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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - drill


Связанные словари


(drills, drilling, drilled) 1. A drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes. ...pneumatic drills. ...a dentist’s drill. N-COUNT 2. When you drill into something or drill a hole in something, you make a hole in it using a drill. He drilled into the wall of Lili’s bedroom... I drilled five holes at equal distance. VERB: V prep, V n 3. When people drill for oil or water, they search for it by drilling deep holes in the ground or in the bottom of the sea. There have been proposals to drill for more oil... The team is still drilling. VERB: V for n, V • drilling Drilling is due to start early next year. N-UNCOUNT 4. A drill is a way that teachers teach their students something by making them repeat it many times. The teacher runs them through a drill–the days of the week, the weather and some counting. N-COUNT 5. If you drill people, you teach them to do something by making them repeat it many times. He drills the choir to a high standard. VERB: V n 6. A drill is repeated training for a group of people, especially soldiers, so that they can do something quickly and efficiently. The Marines carried out a drill that included 18 ships and 90 aircraft... N-VAR: oft N n 7. A drill is a routine exercise or activity, in which people practise what they should do in dangerous situations. ...a fire drill. ...air-raid drills. N-COUNT: oft n N
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   I. verb  Etymology: Dutch ~en  Date: 1619  transitive verb  1.  a. to fix something in the mind or habit pattern of by repetitive instruction ~ pupils in spelling  b. to impart or communicate by repetition impossible to ~ the simplest idea into some people  c. to train or exercise in military ~  2.  a.  (1) to bore or drive a hole in  (2) to make by piercing action ~ a hole  b. to shoot with or as if with a gun  c.  (1) to propel (as a ball) with force or accuracy ~ed a single to right field  (2) to hit with force ~ed the batter with the first pitch  intransitive verb  1. to make a hole with a ~  2. to engage in an exercise  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1611  1. an instrument with an edged or pointed end for making holes in hard substances by revolving or by a succession of blows; also a machine for operating such an instrument  2. the act or exercise of training soldiers in marching and in executing prescribed movements with a weapon  3.  a. a physical or mental exercise aimed at perfecting facility and skill especially by regular practice  b. a formal exercise by a team of marchers  c. the approved, correct, or usual procedure for accomplishing something ; routine  4.  a. a marine snail (Urosalpinx cinerea) destructive to oysters by boring through their shells and feeding on the soft parts  b. any of several mollusks related to the ~  5. a ~ing sound  III. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1644 a western African baboon (Man~us leucophaeus syn. Papio leucophaeus) having a black face and brown coat and closely related to the typical man~s  IV. noun  Etymology: perhaps from ~ small stream, from obsolete ~ to trickle, drip  Date: 1727  1.  a. a shallow furrow or trench into which seed is sown  b. a row of seed sown in such a furrow  2. a planting implement that makes holes or furrows, drops in the seed and sometimes fertilizer, and covers them with earth  V. transitive verb  Date: circa 1740  1. to sow (seeds) by...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a pointed, esp. revolving, steel tool or machine used for boring cylindrical holes, sinking wells, etc. 2 a esp. Mil. instruction or training in military exercises. b rigorous discipline or methodical instruction, esp. when learning or performing tasks. c routine procedure to be followed in an emergency (fire-drill). d a routine or exercise (drills in irregular verb patterns). 3 colloq. a recognized procedure (I expect you know the drill). 4 any of various molluscs, esp. Urosalpinx cinera, that bore into the shells of young oysters. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a (of a person or a tool) make a hole with a drill through or into (wood, metal, etc.). b make (a hole) with a drill. 2 tr. & intr. esp. Mil. subject to or undergo discipline by drill. 3 tr. impart (knowledge etc.) by a strict method. 4 tr. sl. shoot with a gun (drilled him full of holes). Derivatives driller n. Etymology: earlier as verb, f. MDu. drillen bore, of unkn. orig. 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a machine used for making furrows, sowing, and covering seed. 2 a small furrow for sowing seed in. 3 a ridge with such furrows on top. 4 a row of plants so sown. --v.tr. 1 sow (seed) with a drill. 2 plant (the ground) in drills. Etymology: perh. f. obs. drill rill (17th c., of unkn. orig.) 3. n. a W. African baboon, Papio leucophaeus, related to the mandrill. Etymology: prob. a native name: cf. MANDRILL 4. n. a coarse twilled cotton or linen fabric. Etymology: earlier drilling f. G Drillich f. L trilix -licis f. tri- three + licium thread ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сверло; дрель сверлить, просверливать 2) бурав 3) бур бурить 4) бурильная машина; бурильный молоток, перфоратор; буровой станок 5) забойный двигатель 6) сверлильный станок 7) сверлильная головка 8) рядовая сеялка 9) рядовой посев сеять, производить рядовой посев 10) тренировка, инструктаж инструктировать 11) скользить, буксовать; заносить 12) прочный хлопчатобумажный материал; тик 13) швейн. дырокол (для настила) прокалывать (настил) дыроколом drill and fire — проходка выработки буровзрывным способом; drill does not run true — верло отклоняется от прямой; to advance drill — подавать сверло; to drill ahead — возобновлять бурение (из-под башмака обсадной колонны); to drill blind — бурить при полном поглощении бурового раствора; to feed drill — подавать сверло; to drill in — вскрывать (продуктивный) пласт; to drill off — вращать инструмент без подачи; to drill out — 1. рассверливать; высверливать 2. разбуривать (напр. цементную пробку) - air-operated drill - air drill - altitude chamber drill - auger drill - automatic taphole drill - battery-powered drill - beam drill - blasthole drill - bow drill - breast drill - cable-system drill - carbide-tipped drill - center drill - chemical drill - churn drill - circuit board drill - columnal drill - column drill - core drill - crawler drill - crown drill - deep furrow drill - deep-hole drill - diamond drill - disk drill - double-angle point drill - downhole...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  бур сверло; дрель бурильный молоток; бурильный станок air drill breast drill cable drill column drill core drill drifter drill electric drill hammer drill hand drill jackhammer drill jackleg drill masonry drill pipe drill pneumatic rock drill ratchet drill star drill twist drill wagon drill ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) бур бурить 2) сверло 3) сверление сверлить, высверливать 4) дрель 5) сверлильный станок 6) буровой станок, перфоратор 7) упражнение, тренировка 8) борозда; колея 9) с.-х. рядовой посев drill does not run true — сверло отклоняется от прямой drill is jammed in hole — сверло зажимает в отверстии web thinning of drill — подточка перемычки сверла to back drill out — вынимать сверло to carbide-tip a drill — оснащать сверло твёрдым сплавом to chuck drill — зажимать сверло в патроне to drill in — завершать скважину; вскрывать продуктивный пласт to drill off — горн. обуривать (забой) to drill over — разбуривать to drill the holes to — сверлить отверстия по to drill through rock — бурить по породе to drill to a depth of — бурить на глубину to drill to body size — сверлить на проход to drill to depth of — сверлить на глубину - air-feed drill - air-leg rock drill - blunt drill - cable drill - carbide-insert drill - countersink drill - cross drill - detachable drill - drag drill - full-hole drill - grind drill - hand-held drill - one-piece drill - percussive drill - pilot drill - rotative drill - tap drill - tapping drill - track-mounted drill - withdraw drill ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  концевая фреза ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) мам. дрил (Papio leucophaeus) 2) сверлящий брюхоногий моллюск 3) моллюск устричное сверло (Urosalpinx cinerea) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тех. сверло twist drill —- спиральное сверло 2. бур; бурав rotary drill —- турбобур drill bit —- тех. перка; горн. буровая коронка drill maker —- горн. заправщик буров; бурозаправочный станок; дрель; коловорот hand drill —- ручная дрель electric drill —- электродрель 3. с-х. сеялка 4. зоол. брюхоногий моллюск (Urosalpinx cinerea) 5. сверлить, высверливать, просверливать to drill a hole —- просверливать отверстие to drill a hole in smb. —- разг. застрелить ("продырявить") кого-л. 6. бурить to drill for water —- проводить разведочное бурение в поисках воды 7. спорт. придавать вращательное движение (шайбе - хоккей) 8. упражнения; тренировка (также спорт.) drill in grammar —- практические занятия по грамматике drill book —- сборник упражнений drill hall —- тренировочный зал to know the drill —- знать свой урок; знать, что надо делать to learn one's drill —- отработать упражнения 9. воен. строевая подготовка; учение; отработка (приемов и т. п.); разг. также муштра infantry drill —- строевая подготовка пехоты firing drill —- учебные стрельбы bayonet drill —- отработка приемов штыкового боя drill ground —- плац drill ammunition —- учебные боеприпасы drill cartridge —- учебный патрон D. Regulations —- воен. строевой устав 10. разг. тренер; строевик 11. упражнять, тренировать (также спорт.);...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  Regulations noun mil. строевой устав DRILL ground noun mil. учебный плац DRILL I  1. noun  1) (физическое) упражнение, тренировка  2) (строевое) учение; муштровка; муштра  3) attr. drill cartridge - учебный патрон Syn: see training  2. v.  1) тренировать (in/into) to drill in grammar - натаскивать по грамматике  2) обучать (строю) - drill troops  3) проходить строевое обучение II tech.  1. noun  1) сверло  2) дрель, коловорот  3) бур; бурав  2. v. сверлить, бурить III agric.  1. noun  1) борозда  2) (рядовая) сеялка  2. v. сеять, сажать рядами IV noun тик (ткань) V noun мандрилл (обезьяна) DRILL troops обучать войска ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »TOOL« a tool or machine used for making holes in something  (an electric drill) 2 »WAY OF LEARNING« a way of learning something by repeating it many times  (a pronunciation drill) 3 fire/emergency drill a practice of the things you should do in a dangerous situation such as a fire 4 »MILITARY TRAINING« military training in which soldiers practice marching and other actions  (rifle drill) 5 »CLOTH« a type of strong cotton cloth 6 the drill BrE old-fashioned the correct way of doing something  (What's the drill for getting money after four o'clock?) 7 »SEEDS« a) a machine for planting seeds in rows b) a row of seeds planted by machine ~2 v 1 to make a hole in something using a drill  (You need to drill holes for the fittings. | drill for oil/water/gas etc)  (The Saudi government has announced plans to drill for water in the desert.) 2 to teach someone by making them repeat something many times  (She was drilling the class in the forms of the past tense. | well-drilled)  (The well-drilled cabin crew evacuated the passengers in minutes.) 3 to practice marching and other military actions, or to train soldiers to do this 4 to plant seeds in rows drill sth into sb phr v to keep telling someone something until they know it very well  (Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1611, from Du. dril, drille "a hole, instrument for boring holes," from drillen "to bore (a hole), turn around, whirl," from P.Gmc. *threljanan. Sense of military exercise is as old in Eng., probably from the notion of troops "turning" in maneuvers. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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