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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - list


Связанные словари


(lists, listing, listed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A list of things such as names or addresses is a set of them which all belong to a particular category, written down one below the other. We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to... There were six names on the list. ...fine wine from the hotel’s exhaustive wine list. N-COUNT: oft N of n see also Civil List, hit list, honours list, laundry list, mailing list, shopping list, waiting list 2. A list of things is a set of them that you think of as being in a particular order. High on the list of public demands is to end military control of broadcasting... I would have thought if they were looking for redundancies I would be last on the list... ‘First City’ joined a long list of failed banks. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. To list several things such as reasons or names means to write or say them one after another, usually in a particular order. Manufacturers must list ingredients in order of the amount used. VERB: V n 4. To list something in a particular way means to include it in that way in a list or report. A medical examiner has listed the deaths as homicides... He was not listed under his real name on the residents panel. VERB: V n prep, V-ed 5. If a company is listed, or if it lists, on a stock exchange, it obtains an official quotation for its shares so that people can buy and sell them. (BUSINESS) It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds. VERB: V, also V n 6. see also listed, listing
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См. в других словарях

   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English lysten, from Old English lystan; akin to Old English lust desire, lust  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb archaic please, suit  intransitive verb archaic wish, choose  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably from lysten  Date: 13th century archaic inclination, craving  III. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hlystan, from hlyst hearing; akin to Old English hlysnan to ~en  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb archaic ~en  transitive verb archaic to ~en to ; hear  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English liste; akin to Old High German lista edge, Albanian leth  Date: before 12th century  1. a band or strip of material: as  a. ~el  b. selvage  c. a narrow strip of wood cut from the edge of a board  2. plural but singular or plural in construction  a. an arena for combat (as jousting)  b. a field of competition or controversy  3. obsolete limit, boundary  4. stripe  V. transitive verb  Date: 1635  1. to cut away a narrow strip from the edge of  2. to prepare or plant (land) in ridges and furrows with a ~er  VI. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1582 a deviation from the vertical ; tilt; also the extent of such a deviation  VII. verb  Date: 1626  intransitive verb to tilt to one side; especially of a boat or ship to tilt to one side in a state of equilibrium (as from an unbalanced load) — compare heel  transitive verb to cause to ~  VIII. noun  Etymology: French ~e, from Italian ~a, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German lista edge  Date: 1602  1.  a. a simple series of words or numerals (as the names of persons or objects) a guest ~  b. an official roster ; roll  2. catalog, check~  3. the total number to be considered or included a situation that heads their ~ of troubles  IX. verb  Date: 1614  transitive verb  1.  a. to make a ~ of ; enumerate  b. to include on a ~ ; register  2. to place (oneself) in a specified category ~s himself as a political liberal  3....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a number of connected items, names, etc., written or printed together usu. consecutively to form a record or aid to memory (shopping list). 2 (in pl.) a palisades enclosing an area for a tournament. b the scene of a contest. 3 Brit. a a selvage or edge of cloth, usu. of different material from the main body. b such edges used as a material. --v. 1 tr. make a list of. 2 tr. enter in a list. 3 tr. (as listed adj.) a (of securities) approved for dealings on the Stock Exchange. b (of a building in the UK) officially designated as being of historical importance and having protection from demolition or major alterations. 4 tr. & intr. archaic enlist. Phrases and idioms enter the lists issue or accept a challenge. list price the price of something as shown in a published list. Derivatives listable adj. Etymology: OE liste border, strip f. Gmc 2. v. & n. --v.intr. (of a ship etc.) lean over to one side, esp. owing to a leak or shifting cargo (cf. HEEL(2)). --n. the process or an instance of listing. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) список; перечень; перечисление 2) таблица 3) распечатывать, печатать 4) опись; каталог 5) спецификация 6) архит. поясок 7) мор. (статический) крен (под действием неравномерного распределения грузов); возд. крен 8) текст., швейн. полоса; кромка; кайма; бордюр; край - list of contents - access control list - access list - advance list - aircraft list - aircraft defects list - argument list - array list - association list - attribute-value list - attribute list - available list - chained list - configuration deviation list - control list - cross-reference list - cutting list - data list - decision list - export list - field core check list - identifier list - import list - input-output list - inverted list - linked list - master minimum equipment list - multithreaded list - net list - polling list - property list - punch-down list - push-up list - ready list - reference list - routing list - takeoff check list - test list - threaded list - tool library list - type list - uncommitted storage list - value list - waiting list - wait list - wiring list ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  список; перечень; перечисление; опись; таблица; спецификация; каталог поясок bar list cutting list inspection list ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) список заголовков (компакт-диска), перечень, каталог 2) таблица – access list – address list – authorized reception list – data list – edit decision list list – file list – international frequency list – personal code list – polling list – program list list – special terminal list – switch list – user parameter list ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ведомость 2) вносить в список 3) крен 4) крениться 5) опись 6) перечень 7) реестр 8) составлять список 9) список 10) таблица first-in first-out list — компьют. список магазинный прямой - FIFO list - check list - display list - edge list - iteration list - list of automata - list of funds - list of postulates - list of symbols - list price - list program - list sample - list to port - list to starboard - net list - ordered list - packing list - push-down list - push-up list - ready list - summary list - train list - wagon list ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  список; реестр; перечень; указатель; прейскурант; составлять список, перечислять – list of classes – list of classification headings – list of goods – list of patentees – list of references – list of subject headings – bibliographical reference list – family list – mailing list – numerical list – patent list – publisher's list – trademark list LIST 1. сущ. номенклатура, список, перечень; регистр - approved list - balance list - banned list - be on problem list - cargo list - case list - check list - checking a list - commerce control list - compile list - contents list - core list - draw up a list - enter in a list - exception list - exchange list - list of candidates - list prices - mailing list - make out a list - packing list - pay list - price list - stock exchange list - stock list - trade list - unfair list - voting list - watch list Syn: account, register, index, journal 2. гл. 1) вносить в список 2) регистрировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  список, реестр, перечень; вносить в список – check list – faunal list – species list ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. список; перечень, реестр duty list —- расписание дежурств the active list —- воен. список кадрового состава; кадровый состав diplomatic list —- дипломатический список the waiting list —- список очередности to make a list —- составлять список to enter in a list —- вносить в список to stand first on the list —- быть на первом месте в списке 2. прейскурант list price —- цена по прейскуранту 3. каталог 4. вносить в список; составлять список to list smb.'s name —- вносить чью-л. фамилию в список to list all one's books —- составить список всех своих книг to list for service —- вносить в список военнообязанных 5. уст. = enlist 6. относить к какой-л. категории she lists herself as an artist —- она считает себя художницей 7. ком. стоить по прейскуранту a radio that lists for $10 over the sale price —- радиоприемник, который по прейскуранту стоит на 10 долларов больше, чем на распродаже 8. край, кромка; бордюр, кайма 9. полоска, обрезок (сукна, кожи и т. п.) list slippers —- комнатные туфли из обрезков (сукна, кожи и т. п.) 10. прядь (волос) 11. поручень (перил) 12. архит. листель, поясок 13. pl. огороженное место; арена (турнира, состязания) to enter the lists —- бросить вызов; принять вызов 14. pl. арена борьбы; сфера разногласий 15. мор. наклон, крен to take a list —- накрениться to have a bad list —- сильно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) список, перечень, реестр; инвентарь; to enter in a list - вносить в список; - make a list - duty list  2) кромка, каемка; кайма, оторочка, бордюр; край  3) pl. огороженное место; арена (турнира, состязания); to enter the lists -  а) бросить вызов;  б) принять вызов;  в) участвовать в состязании  4) archit. листель  5) amer.; agric. борозда, сделанная листером  6) attr. сделанный из каймы, полос, обрезков; - list slippers  2. v.  1) вносить в список; составлять список; to list for service - вносить в списки военнообязанных  2) coll.; see enlist  1)  3) amer. обрабатывать землю листером II naut.  1. noun крен, наклон; - take a list  2. v. крениться, накреняться Syn: see tip LIST slippers комнатные туфли из обрезков (кожи, материи) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a set of words, numbers etc written one below the other, for example so that you can remember them  (a shopping list | an alphabetical list) + of  (Make a list of the things you have to do. | at the top/bottom of the list (=regarded as most or least important)) 2 enter the lists BrE to become involved in an argument, competition, etc  (- see also civil list, be on the danger list danger (4), hit list, mailing list, short list1, waiting list) ~2 v 1 to write a list, or mention things one after the other  (The guidebook lists 1000 hotels and restaurants.) 2 if a ship lists, it leans to one side 3 old use to listen ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Logistics Intra-theater Support Tool ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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