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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - repeat


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Перевод с английского языка repeat на русский

1. повторение the repeat of an order —- повторение заказа 2. исполнение на бис 3. повторение радио- или телепрограммы there will be a repeat of this talk on Friday —- эта беседа повторяется в пятницу 4. ам. обратный путь to go one mile and repeat —- пройти одну милю туда и обратно 5. ам. унив. жарг. студент-второгодник 6. муз. повторение какого-л. раздела пьесы, реприза 7. муз. знак повторения 8. ком. повторные заказы; дополнительные заказы repeat order —- дополнительный (новый) заказ repeat purchases —- повторные закупки 9. текст. раппорт 10. повторять to repeat a mistake —- повторить (ту же) ошибку please repeat that —- повторите, пожалуйста a story not fit to be repeated —- неприличный рассказ to repeat back —- мор. повторять (полученное приказание) to repeat oneself —- повторяться avoid repeating yourself —- старайтесь не повторяться 11. говорить наизусть (также to repeat by heart или from memory) to repeat one's lesson —- отвечать урок to repeat a poem —- читать стихотворение 12. рассказывать, повторять to repeat a secret —- рассказать секрет (кому-л.) he repeats everything to the master —- он обо всем доносит учителю 13. повторяться, встречаться (вновь) the figures repeat in the same order —- цифры повторяются в том же порядке history repeats itself —- история повторяется 14. воспроизводить a programme repeated on tape —- программа, записанная на пленку 15. снова пройти через что-л. to repeat an experience —- снова пережить то, что уже было he had to repeat third grade —- ему пришлось остаться в третьем классе на второй год 16. ам. незаконно голосовать на выборах несколько раз 17. отбивать время (о курантах); звонить (о часах) 18. отрыгиваться (о пище) onions repeat —- лук вызывает отрыжку that meat is repeating on me —- меня мутит от этого мяса 19. мор. репетовать (сигналы)
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См. в других словарях

  order повторный заказ; REPEAT  1. noun  1) coll. повторение; то, что повторяется  2) исполнение на бис  3) amer.; univ.; sl. студент-второгодник  4) mus. повторение; знак повторения  5) повторение радиопрограммы или телепередачи  2. v.  1) повторять; Please repeat that once more. You just said that; youre repeating yourself.  2) refl. повторяться; встречаться/случаться вновь; he does nothing but repeat himself - он только повторяется; history repeats itself - история повторяется; Will the bad weather of last winter repeat itself this year?  3) говорить наизусть; to repeat ones lesson - отвечать урок; All Christian children learn to repeat the Lords Prayer by heart.  4) передавать, рассказывать; to repeat a secret - рассказать (кому-л.) секрет  5) amer. незаконно голосовать на выборах несколько раз  6) отрыгиваться (о пище); onions repeat - лук вызывает отрыжку ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) повторение 2) дупликация 3) мол. биол. повтор 4) орнит. повторное кольцевание – Alu repeat – intragenic repeat – inverted repeat – long terminal repeat – short terminal repeat – tandem repeat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. повторение If B.B.C. and ITV have to put repeats on, why don't they show those that were on 15 to 20 years ago. - Если "Би-Би-Си" и "Ай-Ти-Ви" приходится повторно показывать свои передачи, то почему бы им не показать те, которые шли 15-20 лет назад. 2) торг. повторные заказы; дополнительные заказы See: Syn: repeat order repeat purchase REPEAT сущ. повторение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) итерировать 2) повторение 3) повторять 4) раппорт - repeat count - repeat periodically - repeat vulcanization ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) повторение; повторять 2) повторное воспроизведение – all-track repeat – one-track repeat – program repeat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) повторение повторять 2) текст. раппорт 3) полигр. длина окружность формного цилиндра 4) прокатывать с обводными проводками - weaving repeat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. say or do over again. 2 tr. recite, rehearse, report, or reproduce (something from memory) (repeated a poem). 3 tr. imitate (an action etc.). 4 intr. recur; appear again, perhaps several times (a repeating pattern). 5 tr. used for emphasis (am not, repeat not, going). 6 intr. (of food) be tasted intermittently for some time after being swallowed as a result of belching or indigestion. 7 intr. (of a watch etc.) strike the last quarter etc. over again when required. 8 intr. (of a firearm) fire several shots without reloading. 9 intr. US illegally vote more than once in an election. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of repeating. b a thing repeated (often attrib.: repeat prescription). 2 a repeated broadcast. 3 Mus. a a passage intended to be repeated. b a mark indicating this. 4 a pattern repeated in wallpaper etc. 5 Commerce a a consignment similar to a previous one. b an order given for this; a reorder. Phrases and idioms repeating decimal a recurring decimal. repeat itself recur in the same form. repeat oneself say or do the same thing over again. Derivatives repeatable adj. repeatability n. repeatedly adv. Etymology: ME f. OF repeter f. L repetere (as RE-, petere seek) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English repeten, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French repeter, from Old French, from Latin repetere to return to, ~, from re- + petere to go to, seek — more at feather  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to say or state again  b. to say over from memory ; recite  c. to say after another  2.  a. to make, do, or perform again ~ an experiment  b. to make appear again the curtains ~ the wallpaper pattern will ~ the program tomorrow  c. to go through or experience again had to ~ third grade  3. to express or present (oneself) again in the same words, terms, or form  intransitive verb to say, do, or accomplish something again; especially to win (as a sports championship) another time in succession  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. something ~ed ; repetition  b. a musical passage to be ~ed in performance; also a sign placed before and after such a passage  c. a usually transcribed repetition of a radio or television program  d. a duplication of genetic material (as a sequence of nucleotides) in which the duplicated parts are adjacent to each other along the chromosome  2. the act of ~ing  III. adjective  Date: 1888 of, relating to, or being one that ~s an offense, achievement, or action a ~ burglar a ~ customer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (repeats, repeating, repeated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you repeat something, you say or write it again. You can say I repeat to show that you feel strongly about what you are repeating. He repeated that he had been mis-quoted... The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages... ‘You fool,’ she kept repeating. VERB: V that, V n, V with quote 2. If you repeat something that someone else has said or written, you say or write the same thing, or tell it to another person. She had an irritating habit of repeating everything I said to her... I trust you not to repeat that to anyone else... Now, brother, repeat after me, ‘All praise to Allah, Lord of All the Worlds’. VERB: V n, V n to n, V after n with quote 3. If you repeat yourself, you say something which you have said before, usually by mistake. Then he started rambling and repeating himself. VERB: V pron-refl 4. If you repeat an action, you do it again. The next day I repeated the procedure... Hold this position for 30 seconds, release and repeat on the other side. VERB: V n, V 5. If an event or series of events repeats itself, it happens again. The UN will have to work hard to stop history repeating itself... VERB: V pron-refl 6. If there is a repeat of an event, usually an undesirable event, it happens again. There were fears that there might be a repeat of last year’s campaign of strikes. = repetition N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 7. If a company gets repeat business or repeat customers, people who have bought their goods or services before buy them again. (BUSINESS) Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation. ADJ: ADJ n 8. A repeat is a television or radio programme that has been broadcast before. (BRIT; in AM, use re-run) There’s nothing except sport and repeats on TV. N-COUNT 9. If there is a repeat performance of something, usually something undesirable, it happens again. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »STATE AGAIN« to say or write something again  (Can you repeat your question? | repeat that)  (Steven repeated patiently that he was busy.)  (- see say1) 2 »DO AGAIN« to do something again  (Repeat the treatment twice a day if necessary. | Anyone who gets less than 45% will have to repeat the test.) 3 »ACHIEVE STH AGAIN« to achieve the same results, or the same high level of performance  (Other scientists are trying to repeat these results. | Can he repeat his success of 1993?) 4 »LEARN« to say something you have learned  (Sandra repeated the poem hesitantly. | repeat after sb)  (Repeat after me)  (amo, amas, amat...) 5 »TELL STH YOU HEAR« to say something that you have heard someone else saying  (Don't repeat this to anyone but I think Derek's got a new girlfriend.) 6 repeat yourself to say something that you have already said without realizing that you have done it  (Mrs Fardell repeats herself a bit, but she's very good for 85.) 7 »BROADCAST« T often passive to broadcast a television or radio programme again  (`Omnibus' will be repeated at 10 o'clock on Tuesday.) 8 »FOOD« I + on informal if food repeats on you, its taste keeps coming back into your mouth after you have eaten it 9 sth doesn't bear repeating used to say that you do not want to repeat what someone has said, especially because it is rude  (Her comments about her ex-husband just don't bear repeating!) 10 history repeats itself used to say that an event is like something that happened before ~2 n 1 a television or radio programme that has been broadcast before  (There's nothing but repeats on the TV tonight.) 2 an event very like something that happened before + of  (The England-Holland match was basically a repeat of last year's game at Wembley.) repeat performance (=something bad that happens again)  (Last year's holiday was a disaster - we don't want a repeat performance this year.) 3 repeat order a supply of the same products to a customer who has ordered them before 4 repeat prescription BrE an order for medicine that you have had...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from O.Fr. repeter "say or do again, get back, demand the return of," from L. repetere "do or say again, attack again," from re- "again" + petere "go toward, seek, demand, attack." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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