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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - better


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(betters, bettering, bettered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Better is the comparative of good. 2. Better is the comparative of well. 3. If you like one thing better than another, you like it more. I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught... They liked it better when it rained. ADV: ADV after v 4. If you are better after an illness or injury, you have recovered from it. If you feel better, you no longer feel so ill. He is much better now, he’s fine... The doctors were saying there wasn’t much hope of me getting better. ADJ: v-link ADJ 5. You use had better or ’d better when you are advising, warning, or threatening someone, or expressing an opinion about what should happen. It’s half past two. I think we had better go home... You’d better run if you’re going to get your ticket... PHRASE • In spoken English, people sometimes use better without ‘had’ or ‘be’ before it. It has the same meaning. Better not say too much aloud. 6. If you say that you expect or deserve better, you mean that you expect or deserve a higher standard of achievement, behaviour, or treatment from people than they have shown you. Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this. PRON 7. If someone betters a high achievement or standard, they achieve something higher. He recorded a time of 4 minutes 23, bettering the old record of 4-24... VERB: V n 8. If you better your situation, you improve your social status or the quality of your life. If you better yourself, you improve your social status. He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa... Our parents chose to come here with the hope of bettering themselves. VERB: V n, V pron-refl 9. Better is used to form the comparative of compound adjectives beginning with ‘good’ and ‘well.’ For example, the comparative of ‘well-off’ is ‘better-off.’ 10. You can say that someone is better doing one thing than another, or it is better doing one thing than another, to advise someone about what they should do. Wouldn’t it be better putting a time-limit on the task?... Subjects like this are better left alone. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR -ing, PHR -ed 11. If something changes for the better, it improves. He dreams of changing the world for the better. PHRASE: PHR after v 12. If a feeling such as jealousy, curiosity, or anger gets the better of you, it becomes too strong for you to hide or control. She didn’t allow her emotions to get the better of her. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 13. If you get the better of someone, you defeat them in a contest, fight, or argument. He is used to tough defenders, and he usually gets the better of them. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 14. If someone knows better than to do something, they are old enough or experienced enough to know it is the wrong thing to do. She knew better than to argue with Adeline... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR than to-inf 15. If you know better than someone, you have more information, knowledge, or experience than them. He thought he knew better than I did, though he was much less experienced... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR than n 16. If you say that someone would be better off doing something, you are advising them to do it or expressing the opinion that it would benefit them to do it. If you’ve got bags you’re better off taking a taxi... PHRASE: PHR -ing/prep/adv 17. If you go one better, you do something better than it has been done before or obtain something better than someone else has. Now General Electric have gone one better than nature and made a diamond purer than the best quality natural diamonds. PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR than n 18. You say ‘That’s better’ in order to express your approval of what someone has said or done, or to praise or encourage them. ‘I came to ask your advice–no, to ask for your help.’—‘That’s better. And how can I help you?’ CONVENTION 19. You can say ‘so much the better’ or ‘all the better’ to indicate that it is desirable that a particular thing is used, done, or available. Use strong white flour, and if you can get hold of durum wheat flour, then so much the better... PHRASE 20. You can use expressions like ‘The bigger the better’ or ‘The sooner the better’ to say that you would prefer it if something is big or happens soon. The Irish love a party, the bigger the better... PHRASE 21. If you intend to do something and then think better of it, you decide not to do it because you realize it would not be sensible. Alberg opened his mouth, as if to protest. But he thought better of it. PHRASE: V inflects 22. If you say that something has happened or been done for better or worse, you mean that you are not sure whether the consequences will be good or bad, but they will have to be accepted because the action cannot be changed. I married you for better or worse, knowing all about these problems. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR with cl 23. against your better judgment: see judgment to be better than nothing: see nothing the better part: see part
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   I. adjective, comparative of good  Etymology: Middle English bettre, from Old English betera; akin to Old English bot remedy, Sanskrit bhadra fortunate  Date: before 12th century  1. greater than half for the ~ part of an hour  2. improved in health or mental attitude feeling ~  3. more attractive, favorable, or commendable in ~ circumstances  4. more advantageous or effective a ~ solution  5. improved in accuracy or performance building a ~ engine  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to make ~: as  a. to make more tolerable or acceptable trying to ~ the lot of slum dwellers  b. to make more complete or perfect looked forward to ~ing her acquaintance with the new neighbors  2. to surpass in excellence ; excel  intransitive verb to become ~  Synonyms: see improve  III. adverb, comparative of well  Date: 12th century  1.  a. in a more excellent manner sings ~ than I do  b. to greater advantage ; preferably some things are ~ left unsaid  2.  a. to a higher or greater degree he knows the story ~ than you do  b. more it is ~ than nine miles to the next town  IV. noun  Date: 12th century  1.  a. something ~ I expected ~ from them  b. a superior especially in merit or rank was respectful of his ~s  2. advantage, victory get the ~ of her  V. verbal auxiliary  Date: 1831 had ~ you ~ hurry ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. (compar. of GOOD). 1 of a more excellent or outstanding or desirable kind (a better product; it would be better to go home). 2 partly or fully recovered from illness (feeling better). --adv. (compar. of WELL(1)). 1 in a better manner (she sings better). 2 to a greater degree (like it better). 3 more usefully or advantageously (is better forgotten). --n. 1 that which is better (the better of the two). 2 (usu. in pl.; prec. by my etc.) one's superior in ability or rank (take notice of your betters). --v. 1 tr. improve on; surpass (I can better his offer). 2 tr. make better; improve. 3 refl. improve one's position etc. 4 intr. become better; improve. Phrases and idioms better feelings one's conscience. better half colloq. one's wife or husband. better off in a better (esp. financial) position. the better part of most of. for better or for worse on terms accepting all results; whatever the outcome. get the better of defeat, outwit; win an advantage over. go one better 1 outbid etc. by one. 2 outdo another person. had better would find it wiser to. Etymology: OE betera f. Gmc 2. n. (also bettor) a person who bets. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  гл. 1) превосходить, превышать (по уровню производства) 2) улучшать, совершенствовать • - at or better - better off - or better ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. держащий пари 2. лучший; лучшее one's betters —- высшие по положению, вышестоящие лица; старшие to change for the better —- измениться к лучшему Id: to think the better of smb —- быть высокого мнения о ком-л Id: for better or worse —- в счастье и в несчастье, в радости и в горе 3. лучший; высший one's better feelings —- лучшие чувства 4. более подходящий, более выгодный you are a better man for this job than I am —- ты больше подходишь для этой работы, чем я 5. лучше I am better today —- мне сегодня лучше are you feeling any better? —- вы себя лучше чувствуете? 6. больший the better part of smth. —- большая часть чего-л, большинство I haven't been there for the better part of twenty years —- я не был там почти двадцать лет Id: better sort —- выдающиуся люди Id: no better than —- ничуть не лучше Id: to do better than one's word —- сделать больше обещанного Id: no better than she should be —- эвф. она не отличается строгостью поведения 7. лучше he does it better than I do —- он делает это лучше меня 8. в большей степени; больше I like him better than his brother —- он мне нравится больше, чем его брат better than a pound —- больше фунта 9. полнее; основательнее; сильнее he is better loved than ever —- его лябят сильнее, чем когда-либо to be better off —- жить лучше (материально) he is better off now that he has a new job —- теперь. когда у него новая работа, он лучше обеспечен to go one better —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  hand преимущество, перевес, превосходство BETTER I noun держащий пари [см. bet  2. ] II  1. adj.; comp. of good  1.  1) лучший  2) predic. чувствующий себя лучше I am better - я чувствую себя лучше, мне лучше - the better part - the better half - be better off to be better than ones word сделать больше обещанного - for better for worse - better hand no better than a fool просто дурак  2. noun ones better s -  а) вышестоящие лица;  б) более компетентные или осведомленные люди to get the better of smb. - получить преимущество над кем-л., взять верх, победить  3. adv. comp. of well II  1. лучше; больше to think better of smth. - переменить мнение о чем-л.; передумать all the better, so much the better - тем лучше - never better youd be all the better (for) вам не мешало бы... none the better (for) ничуть не лучше you had better go вам бы лучше пойти youd better believe it amer.; coll. можете быть уверены twice as long and better более чем вдвое длиннее I know better меня не проведешь  4. v.  1) улучшать(ся); поправлять(ся); исправлять(ся) to better oneself - получить повышение (по службе)  2) превзойти, превысить Syn: see improve ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj (comparative of good) 1 more useful, interesting, satisfactory, effective, suitable etc  (Your stereo is better than mine. | a better job with a better salary | It was one of the better Broadway shows I've seen. | There must be a better way to do this. | a better-quality car | much better/far better/a lot better)  (It's a much better quality design than the previous model.) 2 (comparative of well) a) more healthy or less ill or painful than before  (She is a little better today, the doctor says. | I'm feeling much better, thank you. | feel better for (=feel better as a result of))  (Go for a walk - you'll feel better for getting some fresh air.)  (- see graph at improve) b) completely well again after an illness  (When you're better we can see about planning a trip.) 3 get better a) to improve  (If the weather gets better we could go out for a walk. | Her English isn't really getting any better.) b) to recover from an illness or accident  (Are you hungry Sally? I think you must be getting better.) 4 have seen better days informal to be in a bad condition  (The sofa has seen better days but the chairs are still okay.) 5 be no better than to be almost as bad as  (He's no better than a thief.) 6 better still used to say that something is even better than the first thing you mentioned  (Go for a walk around the building, or better still around the block.) 7 against your better judgment if you do something against your better judgment, you do it even though you think it may not be sensible  (Against our better judgment, we allowed her to stay.) 8 sb's better nature the part of someone's character that makes them want to be kind and generous, treat people well, etc  (He's become a lot nicer recently. I think she's brought out his better nature.)  (- see also your better half/other half half1 (9) best/better part of part1 (6), -opposite worse1) 9 sb had better a) used to give advice about what someone should do  (She'd better see a doctor if it gets any worse.) b) used to threaten someone  (You'd better keep your mouth...
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  account. abbr. Beliefs Emotions Thoughts Together Equal Reality ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. betera (see best). Comparative of good in the older Gmc. languages. Superseded bet in this sense by 1600. Better half "wife" is late 16c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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