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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - shed


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(sheds, shedding) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: The form 'shed' is used in the present tense and in the past tense and past participle of the verb. 1. A shed is a small building that is used for storing things such as garden tools. ...a garden shed. N-COUNT 2. A shed is a large shelter or building, for example at a railway station, port, or factory. ...disused railway sheds. N-COUNT: usu n N 3. When a tree sheds its leaves, its leaves fall off in the autumn. When an animal sheds hair or skin, some of its hair or skin drops off. Some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves. VERB: V n 4. To shed something means to get rid of it. (FORMAL) The firm is to shed 700 jobs... VERB: V n 5. If a lorry sheds its load, the goods that it is carrying accidentally fall onto the road. (mainly BRIT) A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load. VERB: V n 6. If you shed tears, you cry. They will shed a few tears at their daughter’s wedding. VERB: V n 7. To shed blood means to kill people in a violent way. If someone sheds their blood, they are killed in a violent way, usually when they are fighting in a war. (FORMAL) Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year... VERB: V n 8. to shed light on something: see light
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   I. verb  (~; ~ding)  Etymology: Middle English, to divide, separate, from Old English sceadan; akin to Old High German skeidan to separate, Latin scindere to split, cleave, Greek schizein to split  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. chiefly dialect to set apart ; segregate  2. to cause to be dispersed without penetrating duck's plumage ~s water  3.  a. to cause (blood) to flow by cutting or wounding  b. to pour forth in drops ~ tears  c. to give off or out ~s some light on the subject  4. to give off, discharge, or expel from the body of a plant or animal: as  a. to eject, slough off, or lose as part of the normal processes of life a caterpillar ~ding its skin a cat ~ding hair a deciduous tree ~s its leaves in the fall  b. to discharge usually gradually especially as part of a pathological process ~ a virus in the feces  5. to rid oneself of temporarily or permanently as superfluous or unwanted ~ her inhibitions the company ~ 100 jobs  intransitive verb  1. to pour out ; spill  2. to become dispersed ; scatter  3. to cast off some natural covering (as fur or skin) the cat is ~ding  Synonyms: see discard  II. noun  Date: 12th century  1. obsolete distinction, difference  2. something (as the skin of a snake) that is discarded in ~ding  3. a divide of land  III. noun  Etymology: alteration of earlier shadde, probably from Middle English shade shade  Date: 1557  1.  a. a slight structure built for shelter or storage; especially a single-storied building with one or more sides unenclosed  b. a building that resembles a ~  2. archaic hut  • ~like adjective  IV. transitive verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Date: 1850 to put or house in a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a one-storeyed structure usu. of wood for storage or shelter for animals etc., or as a workshop. 2 a large roofed structure with one side open, for storing or maintaining machinery etc. 3 Austral. & NZ an open-sided building for shearing sheep or milking cattle. Etymology: app. var. of SHADE(1) 2. v.tr. (shedding; past and past part. shed) 1 let or cause to fall off (trees shed their leaves). 2 take off (clothes). 3 reduce (an electrical power load) by disconnection etc. 4 cause to fall or flow (shed blood; shed tears). 5 disperse, diffuse, radiate (shed light). Phrases and idioms shed light on see LIGHT(1). Etymology: OE sc(e)adan f. Gmc ...
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Англо-русский строительный словарь
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  1) линять, менять оперение; сбрасывать (кожу, рога) 2) терять (зубы) 3) ронять (листья); осыпаться (о листьях) to shed the eggs — нереститься, метать откладывать икру ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. навес, сарай tool shed —- будка для хранения садовых инструментов 2. шед (на звероферме) 3. ангар, эллинг assembly shed —- сборочный ангар 4. гараж; депо 5. хижина 6. эл. юбка (изолятора) 7. текст. зев (на ткани) 8. укрывать под навесом, в сарае; ставить в сарай, гараж 9. проливать, лить (слезы, кровь) to shed floods of tears —- плакть в три ручья, проливать потоки слез to shed blood —- пролить кровь to shed tears over smth., smb. —- оплакивать что-либо, кого-либо I'll shed no tears over him —- я о нем не заплачу to shed in small drops —- падать по каплям; капать, накрапывать 10. излучать (свет, тепло) the fire sheds warmth —- от костра распространяется тепло 11. проливать (свет) a clear light was shed upon the situation —- ситуация прояснилась some light was shed on recent events by his statement —- его заявление пролило некоторый свет на последние события 12. испускать, издавать to shed fragrance —- испускать аромат to shed sound —- издавать звук 13. распространять (влияние) he sheds confidence wherever he goes —- где бы он ни был, он во всех вселяет чувство уверенности 14. отражать (свет) to shed lustre on smth. —- придавать блеск чему-либо 15. отбрасывать, отталкивать an umbrella sheds rain —- зонтик не пропускает воду cloth that sheds water —- водоотталкивающая ткань 16. ронять (листья); терять (зубы, волосы) he begins to shed teeth —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I v.  1) ронять, терять (зубы, шерсть, волосы, листья); сбрасывать (одежду, кожу)  2) проливать, лить (слезы, кровь)  3) распространять; излучать (свет, тепло и т.п.) - shed on - shed upon Syn: see discard II noun  1) навес, сарай  2) ангар; эллинг; гараж; депо  3) electr. юбка (изолятора) SHED light upon проливать свет на (что-л.) SHED lustre on придать блеск (чему-л.); прославить (что-л.) SHED on  а) ронять, проливать (слезы, волосы и т.п.) на (что-л.) Look, youre shedding tears on my best coat!  б) проливать свет на (событие, дело и т.п.) Can you shed any light on the mysterious disappearance of this papers? SHED upon  а) ронять, проливать (слезы, волосы и т.п.) на (что-л.) Look, youre shedding tears on my best coat!  б) проливать свет на (событие, дело и т.п.) Can you shed any light on the mysterious disappearance of this papers? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things  (We had a tool shed in our back yard. | a cattle shed | a garden shed) 2 a large industrial building where work is done, large vehicles are kept or machinery is stored etc ~2 v past tense and past participle shed present participle shedding 1 »LIGHT« if something sheds light, it lights the area around it  (The lamp shed a yellow glow onto the desk.) 2 »DROP/FALL OFF« a) to drop something or allow it to fall  (He strode across the bathroom, shedding wet clothes as he went.) b) if an animal sheds skin or hair or a plant sheds leaves etc, they fall off as part of a natural process  (Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn. | As it grows, a snake will regularly shed its skin.) 3 »GET RID OF« to get rid of something that you no longer need or want  (The company is planning to shed about a quarter of its workforce. | I shed my inhibitions and joined the dancing. | shed pounds/stones (=get thinner by losing several pounds etc))  (I'd like to shed a few pounds.) 4 shed light on to make something easier to understand, by providing new or better information  (We're hoping his letter will shed some light on the mystery.) 5 »WATER« if something sheds water, the water flows off its surface, instead of sinking into it 6 shed blood to kill or injure people, especially during a war or a fight  (Too much blood has already been shed in this conflict.)  (- see also bloodshed) 7 shed tears especially literary to cry  (She had not shed a single tear during the funeral.) 8 shed its load BrE if a vehicle sheds its load, the goods it is carrying accidentally fall off ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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