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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - shaft


Связанные словари


(shafts) 1. A shaft is a long vertical passage, for example for a lift. He was found dead at the bottom of a lift shaft. ...old mine shafts. N-COUNT: oft n N 2. In a machine, a shaft is a rod that turns round continually in order to transfer movement in the machine. ...a drive shaft. ...the propeller shaft. N-COUNT: usu n N 3. A shaft is a long thin piece of wood or metal that forms part of a spear, axe, golf club, or other object. ...golf clubs with steel shafts. N-COUNT 4. A shaft of light is a beam of light, for example sunlight shining through an opening. A brilliant shaft of sunlight burst through the doorway. N-COUNT: usu N of n
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   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceaft; akin to Old High German scaft ~, Latin scapus ~, stalk, Greek skeptesthai to prop oneself, lean  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the long handle of a spear or similar weapon  (2) spear, lance  b. or plural shaves pole; specifically either of two long pieces of wood between which a horse is hitched to a vehicle  c.  (1) an arrow especially for a longbow  (2) the body or stem of an arrow extending from the nock to the head  2. a sharply delineated beam of light shining through an opening  3. something suggestive of the ~ of a spear or arrow especially in long slender cylindrical form: as  a. the trunk of a tree  b. the cylindrical pillar between the capital and the base  c. the handle of a tool or instrument (as a golf club)  d. a commonly cylindrical bar used to support rotating pieces or to transmit power or motion by rotation  e. the stem or central axis of a feather  f. the upright member of a cross especially below the arms  g. the cylindrical part of a long bone between the enlarged ends  h. a small architectural column (as at each side of a doorway)  i. a column, obelisk, or other spire-shaped or columnar monument  j. a vertical or inclined opening of uniform and limited cross section made for finding or mining ore, raising water, or ventilating underground workings (as in a cave)  k. the part of a hair that is visible above the surface of the skin  l. a vertical opening or passage through the floors of a building  4.  a. a projectile thrown like a spear or shot like an arrow  b. a scornful, satirical, or pithily critical remark or attack  c. harsh or unfair treatment — usually used with the gave them the ~  II. transitive verb  Date: 1611  1. to fit with a ~  2. to treat unfairly or harshly ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an arrow or spear. b the long slender stem of these. 2 a remark intended to hurt or provoke (a shaft of malice; shafts of wit). 3 (foll. by of) a a ray (of light). b a bolt (of lightning). 4 the stem or handle of a tool, implement, etc. 5 a column, esp. between the base and capital. 6 a long narrow space, usu. vertical, for access to a mine, a lift in a building, for ventilation, etc. 7 a long and narrow part supporting or connecting or driving a part or parts of greater thickness etc. 8 each of the pair of poles between which a horse is harnessed to a vehicle. 9 the central stem of a feather. 10 Mech. a large axle or revolving bar transferring force by belts or cogs. 11 US colloq. harsh or unfair treatment. --v.tr. US colloq. treat unfairly. Etymology: OE sc{aelig}ft, sceaft f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) шахтный ствол 2) стержень (напр. колонны) 3) шахта (напр. лифта); лестничная клетка 4) вал; шпиндель; ось 5) шток; тяга; стержень 6) рукоятка; ручка (инструмента) 7) главный вал (швейной машины) 8) ствол (дерева) - actuating shaft - agitator shaft - air shaft - anchor shaft - armature shaft - auxiliary shaft - axle shaft - backup shaft - balancer shaft - bent shaft - blind shaft - bogie oscillating shaft - bolt shaft - boring shaft - boring bar shaft - brake shaft - cam shaft - capstan shaft - cardan shaft - carrier roller shaft - cathead shaft - center shaft - centershift drive shaft - change shaft - changeover box operating shaft - chimney shaft - circle drive pinion shaft - circular shaft - clamp shaft - clutch shaft - column shaft - concrete lined shaft - control shaft - coupling shaft - cross shaft - deep shaft - diminished column shaft - distributing shaft - downcast shaft - downhole motor bit shaft - drainage shaft - drive shaft - driven shaft - drop shaft - dummy shaft - eccentric shaft - eight-diameter stepped shaft - electric shaft - elevator shaft - engine drive shaft - entasized column shaft - exhaust shaft - expandable shaft - exploration shaft - feed shaft - feed lifting rock shaft - first-motion shaft - flap actuating shaft - flexible shaft - floating half shaft - front drive shaft - fuel pump drive shaft - gate shaft - gear shaft - generator shaft - half shaft - hollow shaft - idler shaft - inclined shaft - inclined surge shaft - input shaft - inspection shaft - intake shaft - lift shaft - line shaft - locklift rotary shaft - lower shaft - main shaft - main drive shaft - motor shaft - multidiameter shaft - oar shaft - oiling gear shaft - oscillating shaft - output shaft - picking shaft - pinion shaft - pitman shaft - pivot shaft - power shaft - production shaft - propeller shaft - propulsion shaft - pumping shaft - rectangular shaft - removable shaft - reverse shifter shaft -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  шахта (вентиляционная, санитарно-техническая, лифтная и др.); ствол, труба ось, вал; штифт, стержень ручка, черенок (напр. лопаты) ствол, стержень (напр. колонны) access shaft air shaft air-intake shaft blade mixer shaft cam shaft central shaft chimney shaft crank shaft discharge shaft drive shaft driven shaft driving shaft drop shaft drum shaft dry valve shaft elevator shaft exhaust shaft flexible shaft inspection shaft intake shaft lift shaft permanent shaft raised shaft smoke shaft surge shaft test shaft utility shaft valve shaft vent shaft ventilation shaft water meter shaft work shaft worm shaft ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  вал, рукоятка, ручка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вал 2) дышловой 3) машиностр. ось 4) рукоятка 5) тех. тело 6) горн. шахта 7) шахтный chain pinion shaft — цепной вал clamp shaft coupling — свертная муфта correction wedge shaft — машиностр. валик выверочного клина enclosed cardan shaft — закрытый карданный вал exposed propeller shaft — открытый карданный вал inset of mine shaft — рассечка ствола шахты main drive shaft — главный вал привода make shaft integral — изготавливать вал за одно целое mine shaft equipment — армировка шахтного ствола power at drive shaft — мощность на приводном валу power take-off shaft — вал отбора мощности propeller shaft tunnel — туннель гребного вала rudder head shaft — баллер руля shaft bottom level — горизонт околоствольного двора shaft sinking method — способ проходки ствола - adjustment shaft - anchor shaft - articulated shaft - auger shaft - back shaft - balance shaft - beater shaft - built-up shaft - cable shaft - cardan shaft - check shaft - clutch shaft - cutter shaft - cylinder shaft - distribution shaft - divided shaft - drill shaft - end shaft - feed shaft - flexible cable shaft - flexible shaft - grinding shaft - idle shaft - input shaft - interrupter shaft - kinker shaft - knotter shaft - lay shaft - level shaft - licker-in shaft - main shaft - multidiameter shaft - multiple-bearing shaft - oar shaft - output shaft - outrigger shaft - pick shaft - pinion shaft - pitman arm shaft - polishing shaft - power shaft - propeller shaft - quill shaft - reverse shaft - selector shaft - shaft alignment - shaft bearing - shaft cable - shaft capacity - shaft collar - shaft crown - shaft dam - shaft free - shaft furnace - shaft hammer - shaft hole - shaft journal - shaft lining - shaft...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) ствол; стебель 2) столб; стержень; стержневидная структура; ось 3) стержень (пера, волоса) – shaft of bone – shaft of feather – shaft of femur – shaft of raceme – shaft of vomer – hair shaft ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. древко (копья, пики, гарпуна, стрелы и т. п.); метательный снаряд (имеющий древко) when the fish is struck the point detaches itself from the shaft —- когда гарпун попадает в рыбу, наконечник отделяется от древка 2. стрела random shaft —- шальная стрела 3. злобный выпад, насмешка the shafts of ridicule —- стрелы насмешки random shaft —- необдуманное замечание the (random) shaft went home —- (сделанное наугад) замечание попало в цель venomed shafts of envy —- отравленные стрелы зависти 4. уст. копье, дротик 5. ручка, рукоятка; черенок the shaft of an axe —- топорище 6. луч (света); вспышка, блеск (молнии) bright shafts struck through the smoky air of the room —- яркие лучи света пробивались сквозь дымную атмосферу комнаты a shaft of lightning pierced the dark sky —- зигзаг (вспышка) молнии прорезал (-ла) темное небо 7. ствол (дерева) 8. стебель, стрела 9. зоол. стержень (пера, волоса) 10. дышло, оглобля, дорога 11. печная, дымовая труба 12. архит. колонна; стержень колонны; столб 13. шпиль 14. обелиск 15. горн. шахта, шахтный ствол to descent (to go down) a shaft —- спуститься в шахту 16. стр. шахта light shaft —- световая шахта lift (elevator) shaft —- шахта лифта 17. тех. вал; ось; шпиндель shaft horse-power —- мощность на валу 18. анат. тело (длинной) кости, диафиз 19. прилаживать (древко, ручку и т. п.) 20. управлять (баржей...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  furnace tech. шахтная печь SHAFT  1. noun  1) древко (копья)  2) poet. копье; стрела (тж. перен.); shafts of satire - стрелы сатиры  3) ручка, рукоятка; черенок  4) луч (света)  5) вспышка молнии  6) ствол, стебель  7) колонна; стержень колонны; столб  8) шпиль  9) дышло, оглобля  10) печная труба  11) mining шахта, ствол шахты  12) tech. вал, ось, шпиндель  2. v.; sl. третировать (кого-л.); обижать, притеснять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »HANDLE« a long handle on a tool, spear etc 2 »PASSAGE« a passage which goes up through a building or down into the ground, so that someone or something can get in or out  (mine/elevator/ventilation shaft)  (a 300-foot elevator shaft) 3 shaft of light/sunlight a narrow beam of light 4 »ENGINE PART« a thin long piece of metal in an engine or machine that turns and passes on power or movement to another part of the machine 5 »FOR A HORSE« C usually plural one of a pair of poles between which a horse is tied to pull a vehicle 6 shaft of wit literary a clever amusing remark, especially an unkind one 7 »ARROW« literary an arrow (1) 8 give sb the shaft AmE slang to treat someone unfairly, for example by dismissing them from their job without a good reason ~2 v slang to treat someone unfairly, especially by dishonestly getting money from them  (We really got shafted in that computer deal.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. sceaft "long, slender rod of a staff or spear," from P.Gmc. *skaftaz. Meaning in mineshaft, etc., is M.E., probably from notion of "long and cylindrical," possibly a translation of Low Ger. schacht in this sense. Meaning "treat cruelly and unfairly" is 1950s, from notion of sodomy. The word's double sense is attested in country music song title, "She Got the Gold Mine, I Got the Shaft." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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