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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - plump


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(plumper, plumpest, plumps, plumping, plumped) 1. You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded. Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair... ...red pears, ripe peaches and plump nectarines. ADJ • plumpness There was a sturdy plumpness about her hips. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you plump a pillow or cushion, you shake it and hit it gently so that it goes back into a rounded shape. She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions. VERB: V n • Plump up means the same as plump. ‘You need to rest,’ she told her reassuringly as she moved to plump up her pillows. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 3. If you plump for someone or something, you choose them, often after hesitating or thinking carefully. (mainly BRIT) I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer. VERB: V for n
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to drop, sink, or come in contact suddenly or heavily ~ed down in the chair  2. to favor or decide in favor of someone or something strongly or emphatically — used with for  transitive verb  1. to drop, cast, or place suddenly or heavily  2. to give support and favorable publicity to  II. noun  Date: 15th century a sudden plunge, fall, or blow; also the sound made by a ~  III. adverb  Date: 1594  1. with a sudden or heavy drop  2.  a. straight down  b. straight ahead  3. without qualification ; directly ~ out of luck  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e  Date: 15th century chiefly dialect group, flock a ~ of ducks rose at the same time — H. D. Thoreau  V. verb  Etymology: 6~  Date: 1533  transitive verb to make ~  intransitive verb to become ~  VI. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, dull, blunt, from Middle Dutch plomp  Date: 1569  1. having a full rounded usually pleasing form a ~ woman  2. ample, abundant  • ~ish adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj. & v. --adj. (esp. of a person or animal or part of the body) having a full rounded shape; fleshy; filled out. --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by up, out) make or become plump; fatten. Derivatives plumpish adj. plumply adv. plumpness n. plumpy adj. Etymology: ME plompe f. MDu. plomp blunt, MLG plump, plomp shapeless etc. 2. v., n., adv., & adj. --v. 1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by down) drop or fall abruptly (plumped down on the chair; plumped it on the floor). 2 intr. (foll. by for) decide definitely in favour of (one of two or more possibilities). 3 tr. (often foll. by out) utter abruptly; blurt out. --n. an abrupt plunge; a heavy fall. --adv. colloq. 1 with a sudden or heavy fall. 2 directly, bluntly (I told him plump). --adj. colloq. direct, unqualified (answered with a plump 'no'). Etymology: ME f. MLG plumpen, MDu. plompen: orig. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  выполненный (о полости зерна, стебля) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. полный; пухлый; округлый plump little hands —- пухленькие ручки plump shoulders —- округлые (пухлые) плечи plump fowl —- упитанная птица 2. набитый, пухлый plump bag —- (туго) набитый мешок the book is plump with examples and citations —- в книге бесконечное множество примеров и цитат 3. полновесный (о монете) 4. с-х. выполненный, хорошего налива (о зерне) 5. редк. изрядный; недурной I hold not a very plump opinion of him —- я о нем невысокого мнения 6. выкармливать to plump fowls for sale —- откармливать птицу на продажу 7. делать толстым, пухлым (также plump up, plump out) to plump (up) the pillows —- взбивать подушки the cod-liver oil has plumped his cheeks —- от рыбьего жира его щеки округлились 8. толстеть, полнеть; раздуваться, распухать (также plump up, plump out) she had plumped out —- она располнела 9. спец. набухать 10. спец. бучить (кожу) 11. всплеск (от падения в воду); тяжелое падение to fall with a plump —- упасть со всплеском 12. звук от всплеска, тяжелого падения; буханье, плюханье 13. шотл. ливень drenchy plumps —- сильные ливни 14. сл. удар, плюха 15. прямой, решительный, безоговорочный plump denial —- решительный отказ; категорическое отрицание to answer with a plump "no" —- ответить категорическим отказом 16. немедленно оплаченный paying up in full, in one plump sum —- оплатив полностью, одной кругленькой...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. adj. полный; пухлый, округлый Syn: see fat  2. v.  1) выкармливать, вскармливать (тж. plump up)  2) толстеть, полнеть; раздуваться. распухать (тж. plump out, plump up); Mother grew so thin during her illness, but she is beginning to plump out now.  3) делать толстым, пухлым (also plump out, plump up); Tidy the room and plump up the cushions ready for our guests. II  1. adj. прямой, решительный, безоговорочный (об отказе и т.п.)  2. adv.  1) внезапно; he fell plump into the water - он бултыхнулся в воду  2) прямо, без обиняков  3. noun тяжелое падение  4. v.  1) бухать(ся) шлепать(ся), плюхать(ся) (тж. plump down); Tired after her walk, she plumped down on a comfortable chair. Losing his balance, he plumped against the doorpost. The workman plumped down his heavy bag of tools.  2) немедленно оплатить; выложить (деньги); He plumped down the money and called for drinks for everyone.  3) попасть, влопаться (into)  4) нагрянуть (upon)  5) (for) голосовать только за одного (кандидата); Although we could vote for three people, all of us plumped for John as he was so well suited to the job.  6) coll. (for) решительно поддерживать, выступать "за"; Every member of the committee plumped for the chairmans suggestion. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 a word meaning pleasantly fat, often used when you want to avoid saying the word fat  (The nurse was a cheerful plump woman. | Dad's getting a bit plump - he needs to go on a diet.) 2 having a full, round shape  (plump, soft pillows | plump juicy tomatoes)  (- compare chubby, portly) - plumpness n  (- see fat1) ~2 v 1 plump sth in/on etc to put something down suddenly and carelessly  (Otto plumped a sheaf of papers on my desk and told me to get on with it. | You can plump the bags down anywhere you like.) 2 plump (yourself) down to sit down suddenly and heavily plump for sth phr v informal to choose something after thinking carefully about it  (We finally plumped for a bottle of pink champagne.) plump sth up phr v to make cushions, pillows etc bigger and softer by shaking them ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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