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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - bow


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I. [c red]BENDING OR SUBMITTING (bows, bowing, bowed) 1. When you bow to someone, you briefly bend your body towards them as a formal way of greeting them or showing respect. They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way... He bowed slightly before taking her bag. VERB: V to n, V • Bow is also a noun. I gave a theatrical bow and waved. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If you bow your head, you bend it downwards so that you are looking towards the ground, for example because you want to show respect or because you are thinking deeply about something. The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving... She stood still, head bowed, hands clasped in front of her. = lower VERB: V n, V-ed 3. If you bow to pressure or to someone’s wishes, you agree to do what they want you to do. Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables... = yield VERB: V to n 4. If you are bowed by something, you are made unhappy and anxious by it, and lose hope. ...their determination not to be bowed in the face of the allied attacks. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed • To be bowed down means the same as to be bowed. I am bowed down by my sins. PHRASAL VERB: be V-ed P II. [c red]PART OF A SHIP (bows) The front part of a ship is called the bow or the bows. The plural bows can be used to refer either to one or to more than one of these parts. The waves were about five feet now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down. N-COUNT III. [c red]OBJECTS (bows) 1. A bow is a knot with two loops and two loose ends that is used in tying shoelaces and ribbons. Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow. N-COUNT 2. A bow is a weapon for shooting arrows which consists of a long piece of curved wood with a string attached to both its ends. Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows. N-COUNT 3. The bow of a violin or other stringed instrument is a long thin piece of wood with fibres stretched along it, which you move across the strings of the instrument in order to play it. N-COUNT
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bugan; akin to Old High German biogan to bend, Sanskrit bhujati he bends  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to cease from competition or resistance ; submit, yield refusing to ~ to the inevitable — John O'Hara; also to suffer defeat ~ed to the champion  2. to bend the head, body, or knee in reverence, submission, or shame  3. to incline the head or body in salutation or assent or to acknowledge applause  4. debut the play will ~ next month  transitive verb  1. to cause to incline  2. to incline (as the head) especially in respect or submission  3. to crush with a heavy burden  4.  a. to express by ~ing  b. to usher in or out with a ~  II. noun  Date: circa 1656 a bending of the head or body in respect, submission, assent, or salutation; also a show of respect or submission  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English boga; akin to Old English bugan  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. something bent into a simple curve  b. rain~  2. a weapon that is made of a strip of flexible material (as wood) with a cord connecting the two ends and holding the strip bent and that is used to propel an arrow  3. archer  4.  a. a metal ring or loop forming a handle (as of a key)  b. a knot formed by doubling a ribbon or string into two or more loops  c. ~ tie 1  d. a frame for the lenses of eyeglasses; also the sidepiece of the frame passing over the ear  5.  a. a wooden rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end used in playing an instrument of the viol or violin family  b. a stroke of such a ~  IV. verb  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to bend into a curve  2. to play a stringed musical instrument with a ~  transitive verb  1. to cause to bend into a curve  2. to play (a stringed instrument) with a ~  V. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, ~gh, probably from Middle Dutch boech ~, shoulder; akin to Old English bog bough  Date: 15th century  1. the forward part of a ship —...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a slip-knot with a double loop. b a ribbon, shoelace, etc., tied with this. c a decoration (on clothing, or painted etc.) in the form of a bow. 2 a device for shooting arrows with a taut string joining the ends of a curved piece of wood etc. 3 a a rod with horsehair stretched along its length, used for playing the violin, cello, etc. b a single stroke of a bow over strings. 4 a a shallow curve or bend. b a rainbow. 5 = saddle-bow. 6 a metal ring forming the handle of scissors, a key, etc. 7 US the side-piece of a spectacle-frame. 8 Archery = BOWMAN(1). --v.tr. (also absol.) use a bow on (a violin etc.) (he bowed vigorously). Phrases and idioms bow-compass (or -compasses) compasses with jointed legs. bow-legged having bandy legs. bow-legs bandy legs. bow-saw Carpentry a narrow saw stretched like a bowstring on a light frame. bow-tie a necktie in the form of a bow (sense 1). bow-window a curved bay window. two strings to one's bow a twofold resource. Etymology: OE boga f. Gmc: cf. BOW(2) 2. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. incline the head or trunk, esp. in greeting or assent or acknowledgement of applause. 2 intr. submit (bowed to the inevitable). 3 tr. cause to incline (bowed his head; bowed his will to hers). 4 tr. express (thanks, assent, etc.) by bowing (bowed agreement to the plan). 5 tr. (foll. by in, out) usher or escort obsequiously (bowed us out of the restaurant). --n. an inclining of the head or body in greeting, assent, or in the acknowledgement of applause, etc. Phrases and idioms bow and scrape be obsequious; fawn. bow down 1 bend or kneel in submission or reverence (bowed down before the king). 2 (usu. in passive) make stoop; crush (was bowed down by care). bowing acquaintance a person one acknowledges but does not know well enough to speak to. bow out 1 make one's exit (esp. formally). 2 retreat, withdraw; retire gracefully. make one's bow make a formal exit or entrance. take a bow acknowledge applause. Etymology: OE bugan, f. Gmc: cf. BOW(1) 3. n. Naut. 1 (often in pl.) the fore-end of a boat or a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) дуга, изгиб гнуть, выгибать 2) метал. ухват (разливочного ковша) 3) архит. эркер 4) архит. арка 5) строит. продольное коробление 6) строит. гибкий шаблон для разбивки кривых большого радиуса 7) нос, носовая оконечность (судна) 8) дуговой токосниматель, бугель 9) дуга (каретки плосковязальной машины) - bulbous bow - bulb bow - clipper bow - collector bow - drill bow - flared bow - flare bow - icebreaker bow - plumb bow - raked bow - ram bow - ramp bow - saw bow - spoon bow - tumble-home bow - U bow - V bow ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  выгиб; изгиб; дуга искривление из плоскости (напр. панели, пластины) продольная кривизна арка выступающая часть (здания, окна) рама (пилы) изгибать; изгибаться эркер ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дуга, изгиб гнуться, изгибаться 2) электр. бугель, пантограф 3) лук (оружие) 4) лучник, стрелок из лука 5) нос, носовая часть (судна) 6) смычок 7) лекало 8) ухват trim by the bow — мор. дифферент на нос - bow of pantograph - canopy bow - collector bow - folding-top bow - saw bow BOW COMPASSES циркуль ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) дуга, изгиб 2) подчиняться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. лук (оружие) 2. лучники, стрелки из лука 3. что-л. имеющее форму дуги 4. стр. арка 5. радуга 6. смычок 7. удар смычка 8. лучок дрели или пилы 9. седельная лука, арчак 10. бант a bow of red ribbon —- бант из красной ленты to tie shoe-laces in a bow —- завязать шнурки бантиком 11. галстук, особ. галстук-бабочка 12. спец. лекало 13. спец. токоприемник, бугель (электровоза) 14. архит. эркер 15. ам. заушник (очков) 16. ам. металлическое кольцо, используемое в качестве ручки(в ножницах, ключе, часах и т. п.) Id: to draw a (the) long bow —- сильно преувеличивать, рассказывать небылицы Id: to draw a bow at a venture —- сделать (что-л.) наугад (наудачу) Id: another (second, extra) string to one's bow —- запасной вариант (ход) Id: draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed —- посл. семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь 17. владеть смычком he bows admirably —- он великолепно владеет смычком 18. поклон to give smb. a bow —- поклониться кому-л. to make one's bow —- откланяться; удалиться; уйти в отставку; поклониться, отвесить поклон, приветствовать поклоном to make one's best bow —- вежливо (учтиво) откланяться to take a bow —- раскланиваться (в ответ на аплодисменты) 19. кланяться to bow smb. into the room —- с поклоном ввести кого-л. в комнату he bowed to us as he passed —- проходя мимо, он поклонился нам 20. кивнуть, наклонением...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  window noun  1) archit. окно с выступом, эркер  2) coll. брюхо, пузо BOW out  а) кланяться тому, кто выходит The servant bowed the guests out as they left. When leaving the presence of the princess, you have to bow yourself out as you go.  б) прекращать (соревнование и т.д.) Jim bowed (himself) out of the competition when he learned who his opponent was. The old leader decided to bow out instead of fighting to keep his position. BOW I  1. noun поклон to make ones bow - откланяться; удалиться to take a bow - раскланиваться (в ответ на аплодисменты)  2. v.  1) гнуть(ся), сгибать(ся) (часто bow down) bowed down by care - согнувшийся под бременем забот  2) кланяться (before/to - кому-л.) All the men in the court bowed (down) before the king as he entered. to bow and scrape - раболепствовать to bow ones thanks - поклониться в знак благодарности to bow out - откланяться, распрощаться; удалиться he was bowed out of the room - его с поклонами проводили из комнаты  3) наклонить, склонить голову  4) подчиняться (before/to - чему-л.) I bow before your opinion, and will take your advice. I bow to your better judgment, and will take your advice. to bow to the inevitable - покоряться неизбежному  5) преклоняться to bow before authority - преклоняться перед авторитетом - bow down - bow in - bow out Syn: see bend II  1. noun  1) лук, самострел  2) дуга  3) радуга  4) смычок  5) бант  6) constr. арка  7) electr. токоприемник, бугель (трамвая) - draw a long bow draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed prov. семь раз отмерь, один раз...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 v 1 to bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone important + before/to etc  (He bowed before the king.) 2 to bend your body over something, especially in order to see it more closely + over  (Professor Teague sat at his desk, bowed over a book.)  | bow your head (=bend your neck so that you are looking at the ground) | bow your head in shame  (Phil stood there, his head bowed in shame.) 3 be bowed (under sth) to be bent because you are carrying something heavy on your back 4 bow and scrape to show too much respect to someone in authority bow down ~ phr v 1 to bend forward from your waist, especially when you are already kneeling, in order to show respect + before/to etc  (Maria bowed down before the statue.) 2 bow down to sb literary to let someone give you orders or tell you what to do bow out ~ phr v 1 to stop taking part in an activity, job etc, especially one that you have been doing for a long time  (bow out of sth)  (Reeves thinks it is time for him to bow out of politics.) 2 to not do something that you have promised or agreed to do bow to sb/sth ~ phr v to finally agree to do something that people want you to, even though you do not want to do it  (Congress may bow to public pressure and lift the arms embargo.) ~2 n 1 the act of bending the top part of your body forward to show respect for someone 2 also bows the front part of a ship  (- compare stern2) 3 take a bow if someone takes a bow, they come on the stage at the end of a performance so that people can applaud them ~3 n 1 a weapon used for shooting arrows (arrow (1)), made of a long thin curved piece of wood 2 a knot of cloth or string with a curved part on either side, used especially for decoration  (Ella wore a big bow in her hair.) 3 a long thin piece of wood with a tight string fastened along it, used to play musical instruments that have strings 4 bow legs legs that curve outwards at the knees  (- see also have more than one string to your bow string1 (8)) ~4 v 1 to bend or curve 2 to play a piece of music...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Basic Operational Weight physiol. abbr. Bag Of Waters mil. abbr. Bio Organic Weapon airport code Bartow, Florida USA softw. abbr. Bsd On Windows softw. abbr. Bag Of Words telec. abbr. Bibliography On The Web law abbr. Battle Of Wills NYSE symbols Bowater, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TAKE A BOW. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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