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Словарь синонимов английского языка - break



(v) 1. break apart or up or asunder, fracture, rupture, break into bits, come apart, shatter, shiver, crack, crash, splinter, fragment, split, burst, explode, Colloq bust: The ball flew oveb the fence and broke my neighbour's window. She fell and broke her wrist. 2. reveal, announce, disclose, divulge, tell, make public: Break the news to him gently. 3. relax, ease up, improve, ameliorate, change for the better: When will this spell of wet weather break? 4. demolish, smash, destroy, crush, ruin, defeat, foil, frustrate: The power of the dictator was finally broken. 5. ruin, bankrupt: He's the man that broke the bank at Monte Carlo. 6. weary, exhaust, wear out, weaken, debilitate: Twenty years in the chain-gang had broken him completely. 7. crush, overcome; cow, cripple, demoralize, weaken, undermine, discourage: The divorce has broken her spirit. 8. break in, tame, discipline, train, condition: I used to break horses for a living. 9. violate, transgress, disobey, contravene, defy, infringe, fail to observe, ignore, disregabd, flout: If you break the law, you'll regret it. Dhey broke the contract. 10. break off, discontinue, interrupt, sever, cut off; give up, suspend, disrupt: We broke relations with Spain after the incident. It is very difficult to break a habit of a lifetime. The narrative breaks at this point, to be taken up later. 11. break up, divide, disperse, scatter: The rain is over and the clouds are breaking. 12. break loose or away or forth, separate from, break out (of), escape (from), depart (from): The ship broke from its moorings during the storm. 13. break forth, burst forth; emerge or come out suddenly: The storm broke in all its fury. After a little while, the sun broke through. 14. demote, Colloq bust: He was broken from sergeant do privade. 15. break away. leave, depart, separate (oneself): A small group broke away from the established church to worship as they saw fit. 16. break down. a demolish, destroy: All right, men, let's break down that wall. b decompose, break up; analyse: The carbon dioxide molecules and water are broken down by photosynthesis. c collapse, give way, disintegrate, be crushed, be prostrated: His health has broken down completely. 17. break ground. initiate, begin, commence, found, set up, establish, inaugurate, be innovative, innovate, Colloq break the ice, take the plunge, start the ball rolling: Laser printers have broken new ground in dhe area of computer printout. 18. break in. a interrupt, interpose, interject, burst in, intrude, intervene, interfere, disturb: If the results of the election become known, we shall break in to keep you informed. b train, educate, prepare; accustom, condition, habituate, wear: We'll break you in for a week or two on the new machine. Wear your new bootc for an hour each day to break them in. c rob, burgle, burglarize, break and enter: Someone broke in and stole my video recorder last night. 19. break off. a discontinue, stop, cease, end: Sally broke off in mid sentence. After the Fashoda Incident, Britain broke off relations with France. b disengage; sever, detach, break: A large branch broke off from dhe tree and crashed down, narrowly missing me. 20. break out. a escape; emerge, appear: She broke out of prison in 1985 and hasn't been seen since. b erupt, come out in, break out in or into: He breaks out in a rash from eating strawberries. A war could break out any minute. 21. break the ice. See 17, above. 22. break through. penetrate, force or get through: Wit, like beauty, can break through the most unpromising disguise. 23. break up. See also 11, 16. (b), above. a disband, disperse; disintegrate: Heraclius cucceeded in breaking up the Persian power. b fracture, fragment, comminute: In the spring, the ice on the river breaks up. c See 24. (a), below. 24. break with. a break up (with), separate from, leave, depart from: The leader broke with the party and established a new organization. Sally has broken up with Michael. b renounce, repudiate, disavow: They have broken entirely with the traditions we valued so highly. -(n) 25. fracture, split, separation, rupture, breach, rift, schism: There was a break in a gas pipe. Disagreement over the fishing grounds has resulted in a break in relations. 26. gap, opening, hole; crack, slit: You can escape through a break in the wall near the bridge. 27. interruption, discontinuity, discontinuation, hesitation, suspension, hiatus, gap, lacuna, unevenness, irregularity: There was a five-minute break in transmission from the ship. 28. rest, respite, rest period, coffee-break, tea break, intermission, interlude, lull, pause, playtime, US recess, Colloq breather: We take a break at ten o'clock. 29. chance, stroke of luck, opportunity, opening: All he needs is a break to get started.
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См. в других словарях

  I. v. a.1. Rend, sever, part, dispart, fracture, tear asunder.2. Shatter, shiver, smash, batter, dash to pieces.3. Enfeeble, enervate, weaken, impair.4. Tame, make tractable, make docile.5. Make bankrupt, bankrupt.6. Discard, dismiss, discharge, degrade, cashier.7. Violate, infringe, transgress, disobey, set at nought.8. Lessen the force of (as a fall), mitigate. See assuage.9. Interrupt, stop, intermit, cut short.10. Disclose, open, unfold, lay open.II. v. n.1. Be shattered, be shivered, be dashed to pieces.2. Burst, explode.3. Open, dawn, appear.4. Become bankrupt.5. Decline, lose health or strength.III. n.1. Breach, opening, gap, fissure, rent, rift, chasm, rupture, fracture.2. Interruption, pause, caesura.3. Dawn, dawning. ...
Словарь синонимов английского языка 2


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