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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - anything


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Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use anything in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nothing is present or that an action or event does not or cannot happen. We can’t do anything... She couldn’t see or hear anything at all... By the time I get home, I’m too tired to do anything active... PRON: v PRON, oft PRON adj 2. You use anything in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether something is present or happening. What happened, is anything wrong?... Did you find anything?... Is there anything you can do to help?... PRON: oft PRON adj 3. You can use anything before words which indicate the kind of thing you are talking about. More than anything else, he wanted to become a teacher... Anything that’s cheap this year will be even cheaper next year... PRON: PRON cl/group 4. You use anything to emphasize a possible thing, event, or situation, when you are saying that it could be any one of a very large number of things. He is young, fresh, and ready for anything... At that point, anything could happen... PRON c darkgreen]emphasis 5. You use anything in expressions such as anything near, anything close to and anything like to emphasize a statement that you are making. Doctors have decided the only way he can live anything near a normal life is to give him an operation... PRON: PRON prep c darkgreen]emphasis 6. When you do not want to be exact, you use anything to talk about a particular range of things or quantities. Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine, producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day... PRON: PRON from n to n, PRON between n and n 7. You use anything but in expressions such as anything but quiet and anything but attractive to emphasize that something is not the case. There’s no evidence that he told anyone to say anything but the truth... PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu PHR adj/n c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You can say that you would not do something for anything to emphasize that you definitely would not want to do or be a particular thing. (INFORMAL, SPOKEN) I wouldn’t want to move for anything in the world... PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 9. You use if anything, especially after a negative statement, to introduce a statement that adds to what you have just said. I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning. PHRASE: PHR with cl 10. You can add or anything to the end of a clause or sentence in order to refer vaguely to other things that are or may be similar to what has just been mentioned. (INFORMAL, SPOKEN) Listen, if you talk to him or anything make sure you let us know, will you... PHRASE c darkgreen]vagueness
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См. в других словарях

   I. pronoun  Date: before 12th century any thing whatever ; any such thing  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century at all ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  pron. 1 a thing, no matter which. 2 a thing of any kind. 3 whatever thing is chosen. Phrases and idioms anything but not at all (was anything but honest). like anything colloq. with great vigour, intensity, etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. в вопросительных и условных предложениях что-нибудь is there anything you want? —- вам что-нибудь нужно? if you need anything they will help you —- если вам что-нибудь понадобится они вам помогут if anything should happen to him... —- если с ним что-нибудь случилось... I'm going to the post. Anything I can do for you? —- я иду на почту. Вам ничего не нужно? 2. в вопросительных и условных предложениях разг. сколько-нибудь do you see anything of your friend? —- вы когда-нибудь видите своего друга? if he is anything of a gentleman he will apologize —- если в нем есть хоть капля порядочности, он извинится 3. в отрицательных предложениях ничего; ничто; никто he hasn't taken anything —- он ничего не взял he doesn't do anything at all —- он совсем ничего не делает not that he knows anything about it —- вряд ли он что-нибудь об этом знает; наверно, он ничего об этом не знает I was cut a little in the fight, but it wasn't anything —- в драке меня немного поранили, но это ничего he isn't anything in the local government —- в местных органах власти он никто 4. в утвердительных предложениях все, что угодно he will do anything to help you —- он сделает все, чтобы помочь вам I would give anything to know —- я бы отдал все на свете, чтобы узнать, я бы многое дал, чтобы узнать he eats anything —- он есть все подряд anything you say —- все, что вы хотите; как хотите, так и будет 5. в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pron.; indef.  1) что-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); ничто (в отриц. предл.) have you lost anything? - вы что-нибудь потеряли? he hasnt found anything - он ничего не нашел is he anything like his father? - есть у него что-нибудь общее с отцом?, он хоть чем-нибудь похож на отца?  2) что угодно, все (в утверд. предл.) take anything you like - возьмите все, что вам нравится anything but -  а) все что угодно, только не; he is anything but a coward он все что угодно, только не трус;  б) далеко не it is anything but clear - это далеко не ясно like anything coll. -  а) сильно, стремительно, изо всех сил; he ran like anything он бежал изо всех сил;  б) чрезвычайно, очень, ужасно if anything - пожалуй, если хотите; if anything he has little changed пожалуй, он совсем не изменился ANYTHING but далеко не; все что угодно, только не he is anything but a coward трусом его не назовешь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  pronoun 1 any thing, event, situation etc, when it does not matter exactly which  (Anything will do to wedge the door open. | If you believe that, you'll believe anything! | OK, you can borrow the car - anything for a quiet life. | anything red/cheap etc)  (She'll buy anything reduced in a sale. | anything else (=any different thing))  (It's got to be Dior - anything else just isn't good enough.) 2 used in questions, negatives, and statements expressing possibility to mean `nothing' or `something'  (You can't believe anything she says. | Have you heard anything about the new Garrison Keillor book? | anything to say/to do etc)  (It was a great health farm but there wasn't really anything to do in the evenings. | anything new/stupid etc)  (We've almost sealed the deal, so don't do anything stupid. | anything else (=any other thing, event etc))  (Would you like anything else to eat?) 3 anything but clear/happy etc used to emphasize that someone or something is not clear, happy etc  (The bridge is anything but safe. | We'd been warned he was a frail, withdrawn man but when I met him he was anything but.)  (- see also some) 4 anything like similar in any way to something or someone else  (Does she look anything like her mother?) 5 not anything like/near spoken used to emphasize that someone or something is not in a particular condition or state  (We don't have anything like enough money to buy a new car.) 6 as easy/fast etc as anything extremely easy, fast etc  (It was a long lecture and as boring as anything.) 7 or anything or something that is similar  (Would you like a gin and tonic or anything?) 8 for anything if you will not do something for anything, you will definitely not do it  (After what happened last time, I wouldn't work for them again for anything.) 9 like anything if you do something like anything, you do it a lot or to a great degree  (Tom only left last week and I already miss him like anything.) 10 anything you say used to tell someone you agree with what they suggest when actually you do not  (You ought to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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