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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - slap


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(slaps, slapping, slapped) 1. If you slap someone, you hit them with the palm of your hand. He would push or slap her once in a while... I slapped him hard across the face... VERB: V n, V n adv/prep • Slap is also a noun. He reached forward and gave her a slap. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If you slap something onto a surface, you put it there quickly, roughly, or carelessly. The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer. VERB: V n on/onto n 3. If journalists say that the authorities slap something such as a tax or a ban on something, they think it is unreasonable or put on without careful thought. (INFORMAL) The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs... = stick VERB: V n on n c darkgreen]disapproval 4. If you describe something that someone does as a slap in the face, you mean that it shocks or upsets you because it shows that they do not support you or respect you. ‘The Sun’ calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government... Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face. PHRASE: oft PHR for n
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English slop, from Middle Dutch; akin to Middle Dutch slippen to slip  Date: 14th century dialect British opening, breach  II. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: akin to Low German ~p, noun blow  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to strike sharply with or as if with the open hand  b. to cause to strike with a motion or sound like that of a blow with the open hand  2. to put, place, or throw with careless haste or force ~ped on a coat of paint  3. to assail verbally ; insult  4. to subject to a penalty — usually used with with ~ped him with a $10 fine  III. noun  Date: 1606  1.  a. a quick sharp blow  b. a blow with the open hand  2. a noise like that of a ~  3. rebuff, insult  IV. adverb  Etymology: probably from Low German ~p, from ~p, noun  Date: 1672 directly, smack ...
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  стук (напр. клапанов в двигателе) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. шлепок a slap on the shoulder —- похлопывание по плечу a slap in the face —- пощечина 2. удар (по самолюбию), пощечина, оскорбление a slap in the face —- резкий отпор; оскорбление; неожиданное разочарование 3. разг. попытка to have a slap at smth. —- попытаться сделать что-либо 4. порыв (ветра) 5. театр. жарг. грим Id: slap and tickle —- шумная возня 6. разг. вдруг, внезапно to finish smth. slap (off) —- кончить что-либо вдруг; внезапно, резко оборвать что-либо 7. эмоц-усил. прямо, как раз to run slap into a wall —- упереться прямо в стену to hit smb. slap into the eye —- попасть кому-либо прямо в глаз I told them slap out that... —- я им сказал напрямик, что... 8. разг. точно to be slap on time —- быть абсолютно точным 9. шлепать, хлопать to slap a naughty child —- отшлепать непослушного ребенка to slap (on) one's forehead —- хлопнуть себя по лбу to slap smb.'s face, to slap smb. in the face —- дать кому-либо пощечину to slap smb. on the back —- похлопать кого-либо (покровительственно) по спине; поздравить кого-либо to slap the ball —- спорт. ударять ладонью по мячу 10. громко, с силой хлопать (чем-либо) to slap a door (to) —- хлопнуть дверью to slap hands (together) —- хлопать в ладоши 11. редк. с шумом, с силой захлопываться 12. (также slap down) энергично, с силой швырять, бросать to slap a parcel (down) on the table —- швырнуть сверток на стол 13....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up быстро приготовить, состряпать (какую-л. еду) Can you slap up a quick meal for my friends before we rush to the game? SLAP on  а) надвинуть, нахлобучить He slapped his hat on (his head) and ran out of the house.  б) намазать (краской и т.п.) The paint has just been slapped on!  в) набавлять, прибавлять The government had slapped another 5% on cigarettes. SLAP  1. noun шлепок; a slap in/on the face - пощечина also fig. Syn: see blow  2. v.  1) хлопать, шлепать; to slap a naughty child - отшлёпать непослушного ребёнка  2) громко, с силой хлопать (чем-л.); to slap a door (to) - хлопнуть дверью - slap down - slap on - slap up  3. adv. coll. вдруг; прямо; to hit smb. slap in the eye - ударить кого-л. прямо в глаз; to run slap into smb. - налететь с размаху на кого-л. SLAP down швырять, бросать со стуком, с силой She slapped the letter down on the table and walked out in a bad temper. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v slapped, slapping 1 to hit someone quickly with the flat part of your hand  (Do you think it's OK to slap children if they're really rude? | slap sb on the back (=hit them on the back in a friendly way)) 2 T always + adv/prep to put something down noisily on a surface, especially when you are angry  (slap sth on/down)  (I slapped the report down on his desk and told him to do it again.) 3 to hit a surface, making a sound like someone being slapped noisily + agains  (Small waves slapped against the jetty) slap sb down phr v to unfairly and unkindly criticize someone so that they lose confidence slap sth on phr v informal 1 to put or spread something quickly or carelessly onto a surface  (She rushed upstairs and slapped on some make-up.) 2 to suddenly announce a new charge, tax etc, especially unfairly or without warning  (Many tour operators slap on supplements for single people.) ~2 n 1 a quick hit with the flat part of your hand  (give sb a slap)  (Julia gave Roy a friendly slap on the cheek.) 2 a slap in the face an action that seems to be deliberately intended to offend or upset someone, especially someone who has tried very hard to do something  (When I wasn't promoted it felt like such a terrible slap in the face.) 3 a slap on the wrist informal a punishment that is not very severe ~3 also slap-bang ~ adv informal hitting something very hard, especially when you are running, driving etc + into  (I ran slap-bang into a lamp-post.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Superior Labrum Anterior And Posterior physiol. abbr. Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior physiol. abbr. Superior Labral Anterior Posterior mil. abbr. Saboted Light Armour Penetrating electron. abbr. Staggered Layered Audio Protection funny abbr. Smells Like A Party media abbr. Sound Looks And Performance religion abbr. Sing Loud And Pray religion abbr. Share Learn And Pray religion abbr. Social Lutherans At Play law abbr. Strategic Lawsuit Against Public law abbr. Strategic Litigation Against Protesters ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1450, probably of imitative origin, similar to Low Ger. slapp. Slapdash (1679) was used by Dryden. Slap on the wrist "very mild punishment" dates from 1914. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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