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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - ward


Связанные словари


(wards, warding, warded) 1. A ward is a room in a hospital which has beds for many people, often people who need similar treatment. A toddler was admitted to the emergency ward with a wound in his chest. N-COUNT 2. A ward is a district which forms part of a political constituency or local council. ...the marginal wards of Reading Kentwood and Tilehurst West. N-COUNT 3. A ward or a ward of court is a child who is the responsibility of a person called a guardian, or of a court of law, because their parents are dead or because they are believed to be in need of protection. Alex was made a ward of court. N-COUNT
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См. в других словарях

   I. biographical name  (Aaron) Montgomery 1843-1913 American merchant  II. biographical name Artemas 1727-1800 American general in Revolution  III. biographical name Artemus — see Charles Farrar Browne  IV. biographical name Barbara 1914-1981 Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth English economist  V. biographical name Sir Joseph George 1856-1930 New Zealand statesman  VI. biographical name Mary Augusta 1851-1920 Mrs. Humphry ~ nee Arnold English novelist WARD  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weard & Anglo-French ~e, garde, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German warta act of watching, Old English warian to beware of, guard, w?r careful — more at guard, wary  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the action or process of guarding  b. a body of guards  2. the state of being under guard; especially custody  3.  a. the inner court of a castle or fortress  b. a division (as a cell or block) of a prison  c. a division in a hospital; especially a large room in a hospital where a number of patients often requiring similar treatment are accommodated  4.  a. a division of a city for representative, electoral, or administrative purposes  b. a division of some English and Scottish counties corresponding to a hundred  c. the Mormon local congregation having auxiliary organizations (as Sunday schools and relief societies) and one or more quorums of each office of the Aaronic priesthood  5. a projecting ridge of metal in a lock casing or keyhole permitting only the insertion of a key with a corresponding notch; also a corresponding notch in a bit of a key  6. a person or thing under guard, protection, or surveillance: as  a. a minor subject to ~ship  b. a person who by reason of incapacity (as minority or mental illness) is under the protection of a court either directly or through a guardian appointed by the court — called also ~ of court  c. a person or body of persons under the protection or tutelage of a government  7. a means of defense ; protection  II. transitive verb...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  suffix (also -wards) added to nouns of place or destination and to adverbs of direction and forming: 1 adverbs (usu. -wards) meaning 'towards the place etc.' (moving backwards; set off homewards). 2 adjectives (usu. -ward) meaning 'turned or tending towards' (a downward look; an onward rush). 3 (less commonly) nouns meaning 'the region towards or about' (look to the eastward). Etymology: from or after OE - weard f. a Gmc root meaning 'turn' WARD n. & v. --n. 1 a separate room or division of a hospital, prison, etc. (men's surgical ward). 2 a Brit. an administrative division of a constituency, usu. electing a councillor or councillors etc. b esp. US a similar administrative division. 3 a a minor under the care of a guardian appointed by the parents or a court. b (in full ward of court) a minor or mentally deficient person placed under the protection of a court. 4 (in pl.) the corresponding notches and projections in a key and a lock. 5 archaic a the act of guarding or defending a place etc. b the bailey of a castle. c a guardian's control; confinement; custody. --v.tr. archaic guard; protect. Phrases and idioms ward-heeler US a party worker in elections etc. ward off 1 parry (a blow). 2 avert (danger, poverty, etc.). Etymology: OE weard, weardian f. Gmc: cf. GUARD ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  больничная палата тюремная камера ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  охрана; охранять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сущ. 1) опека, попечительство 2) лицо, находящееся под опекой 3) амер. административный район - casual ward - urban ward ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. городской район В некоторых городах США район, границы которого совпадают с границами избирательного округа 2. полит. городской избирательный округ Существует во многих городах США для проведения выборов в местные органы власти. Делится на избирательные участки precinct. В некоторых городах, однако, для избрания членов городского совета city council проводятся общегородские выборы от всего населения в целом 3. юр. подопечный Лицо, как правило несовершеннолетний, находящееся под опекой или наблюдением суда или опекуна ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. опека; попечительство a child in ward —- ребенок, находящийся под опекой; подопечный ребенок to whom the child is in ward —- являющийся опекуном этого ребенка court of wards —- ист. суд по делам опеки, "сиротский" суд 2. лицо, находящееся под опекой; подопечный ward of court —- юр. несовершеннолетнее или недееспособное лицо, опекун которого назначается судом или которое непосредственно опекается судом she is not his daughter but his ward —- он ей не отец, а опекун 3. ист. протекторат; подопечная территория 4. административный район города 5. (городской) избирательный округ 6. район (некоторых графств Англии и Шотландии) 7. больничная палата 8. отделение больницы или госпиталя maternity ward —- родильное отделение isolation ward —- изолятор ward attendant —- санитар ward round —- обход (палат) (врачом) ward treatment —- стационарное лечение ward orderly —- няня (в больнице) ward receptionist —- палатная сестра 9. тюремная камера death ward —- камера смертника 10. место заключения, тюрьма 11. внутренний двор крепости или замка 12. редк. охрана; хранение; защита; присмотр to hold (to keep) ward —- стоять на страже; охранять 13. содержание под стражей to put smb. in ward —- отдать кого-л. под стражу 14. охрана, караул, патруль 15. шотл. загороженное место (для...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) опека; to be in ward - находиться под опекой  2) опекаемый; подопечный  3) административный район города  4) палата (больничная); камера (тюремная)  5) obs. заключение  6) выступ или выемка (в бородке ключа и в замке)  7) attr. ward round - обход палат (врачом) to keep watch and ward (over) - охранять - watch and ward  2. v. - ward off WARD off  а) отражать, отвращать (удар, опасность); The fighter had to ward off a dangerous blow.  б) держать кого-л. на расстоянии; She was so beautiful that she had difficulty in warding off all the men who wanted to marry her. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ suffix towards a particular direction or place  (our homeward journey | a downward movement) ward ~1 n 1 a large room in a hospital where people who need medical treatment stay  (She's in charge of three different wards. | maternity/general/geriatric etc ward (=a ward for people with a particular medical condition)) 2 BrE one of the small areas that a city has been divided into for the purpose of local elections  (- compare constituency (2)) 3 law someone, especially a child, who is under the legal protection of another person or of a law court  (a ward of court) ~2 v ward sth off phr v to do something to prevent something such as an illness, danger, or attack from harming you  (a spell to ward off evil spirits) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  polit. abbr. Wide Area Republican Domain network. abbr. Wide Area Replication Domain religion abbr. Witches Against Religious Discrimination bus. prod. abbr. Waterjet Abrasive Recycling Dispenser ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. weard "a guarding," from W.Gmc. *wardo. Used for administrative districts (at first in the sense of guardianship) from 1378; of hospital divisions from 1749. The verb is O.E. weardian. Meaning "minor under control of a guardian" is from late M.E. Ward-heeler is 1890, from heeler "loafer, one on the lookout for shady work" (1870s). WARD - O.E. -weard, sometimes -weardes, with genitive singular ending of neuter adjectives. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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