fire. d = CROSSBAR. e Brit. a metal strip below the clasp of a medal, awarded as an extra distinction. f a sandbank or shoal at the mouth of a harbour or an estuary. g Brit. a rail marking the end of each chamber in the Houses of Parliament. h Heraldry a narrow horizontal stripe across a shield. 3 a a barrier of any shape. b a restriction (colour bar; a bar to promotion). 4 a a counter in a public house, restaurant, or caf{eacute} across which alcohol or refreshments are served. b a room in a public house in which customers may sit and drink. c US a public house. d a small shop or stall serving refreshments (snack bar). e a specialized department in a large store (heel bar). 5 a an enclosure in which a prisoner stands in a lawcourt. b a public standard of acceptability, before which a person is said to be tried (bar of conscience). c a plea arresting an action or claim in a law case. d a particular court of law. 6 Mus. a any of the sections of usu. equal time-value into which a musical composition is divided by vertical lines across the staff. b = bar-line. 7 (the Bar) Law a barristers collectively. b the profession of barrister. --v.tr. (barred, barring) 1 a fasten (a door, window, etc.) with a bar or bars. b (usu. foll. by in, out) shut or keep in or out (barred him in). 2 obstruct, prevent (bar his progress). 3 a (usu. foll. by from) prohibit, exclude (bar them from attending). b exclude from consideration (cf. BARRING). 4 mark with stripes. 5 Law prevent or delay (an action) by objection. --prep. 1 except (all were there bar a few). 2 Racing except (the horses indicated: used in stating the odds, indicating the number of horses excluded) (33-1 bar three). Phrases and idioms...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от barometer барометр II сокр. от barometric барометрический III сокр. от barrel барабан; бочка IV 1) брус(ок); стержень; балка; штанга; полоса 2) бар (врубовой машины) 3) бурильная штанга 4) лом, вага 5) оконный переплёт 6) стропильная балка 7) мн. ч. стержневая арматура (железобетона) 8) гидр. бар 9) сортовой (круглый или полосовой) прокат 10) крупносортная заготовка, болванка; штанга, пруток (олова); чушка (свинца); штык (меди) 11) слиток (золота) 12) прутковая заготовка 13) (инструментальная) оправка 14) шкала; масштабная шкала; линейка, (измерительная) рейка 15) мера длины (в виде стержня или бруска) 16) бар (105 Па ) 17) преграда; шлагбаум преграждать, загораживать 18) эл., электрон. пластина; шина; ламель 19) полоса 20) тлв полоса на экране 21) штанга (печатающего устройства) 22) прямоугольник (в блок-схемах) 23) черта (надстрочный знак) 24) швейн. закрепка; металлическая петля, петлица 25) трик. гребёнка 26) усиливать 27) исключать, запрещать to bar from smth — мешать, препятствовать чему-л. - adjustable boring bar - A-frame tie bar - air bar - aligning bar - angle bar - anode tail bar - antiroll bar - arch bar - armature bars - articulated roof bar - back guide bar - back needle bar - barking bar - battening bar - batten bar - bearing bar - bearing plate bar - beater bar - bent up bar - best bar - black bar - blanking bar - boring bar -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  стержень; арматурный пруток; мн.ч.стержневая арматура полоса (металла); брусок; слиток; болванка; лом преграда, препятствие мн.ч.решётка, заграждение, вал горбылёк (оконного переплёта) бар; закусочная; буфет (помещение) гряда из наносов, формирующаяся в русле вдоль его берегов или вблизи устья линия поперечных световых огней (на аэродроме) световой горизонт (системы огней ВПП) линейка, планка; рейка (электрическая) шина засов, щеколда бар (врубовой машины) bar in compression bar in tension bar of variable section adjustable bar anchor bar angle bar antisag bar arch bar banjo bar bearing bar bent-down bar bent-up bar boom bar bottom chord longitudinal bar bumper bar bundled bars channel bar chimney bar claw bar closure bar coffee bar cold-twisted bar compound bar compression bar connection bar continuity bars corner bar counterbalance hanger bars cross bar crown bar curved bar deformed bar distance bar distribution bars division bar double-tee bar dowel bar epoxy-coated reinforcing bar fire bar fish bar full toe bar glazing bar grab bar granny bar high-bond bar high tensile steel bar hooked bar indented bar jiggle bars joint bar lay bar lining bar locking bar longitudinal bar loose bar main bar notched bar pinch bar plain bar plain sinker bar post-tensioning bar protruding bar rack bar reinforcement bar restrained bar ripping bar round bar sag bar sash bar shatter bar sinker bar snack bar spacer bar spreader bar square bar starter bars steel tie bars steering bar strip bar subtense bar tamping bar tension bar test bar thin-walled bar threshold bar tie bar tommy bar top bars towing bar truss bar trussed bar twin-twisted bar vertical bar water bar weather bar web bar...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штанга, стержень 2) линейка (ТГА) 3) шина 4) клавиша 5) барьер – barrier bar – black bar – clamping bar – color bar – combinatory bar – contact bar – ferrite bar – ferromagnetic bar – functional bar – Hanover bars – holding bar – hum bar – locking bar – metal-semiconductor bar – noise bar – selector bars – slide bar – universal bar – writing bar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) брус; стержень; балка; штанга; полоса 2) заготовка, болванка; чушка; кусок 3) барьер, преграда, препятствие 4) мера, мерка 5) бар, буфет; небольшой магазин, лавка; прилавок; стойка 6) прут; пруток 7) лом; вага 8) метал. сортовой прокат 9) ж.-д. жезл 10) линейка; планка, рейка 11) засов, щеколда 12) запирать на засов 13) не допускать, запрещать - bolt bar - calibration bar - carrier bar - code bar - combination bar - detector bar link - detector bar - drag bar - extruded bar - finger bar - fire bar - histogram bar - horizontal bar - interlocking bar - laminated torsion bar - localizer bar - needle bar - negation bar - parallactic bar - plain reinforcing bar - point bar - poking bar - rake bar - sand bar - score bar - scroll bar - selector bar - straight web piling bar - substance bar - tappcut bar - travelling bar - tympan bar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) панель 2) шина 3) строка 4) штрих; линия; черта; полоса 5) прямоугольник (напр. в блок-схемах); столбец 6) тяга 7) брус ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) общ. ограничение, препятствующий фактор, препятствие, преграда 2) общ. запрет 3) общ. слиток, брусок 4) общ. бар, прилавок; стойка 5) юр. суд в полном составе 6) юр. адвокатура, коллегия адвокатов 7) общ. планка, линейка, рейка 8) брит., сленг 1 млн ф. ст. (жаргон дилеров) 9) юр. барьер, отделяющий судей; часть судебного помещения, находящаяся за барьером 10) юр. барьер, отделяющий место заседаний законодательного органа 11) юр. возражение ответчика, являющееся достаточной защитой против иска 12) мат. черта (над символом) Syn: barrier obstacle impediment, block BAR 1. сущ. 1) ограничение 2) препятствие, преграда 3) запрет • - bar association - bar chart - bar code label - bar code - bar graph - bar to economic development - be called to the bar - let down the bars - the colour bar Syn: barrier, obstacle, impediment, block 2. гл. 1) тормозить, препятствовать, мешать, останавливать 2) запрещать 3) юр. аннулировать, отменять BAR 1) препятствие; преграда; pl ограничение, препятствующий фактор 2) суд в полном составе 3) коллегия адвокатов 4) пресекать; прекращать 5) преграждать; исключать; запрещать – bar and bench – bar to novelty – bar to patentability – bar to patent grant – absolute bar – novelty bar – one year bar – patent bar – statutory bar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – silver bar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  юр. 1. забарьерное пространство Часть судебного помещения за барьером, отделяющим участников суда от публики 2. судебное присутствие Суд в полном составе См. тж. bench BAR см. Browning Automatic Rifle ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. кусок, брусок chocolate bar —- плитка шоколада wooden bar —- брусок дерева bar of metal —- полоса металла bar of soap —- кусок мыла 2. брикет 3. болванка, чушка bar of copper —- медная болванка bar of gold —- слиток золота 4. тех. пруток, штанга, стержень, арматурное железо 5. эл. пластинка коллектора, шина 6. спец. линейка, планка, рейка measuring bar —- топ. мерная рейка 7. разг. руль велосипеда 8. перекладина the bar in a barrel —- поперечина на дне бочки 9. горн. горизонтальный переклад; верхняк 10. засов, щеколда 11. шлагбаум toll bar —- шлагбаум заставы 12. полоса цвета, света a bar of green fringed her skirt —- на ней была юбка с зеленой каймой 13. геральд. полоса на щите 14. решетка (тюремная) behind the bars —- за решеткой, в тюрьме 15. ам. воен. противомоскитная сетка 16. нанос песка, отмель, бар, гряда; перекат sand bar —- песчаный нанос ice bar —- ледяные торосы; труднопроходимая кромка льда the ship stuck fast on the bar —- пароход основательно сел на мель 17. горн. россыпь в реке 18. горн. режущий бар врубовой машины 19. горн. колонка бурильного молотка 20. горн. буровая штанга 21. геол. жила, пересекающая горный шток 22. муз. такт 23. муз. тактовая частота double bar —- конец музыкальной фразы 24. спорт. перекладина 25. брусья uneven bars —- разновысокие...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of gold слиток золота BAR in не давать кому-л. выйти, заперев двери The horses died in the fire because they were barred in (the hut). BAR graph noun гистограмма BAR from запрещать After the member was caught cheating, he was barred from the club. The doctor was barred from practising after he was proved guilty of improper behaviour. BAR code noun штриховой или линейчатый код BAR chart noun гистограмма BAR I  1. noun  1) полоса (металла); брусок bar of chocolate - плитка шоколада bar of soap - кусок мыла - bar of gold  2) болванка (металла), чушка (свинца), штык (меди)  3) лом abbr. of crowbar  4) засов; вага - behind bolt and bar  5) застава  6) pl. решетка  7) преграда, препятствие to let down the bars - устранить препятствия, отменить ограничения  8) sport планка - clear the bar - horizontal bar - parallel bars  9) бар, нанос песка (в устье реки); мелководье, отмель  10) пряжка на орденской ленте  11) mus. тактовая черта; такт  12) полоса (света, краски) Syn: see obstacle  2. v.  1) запирать на засов - bar in - bar out - bar up  2) преграждать all exits are barred - все выходы закрыты  3) исключать; отстранять; запрещать - bar from  4) coll. иметь что-л. против кого-л., чего-л., не любить - bar in - bar out  3. prep. исключая, не считая bar none - без исключения II noun  1) прилавок, стойка  2) бар, буфет, закусочная; небольшой ресторан Syn: cabaret, cocktail lounge, discotheque, nightclub, pub, saloon III noun; leg.  1) барьер, отделяющий...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. barre, from V.L. *barra "bar, barrier," possibly from Gaulish *barros "the bushy end." Legal sense (c.1600) derives from the railing that separated benchers from the hall in the Inns of Court. Meaning of "tavern" is first attested 1592, from the bars that were pulled over the serving counter at closing time. Barmaid is from 1772. Barfly "habitual drunkard" is from c.1910. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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