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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - scream


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(screams, screaming, screamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When someone screams, they make a very loud, high-pitched cry, for example because they are in pain or are very frightened. Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire... He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony... VERB: V, V in n • Scream is also a noun. Hilda let out a scream. ...screams of terror. N-COUNT 2. If you scream something, you shout it in a loud, high-pitched voice. ‘Brigid!’ she screamed. ‘Get up!’... They started screaming abuse at us. VERB: V with quote, V n 3. When something makes a loud, high-pitched noise, you can say that it screams. (WRITTEN) She slammed the car into gear, the tyres screaming as her foot jammed against the accelerator... As he talked, an airforce jet screamed over the town. = screech VERB: V, V prep/adv • Scream is also a noun. There was a scream of brakes from the carriageway outside. = screech N-COUNT
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См. в других словарях

   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English scremen; akin to Middle Dutch schreem ~  Date: 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to voice a sudden sharp loud cry  (2) to produce harsh high tones  b. to make a noise resembling a ~ the siren ~ed  c. to move with great rapidity  2.  a. to speak or write with intense or hysterical emotion  b. to protest, demand, or complain vehemently  c. to laugh hysterically  3. to produce a vivid startling effect  transitive verb to utter with or as if with a ~  II. noun  Date: 1605  1. a loud sharp penetrating cry or noise  2. a very funny person or thing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a loud high-pitched piercing cry expressing fear, pain, extreme fright, etc. 2 the act of emitting a scream. 3 colloq. an irresistibly funny occurrence or person. --v. 1 intr. emit a scream. 2 tr. speak or sing (words etc.) in a screaming tone. 3 intr. make or move with a shrill sound like a scream. 4 intr. laugh uncontrollably. 5 intr. be blatantly obvious or conspicuous. 6 intr. colloq. turn informer. Etymology: OE or MDu. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  визг; визжать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пронзительный крик, вопль, визг a scream of terror —- крик ужаса to utter screams of pain —- вопить от боли (to cause) screams of laughter —- (вызвать) взрыв смеха 2. резкий, пронзительный звук the scream of a peacock —- крик павлина the engine gaaave a shrill scream as it entered the tunnel —- при входе в туннель паровоз дал резкий свисток (гудок) 3. разг. умора, уморительно смешной человек, случай, анекдот и т. п. it was a perfect scream! —- это было просто уморительно!; мы умирали со смеху! in that part he is a perfect (a regular) scream —- в этой комической роли он неподражаем 4. пренебр. нечто переходящее допустимые границы a scream of a bunch —- ам. кучка бездельников 5. пронзительно кричать вопить, визжать the baby screamed all night —- ребенок кричал всю ночь to scream with pain —- кричать от боли to scream with delight —- визжать от восторга to scream oneself hoarse —- охрипнуть о крика to scream for help —- вопить о помощи 6. издавать резкие, пронзительные звуки, свистеть, гудеть, реветь the brakes screamed —- тормоза завизжали cars scream —- автомобили дают резкие гудки the whistle screamed —- раздался резкий свист the wind screamed —- ветер завывал 7. разг. неудержимо смеяться, хохотать; умирать со смеху he was so funny, he made us scream —- он был так смешон, что мы покатывались со смеху to scream with laughter —- неудержимо хохотать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) вопль, пронзительный крик; визг; screams of laughter - взрывы смеха  2) coll. умора, забавный, уморительный человек, случай и т.п.  2. v.  1) пронзительно кричать, вопить, визжать; to scream ones head off - кричать неистово или безостановочно (от боли, гнева и т.п.); How can you take no notice of an animal that is screaming with pain?  2) свистеть, гудеть, реветь (о свистке, сирене и т.п.)  3) неудержимо смеяться, хохотать; умирать со смеху; to scream with laughter - умирать со смеху, хохотать до упаду - scream down - scream out Syn: see cry SCREAM down снижаться, издавая пронзительные звуки As the bombs came screaming down, the villagers tried to take shelter. SCREAM out выкрикивать (что-л.) If she hadnt screamed out the warning, there would have been a nasty accident. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc  (Shots rang out, and people started screaming. | a screaming baby) + with/in  (The woman lay there, screaming with pain. | scream with laughter (=laugh very loudly in a high voice)) 2 also scream out to shout something in a very loud high voice because you are angry or frightened  ("Get out!" she screamed.) + for  (I screamed for help.) + a  (Calm down and stop screaming at me! | scream insults/abuse etc)  (Lola screamed insults at him as he left.) 3 to make a very loud high noise  (The police car approached, its siren screaming.) scream (out) at sb phr v informal if something such as a very bright colour or a mistake screams at you, it is very noticeable and annoying ~2 n 1 a loud high sound made with your voice because you are very frightened, angry, hurt, or excited  (Her screams could be heard all down the block. | scream of laughter/terror etc)  (There were screams of excitement when he finally walked on stage. | let out a scream)  (He let out a scream of terror.) 2 a very loud high sound  (The scream of the jet taking off drowned Ryan's response.) 3 be a scream informal used to describe someone or something that is very funny  (We went to the party dressed as twins. It was a scream!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Students Challenging Realities And Educating Against Myths univ. abbr. Student Club Of Realistic Effects Animatronics And Make-believe religion abbr. Street Children Reconciliation Education And Assistance Ministry firm name abbr. Suriname Caribbean Roots Entertainment And Musicians ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1225, earlier shreamen (c.1200), of uncertain origin, similar to words in Scand., Du., Flem. The noun is from 1513. Slang meaning "something that evokes a cry of laughter" is 1903; screamer in this sense is from 1844. Screaming meemies is World War I army slang, originally a soldiers' name for a type of Ger. artillery shell that made a loud noise in flight (from Fr. woman's name Mimi), extended to the battle fatigue caused by long exposure to enemy fire. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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