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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - kind


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I. [c red]NOUN USES AND PHRASES (kinds) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you talk about a particular kind of thing, you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing. The party needs a different kind of leadership... Had Jamie ever been in any kind of trouble?... This book prize is the biggest of its kind in the world... = sort, type N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. If you refer to someone’s kind, you are referring to all the other people that are like them or that belong to the same class or set. I can take care of your kind. = sort, type N-COUNT: poss N c darkgreen]disapproval 3. You can use all kinds of to emphasize that there are a great number and variety of particular things or people. Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons... PHRASE: PHR n c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use kind of when you want to say that something or someone can be roughly described in a particular way. (SPOKEN) It was kind of sad, really... PHRASE: PHR adj/adv/n, PHR before v c darkgreen]vagueness 5. You can use of a kind to indicate that something is not as good as it might be expected to be, but that it seems to be the best that is possible or available. She finds solace of a kind in alcohol. PHRASE: n PHR 6. If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them. She’s a very unusual woman, one of a kind. PHRASE c darkgreen]approval 7. If you refer, for example, to two, three, or four of a kind, you mean two, three, or four similar people or things that seem to go well or belong together. They were two of a kind, from the same sort of background. PHRASE 8. If you respond in kind, you react to something that someone has done to you by doing the same thing to them. They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind. PHRASE: PHR after v 9. If you pay a debt in kind, you pay it in the form of goods or services and not money. ...benefits in kind. PHRASE: PHR after v, n PHR II. [c red]ADJECTIVE USES (kinder, kindest) 1. Someone who is kind behaves in a gentle, caring, and helpful way towards other people. I must thank you for being so kind to me... It was very kind of you to come. ADJ: oft ADJ to n, it v-link ADJ of n to-inf • kindly ‘You seem tired this morning, Jenny,’ she said kindly. ADV: ADV after v 2. You can use kind in expressions such as please be so kind as to and would you be kind enough to in order to ask someone to do something in a firm but polite way. I wonder if you’d be kind enough to call him. ADJ: v-link ADJ c darkgreen]politeness 3. see also kindly, kindness
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English cynd; akin to Old English cynn kin  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. archaic nature  b. archaic family, lineage  2. archaic manner  3. fundamental nature or quality ; essence  4.  a. a group united by common traits or interests ; category  b. a specific or recognized variety what ~ of car do you drive  c. a doubtful or barely admissible member of a category a ~ of gray  5.  a. goods or commodities as distinguished from money payment in ~  b. the equivalent of what has been offered or received  Synonyms: see type  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. chiefly dialect affectionate, loving  2.  a. of a sympathetic or helpful nature  b. of a forbearing nature ; gentle  c. arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance a ~ act  3. of a ~ to give pleasure or relief ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a a race or species (human kind). b a natural group of animals, plants, etc. (the wolf kind). 2 class, type, sort, variety (what kind of job are you looking for?). Usage In sense 2, these (or those) kind is often encountered when followed by a plural, as in I don't like these kind of things, but this kind and these kinds are usually preferred. 3 each of the elements of the Eucharist (communion under (or in) both kinds). 4 the manner or fashion natural to a person etc. (act after their kind; true to kind). Phrases and idioms kind of colloq. to some extent (felt kind of sorry; I kind of expected it). a kind of used to imply looseness, vagueness, exaggeration, etc., in the term used (a kind of Jane Austen of our times; I suppose he's a kind of doctor). in kind 1 in the same form, likewise (was insulted and replied in kind). 2 (of payment) in goods or labour as opposed to money (received their wages in kind). 3 character, quality (differ in degree but not in kind). law of kind archaic nature in general; the natural order. nothing of the kind 1 not at all like the thing in question. 2 (expressing denial) not at all. of its kind within the limitations of its own class (good of its kind). of a kind 1 derog. scarcely deserving the name (a choir of a kind). 2 similar in some important respect (they're two of a kind). one's own kind those with whom one has much in common. something of the kind something like the thing in question. Etymology: OE cynd(e), gecynd(e) f. Gmc 2. adj. 1 of a friendly, generous, benevolent, or gentle nature. 2 (usu. foll. by to) showing friendliness, affection, or consideration. 3 a affectionate. b archaic loving. Etymology: OE gecynde (as KIND(1)): orig. = 'natural, native' ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вид 2) класс 3) разновидность 4) разряд 5) род 6) семейство 7) сорт cusp of the first kind — точка возврата точка заострения первого рода cusp of the second kind — точка возврата точка заострения второго рода degeneracy of the first kind — вырождение первого рода degeneracy of the second kind — вырождение второго рода differential of first kind — дифференциал первого рода discontinuity of the second kind — разрыв второго рода equation of first kind — уравнение первого рода equation of second kind — уравнение второго рода error of first kind — ошибка первого рода error of second kind — ошибка второго рода error of third kind — ошибка третьего рода (совершаемая при принятии методики испытаний на основе ошибочного допущения) integral equation of first kind — интегральное уравнение первого рода integral equation of n-th kind — интегральное уравнение n-го рода integral equation of the first kind — интегральное уравнение первого рода kind of integral equation — род интегрального уравнения of the i-th kind — i-го рода of the same kind — одноименный ordinal of the first kind — порядковое число первого рода ordinal of the second kind — порядковое число второго рода set of first kind — множество первого рода surface of zeroth kind — поверхность рода нуль - difference of kind - discontinuity of the first kind - distinction of kind - game of kind - kind of distribution - payment in kind - what kind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сорт, разновидность; разряд; вид, класс, род 2) отличительный признак 3) природа; происхождение 4) поддающийся обработке (о материале) – in kind – nothing of the kind – kind of patent KIND сущ. 1) род, сорт, вид, класс, разряд 2) природа, характер - differ in kind - different kinds - in kind - kind of business - kind of distribution - kind of labour - kind of occupation - kind of operations performed - kind of paper money - kind of work - not specified by kind - payment in kind - tax in kind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) сорт 2) отличительный признак 3) природа; качество ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сорт, класс, разряд good kind —- хороший сорт a new kind of silk —- новый сорт шелка the wrong kind of paper —- не такая бумага, как нужно all kinds of things —- всякие вещи different kinds of animals —- различные животные what kind of car do you drive? —- какой марки у вас машина? this kind of things, things of this kind —- такие вещи, вещи подобного рода what kind of plant is this? —- что это за растение? he is a strange kind of a hero —- это весьма странный горой a thing admirable in its kind —- удивительная в своем роде вещь something of the kind —- что-нибудь в этом роде nothing of the kind —- ничего подобного 2. разновидность, вид a kind of orange —- разновидность апельсина (отличная от обычного) the wokf is an animal of the dog kind —- волк относится к семейству псовых the sardine is a fish of the herring —- сардина - представитель сельдевых a wind instrument of the trumpet kind —- духовой инструмент типа трубы 3. сходные предметы; походие люди two of a kind —- два предмета одного и того же сорта all of a kind —- все одного сорта, все одинаковые 4. характер (человека); личность she is not the kind to talk scandal —- она не из тех, кто злословит 5. род, вид; племя the bird kind —- пернатые the human kind —- род человеческий to be fond of one's (own) kind —- любить своих ближник, любить людей to propagate one's kind —- разномжаться (о животных), проиносить проплод 6. природа, характер,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of coll. KIND I noun  1) сорт, разновидность; разряд; класс what kind of man is he? - что он за человек? all kinds of things - всевозможные вещи of a better kind - лучшего сорта; усовершенствованного типа  2) отличительный признак; природа, качество to act after ones kind - быть верным себе (в поступках) to differ in degree but not in kind - отличаться степенью, но не качеством  3) obs. род; семейство - human kind all of a kind - все одинаковые two of a kind - два одинаковых предмета coffee of a kind - скверный кофе nothing of the kind - ничего подобного I kind of expected it - я этого отчасти ждал to pay in kind - платить натурой, товарами - kind of несколько, отчасти; как будто - in kind - repay in kind - pay back in kind - answer in kind - the worst kind Syn: category, sort, type II adj.  1) добрый, сердечный, любезный how kind of you! - как мило с вашей стороны! with kind regards - с сердечным приветом (в письме) be so kind as to shut the door - будьте так добры, закройте дверь  2) податливый; послушный this horse is kind in harness - эта лошадь хороша в упряжке  3) мягкий (о волосах)  4) tech. поддающийся обработке; мягкий (о руде) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a type or sort or person or thing + of  (What kind of fish is this? | Are you in some kind of trouble? | victimization of the worst kind) all kinds of  (They sell all kinds of different things. | of this kind)  (Operations of this kind always carry risks. | of its kind)  (the best wine of its kind) 2 kind of also kinda AmE spoken a) slightly or in some ways  (I'm kind of glad I didn't win.) b) used when you are explaining something and want to avoid giving the details  (I kind of made it look like the post office had lost his letter.) 3 a kind of (a) especially spoken used to say that your description of something is not exact  (a kind of a reddish-brown) 4 something of the/that kind spoken something similar to what has been mentioned  ("Are you sure he was wearing jeans?" "Well, something of the kind.") 5 nothing/anything of the kind used to emphasize what you are saying when you disagree with someone  (I never said anything of the kind!) 6 people or things that are similar in some way or belong to the same group  (sb's (own) kind)  (Grace only made friends among her own kind.) 7 be the kind to be a person of a particular type  (She may not be the marrying kind. | be the kind to do sth)  (He's not the kind to get excited about money.) 8 two/three etc of a kind two or three people or things that are of the same type  (You and your brother are two of a kind.) 9 one of a kind the only one of a particular type of something; unique  (Each plate is handpainted and one of a kind.) 10 of a kind used to say that something is not as good as it should be  (Elections of a kind are held, but there is only one party to vote for.) 11 payment in kind a method of paying someone with goods or services instead of money 12 respond/retaliate etc in kind to react by doing the same thing as someone else has just done  (If other papers cut their prices, we'll have to respond in kind.)  ( USAGE NOTE: KIND FORMALITY Remember that would you be kind enough to/would you be so kind as to...? are formally polite. When you are speaking or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  non-prof. org. abbr. Kids In New Directions educ. abbr. Kids Into No Drugs educ. abbr. Kids In Natures Defense ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN A WAY also IN A KIND OF WAY, IN KIND. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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