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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - special


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(specials) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Someone or something that is special is better or more important than other people or things. You’re very special to me, darling... There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions... My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton. ADJ 2. Special means different from normal. In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip... So you didn’t notice anything special about him?... ? normal ADJ: ADJ n 3. You use special to describe someone who is officially appointed or who has a particular position specially created for them. Frank Deford is a special correspondent for Newsweek magazine. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Special institutions are for people who have serious physical or mental problems. Police are still searching for a convicted rapist, who escaped from Broadmoor special hospital yesterday. ADJ: ADJ n 5. You use special to describe something that relates to one particular person, group, or place. Every anxious person will have his or her own special problems or fears. ...it requires a very special brand of courage to fight dictators. = unique ADJ: ADJ n 6. A special is a product, programme, or meal which is not normally available, or which is made for a particular purpose. ...complaints about the BBC’s Hallowe’en special, ‘Ghostwatch’... Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store. N-COUNT SPECIAL BRANCH The Special Branch is the department of the British police that is concerned with political security and deals with things such as terrorism and visits by foreign leaders. N-PROPER: oft the N
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   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French e~, from Latin ~is individual, particular, from species species  Date: 13th century  1. distinguished by some unusual quality; e~ly being in some way superior our ~ blend  2. held in particular esteem a ~ friend  3.  a. readily distinguishable from others of the same category ; unique they set it apart as a ~ day of thanksgiving  b. of, relating to, or constituting a species ; specific  4. being other than the usual ; additional, extra  5. designed for a particular purpose or occasion  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, e~, specific, particular, individual mean of or relating to one thing or class. ~ stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own ~ ingredients. e~ may add implications of preeminence or preference a matter of e~ importance. specific implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species children with specific nutritional needs. particular stresses the distinctness of something as an individual a ballet step of particular difficulty. individual implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group valued each individual opinion.  II. noun  Date: 1866  1. one that is used for a ~ service or occasion caught the commuter ~ to work  2. something (as a television program) that is not part of a regular series  3. a featured dish at a restaurant the ~s of the day ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a particularly good; exceptional; out of the ordinary (bought them a special present; took special trouble). b peculiar; specific; not general (lacks the special qualities required; the word has a special sense). 2 for a particular purpose (sent on a special assignment). 3 in which a person specializes (statistics is his special field). 4 denoting education for children with particular needs, e.g. the handicapped. --n. a special person or thing, e.g. a special constable, train, examination, edition of a newspaper, dish on a menu, etc. Phrases and idioms special area Brit. a district for which special economic provision is made in legislation. Special Branch (in the UK) a police department dealing with political security. special case 1 a written statement of fact presented by litigants to a court. 2 an exceptional or unusual case. special constable Brit. a policeman sworn in to assist in times of emergency etc. special correspondent a journalist writing for a newspaper on special events or a special area of interest. special delivery a delivery of mail in advance of the regular delivery. special drawing rights the right to purchase extra foreign currency from the International Monetary Fund. special edition an extra edition of a newspaper including later news than the ordinary edition. special effects scenic illusions created by props and camera-work. special intention see INTENTION. special jury a jury with members of a particular social standing (cf. common jury). special licence Brit. a marriage licence allowing immediate marriage without banns, or at an unusual time or place. special pleading 1 Law pleading with reference to new facts in a case. 2 a specious or unfair argument favouring the speaker's point of view. special verdict Law a verdict stating the facts as proved but leaving the court to draw conclusions from them. Derivatives specially adv. specialness n. Etymology: ME f. OF especial ESPECIAL or L specialis (as SPECIES) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) специальный станок специальный 2) мн. ч. изделия, выпускаемые по специальным заказам ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) особенный 2) особый 3) специальный 4) связь срочный 5) частный level of special constant — уровень специальной константы metal special ties — металлоизделие special alternating knot — специальный альтернативный узел special design office — машиностр. бюро конструкторское особое special effects shots — комбинированная киносъемка special linear relation — специальное линейное соотношение special minimal form — частная минимальная форма special telephone services — специальные услуги связи subvariety of special divisors — подмногообразие специальных дивизоров supply on special order — поставлять по особому заказу - special algebra - special analysis - special angle - special arrow - special base - special case - special character - special circle - special collineation - special commutator - special congruence - special constant - special covering - special cycle - special distribution - special divisor - special edge - special field - special flow - special function - special graph - special group - special homology - special hypothesis - special isomorphism - special majority - special manifold - special model - special module - special number - special pair - special parametrization - special polygon - special problem - special radical - special realizability - special relation - special representation - special semigroup - special sequence - special service - special set - special situation - special solution - special standard - special state - special steel - special strategy - special subgraph - special symbol - special theorem - special thread - special train - special value - special variable - special vector - special vertex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ("special") "срочно" (отметка на заявке, дающая ей ход вне очереди) SPECIAL прил. 1) общ. особый, особенный, специальный 2) общ. отдельный 3) общ. дополнительный 4) общ. экстренный 5) пат. "срочно" (отметка на заявке, дающая ей ход вне очереди) 6) торг. специальный, льготный, на особых условиях (по сниженным ценам) special offer - специальное предложение (продажа товара со скидкой, распродажа), special price - льготная цена, special purchase - покупка на особых условиях SPECIAL прил. 1) особый, особенный, специальный 2) отдельный 3) дополнительный 4) экстренный - special attention - special delivery - special duty - special electron - special internal needs - special order - special risk insurance Syn: specific, particular, extra ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  см. Buick Special ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. разг. экстренный выпуск 2. разг. экстренный поезд 3. разг. специальный корреспондент 4. разг. сообщение специального корреспондента 5. разг. тлв. специальная передача; отдельная передача (не входящая в число обычных передач) 6. разг. срочное письмо; письмо с нарочным 7. (the special) разг. особое, отдельное from the general to the special —- от общего к частному 8. разг. ком. особая, резко сниженная цена; отдельная цена 9. разг. ком. товар, продаваемый по резко сниженной цене 10. специальный констебль (для помощи полиции в экстренных случаях) 11. особый, особенный special mission —- особое задание special peculiarities —- особые приметы a thing most special —- особь статья special guard —- воен. отдельный караул; особый караул in a very special sense —- в совершенно особом смысле men of no special celebrity —- не очень известные люди I have nothing special to tell you —- мне, собственно, нечего вам сказать 12. специальный special correspondent —- специальный корреспондент special course of study —- специальный предмет special election —- ам. довыборы, дополнительные выборы special hospital —- специализированная больница special training in some field —- специальная подготовка в какой-либо области special power —- юр. специальная доверенность special shell —- ам. воен. специальный...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  messenger нарочный, курьер SPECIAL  1. adj.  1) специальный; особый; to be of special interest - представлять особый интерес; special course of study - специальный предмет; special anatomy - анатомия отдельных органов; special hospital - специализированная больница; special correspondent - специальный корреспондент; special pleading - предвзятая односторонняя аргументация  2) особенный; индивидуальный; my special chair - мой любимый стул  3) экстренный; special edition - экстренный выпуск; special train -  а) дополнительный поезд;  б) поезд специального назначения  4) определенный Syn: see unparalleled  2. noun  1) экстренный выпуск  2) экстренный поезд  3) специальный корреспондент SPECIAL delivery  а) срочная доставка  б) спешная почта SPECIAL election всеобщие (амер. дополнительные) выборы SPECIAL jury присяжные для вынесения приговора по особо важному делу ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 not ordinary or usual but different in some way and often better or more important  (a special case, deserving special treatment | diabetics on a special diet | special occasion (=an important social event))  (I keep this suit for special occasions. | anything special spoken)  (Are you doing anything special for Christmas? | special edition (=a special type of car, watch etc produced only for a short time)) 2 special offer a low price charged for a product for a short time  (There's a special offer on this shampoo - two for the price of one.) 3 particularly important to someone and deserving attention, love etc  (Rob's a special friend of mine. | a wonderful teacher who made every child feel special) 4 unusually good  (I'd like you to try some of this whisky. It's rather special. | nothing special (=not particularly good))  ("What was the food like?" "Nothing special.") 5 more than usual  (Take special care on the roads tonight - it's icy)  (- see especially) ~2 n C usually singular 1 something that is not usual or ordinary, and is made or done for a special purpose  (a two-hour television special on famine in Africa) 2 informal, especially AmE a lower price than usual for a particular product for a short period of time  (The supermarket has a special on chicken. | on special)  (Breyer's ice cream is on special this week.) 3 ScotE a type of beer ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  meteo abbr. Space Processes And Electrical Changes In Atmospheric Layers sport abbr. Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility And Luck ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 12c., from O.Fr. especial, from L. specialis "individual, particular," from species "appearance, kind, sort." Specialist is first attested 1856. Specialize in the sense of "engage in a special study or line of business" is first attested 1881. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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