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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - team


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(teams, teaming, teamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A team is a group of people who play a particular sport or game together against other similar groups of people. The team failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup finals... He had lost his place in the England team. N-COUNT-COLL 2. You can refer to any group of people who work together as a team. Each specialist consultant has a team of doctors under him... N-COUNT-COLL
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English teme, from Old English team offspring, lineage, group of draft animals; akin to Old High German zoum rein, Old English teon to draw, pull — more at tow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. two or more draft animals harnessed to the same vehicle or implement; also these with their harness and attached vehicle  b. a draft animal often with harness and vehicle  2. obsolete lineage, race  3. a group of animals: as  a. a brood especially of young pigs or ducks  b. a matched group of animals for exhibition  4. a number of persons associated together in work or activity: as  a. a group on one side (as in football or a debate)  b. crew, gang  II. adjective  Date: 14th century of or performed by a ~ a ~ effort; also marked by devotion to ~work rather than individual achievement a ~ player  III. verb  Date: 1552  transitive verb  1. to yoke or join in a ~; also to put together in a coordinated ensemble  2. to convey or haul with a ~  intransitive verb  1. to drive a ~ or motortruck  2. to form a ~ or association ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a set of players forming one side in a game (a cricket team). 2 two or more persons working together. 3 a a set of draught animals. b one animal or more in harness with a vehicle. --v. 1 intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by up) join in a team or in common action (decided to team up with them). 2 tr. harness (horses etc.) in a team. 3 tr. (foll. by with) match or coordinate (clothes). Phrases and idioms team-mate a fellow-member of a team or group. team spirit willingness to act as a member of a group rather than as an individual. team-teaching teaching by a team of teachers working together. Etymology: OE team offspring f. a Gmc root = 'pull', rel. to TOW(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  бригада, группа - aircraft maintenance team - control room team - design team - face team - monitoring team - photographic team - production team - program production team - prospecting team - rig-up team - shift team - sinking team - well starting team ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  рабочая бригада; команда management team ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  бригада, группа – team of gateway – joint-network team ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бригада 2) бригадный 3) группа 4) звено 5) коллектив 6) команда member of launch team — космонавт. стартовик mine rescue team — горноспасательная бригада start-to-finish production team — сквозная производственная бригада tandem team engine — паровая машина тандем - drill team - emergency team - face team - launch team - maintenance team - production team - recovery team - team decision - team leader - team work - winning team ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) группа 2) бригада (рабочих) - corrective action team - development team - economic team - forecasting team - inspection team - management team - project team - research team - team analysis - team building - team capitan - team decision making - team development method - team form of labour organization - team leader - team learning - team manager - team member - team motivation - team planning - team progress - vendor survey team - working team - zero defect team Syn: crew, gang 2. гл. работать совместно TEAM 1. сущ. 1) общ., спорт. команда (группа людей, совместно выступающих в игре, конкурсе или соревновании) football team — футбольная команда team member — член команды to build a team — создать команду 2) общ. группа; бригада, коллектив team of consultants — консультативная группа team member — член группы team leader — лидер группы team building — создание группы team manager — руководитель группы, бригадир 3) общ. упряжка, запряжка (группа лошадей, волов, собак и т. п., соединенных для совместной работы (напр. для передвижения транспортного средства или плуга)) 4) общ. запряженный экипаж повозка, упряжка с экипажем double team — парная упряжь 5) с.-х. стадо (напр., овец), стая (напр., гусей), выводок (напр., цыплят) 2. гл. 1) общ. объединиться (в команду, в группу), создать команду группу to team with outstanding researchers and industry experts to solve a given problem — объединиться с выдающимися исследователями и...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выводок 2) группа сходных животных ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  ист. "Тим" Товарный знак сухого завтрака, приготовленного из смеси риса, пшеницы, кукурузы, овса и пророщенного ячменя с минерально-витаминными добавками; выпускался компанией "Набиско" Nabisco Inc. в 80-е гг. XX в. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. (спортивная) команда football team —- футбольная команда second team —- второй состав home team —- хозяева поля visiting team —- гости, команда-гостья first devision team —- команда класса А team's line-up, team composition —- состав команды team event(s) —- командные соревнования team placing —- командный зачет; командное место в соревновании team races —- командные гонки team scoring team placing team member, member of a team —- игрок команды 2. бригада; артель (рабочих) team spirit —- дух товарищества, коллективизм 3. группа inspection team —- инспекционная группа maintenance team —- группа технического обслуживания a team of amateur divers —- группа ныряльщиков-любителей a team of authors —- коллектив авторов team flight —- ав. групповой полет 4. воен. команда; экипаж 5. упражка, запряжка a team of horses —- упражка лошадей tandem team —- упражка цугом unicorn team —- веерная упражка team driver —- возчик; погонщик to walk at the head of a team —- идти в голове упряжки; быть вожаком упряжки (о собаках); быть коренником (о лошадях) 6. диал. ам. упряжка с экипажем, выезд 7. диал. вереница, цепочка (журавлей, уток и т. п.) 8. разг. "целая артель"; что твоя артель (об очень способном или энергичном человеке) 9. диал. выводок (поросят, утят) 10. юр. ист. юрисдикция помещика над его крепостными 11....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) объединяться; работать сообща  б) sport подыграть (помочь в игре)  в) sport играть в паре TEAM  1. noun  1) упряжка, запряжка (лошадей, волов); amer. упряжка с экипажем, выезд  2) спортивная команда  3) бригада, артель (рабочих)  4) экипаж судна  5) mil. команда  2. v.  1) запрягать  2) объединяться в бригаду, команду и т.п.; to team up with smb. amer. - объединиться с кем-л.  3) быть погонщиком, возницей - team up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a group of people who play a game or sport together against another group  (There are nine players on a baseball team. (also + plural v BrE))  (Our team are winning. | play for a team)  (Tim plays for the national volleyball team. | in a team BrE/on a team AmE)  (Is Mario going to be on the team this year? | make the team AmE (=be chosen for a team)) 2 a group of people who have been chosen to work together to do a particular job + of  (a team of twelve scientists) 3 two or more animals that are used to pull a vehicle ~2 v team up phr v to join with someone in order to work on something  (You can team up with one other class member if you want.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Testicular Educational Awareness For Men physiol. abbr. Transfemoral Endovascular Aneurysm Management transport. abbr. Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management mil. abbr. Technology Exchange Assessment Methodology mil. abbr. Test, Evaluation, Analysis, and Modeling mil. abbr. Threat Evaluation Assessment And Management mil. abbr. Together Everyone Accomplishes The Mission meteo abbr. Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring educ. abbr. The Engineering Ambassadors And Mentors educ. abbr. Training Education Advocacy And More educ. abbr. Together Everybody Achieves More educ. abbr. Teaching Education And Mentoring educ. abbr. Teaching Excellence Attitude And Motivation educ. abbr. Talent Enrichment Accelerating Minds educ. abbr. Teach Enforce Advocate And Model educ. abbr. Together Each Achieves More educ. abbr. Together Each Accomplishes More sport abbr. The Exceptional Athlete Matters religion abbr. The Evangelical Alliance Mission religion abbr. Together Effectively Advancing The Ministry gen. bus. abbr. Trust Energy Attitude And Motivation gen. bus. abbr. Together Everyone Achieves More gen. bus. abbr. Together Everyone Accomplishes More NASDAQ abbr. National TechTeam, Inc. firm name abbr. Taits Every Animal Matters TEAMS st. & loc. abbr. Tax Exemption Administrative Management System univ. abbr. The Excellent Academy of Math and Science univ. abbr. Test For Engineering Aptitude Mathematics And Science educ. abbr. Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science educ. abbr. Teachers For Elementary And Middle Schools educ. abbr. The Excellent Academy of Math and Science educ. abbr. Teaching Enhancements Affecting Minority Students gen. bus. abbr. Technical Executive Administrative And Managerial Support gen. bus. abbr. Together Everyone Achieves More Successfully ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. team "set of draft animals yoked together," from P.Gmc. *taumaz, probably from *taugmaz "action of drawing," from series *taukh-, *tukh-, *tug-, represented by O.E. togian "to pull, drag" (see tow), from PIE *deuk- "pull" (related to L. ducere "to lead"). Applied to people in O.E., especially "group of people acting together to bring suit." Teamster "person who drives a team of horses" (especially in hauling freight) first attested 1779; began to be transfered to truck drivers by 1907. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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