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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - cable


Связанные словари


(cables, cabling, cabled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A cable is a thick wire, or a group of wires inside a rubber or plastic covering, which is used to carry electricity or electronic signals. ...overhead power cables. ...strings of coloured lights with weatherproof cable. N-VAR 2. A cable is a kind of very strong, thick rope, made of wires twisted together. ...the heavy anchor cable... Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes. N-VAR 3. Cable is used to refer to television systems in which the signals are sent along underground wires rather than by radio waves. They ran commercials on cable systems across the country... The channel is only available on cable. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 4. A cable is the same as a telegram. She sent a cable to her mother. N-COUNT 5. If a country, a city, or someone’s home is cabled, cables and other equipment are put in place so that the people there can receive cable television. In France, 27 major cities are soon to be cabled... In the UK, 254,000 homes are cabled. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 6. see also cabling
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   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin capulum lasso, from Latin capere to take — more at heave  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a strong rope especially of 10 inches (25 centimeters) or more in circumference  b. a ~-laid rope  c. a wire rope or metal chain of great tensile strength  d. a wire or wire rope by which force is exerted to control or operate a mechanism  2. ~ length  3.  a. an assembly of electrical conductors insulated from each other but laid up together (as by being twisted around a central core)  b. ~gram; also a radio message or telegram  4. something resembling or fashioned like a ~ a fiber-optic ~  5. ~ television a house with ~  II. verb  (~d; cabling)  Date: circa 1500  transitive verb  1. to fasten with or as if with a ~  2. to provide with a ~ or ~s  3. to telegraph by submarine ~  4. to make into a ~ or into a form resembling a ~  intransitive verb to communicate by a submarine ~  • ~r noun CABLE  biographical name George Washington 1844-1925 American novelist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thick rope of wire or hemp. 2 an encased group of insulated wires for transmitting electricity or electrical signals. 3 a cablegram. 4 a Naut. the chain of an anchor. b a measure of 200 yards. 5 (in full cable stitch) a knitted stitch resembling twisted rope. 6 Archit. a rope-shaped ornament. --v. 1 a tr. transmit (a message) by cablegram. b tr. inform (a person) by cablegram. c intr. send a cablegram. 2 tr. furnish or fasten with a cable or cables. 3 Archit. tr. furnish with cables. Phrases and idioms cable-car 1 a small cabin (often one of a series) suspended on an endless cable and drawn up and down a mountainside etc. by an engine at one end. 2 a carriage drawn along a cable railway. cable-laid (of rope) having three triple strands. cable railway a railway along which carriages are drawn by an endless cable. cable television a broadcasting system with signals transmitted by cable to subscribers' sets. Etymology: ME f. OF chable, ult. f. LL capulum halter f. Arab. habl ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) кабель; провод (многожильный) 2) радио фидер 3) телеграмма; каблограмма передавать телеграмму или каблограмму 4) мор. канат; трос; кабельтов (трос) закреплять канатом, тросом 5) мор. кабельтов (внесистемная единица длины) 6) строит. ванта 7) пучок (вид напрягаемой арматуры) 8) архит. витая колонна 9) архит. витой орнамент украшать витым орнаментом 10) геофиз. сейсмическая коса,сейсмо- разведочный кабель 11) текст. нить; корд - adapter cable - aerial cable - anchor cable - antenna cable - apron cable - armored cable - arresting cable - backhaul cable - backstay cable - balanced cable - banded cable - battery cable - bay cable - beaded cable - bearer cable - belted cable - blades stop cable - blasting cable - block cable - boom cable - braided cable - brake cable - bundled cable - buried cable - buried guidance cable - camera cable - carrier cable - carrying cable - chain cable - charging cable - choke cable - coaxial cable - coil-loaded cable - communications cable - communication cable - composite cable - compression cable - concentric cable - concentric laycr cable - concentric lay cable - connecting cable - continuously loaded cable - control cable - copper-sheathed cable - coupling cable - covered control cable - crane cable - cross-channel cable - cross-linked polyethylene cable - cryogenic cable - cushion-layer type cable - deep-sea cable - degaussing cable - dial cable - direct-burial cable - direction control cable - distribution cable - double-conductor cable - dozer blade control cable - drag cable - drive cable - drop cable - duplex cable - EHV cable - electric cable - electrode cable - endless cable - entrance cable - extension cable - external cable - feeder cable - fiber-optic cable - fiber cable -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  трос, канат крепить (привязывать) тросом (электрический) кабель, (многожильный) провод напрягаемая арматура витой орнамент aerial cable armored cable backhaul cable back-stay cable boom lift cable bunched cable buried cable cap cables continuity cable curved cable drag cable electric cable external cable feeder cable flexible cable flexible main cable galvanized structural stranded cable ground cable guy cable heater cable hemp-core cable hoist cable ideal cable load cable metal-clad cable outhaul cable pull-back cable self-coiling cable service cable signal cable stressing cable submain cable suspension cable topping lift cable trailing cable two-part strand cable underfloor heating cable winch cable wire cable ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) провод, кабель 2) трос – adapter cable – aerial cable – areal cable – armored-unrelay submarine cable – AV cable – balanced station cable – block cable – branch-feeder cable – breakout cable – buried cable – camera cable – city cable – coaxial-combined cable – coaxial distributing cable – coaxial submarine cable – coil-loaded cable – combinational cable – compact-coaxial cable – continuously-loaded cable – control cable – communication cable – composite cable – concentric cable – connection cable – coupling cable – deep-water cable – degaussing cable – direct-buried cable – distribution cable – diving telephone cable – drive cable – dual-coaxial cable – duplex cable – electric communication cable – entrance cable – exchange cable – extension cable – fanout cable – feeder cable – fiber-optic cable – first transatlantic cable – fluoroplast-insulated cable – handset cable – hanged fiber-optic cable – high-frequency cable – hybrid cable – JEF-LAP cable – intelligent cable – interlay cable – interoffice cable – intraareal cable – jumper cable – Kimber cable – leader cable – lead-sheathed cable – LF cable – light-guide cable – line cable – local cable – long-distance communication cable – low-frequency cable cable – main cable – marine cable – messenger cable – microphone cable – microwave cable – modem bypass cable – multifiber cable – multimode cable – multipaired HF-cable – N-conductor cable – n-fiber cable – nonmetallic fiber-optic cable – n-quad cable – null-modem cable – optical-fiber cable – optical-subscriber cable – paired cable – PE-cable – pilot cable – power cable – pulse cable – quadded cable – radio-frequency cable – ribbon cable – screened cable – sealed cable – second transatlantic cable – self-carrying fiber-optic cable – semiflexible cable – shielded connecting cable – signal cable – single-coaxial cable – single-fiber cable...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) кабель; провод прокладывать кабель 2) канат; трос закреплять канатом или тросом 3) сетевой шнур 4) кабельное телевидение 5) архит. витой орнамент украшать витым орнаментом 6) мор. якорная цепь 7) строит. напрягаемая арматура 8) телеграфировать по кабелю cable chafes — кабель трёт sample taker is run on cable — грунтонос работает на кабеле to cap the cable end — заделывать конец кабеля to draw in a cable — протаскивать кабель to install a cable — прокладывать кабель to lay out a cable — раскатывать кабель to pull a cable — протягивать кабель to raise a cable to poles — прокладывать кабель на опорах to splice a cable — сращивать кабель to terminate a cable — заделывать кабель - L-type cable - RF cable - TV camera cable - X-type cable - aerial cable - anchor cable - annular cable - armored cable - arresting cable - bank cable - belted cable - borehole cable - braided cable - breakdown cable - bridle cable - buried cable - cab-tire cable - carrier cable - coaxial cable - coil of cable - coil-loaded cable - communication cable - control cable - corona-proof cable - delay cable - double-D cable - elevator cable - enameled cable - exchange cable - external cable - fiber cable - firing cable - flat cable - flexible cable - flexible trailing cable - gas-filled cable - graded cable - high-tension cable - ignition cable - inside cable - interoffice cable - interruption cable - irrational cable - jumper cable - kicks of cable - lead-covered cable - light-conducting cable - lighting cable - local cable - low-loss cable - marine cable - moisture-repellent cable - mounting cable - multifiber cable - multiple-conductor cable - non-quadded cable - oil-cooled...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ванта ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) а) СМИ кабель, провод б) СМИ кабельное телевидение 2) мор. канат, трос, якорная цепь 3) связь телеграмма 4) фин., брит. телеграфный курс (обменный курс фунта стерлингов к доллару США; возникновение термина связано с теми временами, когда валютные сделки заключались с помощью телеграмм) Syn: cable rate See: exchange rate 5) фин., брит., сленг кабель* (фунт стерлингов) See: pound sterling CABLE сущ. 1) кабель 2) канат, трос, якорная цепь 3) телеграмма, каблограмма • - by cable - cable TV - cable transfer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. канат, трос cable ferry —- канатный паром cable rig —- тех. станок для канатного бурения 2. якорная цепь cable certificate —- мор. свидетельство о якорных цепях 3. кабель, многожильный провод cable laying —- прокладка кабеля cable trench —- эл. кабельная траншея 4. телеграмма, каблограмма cable address —- адрес для телеграмм, телеграфныйадрес cable expenses —- телеграфные расходы cable transfer —- телеграфный перевод by cable —- по телеграфу the messages have come by cable —- сообщения пришли (переданы) по телеграфу 5. (сокр. от cable television) кабельное телевидение 6. мор. швартов 7. мор. кабельтов 8. архит. витой орнамент Id: to cut (to slip) one's cable —- сл. отдать концы, умереть 9. телеграфировать (по подводному кабелю) news cabled from Brazil —- известие, полученное из Бразилии по телеграфу 10. закреплять канатом, привязывать тросом 11. архит. украшать (колонну) витым орнаментом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  way канатная дорога, фуникулер CABLE TV кабельное, абонентское телевидение CABLE transfer телеграфный перевод CABLE address адрес для телеграмм, телеграфный адрес CABLE car noun канатная дорога CABLE expenses телеграфные расходы CABLE  1. noun  1) кабель cable laying - прокладка кабеля cable trench electr. - кабельная траншея  2) канат, трос; якорная цепь - slip the cable  3) naut. кабельтов  4) телеграмма; каблограмма - cable address - cable expenses - cable transfer - by cable  5) archit. витой орнамент  6) attr. канатный - cable way to cut/slip ones cable sl. - умереть, отдать концы  2. v.  1) закреплять канатом, привязывать тросом  2) телеграфировать (по подводному кабелю)  3) archit. украшать витым орнаментом CABLE television кабельное, абонентское телевидение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a plastic or rubber tube containing wires that carry telephone messages, electronic signals etc 2 a thick strong metal rope used on ships, to support bridges etc 3 cable television  (a cable channel) 4 a telegram ~2 v to send someone a cable1 (4)  (cable sb sth)  (I cabled Mary the good news.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from O.N.Fr., from M.L. capulum "lasso, rope, halter," from L. capere "to take, seize." Meaning "message received by telegraphic cable" is from 1883. Cable television first attested 1963; shortened form cable is from 1972. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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