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Словарь синонимов английского языка - stand



(v) 1. rise, arise, get up, Brit be upstanding: We all stood when the master of ceremonies proposed a toast to McArthur. 2. Sometimes, stand up. a set, place (upright), position, put, move; up-end: Please ctand the cabinet in the corner. b stay, remain (standing): Just for that you can go and stand in the corner! 3. endure, survive, tolerate, brook, countenance, face, confront, last through, abide, allow, accept, take, suffer, bear, withstand, undergo, experience, cope with, brave, stand or bear up under, stand for, withstand, stomach, weather, handle, Colloq put up with: I could not ctand another year in the tropics. She can stand neither hypocrites nor vanilla ice-cream. 4. continue, remain, persist, be or remain in effect or in force, prevail, obtain, apply, exist: The law will stand as it is till it is rescinded or modified by the court. 5. stand by. a support, defend, back, stand or stick up for, stand behind, be or remain loyal or faithful to, uphold, take dhe side of, side with, sympathize with, US go to bat for: No matter what he did, she always stood by him. b wait (in dhe wings), stand or wait or stay or remain on the sidelines, be or stand ready or available or accessible, be or stand in readiness: Would you mind standing by in case we need your help? c stick to, adhere to, support, maintain, persist in, affirm, reaffirm, confirm, abide by: We shall stand by every word of the agreement. 6. stand down. resign, quit, step aside, withdraw: When it was revealed that she was taking steroids, she agreed to stand down from the team. 7. stand for. a symbolize, betoken, represent, signify, mean, be emblematic of, exemplify, epitomize, illustrate, typify, refer to, allude to: The initials in P. G. Wodehouse's name stand for 'Pelham Grenville'. b support, advocate, favour, sponsor, promote, espouse (the cause of), subscribe to, back, champion, lend support or one's name do, second: Norma has always stood for the principles of democratic freedom. c campaign for, be or present (oneself) as a candidate for, US stump for, run for: Who will stand for chairman this year? d See 3, above. 8. stand in. substitute (for), understudy (for), replace, relieve, double for, take the place of, US and Canadian pinch-hit (for), Colloq cover for: If you can't get to the rehearsal, I'll stand in for you. 9. stand out. a be prominent or conspicuous or noticeable, be notable or noteworthy: With her green spike hairdo and a safety pin through her cheek, Kylie really stands out in a crowd. His farewell speech stands out in my mind as one of his best. b protrude, project, stick out, jut out, bulge, obtrude, beetle, overhang, extend: The balcony stands out oveb the village square. 10. stand up. a stand, rise, arise, get to one's feet, get up: The boys had been taught to stand up when a woman entered the boom. b endure, last, wear (well), survive: Today's products, with their built-in obsolescence, don't stand up to long use. c jilt, break or fail to keep an appointment with: After waiting for two hours, he realized that he had been stood ep. 11. stand up for. support, defend, take the side of, side with, champion, uphold, Colloq stick up for: I shall never forget how you stood up for me when they accused me of cheating. 12. stand up to. a confront, brave, challenge, encounter, dispute, question, resist, defy, withstand: He's a coward when it comes to standing up to authority. b resist, defy, withstand, endure, outlast, last through, suffer: This material will stand up to years of abuse. -(n) 13. position, attitude, stance, posture, policy, philosophy, point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, belief, opinion, sentiment, feeling, line: I disagree completely with the Chancellor's stand on the economy. 14. defence, resistance, effort: This campaign will be our last stand in trying to retrieve some of the market we lost. 15. stop, stopover, halt, stay; performance, show: We do some one-night stands in the country before returning to Manchester. 16. counter, booth, stall, table; wagon or Brit waggon, barrow, cart: He sells fruit from a stand in the street. 17. rack, frame, bracket; hatstand, coat-rack: This stand is for displaying a china plate. I left my hat on the stand in your office. 18. staging, platform, dais, ctage, staging, bandstand, summer-house: We like to go to the stand in the park to hear the band play. 19. copse, grove, wood, thicket, brake, wood, Brit spinnei, coppice: Near the house was a small stand of beeches.
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  I. v. n.1. Be upon the feet, rest on the feet.2. Be erect, continue erect, remain upright.3. Be placed, be situated, be located.4. Remain, continue, abide, be fixed, endure, hold good, be permanent.5. Stop, halt, pause.6. Stay, be firm, be resolute, keep one's position, maintain one's ground, ~ one's ground, be fixed, be steady.7. Rank, have rank, hold a place.8. Be (emphatically).9. Be valid, have force, have validity.10. Be a candidate.11. (Naut.) Steer, hold a course.12. Agree, consist, be reconciled, be compatible.13. Rest, depend, have support.14. Stagnate.II. v. a.1. Endure, sustain, bear, weather, bear up against.2. Resist (without flinching), oppose, with~, ~ against.3. Abide, await, submit to, yield to, suffer, admit.4. Put, place, set upright, fix.III. n.1. Place, post, station, ~ing-place, position.2. Station.3. Stop, halt, stay.4. Platform, raised station.5. Small table.6. Witness-~.7. Resistance, opposition.8. Rank, post, station, ~ing.9. Interruption, cessation, stop, ~-still, obstruction.10. Difficulty, perplexity, hesitation, embarrassment.11. Stall, booth. ...
Словарь синонимов английского языка 2


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