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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - salute


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Перевод с английского языка salute на русский

1. дружеское приветствие (поклон, рукопожатие, поцелуй и т. п.) salute! —- разг. привет! parting salute —- прощальное приветствие to give a salute to smb. —- приветствовать кого-л., поздороваться с кем-л. to raise one's hand in salute, (by way of salute) —- поднять руку в знак приветствия 2. воен. воинское приветствие, отдание чести salute of (to) the colour(s) —- отдание чести знамени to take the salute —- отвечать на воинское приветствие; принимать рапорт почетного караула to stand at (the) salute —- принимать строевую стойку для отдания чести to render a salute —- отдавать честь; салютовать to acknowledge a salute —- отвечать на отдание чести 3. салют, приветствие (фехтование) 4. салют royal salute —- салют из двадцати одного орудия international salute —- салют наций (21 выстрел) to fire a salute —- давать залп, производить салют 5. приветствовать, здороваться I salute you! —- приветствую вас! to salute courteously —- здороваться вежливо to salute smb. with a smile —- приветствовать кого-л. улыбкой they saluted each other with a frigid bow —- при встрече они обменялись холодными поклонами they saluted each other by raising their hats —- они сняли шляпы в знак приветствия 6. воен. отдавать честь, приветствовать to salute with the sword —- отдавать честь шашкой to salute one's superior officers —- отдавать честь старшим по чину офицерам 7. салютовать, приветствовать (фехтование) 8. салютовать to salute with twenty one guns —- дать салют из двадцати одного орудия 9. встречать, принимать (кого-л.) to salute smb. with a smile —- встречать кого-л. улыбкой to salute smb. with cheers —- встречать кого-л. аплодисментами to salute the enemy with a volley —- встретить врага залпом 10. книж. доноситься, долетать (до слуха); представать (перед взглядом); воздействовать на органы чувств the first object that salutes the eye —- первое, что бросается в глаза our ears were saluted by hostile shouts —- до нашего слуха донеслись враждебные выкрики a gloomy view saluted us —- перед нами предстала мрачная картина
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) приветствие  2) салют  3) mil. отдание чести  4) obs.; joc. поцелуй  2. v.  1) приветствовать, здороваться; He saluted his new wife with a gentle kiss.  2) салютовать; The Queens birthday was saluted with twenty-one guns.  3) mil. отдавать честь; All soldiers must salute with the right hand.  4) obs. целовать  5) встречать; представать (перед взглядом); a gloomy view saluted us - нам представилось мрачное зрелище Syn: see greet ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a gesture of respect, homage, or courteous recognition, esp. made to or by a person when arriving or departing. 2 a Mil. & Naut. a prescribed or specified movement of the hand or of weapons or flags as a sign of respect or recognition. b (prec. by the) the attitude taken by an individual soldier, sailor, policeman, etc., in saluting. 3 the discharge of a gun or guns as a formal or ceremonial sign of respect or celebration. 4 Fencing the formal performance of certain guards etc. by fencers before engaging. --v. 1 a tr. make a salute to. b intr. (often foll. by to) perform a salute. 2 tr. greet; make a salutation to. 3 tr. (foll. by with) receive or greet with (a smile etc.). 4 tr. archaic hail as (king etc.). Phrases and idioms take the salute 1 (of the highest officer present) acknowledge it by gesture as meant for him. 2 receive ceremonial salutes by members of a procession. Derivatives saluter n. Etymology: ME f. L salutare f. salus -utis health ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; saluting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin salutare, from salut-, salus health, safety, greeting, from salvus safe, healthy — more at safe  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to address with expressions of kind wishes, courtesy, or honor  b. to give a sign of respect, courtesy, or goodwill to ; greet  2. to become apparent to (one of the senses)  3.  a. to honor (as a person, nation, or event) by a conventional military or naval ceremony  b. to show respect and recognition to (a military superior) by assuming a prescribed position  c. to express commendation of ; praise  intransitive verb to make a ~  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. greeting, salutation  2.  a. a sign, token, or ceremony expressing goodwill, compliment, or respect the festival was a ~ to the arts  b. the position (as of the hand) or the entire attitude of a person saluting a superior  3. firecracker ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (salutes, saluting, saluted) 1. If you salute someone, you greet them or show your respect with a formal sign. Soldiers usually salute officers by raising their right hand so that their fingers touch their forehead. One of the company stepped out and saluted the General... I stood to attention and saluted. VERB: V n, V • Salute is also a noun. The soldier gave the clenched-fist salute... He raised his hand in salute. N-COUNT: also in N 2. To salute a person or their achievements means to publicly show or state your admiration for them. I salute him for the leadership role that he is taking... VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to move your right hand to your head in order to show respect to an officer in the army, navy etc 2 formal to praise someone for the things they have achieved, especially publicly  (salute sb as)  (James Joyce was saluted as the greatest writer of the 20th century.) 3 old-fashioned to greet someone in a polite way, especially by moving your hand or body ~2 n 1 an act of raising your right hand to your head as a sign of respect, usually done by a soldier to an officer 2 an occasion when guns are fired into the air in order to show respect for someone important  (a 21-gun salute) 3 formal a movement made to greet someone with your hand or head ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, and Equipment ( Report) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 14c., from L. salutare "to greet," lit. "wish health to," from salus (gen. salutis) "greeting, good health." The modern military sense is from 1832. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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