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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - lodge


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(lodges, lodging, lodged) 1. A lodge is a house or hut in the country or in the mountains where people stay on holiday, especially when they want to shoot or fish. ...a Victorian hunting lodge. ...a ski lodge. N-COUNT: usu supp N 2. A lodge is a small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house. I drove out of the gates, past the keeper’s lodge. N-COUNT 3. In some organizations, a lodge is a local branch or meeting place of the organization. My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. If you lodge a complaint, protest, accusation, or claim, you officially make it. He has four weeks in which to lodge an appeal. = make VERB: V n 5. If you lodge somewhere, such as in someone else’s house or if you are lodged there, you live there, usually paying rent. ...the story of the farming family she lodged with as a young teacher... The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church. VERB: V prep/adv, be V-ed prep/adv 6. If someone lodges you somewhere, they give you a place to stay, for example because they are responsible for your safety or comfort. They lodged the delegates in different hotels. VERB: V n prep/adv 7. If an object lodges somewhere, it becomes stuck there. The bullet lodged in the sergeant’s leg, shattering his thigh bone... His car has a bullet lodged in the passenger door. VERB: V prep/adv, V-ed 8. see also lodging
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   I. verb  (~d; lodging)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to provide temporary quarters for  (2) to rent lodgings to  b. to establish or settle in a place  2. to serve as a receptacle for ; contain  3. to beat (as a crop) flat to the ground  4. to bring to an intended or a fixed position (as by throwing or thrusting)  5. to deposit for safeguard or preservation  6. to place or vest especially in a source, means, or agent  7. to lay (as a complaint) before a proper authority ; file  intransitive verb  1.  a. to occupy a place temporarily ; sleep  b.  (1) to have a residence ; dwell  (2) to be a ~r  2. to come to a rest  3. to fall or lie down — used especially of hay or grain crops  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English loge, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German louba porch  Date: 13th century  1. chiefly dialect a rude shelter or abode  2.  a. a house set apart for residence in a particular season (as the hunting season)  b. a resort hotel ; inn  3.  a. a house on an estate originally for the use of a gamekeeper, caretaker, or porter  b. a shelter for an employee (as a gatekeeper)  4. a den or lair especially of gregarious animals (as beavers)  5.  a. the meeting place of a branch of an organization and especially a fraternal organization  b. the body of members of such a branch  6.  a. wigwam  b. a family of North American Indians LODGE  I. biographical name Henry Cabot 1850-1924 American statesman & author  II. biographical name Henry Cabot 1902-1985 grandson of preceding American politician & diplomat  III. biographical name Sir Oliver Joseph 1851-1940 English physicist  IV. biographical name Thomas 1558-1625 English poet & dramatist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a small house at the gates of a park or in the grounds of a large house, occupied by a gatekeeper, gardener, etc. 2 any large house or hotel, esp. in a resort. 3 a house occupied in the hunting or shooting season. 4 a a porter's room or quarters at the gate of a college or other large building. b the residence of a head of a college, esp. at Cambridge. 5 the members or the meeting-place of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons. 6 a local branch of a trade union. 7 a beaver's or otter's lair. 8 a N. American Indian's tent or wigwam. --v. 1 tr. deposit in court or with an official a formal statement of (complaint or information). 2 tr. deposit (money etc.) for security. 3 tr. bring forward (an objection etc.). 4 tr. (foll. by in, with) place (power etc.) in a person or group. 5 tr. & intr. make or become fixed or caught without further movement (the bullet lodged in his brain; the tide lodges mud in the cavities). 6 tr. a provide with sleeping quarters. b receive as a guest or inmate. c establish as a resident in a house or room or rooms. 7 intr. reside or live, esp. as a guest paying for accommodation. 8 tr. serve as a habitation for; contain. 9 tr. (in passive; foll. by in) be contained in. 10 a tr. (of wind or rain) flatten (crops). b intr. (of crops) be flattened in this way. Etymology: ME loge f. OF loge arbour, hut, f. med.L laubia, lobia (see LOBBY) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) домик 2) застревать 3) застрять 4) оседать 5) поместить 6) помещать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) давать на хранение, депонировать, помещать, класть (в банк) 2) открывать (кредит) 3) подавать (жалобу) 4) предъявлять (требования) - lodge a credit in favour of smb. - lodge an appeal Syn: place, set, put, install, insert LODGE 1) отдавать на хранение 2) подавать (заявку, жалобу, прошение, возражение, протест); заявлять 3) облекать, наделять (правами, полномочиями) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) хатка (бобров) 2) охотничий домик 3) полегать (о посевах) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  (В США помимо прочих значений) 1. индейское жилище (хижина) Обобщенное название жилища индейцев: колонисты восточного побережья называли его вигвам wigwam - словом языка оджибва Ojibwa, а также длинный дом long house - по названию ирокезского Iroquois жилища; в середине XIX в. в язык переселенцев Фронтира Frontier вошло слово типи tepee - название жилища индейцев сиу Sioux, а к концу XIX в. появилось заимствованное из языка навахо слово хоган hogan - земляная хижина на деревянном каркасе 2. семья, очаг, дом Социальная ячейка индейского общества, обычно в количестве 4-6 человек ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. домик; сторожка (у ворот парка, поместья); будка; квартира привратника 2. охотничий домик 3. временное жилье; приют ski lodge —- приют лыжников; лыжная база 4. ам. летний коттедж 5. швейцарская (в гостинице, многоквартирном доме и т. п.); проходная (на предприятии) 6. жилье индейцев; вигвам, хоган и т. п. 7. семейство индейцев 8. хатка (бобра); нора (выдры) 9. масонская ложа 10. члены масонской ложи 11. квартира директора колледжа (в Кембридже) 12. редк. ложа (в театре) 13. горн. рудный двор 14. разместить; (временно) поселить (у себя); предоставить помещение, приютить this building can lodge 50 families —- в этом здании может поместиться пятьдесят семейств we can lodge you for a day or two —- мы можем приютить вас на день, другой we were well lodged —- с жильем мы устроились хорошо 15. поселить кого-л. где-л.; устроить на постой to lodge children with relatives —- (временно) поселить (устроить) детей у родственников the refugees were lodged in schools —- беженцев разместили по школам 16. (временно) поселиться; (временно) жить (где-л.) to lodge out —- ночевать не дома; ночевать в общежитии, на работе (о сменных рабочих и т. п.) I lodged with a friend of mine —- я поселился у друга 17. снимать комнату или комнаты (у кого-л.) where are you lodging now? —- где (у кого) вы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) провести ночь в общежитии при вокзале (о железнодорожном служащем);  б) не ночевать дома LODGE an objection заявить протест; LODGE  1. noun  1) домик; сторожка у ворот; помещение привратника, садовника и т.п.  2) охотничий домик; временное жилище  3) палатка индейцев, вигвам  4) местное отделение некоторых профсоюзов (напр., железнодорожников)  5) ложа (масонская)  6) хатка (бобра); нора (выдры)  7) rare ложа (в театре)  8) квартира директора колледжа (в Кембридже)  9) mining рудный двор Syn: see club  2. v.  1) дать помещение, приютить, поселить  2) квартировать; временно проживать; снимать комнату, угол (у кого-л.)  3) всадить (пулю и т.п.)  4) засесть, застрять (о пуле и т.п.)  5) класть (в банк); давать на хранение (with - кому-л.; in - куда-л.)  6) подавать (жалобу, прошение и т.п.) (with, in); предъявлять (обвинение)  7) прибить (о ветре, ливне)  8) полечь от ветра (о посевах) - lodge out to lodge power with smb. (или in the hands of smb.) - облекать кого-л. властью, полномочиями ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 »STAY SOMEWHERE« to pay someone rent so you can live in a room in their house + at/with etc  (Paul lodged with a family in Bristol when he first started work.) 2 lodge a complaint/protest/appeal etc BrE to make a formal or official complaint, protest etc  (They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.) 3 »BE STUCK« I always + adv/prep, T usually passive) to become firmly stuck somewhere, or make something become stuck + in/down etc  (The fishbone lodged in her throat.) be lodged in/down etc  (The bullet was lodged in his spine.) 4 »PUT SB SOMEWHERE« to give or find someone a place to stay for a short time, usually for payment  (a building used to lodge prisoners of war | lodge sb in/at etc)  (The refugees were lodged in old army barracks.) 5 »IN A SAFE PLACE« formal to put something in an official place so that it is safe  (lodge sth with sb)  (Be sure to lodge a copy of the contract with your solicitor.) ~2 n 1 a small house built on the land of a large country house 2 a room for someone whose job is to see who enters a building or around a building  (the porter's lodge) 3 a small house in country or mountain areas, used by hunters, skiers ski2 etc 4 a) an organisation of freemasons  (a Masonic lodge) b) the building where this group meets 5 a beaver 's home 6 AmE a hotel in the mountains 7 AmE a wigwam ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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