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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - quiet


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(quieter, quietest, quiets, quieting, quieted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone or something that is quiet makes only a small amount of noise. Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented... A quiet murmur passed through the classroom... The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft. ? noisy ADJ • quietly ‘This is goodbye, isn’t it?’ she said quietly... ADV: ADV with v • quietness ...the smoothness and quietness of the flight. N-UNCOUNT 2. If a place is quiet, there is very little noise there. She was received in a small, quiet office... The street was unnaturally quiet. ? noisy ADJ • quietness I miss the quietness of the countryside. N-UNCOUNT 3. If a place, situation, or time is quiet, there is no excitement, activity, or trouble. It is very quiet without him... While he wanted Los Angeles and partying, she wanted a quiet life... ADJ • quietly His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. ADV: ADV with v • quietness I do very much appreciate the quietness and privacy here. N-UNCOUNT 4. Quiet is silence. He called for quiet and announced that the next song was in our honor... N-UNCOUNT 5. If you are quiet, you are not saying anything. I told them to be quiet and go to sleep... ADJ: v-link ADJ • quietly Amy stood quietly in the doorway watching him. ADV: ADV with v 6. If you refer, for example, to someone’s quiet confidence or quiet despair, you mean that they do not say much about the way they are feeling. He has a quiet confidence in his ability... ADJ: ADJ n • quietly Nigel Deering, the publisher, is quietly confident about the magazine’s chances. ADV: ADV adj 7. You describe activities as quiet when they happen in secret or in such a way that people do not notice them. The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy... ADJ: ADJ n • quietly I slipped away quietly... The goal of shifting freight from road to rail has been quietly abandoned... ADV: usu ADV with v, also ADV adj 8. A quiet person behaves in a calm way and is not easily made angry or upset. He’s a nice quiet man. = placid ADJ 9. If someone or something quiets or if you quiet them, they become less noisy, less active, or silent. (mainly AM; in BRIT, usually use quieten) The wind dropped and the sea quieted... Estela started to say something but a gesture from her husband quieted her at once. VERB: V, V n 10. To quiet fears or complaints means to persuade people that there is no good reason for them. (mainly AM; in BRIT, usually use quieten) Music seemed to quiet her anxiety and loneliness. VERB: V n 11. If someone does not go quietly, they do not leave a particular job or a place without complaining or resisting. She’s not going to go quietly. PHRASE: V inflects 12. If you keep quiet about something or keep something quiet, you do not say anything about it. I told her to keep quiet about it... PHRASE: V inflects 13. If something is done on the quiet, it is done secretly or in such a way that people do not notice it. She’d promised to give him driving lessons, on the quiet, when no one could see. PHRASE: PHR after v
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, Latin ~-, quies rest, ~ — more at while  Date: 14th century the quality or state of being ~ ; tranquillity  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~e, from Latin ~us, from past participle of quiescere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. marked by little or no motion or activity ; calm a ~ sea  b. gentle, easygoing a ~ temperament  c. not interfered with ~ reading  d. enjoyed in peace and relaxation a ~ cup of tea  2.  a. free from noise or uproar ; still  b. unobtrusive, conservative ~ clothes  3. secluded a ~ nook  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. adverb  Date: 1573 in a ~ manner an engine that runs ~  IV. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin ~are to set free, to calm, from Latin ~us  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to be ~ ; calm  2. to make secure by freeing from dispute or question ~ title to a property  intransitive verb to become ~ — usually used with down  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & v. --adj. (quieter, quietest) 1 with little or no sound or motion. 2 of gentle or peaceful disposition. 3 (of a colour, piece of clothing, etc.) unobtrusive; not showy. 4 not overt; private; disguised (quiet resentment). 5 undisturbed; uninterrupted; free or far from vigorous action (a quiet time for prayer). 6 informal; simple (just a quiet wedding). 7 enjoyed in quiet (a quiet smoke). 8 tranquil; not anxious or remorseful. --n. 1 silence; stillness. 2 an undisturbed state; tranquillity. 3 a state of being free from urgent tasks or agitation (it is very quiet at work). 4 a peaceful state of affairs (all quiet along the frontier). --v. 1 tr. sooth, make quiet. 2 intr. (often foll. by down) become quiet or calm. Phrases and idioms be quiet (esp. in imper.) cease talking etc. keep quiet 1 refrain from making a noise. 2 (often foll. by about) suppress or refrain from disclosing information etc. on the quiet unobtrusively; secretly. Derivatives quietly adv. quietness n. Etymology: ME f. AF quiete f. OF quiet(e), quiet{eacute} f. L quietus past part. of quiescere: see QUIESCENT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) малошумный 2) покой 3) спокойный 4) тихий 5) тишина 6) успокаивать - quiet Sun - quiet error - quiet neuron - quiet running ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  спокойный; неподвижный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тишина, безмолвие in the quiet of the night —- в тишине ночи 2. тех. бесшумность 3. покой, спокойствие the quiet of the mind —- душевный покой a few hours of quiet —- несколько часов покоя to read in quiet —- спокойно почитать 4. спокойствие, мир to live in peace and quiet —- жить в мире и спокойствии the country enjoyed many years of quiet after the war —- после войны страна долгие годы жила мирной жизнью Id: on the quiet, on the QT (qt) —- тайком, втихаря, втихомолку; под большим секретом Id: I'm telling you that on the quiet —- я тебе скажу, но только между нами 5. тихий; бесшумный, неслышный quiet wind —- тихий ветер quiet footsteps —- неслышные (бесшумные) шаги quiet neighbours —- спокойные соседи quiet street —- тихая улица the wind grew quiet —- ветер утих to be quiet —- молчать, хранить молчание be quiet! —- помолчите!, перестаньте разговаривать! keep quiet! —- не шумите!, замолчите! we must keep quiet about it —- мы не должны об этом говорить everything is quiet after 10 o'clock —- все умолкает после 10 часов 6. спокойный, тихий; неподвижный quiet air —- неподвижный воздух quiet river —- тихая (спокойная, неподвижная) река to seem quiet —- казаться спокойным the patient was at last quiet now —- больной, наконец, успокоился (затих) the restless boy was quiet now —- беспокойный мальчик наконец угомонился 7. мирный, спокойный; ничем не нарушаемый quiet sleep...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) спокойный; тихий, бесшумный; неслышный; keep quiet - не шумите; quiet! - тише!, не шуметь!; the sea is quiet - море спокойно  2) спокойный, скромный; a quiet dinnerparty - интимный обед; a quiet wedding - скромная свадьба  3) спокойный, мягкий (о человеке)  4) неяркий, не бросающийся в глаза; quiet colours - спокойные цвета  5) тайный, скрытый; укромный; to keep smth. quiet - утаивать, умалчивать; in a quiet corner - в укромном уголке  6) мирный, спокойный, ничем не нарушаемый; a quiet cup of tea - чашка чаю, выпитая на досуге, в тишине Syn: see silent see tranquil  2. noun тишина, безмолвие; покой, спокойствие; мир on the quiet ( abbr.; sl. on the q. t.) - тайком, втихомолку; под большим секретом  3. v.  1) успокаивать, унимать; See if you can quiet the dog down.  2) успокаиваться, униматься, угомониться; At last the wind quietened down, and the storm was over. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 »NO NOISE« not making much noise  (We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby. | The engine is 20% quieter than its nearest rival's. | (as) quiet as a mouse (=very quiet)) 2 quiet!/be quiet! spoken used to tell someone, rather rudely, to stop talking or making noise 3 »PEACEFUL« a quiet place or time is one where there is not much activity and there are not many people  (I'd love to go on holiday somewhere where it's nice and quiet. | quiet day/weekend)  (a quiet weekend at home) 4 »NOT SPEAKING« a) not saying much or not saying anything  (You're very quiet, Mom - is anything the matter?) b) someone who is quiet does not usually talk very much  ("What's she like?" "Oh, quiet - but friendly enough.") 5 »NOT BUSY« if business is quiet, there are not many customers  (August is a quiet time of year for the retail trade..) 6 keep quiet to not say anything, because you do not know anything or because you do not want to tell a secret  (I didn't know anything about it so I just kept quiet.) 7 keep sth quiet/keep quiet about sth to keep information secret  (You're getting married? You kept that quiet!) 8 keep sb quiet to stop someone from talking, complaining, or causing trouble  (I gave the children some candy to keep them quiet.) 9 have a quiet word (with) especially BrE to talk to someone privately when you want to criticize them or tell them about something serious  (I'll have a quiet word with Brian about his behaviour.)  (- see also quietly) - quietness n ~2 n 1 quietness; calmness  (the quiet of the churchyard | peace and quiet)  (I've had an awful day - now I just want some peace and quiet.) 2 silence  (Can I have quiet please!) 3 on the quiet informal without telling anyone; secretly  (We found out he'd been doing some freelance work on the quiet.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Quality Undercover Intelligence Espionage Team gen. comp. abbr. Quick User Interface Extrapolation Tool ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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