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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - stress


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Перевод с английского языка stress на русский

1. давление, нажим; напряжение times of stress —- тяжелые времена stress of weather —- непогода; буря the stress of war —- тяготы войны under stress of poverty —- под гнетом нищеты under the stress of anger —- под влиянием (под воздействием) гнева stress of work —- загруженность работой 2. ударение primary stress —- главное ударение the stress falls upon... —- ударение падает на... 3. муз. акцент 4. значение to lay stress (up)on smth. —- придавать чему-л. особое (большое) значение to set a stress on smth. —- придавать большое значение чему-л. to set a stress on (one's) personal appearance —- придавать большое значение внешнему виду 5. тех. усилие, напряжение stress limit —- предельное напряжение stress relieving —- снятие напряжения 6. давление 7. психол. стресс under stress —- в условиях стресса 8. ставить ударение 9. подчеркивать to stress the point that... —- подчеркнуть тот факт, что... 10. тех. подвергать действию внешней силы 11. тех. создавать или вызывать напряжение, стресс
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) давление, нажим; under the stress of poverty - под гнетом нищеты; under the stress of weather - под влиянием непогоды  2) напряжение  3) ударение; fig. значение; to lay stress on - подчеркивать, придавать особое/большое значение  4) mus. акцент  5) psych. стресс Syn: pressure, strain, tension  2. v.  1) подчеркивать; ставить ударение  2) tech. подвергать напряжению ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) физиол. стресс 2) напряжение; усилие; нагрузка – environmental stress – light stress – mental stress – water stress ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. давление, нажим; напряжение; напор; гнет under stress of poverty — под гнетом нищеты 2) псих. стресс (состояние психического напряжения, возникающее у человека в трудных условиях (напр. при выполнении сложного задания)) 60-80% of industrial accidents are due to stress. — 60-80% несчастных случаев на производстве происходит из-за стресса. 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress. — 43% взрослого населения страдают от заболеваний, вызванных стрессом. Syn: tension See: job stress, stress interview, stressor 3) а) общ. ударение (в слове) The stress falls upon the penultimate syllable. — Ударение падает на последний слог. б) общ. акцент, значение Yogic therapy lay stress on regulation of diet, respiration and asanas. — В терапии по методике йоги особое значение придается регулированию питания, дыхательным упражнениям и гимнастике. STRESS сущ. 1) напряжение 2) давление 3) нажим - stress of money Syn: tension ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) давление 2) напрягать 3) напряжение 4) напряженный 5) тяжение 6) усилие mechanical stress level — напряженность normal stress on a conductor — пондеромоторная сила resistance to combined stress — сложное сопротивление state of plane stress — плоское напряженное состояние stress cycle range — интервал напряжений цикла - alternate stress - bending stress - bond stress - braking stress - breaking stress - cleavage stress - combined stress - compressive stress - cooling stress - elastic stress - fatigue stress - generate a stress - heat stress - hogging stress - hoop stress - hoopential stress - impact stress - internal stress - linear stress - load stress - membrane stress - principal stress - relieve a stress - residual stress - reversal of stress - rupture stress - safe stress - sagging stress - secondary stress - shear stress - shearing stress - shrinkage stress - simple stress - specific stress - stress analysis - stress arises - stress concentration - stress corrosion - stress detector - stress deviator - stress freezing - stress loading - stress steel - stress surface - stress tensor - stress vector - stress wave - surface stress - tangential stress - temperature stress - tensile stress - thermal stress - torsional stress - true stress - ultimate stress - unit stress - viscous stress - volumetric stress - yield stress ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) напряжение 2) нагрузка 3) воздействие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  (внутреннее) усилие, внутренняя сила (механическое) напряжение нагрузка на единицу площади, интенсивность нагрузки, удельная нагрузка stress acting away from the joint stresses arising from bending and axial loading stresses at a point stresses beyond the elastic limit stress constant across the section stress due to bending and shear stress due to prestress stresses due to wind forces stresses in a rectangular coordinate system stresses induced by loads stresses in elastic range stress in reinforcement stresses in the plastic range stresses in truss components stress produced by design loads stress resolved into two components stress varying from point to point stresses with the elastic limit actual stress additional stress allowable stress allowable unit stress alternate stress anchorage bond stress average stress axial stress bar stress bearing stress belt stress bending stress bending failure stress biaxial stress blow stress bond stress bottom-chord stress boundary stress breaking stress buckling stress calculated stress circumferential stress combined stresses combined bearing, bending and shear stresses combined shear and bending stress compression stress compressive stress in bending concentrated-load stress constant stress crack-inducing stress crippling stress critical stress crushing stress cycle stress dead load stress design stress development bond stress deviation stress deviator stress direct stress drying shrinkage stresses dynamic stress edge stress effective stress equivalent stress erection stress extreme stress failure stress fatigue stress fiber stress final stress flexible stress floor stress during operation floor stress when climbing flow stress fluctuating stresses fracture stress freezing stresses gravity stress handling stresses high localized stresses hoop stress hydrostatic stress ideal main stress impact stresses initial stresses intergranular stress intermediate principal stress jacking stress...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (механическое) напряжение вызывать напряжение, напрягать 2) напряжённое состояние 3) нагрузка; усилие 4) воздействие stress at failure — напряжение разрушения; to induce stress — вызывать напряжение, напрягать; to remove stress — устранять [снимать] напряжение; to take stress — воспринимать напряжение - actual stress - allowable stress - alternate stress - axial stress - bearing stress - bending stress - biaxial stress - breakdown voltage stress - breaking stress - buckling stress - bursting stress - cleavage stress - combined stress - complex stress - composite stress - compound stress - compressional stress - compression stress - compressive stress - couple stress - crack tip stress - crippling stress - cyclic stresses - design stress - dielectric stress - direct stress - dislocation locking stress - docking stresses - drag stress - dynamic stress - dynamic yield stress - ecological stress - edge stress - effective stress - elastic stress - elastic-plastic stress - electric stress - electrostrictive stress - engineering stress - environmental stress - erection stress - Euler crippling stress - failing stress - fiber stress - final stress - flexural stress - flow stress - fluctuating stress - fracture arrest stress - functional stress - heat stress - hogging stresses - homogeneous stress - hoop stress - horizontal stress - hull girder stresses - impact stress - inception voltage stress - induced stress - inherent stress - initial stress - instantaneous stress - interfacial shear stress - internal stress - jacking stress - limit stress - linear stress - local stress - longitudinal stress - magnetostrictive stress - net stress - normal stress - notch stress - operating voltage stress - permissible stress - plane stress - potential stress - principal stress - proof stress - remote stress - residual stress - reversed stress - Reynolds stress -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a pressure or tension exerted on a material object. b a quantity measuring this. 2 a demand on physical or mental energy. b distress caused by this (suffering from stress). 3 a emphasis (the stress was on the need for success). b accentuation; emphasis laid on a syllable or word. c an accent, esp. the principal one in a word (the stress is on the first syllable). 4 Mech. force per unit area exerted between contiguous bodies or parts of a body. --v.tr. 1 lay stress on; emphasize. 2 subject to mechanical or physical or mental stress. Phrases and idioms lay stress on indicate as important. stress disease a disease resulting from continuous mental stress. Derivatives stressless adj. Etymology: ME f. DISTRESS, or partly f. OF estresse narrowness, oppression, ult. f. L strictus STRICT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e ~, di~, short for de~e — more at di~  Date: 14th century  1. constraining force or influence: as  a. a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part; especially the intensity of this mutual force commonly expressed in pounds per square inch  b. the deformation caused in a body by such a force  c. a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation  d. a state resulting from a ~; especially one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium job-related ~  e. strain, pressure the environment is under ~ to the point of collapse — Joseph Shoben  2. emphasis, weight lay ~ on a point  3. archaic intense effort or exertion  4. intensity of utterance given to a speech sound, syllable, or word producing relative loudness  5.  a. relative force or prominence of sound in verse  b. a syllable having relative force or prominence  6. accent 6a  II. verb  Date: 1545  transitive verb  1. to subject to physical or psychological ~ ~ing the equipment this traffic is ~ing me out  2. to subject to phonetic ~ ; accent  3. to lay ~ on ; emphasize ~ed the importance of teamwork  intransitive verb to feel ~ ~ing about the big exam — often used with out ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stresses, stressing, stressed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you stress a point in a discussion, you put extra emphasis on it because you think it is important. The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban... They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities, better transport and health care... ‘We’re not saying we’re outside and above all this,’ he stresses. = emphasize VERB: V that, V n, V with quote • Stress is also a noun. Japanese car makers are laying ever more stress on European sales. = emphasis N-VAR: N on n 2. If you feel under stress, you feel worried and tense because of difficulties in your life. Katy could think clearly when not under stress... ...a wide range of stress-related problems. N-VAR: oft under N 3. Stresses are strong physical pressures applied to an object. Earthquakes happen when stresses in rock are suddenly released as the rocks fracture. N-VAR 4. If you stress a word or part of a word when you say it, you put emphasis on it so that it sounds slightly louder. ‘Sit down,’ she replied, stressing each word. VERB: V n • Stress is also a noun. ...the misplaced stress on the first syllable of this last word. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing  (Your headaches are due to stress. | under stress)  (Janet's been under a lot of stress since her mother's illness. | stresses and strains (=problems and worries) | stress-related (=caused by stress))  (a stress-related illness) 2 the physical force or pressure on an object  (the stress exerted on an aircraft's wing) 3 the special attention or importance given to a particular idea, fact, or activity; emphasis  (put/lay emphasis on)  (Pugh laid particular stress on the need for discipline.) 4 the degree of force or loudness with which a part of a word is pronounced or a note in music is played, which makes it sound stronger than other parts or notes ~2 v 1 to emphasize a statement, fact, or idea  (I can't stress enough the need for cooperation.) 2 to pronounce a word or part of a word more forcefully or loudly  (The word `machine' is stressed on the second syllable.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Situations That Release Emergency Signals Or Stimuli adult abbr. Simple Talk Really Explains Simple Shit ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1303, in part a shortening of M.Fr. destresse (see distress), in part from O.Fr. estrece "narrowness, oppression," from V.L. *strictia, from L. strictus "compressed," pp. of stringere "draw tight." The verb meaning "put emphasis on" is first recorded 1896, from notion of laying pressure on something by relying on it. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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